• Published 9th Apr 2022
  • 1,180 Views, 53 Comments

Equestria Girls: The Invasion of Invader Zim! - Stalin with Da Spoon

Meet Invader Cim, the irken empires greatest invader, and his robotic assistant GIR, along with the dark and mysterious mini-moose. What are they here to do? Conquer Canterlot!

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Episode 1, Part 2: First day of DOOM!

First day of DOOM!

Canterlot Highschool

Five minutes before Zim's dramatic entry into the classroom.

Zim was walking through the halls of the school, observing all the human teenagers walking around him, as they were busy retrieving and off loading items into their lockers, gossiping, and just generally trying to figure out their schedules. Of course, Zim did indeed receive a few glances from the students, as some commented on his appearance, making him nervous, as these humans are clearly far more intelligent than the ones in his previous area of operations...

"Why is that kids skin green?"

"He has no ears!"

"Where the heck is his nose?"

"Was he the one riding the bike outside?"

Zim could not help but feel that he was being judged by everyone in the hallway, sensing all of them looking down onto him like he was different, which of course, caused him to be anxious, worrying his cover could be blown at any moment. But Zim thought back to invader 101.

When the local alien lifeforms doubt your disguise, utilize any method possible to downplay suspicion and blend in.

Zim thought back to this statement, as it had gotten him out of several dangerous situations before, and he had no doubt it would help him here, as he made his way to his first class of the day, math, which was lucky for him, as he was a mathematical genius when it came to the subject. He had his invader training, his PAK's built in calculator and database, and his advanced scientific knowledge to thank for it.

If he aced mathematics, he could very easily gain the respect of his fellow peers, and also ensure his cover was secure, because if he failed to live up to his records, the schools administration may become suspicious of him, and he could not afford any more screw ups like before, especially with this 'CIA' aware of his existence. However, with the Dib human gone, he could now operate without that stupid moronic earthling breathing down his neck and ruining his plans. Of course, there could very easily be another human just like Dib who saw through his disguise and would try to ruin his plans, so he prepared himself for the only way he knew, by following another rule from invader 101.

When interrogated by the enemy, give little info and deny everything if possible!

Zim nodded to this memory, as he then saw a door with the sign for math above it, as Zim walked towards it, to see a rather tall looking woman standing by the door, as she waved her hand.

"Ah, hello! My name is principal Celestia! You must be... Zim, correct?" The small boy nodded, his non-existent brow narrowing as he observed the woman.

"No, I will tell you nothing-" Wait no, simple questions don't count as interrogation. "I mean... Indeed, I AM ZIM! And I am here to attend your place of education and learning." Celestia was surprised by the little green child's enthusiasm, as well as a bit confused, but simply shrugged as her smile widened.

"Always good to see someone excited to learn, ready to introduce yourself to the class, Zim?" Zim slowly nodded. He hated having to appear in front of such a large crowd, but he accepted it.

"Very well, I shall present myself before my fellow humans and introduce myself." He said as he put his hands behind his back as Celestia gestured for him to enter, as the bell rang. As he entered, he got the expected odd glances, strange looks, and confused staring, as he overheard slight whispers as he stood at the front of the room. Principal Celestia then happily got everyone's attention. "Everyone, meet one of Canterlot highs newest students!"

"Greetings, fellow humans!" The room fell silent as Zim announced himself, as everyone stared directly at him. He nervously looked around the room, and if he could sweat, he would be sweating bullets right now, as he looked his left to see principal Celestia giving him a thumbs up, as he turned his back to face the class, took a deep breath and continued to speak. "I am Zim, and I am here to indulge myself in the human education system and participate in filling my pathetic human brain with the knowledge of my species."

Zim could not help but mentally slap himself in the face. That, was, A TERRIBLE INTRODUCTION! At this point, he wouldn't be surprised if they drew pitchforks and torches as they tossed a net over him and hauled him off to some government lab. Instead, he was met with a rather... Un-expected reaction, as a pink haired teenager quickly ran up to Zim, grabbed his hand, and proceeded to shake it at a speed at which not even Zim could comprehend, as he feared his arm would be torn off.

"Hiya Zim, my names Pinkie Pie, its nice to meet you! Whats your favorite color, do you like cupcakes, was that cool bike outside yours, WANNA HAVE A SLEEPOVER!?!" Cue Zim's eyes going wide as he tore his arm away from the clearly crazy teenager.

"BACK AWAY FROM ME, YOU CHAOTIC HUMAN! YOU VIOLATE MY PERSONAL SPACE!" Cue everyone giving surprised and suspicious glances as Zim suddenly realized that he probably just gave himself away, and tried to rectify the situation, as he looked to Pinkie pie, who was still smiling, apparently unphased by Zim's rage. "Errrrrr... I mean, thank you for your kind reception, pinkie pie, I will be happy to share info on my personal interests after class." Nailed it. Pinkie pie smiled at him, as she bounced back to her seat, with Sunset shimmer and Twilight sparkle giggling to themselves at the front of the class, as sunset happily humored Zim.

"Ah don't worry Zim, pinkie's always excited to greet new students, you'll get used to it!" Zim slowly nodded, as principal Celestia then spoke up once again.

"And I would also like to introduce another student!" She said stepping out of the way to reveal a certain boy, wearing a black coat, a blue shirt with picture of a ghost on it, a shark fin haircut, and a MASSIVE head, as he looked ahead, his eyes suddenly narrowing, as his voice deepened.

"Zim..." Zim's eyes narrowed as well, feeling an old bubbling feeling of rage surface within him.

"Dib..." They both slowly walked towards each other, their foreheads pressing up against each other as they gritted their teeth and growled at each other, their eyes narrowing as the children in the room appearing confused, and slightly afraid a fight was going to break out, except for Rainbow dash, who stood up and started chanting.

"Fight, fight, fight-" She was then given the stare by her friend Fluttershy as she sat back down and shut up.

"Been a while, Zim... Was wondering where you flew off to, thought I'd never find you again..."

"And I thought I had left you behind back at the wretched city of baboons!" As they both growled, principal Celestia slowly got between them, pushing them away from each other, as she asserted herself.

"Boys, boys, calm yourselves, at Canterlot high, we do not have petty rivalries, anger, and arguments! Now behave yourselves and take your seats, class is now in session!" Zim and Dib slowly walked to their seats, both staring at each other with hate in their eyes as they slowly took their seats on opposite sides of the room in the front row, with Sunset shimmer and twilight in the middle of them, as they continued to stare daggers at each other, as the two girls exchanged worried looks.

"Man, they look mad... What do you think is up with them?" Sunset whispered to her friend as she shrugged.

"Probably something we should look into... Considering those two nearly came to blows from merely seeing each other, id say we got a serious case of a rivalry on our hands." Twilight said as she glanced back to Dib, marveling at his massive head for a bit, before shaking her head and looking the angry conspiracy theorist in the eyes. "Ummmmm... Hi Dib, names twilight sparkle!" She said extending her hand.

The nervous human with the massive head tore his eyes off of Zim, as he eyed twilight suspiciously, quickly scanning her for possible alien features, before grasping her hand and shaking it as he spoke in a hushed tone. "Dib membrane, master and expert of the paranormal and extra-terrestrial. Nice to meet you, twilight, now keep your voice down, he could be listening!"

Twilight was slightly unnerved by the words of the boy with the large head, as she made a nervous smile. "Uhhh, who is?"

Dib quickly pointed to Zim, who was now staring down both Dib and Twilight. "Him... Don't trust a single word that comes out of his mouth, hes a cunning monster and a lying manipulator!"

Twilight just shook her head at the crazy boy's words, her confusion only growing. "Oh, im sure it can't be that bad!"

Dib gave Twilight a deep stare, as he proceeded to grasp her shirt collar and pull right up to his face. "You don't understand, HES AN ALIEN!" As he said this, Zim quickly yelled out in protest, with Twilight and Sunset just looking confused.

"How dare you! Zim is no alien!"

"Then explain the green skin, lack of ears, LACK OF A NOSE!" Zim knew this was Dib's trump card against the invader, but he quickly made sure to defuse the danger it posed to his mission with his go-to counter.

"Its a skin condition you nincompoop!" As he said, pinkie pie burst out laughing.

"HA! HE SAID NINCOMPOOP!" She began laughing out loud as everyone else rolled their eyes, applejack looking curiously at the angry green boy.

"Don't know bout yall, but ah think that little fellers gonna be trouble..." Rarity nodded her head in confirmation.

"No doubt, his fashion sense is absolutely dreadful!" Zim then turned to the fashionista with hate in his eye, as he stood up on his chair and faced her.

"HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY ATTIRE, THIS IS STANDARD ISSUE UNIFORM FOR ALL-" he quickly stopped himself from completely blowing his cover, as he quickly sat back down and tried to salvage the situation.

"My mother made it." As he said this, he turned away, as everyone gave rarity a mean look, as she felt terrible, enraged, and confused all at the same time. Standard issue uniform for what? She looked to her friends as they gave her a similar look, this kid was pretty suspicious, as Dib proceeded to use it as evidence to back his claim as he stood up in his chair and pointed at Zim.


"DIB MEMBRANE, TAKE YOUR SEAT AT ONCE!" Upon hearing principal Celestia's booming voice, Dib quickly took his seat out of fear, as the class passed worrying and confused glances at both odd boys, the rainbooms all having their suspicions confirmed. Something was up with these kids...

Seven And A Half Hours Later...

As the bell rang, the entire school dismissed as teenagers piled out of their classrooms, as the rainbooms gathered in the hallway as they watched Zim and Dib exit class behind them. These boys had been arguing ALL DAY, and to be honest, the girls were already sick of it, as they watched the two stare each other down as they slowly approached the exit door.

The girls slowly followed behind, as they all exited out the front door, to see a tall man in a white coat, wearing goggles and a similar shark fin haircut to Dib, with a little pink haired girl in a blue shirt with what appeared to be a space invader on it standing next to him, playing on her game slave, as Dib quickly ran up to his father. "Dad, Gaz, look! Zim is here!" He said pointing at the green child, who simply glared in return.

"Ohohohoho, what a coincidence, your friend is here as well! I knew moving here was a good idea!"

"But dad!"

"Now son, calm down, we can talk about your first day back at the house!" He said as he got into the membrane labs branded electric car, as Gaz got in, not really making any noise or fuss, with Dib approaching the car, and right before he entered, turning back to both zim and the girls, as he made the infamous 'I got my eye on you' gesture towards Zim, before speaking to the rainbooms.

"Don't trust him no matter what!" Dib shouted as he got in the car while it drove away, as Zim looked back at the girls behind, glaring at them.

"Do excuse that boy, he was dropped as a child... Several times. Now, I shall see you all tomorrow for another grand day of learning and education! Goodbye!" He quickly turned around as he walked up to his motorcycle, put on his helmet, mounted the cycle, revved its engine, and sped down the road towards a rather foreboding home the girls could only guess belonged to Zim, as the girls all collectively exchanged looks of suspicion and curiosity.

"Emergency sleepover meeting?" Pinkie happily exclaimed.

"You betcha, pinks." Sunset said. They were going to get to the bottom of this, one way, or another.

Meanwhile, Back at Zim's Base.

The sidewalk hatch raised itself up as Zim's hyper cycle sped down the ramp, the hatch sealing behind him, as he slowly drove into his garage bay, coming to a stop on his vehicle pad as he slowly dismounted, the holographic disguise of the vehicle fading as several mechanical arms descended from the ceiling as they removed his human eye lens and hair, as his red eyes glistened in the red lighting of his base, his antenna poking straight up. His backpack slowly distorted as it reverted back to the PAK, as Zim took in a fresh breath.

"Hooooo... Phase one went smoothly!" He said walking up to the elevator out of the garage bay as it elevated him to the living room, as he exited out of the floor to see GIR watching TV and eating nachos, as he face palmed. "GIR, did anyone infiltrate the base while I was at school?"

GIR simply shook his head. "Nope, not a single person!" Zim smiled and nodded.

"Excellent! Our operations shall go un-impeded! The dib human's return is only a minor inconvenience... Now... Computer!"

A robotic voice chimed in as it groaned. "Uggh, yes sir?"

"Run a detailed analysis of the data recorded by my PAK!" He said as a cable lowered from the ceiling and connected itself to his PAK, as it began transferring data into the bases mainframe.

"Data recorded, processing... Alert, unknown energy readings detected." Zim appeared confused as his computer pointed this strange finding.

"Show me the source!" The TV screen cut to a photo of the math classroom he had sat in, as zim turned to it, looking at the screen as he saw the photo switch to energy detection mode, showing readings of energy originating from... Those human teenagers he had met... Slowly, Zim's confused neutral face, turned to small grin, then to a wide, evil, maniacally planning smile...
