• Published 9th Apr 2022
  • 1,180 Views, 53 Comments

Equestria Girls: The Invasion of Invader Zim! - Stalin with Da Spoon

Meet Invader Cim, the irken empires greatest invader, and his robotic assistant GIR, along with the dark and mysterious mini-moose. What are they here to do? Conquer Canterlot!

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Episode 1, Part 1: Back To Skool!

Back To Skool!

Zim's Base.

It was your average peaceful morning in Canterlot City, (A city with an actual name), as the birds were chirping and the sun was shinning bright as ever, with there being the average hustle and bustle of the city, but much calmer here than in other cities, as people just usually walked from place to place, and only really using bus fare or bikes and the like. So, we cut to a certain little green irken, as he prepares for his first mission, into unknown enemy territory!

Underneath his house within his mission preparation room, Zim was suiting up, standing in the center of the room, as a un-necessarily massive machine slowly lowered down from the ceiling as two mechanical arms extended out from it, holding his human eye lenses that he wore to obscure his red irken eyes, as they popped on, the lens being a bit scratchy, but he was used to it. A mechanical claw then lowered from the machine, as it slowly lowered his human wig to obscure his irken antenna, it plopping onto his head as he slightly adjusted it, ensuring it fit just right.

An electric cable then extended out of the machine's central port, as a connector interface opened in his PAK, the device located on his back which allowed him to survive and utilize his various tools, as the cable connected itself to the port, as a stream of data flowed into it, filled with information about his mission objectives, which were to blend in, acquire intel, and locate potential targets. The data stream also caused his PAK to slightly fizzle with holographic light, as it was disguised as your ordinary red school backpack.

His disguise was complete. But then he realized, what about his green skin? His lack of ears? Surely the humans here would notice it as being weird, because unlike his previous location, these humans were probably not as stupid! However, he remembered gazing at the observation computer last night as he viewed data on the local populace, seeing their varying skin colors meant that he was in the clear on that part at least, but the lack of ears was another thing, as the local populace all had that department covered, so he would just go with his go-to excuse for his odd appearance. It's a skin condition, a totally normal ear removing human skin condition! Saying it in his head made him cringe, knowing it had a very low chance of fooling anyone, but he was dang well going to try.

As Zim prepared himself for the mission, he decided to exercise, doing a couple squats, some push ups, and a couple jumping jacks just to be sure. He even utilized the mini moose as a weight as he lifted the small moose, surprisingly struggling even with the mooses small size. As he finished his exercise, a computer screen lowered from the ceiling, displaying an image of Canterlot High school, the target of today's operation, which was to infiltrate the local place of education, blend in, obtain as much as intel as possible, and locate a potential target within the city for his next evil plot, and this was very important, which is why he was showed this info twice. As he observed the school, looking at its layout, mapping, and general info, his computer chimed in.

"I went ahead and sent in your forged educational record to the schools administration. I just received a reply several minutes ago, you are good to deploy, Zim." Zim could not help but feel proud, as he thought back to last night...

Cue Flashback!

Zim was sat at his computer screen, rapidly typing away at his computer as he looked at his school records. Currently, he had surprisingly good grades, as un-unexpectedly, back at the skool, he did in fact pay attention, and made pretty good scores to ensure he could blend in properly. However, he was faltering in some of the classes, like music and art, especially psychical ed, shuddering at the dodgeball incident, so he decided to resort to a tried and true tactic of an irken invader. Forgery. As he typed away at the computer, converting every single grade into an A+, however, to ensure he truly blended in, he bumped his psychical ed grade down to a B, and his philosophy down to a D.

It was accurate, because irkens were not philosophers, they were conquerors! No time to sit around thinking about random stuff and questioning everything when you could be out conquering and creating a glorious empire! This empowered the irken, as he decided to look at his achievements. The irken chuckled as he decided to do a little ego inflating, adding a couple awards to his records, mainly just attendance awards. As he looked at the report, he laid back in his evil chair and smiled an evil smile, as he did an evil laugh.

"Mwahahaha! With this record, its guaranteed I am accepted!"

End Of Flashback!

Zim felt an evil smile streak across his smile, feeling a sense of pride as he looked at the forged record on screen, seeing an offical canterlot high stamp mark of approval on it. He then spoke in a proud tone.

"Excellent... With my record sent in, and my disguise set, I shall easily blend in with the human students of this educational institution, as I learn to exploit the weaknesses of this planet and its people... Soon, all will tremble, before the might, OF ZIM! MWAHAHAHAHA!" He halted his laughing, as he had a smug grin on his face. "Ahhhh, feels good to be an invader." He said as the platform below him started to rise up, as he was slowly lifted upwards into the living room of his house, as he faced the door, looking around for his loyal robotic assistant. "GIR! Come here!" Suddenly, dropping from the ceiling, the little tin robot quickly got up, his eyes red as he saluted his master.

"Yes my master! What are your orders?" Zim nodded, glad that his assistant was actually being competent for once.

"GIR, as I deploy to begin my first day at this new place of human learning and education, your orders are to ensure that the base is totally secure. Destroy anyone who dares trespass within the might lair of zim!" He said maniacally, as GIR's eyes turned back to blue as he smiled.

"Okee dokee!" He then leaped onto the couch, grabbed the remote and some nachos, as he turned on the TV, then laughing instantly. "AHAHAHA! THAT GUY GOT HIT IN THE HEAD WITH A COCONUT!" Zim simply facepalmed at his robots stupidity, before he turned back to the door, as he slowly swung it open, looking out to see the entire neighborhood waking up for school, as he quickly began whistling in a totally normal human way, before realizing something.

He had no mode of transit! He could not take the bus, as it was too risky, considering how using it last time got zim and GIR lost within the city, eventually leading to him being involved in a bank heist just trying to get to the highest point in the city. Yeah, that was a weird day, but anyways, Zim could not even bear the long walk, but suddenly, he had an idea. He saw an awfully large amount of students utilizing strange two wheeled vehicles operated by the usage of 'pedals' as methods of transit, known as bicycles, causing him to remember something he had designed for this very occasion.

Then he was struck with genius... He will just use his own bike! He quickly rushed inside, and after a couple minutes, inside the underground garage beneath the base would be Zim sat atop the Hyper Cycle. Orignally an irken design, zim had copied the blueprints, and made a few slight modifications, converting the bike from a military vehicle into a more stealth based bike. It would do nicely, as the rims of its black tires glowed red with neon, as the bikes black with red stripes paint job over its advanced metal alloy frame concealed two powerful plasma blasters and a variety of other weapons and devices within its armored exterior. Zim was hunched over as his holographic mirrors activated, his main screen display activating, displaying all of the vehicles states and systems, including its weapons and counter measures, as Zim grinned happily, already loving this new machine added to his arsenal.

Suddenly, the bike was covered in holographic light, as the vehicle changed into your average human motorcycle, colored red with black stripes as Zim slowly revved the vehicles engine, with him slowly donning a red human motorcycle helmet, buckling the helmet's strap as he then sped forward, entering a long metal tunnel lightly illuminated with red light, with a hatch opening in the sidewalk of Zims house and the vehicle shooting out of the hole and hitting the ground, the hatch closing behind it as Zim sped forward towards Canterlot Highschool.

As Zim blazed through the neighborhood towards his destination, onlookers observed with curiosity, fascination, and confusion in their eyes, as well, not many people used motorcycles in Canterlot. Especially somebody so... short. Zim did not care for their reactions, nor did he even notice, as rapidly sped by everyone, including a girl with crimson and golden hair, as she watched the crimson motorcycle speed by. That girl, was Sunset Shimmer, as she looked on fascination at the speeding vehicle. She then thought to herself out loud.

"Huh, wonder what hot shot is driving that thing... Eh, guess ill see em at school, but I swear they looked really short."

As she began walking to the school, she got a text notification on her phone, as she quickly reached to take it out, looking to it was from her friend, pinkie pie.

Did you see that awesome bike? Man, it was cool! Sunset couldn't help but chuckle at her friends message, as she texted a reply while she walked.

Yeah, probably some random rich hot shot. Reminds me of the time I competed in the motocross event of the friendship games, boy, that was fun.

Yep, anyways, see ya at class! Sunset smiled, as she put away her phone. It was good to have friends that she could talk to, remembering all they had been through together, for better or for worse.

Canterlot High School.

As sunset slowly walked down the sidewalk, Canterlot high soon came into view, as she also saw the red and black bike she had seen streak by earlier, as she walked over to inspect, honestly being impressed by its design, seeing the drivers helmet hanging on the throttle. She then walked past the bike, as she soon saw her friends gathering in front of the school, as she smiled at them and waved, with them waving back.

Pinkie was very clearly excited about something, as she was smiling ear to ear, looking like was about to burst. "Sunset, guess what! That cool bike belongs to a new student!" Sunset smiled at this new information. A new student was always welcome at the school, as she reacted appropriately.

"I bet they'll be pretty cool, what with the bike and all." Rainbow dash, the athlete of the group, nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, must be a real jock, I bet." Rarity simply scoffed in dis-approval.

"I already dislike their taste... just look at those unsightly colors! I might cut myself on the edge!" Being a fashionista, it was her duty to criticize the fashion tastes of others, with Applejack just laughing a bit in her southern accent.

"Ah c'mon, Rarity, you gotta give em credit, least it seems to be eco friendly, didn't see a single smoke cloud come out of that thing, and plus, no tail pipe, clearly some sort of new fancy eco bikes. As a farmer, ah approve!" Applejack said as Fluttershy nodded in agreement.

"Yes, lack of emissions is good for the environment, I hope they are good with animals." Twilight was happy to see everyone having good expectations of the new student, as she herself was also excited to meet them, as they slowly walked through the halls and to their first class, as they took their seats, to be greeted by principal Celestia spoke in her typical booming voice.

"Everyone, meet one of Canterlot high's newest students!" She said a short little green boy with no ears, as they spoke in a very... Odd tone.

"Greetings, fellow humans!" Hoooo boy, this was gonna be weird.

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

Really proud of the first chapter, feel free to leave any suggestions or comments. If your wondering how the heck zim managed to even see, lets just say the bike was his size.