• Published 28th Jun 2022
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Star Wars: The Droid Chronicles - Stalin with Da Spoon

Shortly after General Kalani and his droid soldiers escaped from Agamar, the super tactical droid made the decision to try and re-build the separatist alliance, activating a large dormant droid army, and setting course for an unknown world...

  • ...

18: Un-Inivited Guests

[Alpha Headquarters Command Center, 7:00 AM. 2 BBY, Galactic Sector D-6]

The former stone floor had been replaced by the smooth metallic steel surface underneath General Kalani's servos as he observed the holo-table at the center of the room, accompanied by Lieutenant Colonel TF-3749 and recently promoted Base Commander OOM-9164-A and Operations Commander OOM-9164-B. The map displayed on the table showed a detailed one-to-one replica of Equestria in map form, including distinct markers indicating points of interest with accompanying images. Four purple markers were also seen on the table, indicating the locations of the four scout teams, or as they were now referred to since they were no longer needed for scouting, forward operations teams.

And he looked to see Alpha team right in the center of Canterlot. He still questioned if it was the right choice to put an OOM droid in charge of negotiations, but he had estimated the odds of the droid ruining the summit of nations was very low... However, he had run other calculations, and the results of one specific category made him uneasy.

'Chance of Foreign Interference or Hostile Engagement: Fifty to one.'

There were many other categories that had similar odds, such as 'Foreign Leader is murdered and murder mystery case begins' or 'Dance Battle to Assert Dominance'. He was certain half of these possible outcomes were predicted by 9164 A and B, but considering the fact that anything can happen, he didn't blame the droids. But still, the chance that hostile forces could interfere or worse outright launch an assault on the summit left the Super Battle Droid contemplating possible contingencies. He already had rapid response commando teams on standby, dropships were loaded, and the vultures flying over Canterlot had sub-routines preparing them to provide air support. If something did go wrong, he would be ready.

And it didn't take long for his preparation to pay off.

"And then, get this, Admiral Trench was still alive! Yeah, he didn't die over Christophsis!"

"My word, how is this possible?"

"Oh, he was fitted out with a bunch of cybernetic augments and stuff, didn't really help him when he shanked by a lightsaber from Anakin Skywalker."

"Skywalker... A powerful sounding name."

"Oh you don't know the half of it, Emperor. Also, funnily enough, the big boss of the empire was also an emperor, though he started as a chancellor manipulating his way to power from the inside. I don't know how the story goes, but somehow he turned the clones against the Jedi, and then he proclaimed the Empire after saying the Jedi were the ones who betrayed the republic."

"The diabolical heathen! He is no doubt a most wretched villain." Luna said with fury evident in her tone. "Such acts remind me of the vileness of Chrysalis and her changelings..."

"Yeah, but this Palpatine guy sounds worse, cause he actually succeeded!" Skystar said with worry in her tone. "How did he succeed?"

"Two words, extreme manipulation. It's a thing most Sith excel at."

"Then they are even more similar to Chrysalis than I imagined... That vile queen so easily surpassed our defenses..."

"Wait, when you say Changelings, you mean those bug looking things? Kinda reminds me of the Geonosians, especially how they live in a barren wasteland. We actually have recon team Charlie surveying their hive. All of their reports say the hive has been rather busy lately..."

"Well, what can I say? I'm a busy queen." A feminine spoke in a low and sinister tone, as everyone in the room tensed witht he droids looking around confused before turning to the doors throwing themselves open and revealing two piercing green eyes glaring from the darkness. A swirl of green magic swirled around the queen as she stepped forth and cackled to herself. "My my, what have we here? A bunch of talking tin cans from the realm beyond speaking to old decrepit fools and young idiotic idealists... How delightful. I so will enjoy it when I-"

"Who the heck are you?"

The room went silent.

"... You seriously don't know who I am?" She turned towards Luna and made a confused gesture. "I heard you talking about me outside, did you never even elaborate about me?"

"I prefer to keep word about you as little as possible, foul queen."

"Oh, that stings. But seeing as you 'droids' are unknowing of me, allow me to introduce myself... I, am Queen Chrysalis, glorious high queen of the Changeling hives! Mwahahahahahaha!"

"Ooooooooh, that's who you are! Man, Changelings really are like Geonosians, got a queen and everything."

"I see... And are these Geonosians glorious architects and conquerors?"

"Well no, they're our creators but even we know they're a bunch of weird nasty bug creatures." 2197 said nonchalantly to the literal villain.

The room fell silent, with the only sound being the twitching of Chrysalis' rapidly anger scrunching face and Luna's light snickering. An exasperated yell was heard from the vile queen before a green bolt of energy flew right towards the droid as he ducked down, before quickly rising up and grabbing his blaster, the other droids grabbing their own weapons as they disabled their safeties in sync. The diplomats and rulers in the room aside from Luna decided to duck and cover under the table while the princess had a determined glare as blue magic swirled around her horn.

"You tried to conquer this nation once, never again!"

"Correct, never again, because I won't need to try again when I am victorious!" While the two matriarchs were having an intense stare down, 7262 turned towards 6264.

"They have some serious beef."

"No kriffing way, 7262, are you serious? You couldn't tell by how they're giving each other the death stare and the evil bug queen literally invading her own home?"

"Hey, my 'state the obvious' protocol came into effect, don't blame me."

"Will you two shut up? Blast em already!" 3956 said as he fired off the first blaster bolt, as it soared towards Chrysalis and she ducked down to avoid it.

"Why you... Insolent fools, I shall destroy you vile droids!" She said, as she turned and her horn fired off several bolts of green lightning towards the droids before being struck by bright blue orbs as Luna charged forth and proceeded to tackle Chrysalis... Out the window. The droids had ducked out of the way of the bolts and moved over to the window and looked on with the other meeting members as the two matriachs dueled with their magic in the castle gardens. "Changelings, to me!" Suddenly, a bright shimmering green light obscured the form of several pony guards before their true black chitin bodies were revealed and they began to fire their own magic.

"Uh, Major, we may need to call in support!" A buzzing was on 5264's communication as he answered, hearing the mechanical beeping of the vultures.

[Sightings of hostile changeling forces spotted around Canterlot. Prepared to provide close air support.]

"Negative, hold fire, don't wanna damage the city! Switching channels to the general, just keep the air secure!" He said, adjusting his communicators frequency. "General Kalani, we have hostile changeling forces in Canterlot, the city is under attack! We need reinforcements!"

"Affirmative, support is already inbound." 5264 nodded, cutting the link as he turned and gave a thumbs up to the rest of the representative as he gave a thumbs up. "Help is on the way!"

[Alpha Headquarters Airfield]

"Let's go, let's go! Get those gunships loaded, were on a tight schedule and Canterlot needs our help now!" OOM-9164-A shouted to several droids as they loaded themselves onto the racks of HMP Gunships or into the backs of shuttles. The entire airfield was stirring as droids drove carts between ships, loading gunships with ammunition and missiles while doing last minute flight checks and equipment inspections. OOM-9164-B was beside, looking over a check-list.

"Squadron A will be deployed to the lower residential district, squadron B will be up in the commercial district, and C will be deployed directly into the castle perimeter. We'll have squadrons D and E on standby for support."

"You sure we shouldn't deploy armor?"

"AAT's would take too long to deploy, we gotta be speedy and relieve the defenders before the city falls! From what I heard they only barely managed to beat back the Changelings the first time, so we can't take chances!"

"An excellent observation Operations Commander." TF-3749 said as he walked up beside them. "The enemy has no doubt improved their strategy and adapted to Equestrian tactics and combat methods. However, they will experience an unknown variable."

"And what's that colonel?"

"Shouldn't it be obvious? We are the un-expected variable. And we bring Chrysalis to her knees with the might of the CIS."

Stepping beside the Colonel was General Kalani with his personal commando guard, as he turned his gaze to Canterlot, thin pillars of smoke rising in the distance. "Indeed. However colonel, we must return to the Blade of Serenity at once."

"May I ask what for, General?"

"When we are victorious, we cannot allow the enemy to go unpunished for this transgression. It is clear the changelings are a major threat to our Equestrian allies, and as such, they must be dealt with. We shall commence planning a counter-attack at once."

"Affirmative, General. Commanders, you are now in charge of coordinating the defense of the Canterlot with the Major."

"Wait what!?!" Both droids said simultaneously. "But we've never commanded a battle before!"

"Well then, consider this good practice."

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter after so much time lads, been busy. But, I am proud to release this new chapter as a prelude to big battle of Canterlot.