• Published 28th Jun 2022
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Star Wars: The Droid Chronicles - Stalin with Da Spoon

Shortly after General Kalani and his droid soldiers escaped from Agamar, the super tactical droid made the decision to try and re-build the separatist alliance, activating a large dormant droid army, and setting course for an unknown world...

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1. Observations

[Unknown Planetary Orbit. 2 BBY, Galactic Sector D-6.]

As the Blade of Serenity exited hyperspace, General Kalani waved away the holo display in front of his seat to look at the planet in front of him. Compared to the deserted wastelands of Agamar or scrap filled junkyards of Bracca, it honestly looked quite beautiful, reminding him of his time on Onderon. From the looks of it, the planet seemed to have a massive central landmass, as well as various bodies of water, including a massive surrounding ocean, meaning this planet would be best designated as a continental planet, though he did not know for sure.

Orbiting the planet was a small moon and a small sun- Wait, Kalani did a double take, re-examining the brightly glowing object orbiting the planet on the opposite side of the moon, as he affirmed that it was indeed, a sun, or the more correct term being a small star, somehow sucked into the planets gravity.

Gravitational and scientific anomalies aside, the planet looked like an optimal place to hunker down and construct a Separatist holdout from which a Confederacy could form to combat the Empire. However, it also depended on a variety of other factors. Did this planet have sufficient resources for construction? Were there potential unknown threats on the planet's surface? Did any potentially intelligent species inhabit this planet? These were questions that Kalani felt would need to be answered before they could land. As such, Kalani turned to Lieutenant Colonel TF-3749 and issued a command.

"Lieutenant, does this vessel possess any method of commencing reconnaissance operations on the planet's surface?"

"Indeed, General, the Blade of Serenity has access to a small force of deployable reconnaissance probes equipped with advanced recon tools, capable of recording data, taking samples, and relaying camera feeds. We can dispatch them to the surface of the planet to take readings and scan for potential threats and life."

"Very well then, give the order that several of these probes be prepped to be dispatched to the planet's surface under the cover of nightfall, and ensure they are dispersed at key points across the planets surface for maximum coverage and efficiency of intelligence retrieval, and inform the probes that should they encounter intelligent life, to avoid detection at all costs. Should they be compromised, order them to immediately retreat from the operational area and await extraction via shuttle."

"Understood, General." The Lieutenant stated in his monotone voice, as they exited the bridge, while Kalani turned to Clakker, who was still present on the bridge, running some quick repairs on a malfunctioning terminal. After the astromech finished the repairs, the pilot droid operating it gave him a thumbs up, before Clakker turned to Kalani as he gestured for him to come over, as he wheeled up to him.

[Yes, boss?]

"Assemble together all of our available OOM unit captains. I wish to prepare for possible conflict should it arise, and if need be, they can act as first contact." The Astromech saluted with one of it's mechanical arms before wheeling itself out of the bridge, as Kalani turned back to face the planet, before noticing several of his pilot droids having a little chat.

"Gotta say, the first planet I've seen since reactivation, and it looks real nice. Might go for a picnic when we land."

"Yeah, the last planet I went to was a dang sand planet."

"Yuck! I hate sand!"

"Everybody does." It was then that Kalani made a sound that was foreign even to him. An unintelligible sound similar to that of... light chuckling. Huh, being independently operating for so long must be starting to wear down his programming, just like the rest of his droids, and to Kalani, it wasn't really a bad thing. As he sat and listened to their conversation, he turned to the Pilot droids he had escaped Agamar with, which he had promoted both of them to Chief Bridge Officer for their service and valor on Agamar, and also to help relieve Kalani of additional tasks for him to handle, as one of them turned and spoke to him.

"Hey General, I just realized something... Your voice sounds different then when we were on Onderon."

"How so, Officer?"

"Well, it sounds... Less deep and gravelly?" Now that Kalani thought about it, his voice modulator had indeed shown signs of degradation. He did think about getting it fixed, but honestly, he preferred his new voice.

"And why are you concerned with such a thing, Officer?"

"Well, I'm less concerned, more glad for it, you were scary and intimidating back then." There goes that light chuckle from Kalani again. At this point, the droids felt slightly unnerved. Then again, they were all probably not going to be seeing humans for a long time, so human-like qualities would likely be welcome among the crew, and that was a change the droids embraced.

[6:30 AM, Ponyville.]

As the sun slowly began to shine it's rays of light through the curtains in front of the open window, as a nice autumn breeze blew in from outside, the atmosphere was calm and serene, with only the whistling of the wind, the chirping of birds, and the ticking of a clock making sound.

That is of course, until the alarm clock went off, as it began blaring out incessant ringing, quickly awakening the inhabitant of the bed it sat next to, as a lavender furred hand outstretched from under the silk sheets of the bed as it reached and gently pressed down on the button, causing said incessant ringing to cease, as a content hum escaped the mouth of the bed's occupant.

As the occupant painstakingly rose forth from the comfortable sheets, forsaking her warmth and comfort to allow herself to awaken, her wings proceeded to expand outwards, stretching out along with her arms, as she let out a groan of frustration.

Twilight Sparkle hated mondays.

She thought that becoming the Princess of Friendship, and getting her own castle would at least somewhat help to resolve the pain and annoyance of waking up bright and early in the morning, but nope, it still sucked. Luckily, Twilight had come to terms with that fact, even if it really didn't make things easier. As she let out a long yawn after finishing her stretching, she lifted the covers off the rest of her body, as she hopped to the ground, clad in her good ol purple PJ's, making her way out of her room, and into the bathroom.

As she entered the bathroom, she then brushed her teeth, tossed away her PJ's, took a quick shower to wake herself up, dried and brushed her mane, put on fresh new autumn clothes for the day, and emerged from the bathroom bright eyed and bushy tailed with a smile on her face, before she exited her room and made her way to the castle kitchen.

As she entered the kitchen, she was happy to see her friend Starlight Glimmer sitting at the table, sipping from a glass of orange juice in her hand while she contently hummed to herself. The slight bags under her eyes indicating she likely did not get as much sleep as Twilight, but as she entered the room, Starlight perked right up, looking over and waving.

"Morning Twilight, how'd you sleep?"

"Pretty well, but I'm guessing you can't say the same?"

"Yeah, last night was a chore... But hey, long as I helped you with that paperwork, it was worth it." Twilight smiled fondly, remembering how Starlight had volunteered to help Twilight with her administrative princess duties. However, Twilight felt bad for letting Starlight work herself to exhaustion, but regardless, was still happy to see her friend enthusiastic. As Twilight sat down at the table, the smell of breakfast hit her nose, and as usual, it smelled beautiful, as she looked to see her greatest #1 dragon assistant Spike cooking up pancakes, a breakfast favored by both mares.

"Mmmmmmmm... Smells good, Spike!"

"Thanks, Twilight, hopefully this time I don't burn em like I did yesterday, cause hooo boy those things were charred." Twilight then had PTSD flashbacks of said charred pancakes, which essentially tasted like eating charcoal. It was then that the three of them agreed to never eat black pancakes again, no matter how much syrup they were drowned in.

As the plates of pancakes topped with syrup slid in front of the two mares, they happily ate away, and after they had finished, Twilight decided to go out and have a walk around town to get the day going, as she waved bye to her friends, and walked out of the castle's main doors, and into Ponyville.

And meanwhile, little did she know, her world was being watched.

[Aboard the Blade of Serenity, Bridge Section]

Kalani stood in front of his chair as he examined the multiple screens of data in front of him. All of them being aerial photos taken by the ship's advanced planetary scanners, allowing a mapping of the planet's landscape and features. Immediately, Kalani noticed what appeared to be... Buildings.

These buildings appeared to be comprised of concrete and other basic materials, so there was no doubt to the fact there was intelligent life on this planet, and from the looks of it, were in a pre-industrial age, with more advanced structures appearing in larger civilian centers, one of particular note being built into the side of a mountain, likely being the capital city of these intelligent lifeforms.

Far off in the east away from the populated green fields displayed a barren wasteland void of life, save for the massive black spire, comprised of some unknown material, truly baffling the general. Of course, not much else data was gained, as the ship's sensors weren't too powerful, so a direct approach was needed, which is what the probes were for, as he turned around just in time for the Lieutenant to step in, holding a data pad in their left hand.

"General, the probes have been prepped, and will be deployed within the most optimal infiltration timeline. Also, I have retrieved the Blade of Serenity's cargo manifest for your review, as per confederacy standard for all officers." Kalani nodded and accepted the data pad, walking back to his seat and sitting down as he read through it, and what he saw impressed him.

According to the manifest, the ship had a force capable of rivaling the one he was assigned during his service on Onderon, complete with a variety of advanced droids, vehicles, and aircraft. If the Blade of Serenity or it's crew were ever threatened...

They would be able to retaliate in full force against the enemy primitives.

Kalani then handed the manifest back to the Lieutenant just in time for Clakker to come into the bridge with around six OOM captains, indicated by the yellow coloring on their head and chest, allowed entry by the red OOM security droids guarding the bridge entrance.

[Brought you the captains, Boss.]

"Thank you, Clakker." Kalani said as he stood up from his seat, and faced the six captains, who all saluted him, and he saluted back, before lowering his arm.

"At ease, captains. Now, I have assembled you to go over my current strategy for first contact with the local indigenous populace of this isolated world. First, once we have retrieved sufficient data, under the cover of darkness, you will deploy via Droch-class boarding ship in a secluded location on the planets surface, then establish a base camp and observe the locals. Once the time is optimal, you shall reveal yourself to the locals, and slowly gain their trust."

"Soon, you shall reveal your origins and the existence of our vessel, and that is when we shall dispatch a diplomatic envoy to officially meet their rulers and begin negotiations to enlist their aid in re-constructing the confederacy, and fighting the empire. Should the locals resist, we will simply have to operate on this planet alone without aid as we do not wish to cause any unneeded bloodshed forcing them to cooperate." One of the captains raised his hand, as Kalani nodded, granting them permission to speak.

"What if they attack us?"

"Then lethal force is authorized, and we will make them pay for striking us. I shall not lose anymore of my droid comrades. Now then, go forth and assemble your squads and await further orders."

"Roger roger." As the captains exited the room, Kalani turned back to the holo screens, waving them away to stare at the planet, wondering what awaited them down there...