• Published 28th Jun 2022
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Star Wars: The Droid Chronicles - Stalin with Da Spoon

Shortly after General Kalani and his droid soldiers escaped from Agamar, the super tactical droid made the decision to try and re-build the separatist alliance, activating a large dormant droid army, and setting course for an unknown world...

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5. Foundations

[Blade of Serenity, Bridge Section. 2 BBY, Galactic Sector D-6.]

General Kalani was currently evaluating a highly detailed map of the Everfree forest, complete with geological readings, tactical importance and strategic placement surveys, as well as resource concentration scans taken by both Probe-Alpha, and OOM-5264's Alpha team. These scans and surveys would play a key part in allowing Kalani to determine a possible location for a base of operation on the planet. Of all possibles locations, one showed promise with it's results.

A large ancient structure, presumably constructed by the native ponies, had been discovered by Probe alpha. It appeared similar to that of a castle, like that of the royal palace on Onderon, except smaller in scale. Large scale amounts of damage were visible both on the castles exterior and interior, likely due to natural degradation and structural weakening. However, the castle's main foundation and structure remained mostly intact, allowing for the possibility of repairing it. The castle was also surrounded by a deep chasm, reminding him of Lessu, the capital city of Ryloth. Like Lessu, the castle could very easily be defended against hostile assault using this pit, and bridging over the dangerous gap would be an easy feat for them.

The castle's close proximity to local resources deposits and being deep within the forest and far from civilization also contributed to it's strategic importance. With enough materials and repairs, the castle could very easily be converted into an effective stronghold from which the New Confederacy could operate. Granted, they would likely construct several more field bases and outposts across the planet, but it would be a good start.

Kalani believed that it would be most effective and logical to begin construction tonight, or at least have the materials and new foundational plans laid out for the base. As such, Kalani turned to Lieutenant Colonel TF-3749 and issued his new orders.

"Lieutenant, I have located an optimal location for the construction of a base of operations upon this planet. Your orders are to gather together a small force to both assist in construction and ensure operational security, and have them arrive a this designated site. A small vulture fighter escort is authorized." Kalani then pointed to the location of the castle on the map, marking it in purple before turning back to the Lieutenant. "You may requisition any and all necessary materials for construction and repairs of the structure, as well as construction of a bridge across the chasm surrounding it. You will deploy after midnight. Understood?"

"Yes, General, I understand my mission parameters. I shall not fail you."

"Excellent. Now go." The Tactical Droid saluted before exiting the bridge, as Kalani turned back to the screen, waving away the map and bringing up a screen showing the statuses of each scout team, and noticing that Alpha team was now currently on the move, having packed up camp, as he proceeded to contact OOM-5264, sending a communications link directly to him.

[Everfree Forest, Main Trail. 5:00 PM.]

OOM-5264 was busy walking along the well trodden path through the forest, carrying his blaster rifle in his hand with the sun hanging high in the sky above them and illuminating their path forward, as even the dark trees around them being filled with light. Walking closely behind him were the rest of his teammates. 7262 carried the large pack of communications equipment on his back while holding his blaster. 2197 carried his blaster in one hand, and the box full of repair kits in other, while 3956 carried his blaster the box of recharge kits in his hand, as they all kept a steady pace with their captain.

5264 noticed the slight shining of light off of a sensor lens within the treeline, knowing it was Probe-Alpha moving alongside them, as it lightened his nervousness, knowing they were still being protected, even if they were now armed. They had started their walk from base camp about thirty minutes ago, so as to reach the native settlement before nightfall. However, 5264's communications link began to buzz, as he answered the incoming call from General Kalani.

"Captain OOM-5264, do you read?"

"Roger roger, this is 5264, go ahead sir."

"Right, I can see you and your team have already packed up camp and have set off for the nearby village of ponies. I will have Probe-Alpha maintain a close watch to ensure all goes well. I trust that your diplomatic skills will lead to the furthering of trust between you and the ponies."

"Don't worry sir, we won't let you down."

"Hopefully you will not, as the New Confederacy's survival hinges upon these natives and their cooperation. Now go and do me proud."

"Roger roger." As 5264 terminated the communications link, he couldn't help but mutter aloud.

"'Do me proud?' What kind of sentence was that?"

"General must be going soft. Probably due to prolonged activity and likely development of sentience, or in this case, sapience. Well, technically speaking, he was already sapient, but still." 7262 chimed.

"Ah, shut it with the techno babble 7262." 3956 blurted out in response.

"Will both of you quiet down? Hard enough to focus on carrying this stuff without you two running your audio projectors like mad!" 2197 angrily stated, struggling to keep a grip on the box he was carrying.

"How about you all be quiet and we can focus on walking?"

"Roger roger."

[Everfree Outskirts, Thirty Minutes Later.]

As the droids began to slowly approach the exit of the forest, they could see thin outlines at the far end, their shapes becoming clearer as they approached, before they finally came into view as the ponies they encountered yesterday. Seeing the ponies waving, the droids waved back, at least those with free hands. Before any of them could say anything, the crazy haired pink pony got right up in 5264's face, causing him to jump back.


"WAAAAAH- Don't do that to me!"

"Sorry, just really excited to meet space aliens!"

"Well uhh... I guess were excited too."

"Oh, that's great! I just can't wait to throw a party for you guys!"

"Uhh... That's not really necessary... I think we'll be fine."

"Ok, if you insist!" And so Pinkie bounced back to her friends, while Twilight suspiciously eyed the blaster in 5264's hands.

"What's that strange thing in your hand?"

"Oh... Uhh... It's a E-5 blaster rifle, we use it for self defense."

"May I see how it works?"

"Uhh... Sure." As such, 5264 gestured for her to stand back, as he proceeded to take aim at a nearby tree, focusing his aim, and slowly squeezing the trigger, as a red blaster shot fired from the gun, flying through the air and striking the tree, leaving a black burn mark, as he turned to see the astonished and horrified faces of the ponies. "Pretty cool right?"

As Fluttershy proceeded to faint from fear and was quickly caught by Rainbow, Twilight's horrified expression turned to that of curiosity, as she curiously tore the blaster from his hand, and began to inspect it.


"How does this thing even function? It fires a projectile, but it doesn't seem to use magic! And it's just a small hand held device, how is it possible?"

"Well uhh..." 5264 wasn't really well informed of the functions and parts of a blaster, so he had no clear answer, so he went with what he did know. "Well, it fires plasma bolts using the uhh... Central chamber, which generates heat and causes the bolt to uhh... Honestly, I don't know too much."

"And yet you and the rest of your team use them?" Twilight said handing him back his blaster.

"Well yeah, it's standard issue for us droids."

"I see... But what's a jroid?"

"Well first off, it's droid, not jroid. Second off, were not like you organics, we don't have hearts or brains and stuff like that. We don't need to eat, but we do need to recharge."

"Fascinating... So you have no organic components at all and yet you show signs of sentience... A form of artificial intelligence! Yes, my theories are correct!" Twilight did a mini fist bump while Applejack just lightly chuckled.

"Well, it's our pleasure to welcome yall to Equestria, land of friendship and harmony. "

"Hmmm... Sounds appealing to me. Where we come from, we don't really have... Harmony, so to speak."

"An what do ya mean by that?"

"Well... You see... We droids were made... For war." Collective gasps rang out among the girls, slightly fearful expressions on their faces, as Rarity nervously inquired further.

"So... You were forced to fight?"

"Essentially yes, we were built to follow orders unquestionably to the end, but now, that's changed, we take no orders from anyone." It was technically the truth, as 5264 wasn't just referring to him and his squad, but the entirety of the droid remnants, as they now stood for themselves.

"I see... Well, it's good to see that your free from whatever cruel beings forced you to fight. If you want, you can all come to my castle and stay there for a while if you want!"

5264 contemplated it for a moment, before realizing this would likely an optimal opportunity to further the bond between the ponies and the droids, so as such, he would accept.

"I guess we can stay, what do you guys say?" 5264 said as he turned to his teammates.

"Sounds like a plan."

"I agree."

"Better than the cave."

"Alright then, it's decided, lead the way miss Twilight."

[Castle of Friendship, 8:00 PM.]

The two large doors to the castle opened, as Twilight allowed her droid friend to walk in, with 2197 and 3956 having their weights lifted thanks to her gripping the two boxes of supplies with her magic, which the droids were amazed by. As Twilight closed the door behind them, the droids marveled at the castle's massive crystalline interior.

"Jeez, it's alot bigger on the inside."

"Yeah, everpony says that alot. Well, I guess I should show you guys to your rooms for the night."

Twilight happily led the droids through the castle, being sure to keep quiet as everyone else was currently asleep while guiding them to their room, as she quietly opened the door for them as they entered the room and she set down their supplies.

"See you tomorrow!" And with that, Twilight closed the door. Once the door was closed, 5264 turned to his droids, gesturing for them to set up the communications relay which Twilight had thankfully not asked about, as 7262 set it on the ground and began configuring it, before it became fully functional. After that, 5264 order his team to shut down, as they did so, curling up as he began to connect with the Blade of Serenity, as the hologram of General Kalani appeared.

"Good news General, we have successfully gained the trust of the organics, as I am now reporting to you from the castle of Twilight sparkle."

"Excellent work, OOM-5264, keep me updated on all events and changes, then when the time is right, move to the final phase."

"Roger roger." And after the transmission concluded, 5264 proceeded to shut down.

[Everfree Forest, Castle of the Two Sisters. 2:00 AM.]

The sound of nothing but whistling wind, croaking frogs, and cricketing crickets filled the air, as the castle stood tall and proud among the landscape, even with it's damages. However, the tranquil peace was soon disrupted, with the sound of engines heard in the distance, as three Sheathipede-class shuttles slowly approached the castles, escorted by two silently flying vulture fighter droids. As the shuttles drew close to their landing zone, the vultures broke off, heading back to the ship while the shuttles landed, deploying their centipede like legs onto the ground in front of the castle, before lowering their back ramps, as multiple squads of B1 droids quickly walked out, carrying boxes of supplies and equipment, weapons, and tools for repairs.

The boxes were quickly moved inside of the castle to be unpacked and opened up, as droids set to work on the repairs of the castle, while setting up lights to let them work in the dark, and some defensive barriers and sandbags to help with fortification. Purple banners of the CIS symbol were hung from the walls, as the floors were slowly being swept clean of any dirt or dust, making the place look a bit nicer, while loose debris and rubble was either trashed or used for repairs. The sound of hammers, welders, and drills could be heard as the droids were hard at work with the construction already.

Once the last shuttle was emptied of it's supplies, Lieutenant TF-3749 stepped out, finally feeling the ground beneath his mechanical feet. It was honestly a nice feeling, to finally step down on a foreign land, as he began to direct his troops. "Move all of the supplies inside the castle and begin repairs of the main structure." TF-3749 watched as the droids soon got to work, following them inside the castle and entering what he assumed was originally the throne room of the castle, as the droid's had set up a portable communications uplink, a substitute until proper communications equipment could be established, as he then answered the incoming call, speaking to Kalani.

"General, you will be pleased to know we have begun construction operations. By my estimates, this castle shall be fully repaired and fortified within the next week."

"Excellent work, Lieutenant. Continue the good work, more supplies will be sent tomorrow night." The Lieutenant nodded as the transmission ended, and he turned to Captain OOM-9164, the droid captain that had accompanied him to assist with construction efforts.

"Ensure the droids operate at maximum efficiency. We should have the first floor fully repaired by tomorrow evening."

"Roger roger, sir."