• Published 28th Sep 2022
  • 1,599 Views, 64 Comments

Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: IDW Comics - BronySonicFan

The Mane 5 and Team Sonic try to find the stolen Unity Crystal before magic disappears forever, while Team Sonic unfolds some mysteries on their own, like find their way back home.

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Issue #4

In the Brighthouse bedroom, Pipp decided to start a livestream on her phone to give her Pippsqueaks some news about her next 'big thing'

"Goooood morning, everypony!” Pipp greeted through her phone. "Today I’m trying something a little different" she announced. "Instead of streaming, I’ve decided to write my next major life update" she added with a smile. "I know, I know! But this is the kind of update that calls for lots of selfies" she explained.

She didn't knew that her fans didn't like her idea that much.

"Plus… It’s about Discord" Pipp added. "Okay, love you, gotta go write! Pipp, Pipp, hooray!" she finished and ended her livestream.

Pipp putted her phone down and went to her laptop to get to work. She opened up her gallery that she manage to take during her and her friends time with Discord. Once again, she had to thank Sonic for give her a portable charger back in the woods.

'Pippsqueaks, when I went flying with my friends, I had no idea it would lead to a journey that ended in Discord and a Unity Crystal…' Pipp typed on her post, being 9 a.m. in the morning she started to tell everything about their adventure with Discord.

Aaand she spent all day on that.

It was now 7 p.m. and Pipp was still writing about the adventure they had on Canterlot. '... And that’s where we are now, searching for Discord before he destroys the Crystal!' Pipp continued typing. 'If anypony knows how to find him, we need your help! Thank you, love you, Pippsqueaks. Pipp, Pipp, hooray!' she finished and posted her story down. Then, she walked off with a yawn to get something after being on her laptop all day.

Pipp returned two hours later with some hot coffee and checked her laptop to see how was the post doing. She had 100,157 views, 99,398 likes and 6,780 comments on it.

Pipp took a sip of her coffee and decide to call to her mother, since she needed to ask her about something that has been on her mind for a while.

After waiting some seconds, Haven answered the call of her daughter. "My little filly! How are things in the Brighthouse?" Haven asked after greeting Pipp.

"Great!" Pipp answered. "Um, Mom? Can I ask you something?" she asked her mother.

"Of course" Haven answered, while Cloudpuff tried to grab a makeup accessory.

"Well, I’ve been thinking, maybe, about getting a little more real with the Pippsqueaks" Pipp told her mother, while Haven was trying to get Cloudpuff to drop the makeup accessory he grabbed.

"No, that is not for pets!" Haven scolded Cloudpuff, trying to get the accessory out of his mouth, then she turned her attention back to Pipp. "Sorry, darling. 'Real' how?" she asked.

"I want to write about the day everypony learned I can’t fly" Pipp revealed.

"WHAT?!" Haven asked in shock while squeezed Cloudpuff, who barked from the tight hold.

"It’s a little different from what I usually post, but I think it’s important" Pipp reasoned.

"But, darling, that day was so hard on you" Haven said with a concerned look. "The only good thing you recall from that day was meeting him" she added, obviously talking about Sonic.

Pipp turned to see a couple of pictures she had with her friends and smiles. "It was such a difficult, confusing, awful day. I want to show ponies that side of me. That it’s okay to be sad sometimes" she explained, wanting to show ponies that it's okay to be sad, even on the most hard day they had. "And, like you just said, sometimes you can find some good things on the worst situations" she added with a little blush, thinking on Sonic and how grateful she was for meeting him.

Haven then gave her daughter a touching look, she then looked at Cloudpuff and hugged him with a smile.

She faced her laptop and placed her forehead on it, while Pipp did the same thing. "Of course, my brave filly. It’s a wonderful thing to do. But if it doesn’t go exactly the way you want it to, you’ll come tell me, won’t you? You know you’re always welcome back home." she said with a careful tone.

"Of course, Mom! What could go wrong?" Pipp asked her mother.

And we all know that things would mostly go wrong....

After chatting with her mom, Pipp got to work on typing about how she felt when everyone discovered she could not fly.

"Done!" Pipp cheered, finally finished typing. She moved the mouse to the 'Post' button, but then stopped when she started to have second thoughts about this. "Maybe I should ask my friends what they think before I post it" she said to herself. She moved the mouse to the 'Save' button and clic it. "Yes, that’s a good idea" she told herself again, then turned off her laptop and headed to bed. "I’ll get up suuuuper early and ask everypony what they think before they head out for the day" she assured before fall asleep.

The next day, Pipp was still asleep on her bed since she was snoring. But once she woke up, she widened her eyes in shock when she saw it was 12:00 p.m. already.

"Oh no! I overslept!" Pipp cried out as she got up, quickly did her mane and then flew out from the window. "Everypony’s already gone! I have to find them and ask them about my post!" she exclaimed, as she was decided to go and find her friends.

After searching for a while in Maretime Bay, Pipp spotted Sunny, who was strapping her smoothie cart with a worried expression.

"Sunny! I knew you’d be close by. You’re just who I wanted to talk to!" Pipp cheered.

Sunny turned once she heard Pipp. "Oh, hey Pipp. Late night?" Sunny asked, since Pipp wasn’t with them all morning.

"Yes. I was… creating" Pipp answered. "Sunny, you’re like, the smartest pony I know. I need your advice" she said as she putted Sunny closer. "I want to post on social media about the day everypony learned I couldn’t fly. What do you think?" she asked.

"Oh, that…" Sunny said with a concerned look, but then placed a hoof on her face. "Sorry, Pipp. Everything with Discord has me so distracted. I can’t really focus on anything else" she explained to Pipp, since she was to worried to think straight.

"Oh. Okay. I can ask somepony else" Pipp said, understanding that Sunny could not talk right now.

Sunny gave her a comforting smile since she had an idea. "Why not try Hitch? He’s who I go to when I need a grounded opinion. Uh, so to speak" she suggested.

"That’s a great idea!" Pipp replied with a smile.

"He’s in the Main Square, I think, helping set up for the street fair" Sunny stated.

"Thanks, Sunny!" Pipp called out, as she flew to where Hitch might be.

Sometime later, Pipp found Hitch helping other ponies setting up a festival fair, while Hitch instructed what to do.

"Careful with that banner! We don’t wanna block hoof traffic!" Hitch warned. "... Again" he whispered to himself.

"Hitch! Just the pony I wanted to see!" Pipp called out, as she flew to him.

"I am?" Hitch questioned a little confused.

"You’re so silly sometimes. Yes!" Pipp answered. "I wanted to ask you about my next big social media post!" she explained.

"Uh… Okay" Hitch said before turning his head to other ponies around. "Raise the banner more on the right side!" he requested before facing Pipp. "Sorry, Pipp. Go ahead" he said.

"I want to post about the day everypony learned I couldn't fly. How sad I was and how ashamed I felt" Pipp explained. "What do you think?" she asked Hitch for an opinion.

"Er, isn’t that a little different from your normal posts? You know, your brand?" Hitch asked, finding a little weird this sudden change. "Isn’t it usually singing, sparkles, and glamour?" se asked.

"Yeah, but that doesn’t mean it can’t change. It can be sparkles and real feelings" Pipp pointed out as she began to fly away, now with a little conflict about the post.

"I suppose" Hitch replied with a smile.

"Well, thanks, I guess" Pipp said to Hitch.

"Anything!" Hitch called out, before he turned his attention to another pony. "No, no, no the banner’s all crooked now!" he yelled with a little worry and frustration.

Sonic was running around Maretime Bay, looking for anything strange or out of place. Since Discord was chaos itself, anything that seemed to be wrong in a chaotic way could be a hint to Discord.

"Come on!" Sonic complained angrily. "How hard can it be to find a guy that makes chaos wherever he goes?" he asked, as he looked around closely.

Pipp, who was flying a little sad after her talk with Hitch, noticed Sonic passing by, and immediately smiled, as she flew towards him. "Sonic!" she shouted.

Sonic heard her, and stopped immediately, but Pipp crashed with him and they both rolled until they feel into a grass field, a bit far from town, with Sonic laying on the grass and Pipp over him.

They both looked at each other for a few seconds before blushing and smiling nervously, as Pipp moved aside and Sonic stood up. He looked at her for a moment with a little smile, as his heart started to beat fast. "Are you okay?" he asked her.

Pipp looked at him, still blushing, and she cleared her voice before speak. "Y-Yeah... S-Sorry for that, Blue Star" she said and apologized for crashing onto him.

"It's okay, Little Pipp" Sonic assured. "You wanted to talk with me?" he asked.

"Yeah! I wanted to ask something important to me" Pipp replied. "I’m making a social media post on how I felt when everypony learned I can’t fly, and I want to know what you think before I posted it" she explained quickly.

Sonic blinked a few times before he could say anything. "Wow... Just, wow..." he replied with a little surprise. "That's... big, Little Pipp. I mean really big. As far as I know, you hated that day" he added with a little worry.

"Oh, no. I don't hate that day" Pipp assured with a smile. "Yeah, it was awful, but I met our friends that day as well. I met you, specially" she added, realizing a few seconds later what she just said. "I-I mean...!" she tried to correct herself with a little blush.

Sonic blushed again as well, but he smiled as well. "Gotta say, even if it wasn't in the best of conditions, I met you that day as well, and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world" he assured, which just made Pipp's blush increase, and her wings opened up as well. "As for your post... I think it's a good idea, but only if you're ready to tell that story, of course" he added.

Pipp looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Of course I'm ready, silly. Why wouldn't I be?" she asked with a confident smile.

"I'm not only talking about you feeling ready to tell it, I'm also talking about being ready for the mixed reception" Sonic explained.

"Mixed reception?" Pipp questioned a little confused.

"Let me put it like this: there's some fans that won't care at all, let's face it, but the ones who would either will thank you for posting that or would hate you for reminding them that you lied to them for centuries" Sonic stated with a worried face. "I think the idea is great, but just be careful. I would hate to see you down if the reception isn't what you expected..." he added, as he gently caressed her cheek.

Pipp though for a moment about his words, and realized that she wasn't ready at all to a negative reception on a subject like this, but she was determinate to try anyways. "I... I'm gonna think about. Thank you Sonic, for... for caring about me" she thanked with a blush and a smile.

Sonic ended hugging her, something that she didn't saw coming, but hugged the hedgehog back anyways. "If this doesn't work the way you expect, you can tell me, and I would pleasantly listen to you" he added.

"I know" Pipp replied. "And I will, I promise" she added.

They broke the hug, and they were going to go on separated ways, but Sonic decided to make a risky move. He held one of Pipp's hooves to stop her, and then he kissed her cheek softly and short. "Good luck, Princess Petals" he said with a smirk, a blush and a deep voice, then ran away to keep for his search, as Pipp stood freeze on her place, shocked and with her face completely read as she tried to process what just happened.

Izzy was at her old home in Bridlewood, working on something big that required her Unicycling skills.

Suddenly, Pipp poked her head in front of the open window in front of Izzy. "Izzy!" she called out.

"Agh!" Izzy yelled since she got startled and fell to the floor.

"It took me forever to find you!" Pipp added, as she entered the house.

Izzy got up, with some stuff on her mane, and looked at Pipp. "Yeah, I came back to work on big crafts projects. I find La Villa Izzy 'Creatively Stimulating'!" she told her with a smile.

"That’s great!" Pipp cheered. "Because I wanted to ask your opinion" she said, as Izzy then paid close attention to Pipp. "I want to do a social media post about when everypony found out me, Zipp, and my mom lied about being able to fly. What do you think?" she asked.

"Um…" Izzy thought on the right words before smiling. "That’s a great idea!" she cheerfully said and clapped her hooves.

"Really?!" Pipp asked with a hopeful smile and clapped as well.

"Yes! It’s just so brave!" Izzy called out.

Now Pipp felt confused. "Brave? Why is it brave?" she asked, not understanding Izzy's point.

"I would never, ever want to tell 1.6 million ponies about the worst, most embarrassing, most horrible day of my life!" Izzy pointed out.

"Oh, right" Pipp said, now feeling more conflicted than before.

Suddenly, the main door opened and Knuckles entered carrying a tree trunk with him. "I got the trunk, Izz. Where do you..." he was about to ask something, but stopped once he noticed Pipp was there too. "... want it?" he finished, then putted the trunk on the floor and looked back at the mares. "Did I interrupted something?" he asked.

"Uh... not at all" Pipp replied with an awkward smile. "Izzy, a little context?" she requested to the unicorn.

"Knux is helping me to bring some materials while I do my work!" Izzy explained with a smile.

"Hitch said that I could be free for today, so I decided to help the beautiful unicorn lady over here" Knuckles replied, giving Izzy a smile.

"Aww, you're gonna make blush, silly!" Izzy joked, but she did blushed a little.

Pipp suspected there was something else going on there, but the idea vanished as she remembered something. "Hey, Knuckles, I need to ask you something quick!" she said suddenly. "I know you were not there when it happened, but I want to make a post about the day everyone discovered we can't fly. And I need another opinion" she requested.

Knuckles knew what she meant, but wasn't sure on what to say as he scratched his neck. "Uh..." he said, as he thought on what to say to not look bad in front of her. "Well... I think is a good idea... but talking about the worst day of your life to many random people... are you sure you want to do it?" he questioned.

"Um..." Pipp didn't knew how to reply, so she headed to the window. "W-Well I, um, I should go. Bye!" she told Izzy and Knuckles before flying out of there.

"Bye, Pipp!" Izzy waved to her with a smile.

"Did I said something wrong?" Knuckles questioned.

Pipp entered the Crystal Brighthouse, feeling down since most of the answers she got were not what she expected.

She passed by the living room, when she noticed Tails was on the table near the Kitchen, with the box that had the 4 Chaos Emeralds Team Sonic had so far, many cables, lots of electronic stuff that were not from anyone in the Brighthouse and many of his tools. Tails himself was using some googles, and wrote down something on a notebook, when he realized Pipp was looking at him with both confusion and curiosity.

"Oh, hi there, Pipp!" Tails greeted the pegasus. "Don't mind me, just making a little device to find the remaining Chaos Emeralds" he explained, as he got back to write.

Pipp got close to him, being careful of not touch any of his things. "Hi, Tails" she greeted back. "Um, you got a minute? I want to ask you about something important" she explained.

"Fire away" Tails said, still focusing on his notes.

"I want to talk about the day the ponies found out I can't fly without magic on a media post. I know you were not there, but I really want to know your opinion" Pipp explained.

Tails stopped writing, took off his googles and faced Pipp with an ashamed expression. "Um... Sorry Pipp, I'm not the kind of guy you can ask about that. As you said, I wasn't there, and honestly, I don't think the ponies are gonna take the post really well, it doesn't matter if they're your fans" Tails warned. "No offense, tho" he added when he looked Pipp's frown.

Pipp sighed with frustration, as she flew away to the bedroom. "Non taken" she replied.

Tails then facepalmed and felt really bad on what he just did. "I should not be that rude..." he complained, as he got back to work.

Pipp was now walking upstairs to the bedroom, looking really downtrodden and feeling so conflicted right now, when the door of the bedroom opened suddenly..

"Pipp?" Zipp said as she got out of the room.

"Zipp! I need your opinion about my social media post!" Pipp requested with desperation.

"Ummm… Okay…" Zipp replied with confusion.

"I want to get really, really real with my followers. I want to tell them about the day everypony learned we couldn’t fly" Pipp explained, which caught Zipp by surprise.

"Whoa" Zipp said with surprise.

"Yes! I want to show everypony that it’s okay to feel scared or hurt, like I did" Pip stated.

Zipp turned to the window and looked on, thinking of what Pipp just told her. "I mean, I think it’s a great idea, Pipp, but…" she said, having second thoughts on Pipp’s idea.

"But what?!" Pipp cried out.

Zipp then turned to her sister with a worried face. "I don’t know, you used to worry a lot about what other people thought about you" she said with worry.

"I still do! I mean, my online persona is part of who I am" Pipp said with a smile.

"I know, and I’m afraid if everypony doesn’t respond nicely to your post, you might take it personally" Zipp explained, still worried about the idea.

"Of course I will!" Pipp exclaimed. "It’s extremely personal!" she pointed out.

"That’s my point" Zipp said, as she placed a hoof on her sister's cheek. "You know I’m all for being yourself, but maybe you should keep some distance between you and the Pippsqueaks, you know?" she said with concern.

Pipp sighed and looked at her sister. "I suppose I see what you mean" she said with a sad face, then turned and walked away. "Goodnight, Zipp" she said before heading to her bed.

"You too, Pipp" Zipp said to her sister as she went to bed as well.

Later at night, Pipp was looking at the draft of the blog she made last night, still feeling conflicted on what to do after talking with her friends.

Pipp groaned and flopped on the table, having a hard time to decide what to do... until she felt determined and opened her draft and posted her blog into her social media.

Pipp waited five minutes, getting 48 views and 27 likes.

But one day later, the views only grew to 102 while the hearts went up to 38, making Pipp nervous as Cloudpuff poked his head with curiosity.

And a week later, Pipp started to have a teary breakdown since she only had 326 views and 92 likes, as Cloudpuff barked and covered his eyes nervously since he had a feeling that Pipp was about to explode at any moment.

And like he expected, Pipp snapped. "What is happening?!" she cried out as Cloudpuff barked, startled by Pipp’s outburst.

"My post about Discord had over a hundred thousand views in five minutes! Why doesn’t anypony want to read this?!" Pipp cried out, as she held Cloudpuff close to her face.

"Bork" Cloudpuff barked as he placed one of his paws on her muzzle.

Pipp putted Cloudpuff down and started to type on her laptop with teary eyes. "That’s it! Hitch, Sonic, Tails and Zipp were right! I’m deleting it" she said tearfully as she moved her mouse to the delete button. But before she could press it, she got an email from the blog she posted, which surprised her. She moved the mouse and clicked on the message to read it.

'Dear Pipp, my name is Felicity. I’m a Unicorn, and my family just moved to Maretime Bay. I didn’t know what to expect. I’d never even seen the ocean, and I’d never talked to an Earth Pony. I wasn’t sure if I would fit in, or if I’d be able to make any friends. I was scared that if I tried to talk to them, they’d think I was boring or weird. So I decided to make things up. I told them about me, my family, and Bridlewood. But none of the stories I told were true. I told everypony that my hobbies were skydiving and surfing. I said my aunt was a princess and my grandma was a queen. I said I had two full-grown dragons as pets and a sphinx was my best friend. At one point, I even said Bridlewood was made of cotton candy. Everypony loved it… But none of it was true. I’ve never seen the ocean, I’m not royalty, I don’t know any dragons or sphinxes, Bridlewood is made of normal trees, and I hate, hate, hate heights. It didn’t take long for my new friends to figure out I was lying. Someone visited Bridlewood, and, well, you know what I said about the trees. Everypony was really upset with me, but they weren’t just angry, they were hurt. They said if I’d told them the truth, we could've all stayed friends. But I hadn’t. I’ve been afraid I couldn’t make friends, but that day, I found out it’s even worse to make them and lose them. I thought I was the loneliest saddest pony in the world… Then I saw your post. You made me realize I wasn’t alone, not really. Sometimes we lie because we’re scared that our friends won’t accept us. What I did was wrong, but I knew that if you could admit the truth and work past the fear and sadness… So could I" she read.

Pipp stopped to read and tearfully smiled at the message, feeling proud that her post encouraged somepony to move past their fears and be brave to overcome them. She decided to read what was left of the message with a smile. 'Thank you, from the Pippsqueak who thinks you’re the coolest pony ever. You helped me get my friends back. Love, Felicity' Pipp finished the message and stared at it for a long moment.

She decided to not delete the message, and not now that she knew somepony could overcome her fears thank to that post. Pipp decided to sleep with a tired but proud smile, knowing exactly what she would do first in the morning.

The next morning, Pipp woke up and grabbed her phone to start a live stream with a smile. "Gooooood morning, Pippsqueaks. I wanted to talk about a post I recently put up. Most of you probably haven’t seen it…" she said.

In the main room of the Brighthouse, the rest of the Mane 5 were watching Pipp's live stream with proud smiles on their faces, specially Zipp. Team Sonic was there too, watching from the kitchen trough Sonic's phone, who was also blushing with pride at the pegasus.

"What you’re seeing right now is my authentic self, bedhead-mane and all. A little over a week ago, I showed another version of my authentic self" Pipp said through the live stream.

In Zephyr Heights, the Pegasi were watching Pipp's stream on the big screen.

"Part of me is the bubbly Pipp who loves to sing, dance, and talk to all of you" Pipp said to the viewers.

The Unicorns in Bridlewood were listening to Pipp's live stream on their phones.

"But there’s another part of me. The Pipp who’s sometimes lonely, sad, and afraid. Who makes mistakes" Pipp said with a pride smile.

In the Zephyr Height’s Castle, Haven was watching her daughter’s live stream on her laptop with Cloudpuff next to her.

"Last night, I was afraid that you wouldn’t accept me the way I am. I thought maybe I should do a better job of hiding it" Pipp said to the viewers.

"Shout-out to Felicity for reminding me that who I am-- that every part of me--" Pipp said to her followers, not knowing that Felicity watched the stream with a smile, as her friends huddled close to her with smiles as well. "--is enough. Love you Pippsqueaks. Keep doing what you do best: Being you." she finished.

"All of you. Pipp, Pipp, hooray!" Pipp said, as she ended her live stream and putted down her phone. She walked out of the room with a big smile, not noticing that her laptop has gotten a new message, a message from Discord himself, who watched both her post and her livestream.

To be continued...