• Published 28th Sep 2022
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: IDW Comics - BronySonicFan

The Mane 5 and Team Sonic try to find the stolen Unity Crystal before magic disappears forever, while Team Sonic unfolds some mysteries on their own, like find their way back home.

  • ...

Issue #7

Spring finally arrived in Equestria.

Some leaves flew around as ponies started to prepare for the Spring Arrival Celebration in Maretime Bay.

In the Sheriff Station, however, Hitch was sleeping peacefully on his bed, since he lived above the station. Literally.

Suddenly, his clock alarm went on, and Hitch woke up with a yawn, also turning off the alarm.

He stretched a bit and looked at the ceiling with a smile. "It's a beautiful morning" he said, waking up and approaching his calendar. "And the first day of spring" he added. "Which means it's time for the Spring Arrival Celebration!" he said with a cheery tone.

After that, Hitch went to the shower and took a bath before getting ready for the day.

"Do you recall? The first day of Spring? The leaves were changin' the minds of all, while chasin' the clouds away" Hitch sang as he washed his mane.

Once he dried himself after getting out of the shower, Hitch went to his closet and took out his sheriff belt, then he turned to see Kenneth and other bird standing on the open window in his room.

"As Sheriff of Maretime Bay, my duties of helping others bring me so much joy, but today I get to help others by helping them get their groove on" Hitch told the birds with a smile.

After that, he got downstairs and prepared a cart bu putting some boxes on it, including one that contained vinyls.

"DJ Hitch is ready to get on the ones and twos" Hitch said with a confident smile, while a squirrel approached him and gave him white headphones. "Thank you!" he said to the critter, putting the headphones around his neck. "I can't get hooves in the air without these" he added with a smile, then walked towards the exit and opened the door with a smile. "This is going to be a blast" he stated with confidence.

However, just as he got out of the station, somepony passed by at high speed, spinning him around and sending the vinyls flying in the air.

"Whoa!" Hitch exclaimed surprised, as he stopped spinning, then grabbed the vinyl's box and caught the vinyls one by one with his hooves, even using his mouth to grab one of them.

"I am so excited!" Sunny exclaimed with a smile, since she was the one who passed by Hitch at high speed because she was also on her rolling skates. "Can you believe today is the spring celebration?!" she asked to Hitch on an excited tone.

"Well, good morning to you too, Sunny" Hitch told her with a smirk and a raised eyebrow, putting the vinyls back on the box.

"Whoops!" Sunny said with a sheepish smile, slowly approaching Hitch. "Sorry, Hitch. I'm just really stirred up about today's activities for the celebration" she said. "Hayrides, Straw Bale Mazes, Scarepony-making Contest, Apple Pie-baking... Gosh, I could go on!" she added with happiness.

"No way" Knuckles' voice spoke, as he approached as well with a bored expression. "It's not like you've been telling us everyday for the past week or something" he added, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"I though I told you to take your day free today?" Hitch told Knuckles with a smirk.

"And let you do something stupid and reckless? Not happening!" Knuckles replied with a mocking smirk. "Besides, I'm not wearing my belt nor badge today, so I'm just going with you as your friend" he pointed out. "Also, I'll do whatever it takes to be away from your girlfriend and her hyperactive attitude to holidays. I don't want to get through another rushed Christmas ever again in my life..." he muttered to him with an anxious look.

"Stop calling her my girlfriend" Hitch muttered back with a bored expression.

"Hey Hitch" Sunny called out, not hearing anything that Knuckles muttered to him. "Thank you again for agreeing to DJ" she said with a smile.

"It's no problem at all" Hitch told her with a smile. "Helping others is my calling, especially my friends" he stated. "I can't wait to remind the good ponies of Maretime Bay how to feel the rhythm for the new season" he exclaimed with joy.

"If you focus, that is" Knuckles said with a bored expression and his arms crossed.

"You two are great when it comes to helping others!" Sunny told both Hitch and Knuckles with her front hooves together and sparkling eyes. "That's why I'm here. I need a small favor. Nothing you guys can't handle, of course!" she assured.

Hitch and Knuckles looked at each other before smirking, and then they looked back at Sunny. "Sure, although I do really need to get all my equipment set up" Hitch replied, also rolling his eyes to Sunny's attitude.

"But I guess we can make a quick pitstop to help you out" Knuckles added.

"Great!" Sunny exclaimed with a smile, placing a hoof around Hitch's neck. "Izzy asked me to get extra rings for the Unicorn Ring Toss Booth" she explained to both Hitch and Knuckles. "You guys think you can stop over at Neighborhood Sporting Goods?" she asked to them.

"Anything to talk with the manager and make them change that name" Knuckles said, slightly punching his fists together.

"We're just the pony and echidna to get the job done" Hitch replied with a smile to Sunny.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Sunny told Hitch, embracing him on a hug.

"No problem at all!" Hitch replied with a smile.

"Our job as Sheriff and Deputy of Maretime Bay is to help all the ponies in town" Knuckles said, with a proud smile, but then McSnips, Kenneth and other critters made sound to him. "And critters" he added, getting why the critters were mad at him.

Sunny nodded with a smile at them. But before she could left, she looked at Hitch sideways, while the sheriff was putting the vinyl's box and place, then she took a deep breath and quickly placed a kiss on Hitch's cheek before start to roller skate away.

"B-Bye, Hitch, Knuckles! S-See you later!" Sunny shouted with a smile and a slight blush. "I have a Tug-of-War Game to set up!" she added, now rolling skating away completely.

As Sunny skated away, the critters around Hitch bursted laughing, while Knuckles himself was speechless since even him got completely off guard by Sunny's action. But Hitch was the most affected: he froze on place and his face was as red as a tomato.

"Huh..." Knuckles said, finally getting Hitch out of his trance. "The kiss wasn't scripted... but I'm not complaining" he added, then looked at Hitch with a mocking smirk, while the sheriff tried to hide from the fact that that just happened.

Kenneth, however, stared at Hitch with a frown for accepting to help even when he already had a lot to do. "Hey, don't look at me like that" he told to the bird. "I can help Sunny and set my stuff up" he stated with confidence.

"Let me doubt it" Knuckles said. "Are you helping her for a good cause, or just because it was Sunny from all the ponies?" he asked playfully, while Hitch blushed again and frowned.

"Don't get me started, Mr. Moonbow" Hitch scolded, walking away towards the town.

"Hey!" Knuckles shouted, blushing as well. "Leave Izzy out of this!" he warned, following Hitch towards Neighborhood Sporting Goods.

Okey, seriously, who the hell is in charge of the store names in this generation?!

Sonic was bored.

After Discord threw him away, he crashed against some rocks aligned as pillars, then against a mountain. In the process, he broke his ankle and, when he rolled downhill, he crashed against some bushed with thorns, before finally landing in the ground, weak and hurt.

He somehow managed to stand up and walk towards the Crystal Brighthouse. But before he could open the door, he fell to the ground, completely weak and fell unconscious after a few seconds.

He woke up two days later on his bed, and felt surprised to find Pipp asleep near by. It didn't took too long for her to wake up as well and see that Sonic was awake.

After she basically embraced him in a hug, then slapped him, and then hugged him again, she went downstairs to tell the others.

Of course, they needed to know what happened to him, and where did he go since he didn't showed up on Fluttershy's Cottage at all. So, he told them the truth, and they scolded him, just as he expected. Although, Pipp slapping him again was unexpected, but he knew he deserved it.

And now, here he was, resting for the past two weeks until Tails comes by and tells him if he can go back to run around freely, or if he still needs to rest.

He was a free spirit that loved to run around freely, but right now he was stuck on his bed with a broken ankle and a hurt belly.

He wasn't bleeding there, thank Chaos for that, but he did had a scar in there. Not as bad as the scar he got on his left shoulder, but still.

"How did I even got a scar on my stomach, anyways?" Sonic wondered. "I mean, I crashed against the mountain, then I rolled downhill and passed through some bushes with thorns–– Oh..." he said, realizing now how he got some of his injuries.

Then, the bedroom door opened, and Pipp entered the place with a little smile, approaching to Sonic.

"How you feeling, Blue Star?" Pipp called out, sitting at the edge of his bed.

"The same way I've been feeling for the last two weeks" Sonic replied. "Bored" he added with a teasing smirk, which caused Pipp to roll her eyes.

"This could have been avoided if you didn't went on your own to face Discord" Pipp pointed out with a bored look.

"I know, Little Pipp" Sonic said, rolling his eyes. "You've been telling me that everyday since I got hurt" he pointed out with a bored look as well. "How many times do I have to apologize for not saying a thing?" he asked rhetorically.

"Sonic, I get you wanted to get some answers and help us, but doing dangerous stuff or travel on your own is not the right way" Pipp explained with a worried frown. "We appreciate your help, and your intentions, but please stop acting without thinking" she begged.

Unlike that time he got his scar on his back, Pipp just seemed concerned, not completely mad nor to the edge of crying. That was a good sign already, but still, she seemed worried about him.

Sonic sighed and looked at her with a weak smile. "Yeah... I'm sorry. I just wanted answers so desperately... and it almost costed my back and my ankle" he added with a bit of sarcasm. "Sorry for worrying you for the millionth time, Pipp" he apologized.

Pipp let out a sigh and placed a kiss on his cheek. "Don't worry, I'm not mad. Just... don't do anything that gets yourself killed, okay?" she pled.

Sonic smiled softly now. "Okay, okay. I'll see what I can do" he replied jokingly, while Pipp hit him softly on his shoulder, and Sonic chuckled playfully.

"I just wanted to check on you before heading to the Harvest Day Celebration" Pipp said, getting down from the bed. "You keep resting, and don't. Move" she warned with a cold stare.

"It's not like I can go anywhere, you know" Sonic said with a mocking smirk.

Pipp rolled her eyes and left the room. "Take care, Blue Star" she said with a little smile, blowing him a kiss closing the door.

"You too, Little Pipp" Sonic said with a little smile, before lay again on his bed and sigh heavily, once again feeling completely bored.

In town, Hitch and Knuckles passed by as they saw the ponies preparing for the Spring Arrival Celebration.

"The start of a new season gives me hope that we can find Discord" Hitch said with a smile, as he saw a pegasi and an earth pony placing a sign saying 'Spring Arrival' near the bridge.

"That is, if no one else departs on their own and tries to confront him alone" Knuckles said with a bored expression.

"Oh, come one, Knux" Hitch told him with a small frown. "What Sonic did was reckless, totally, but he has something!" he pointed out. "Yeah, he may not remember the name of the book Discord stoled, but when he does, maybe we'll finally get him!" he stated with a confident smile.

"Well, until he remembers the name of the book, I'm afraid we're stuck on square one" Knuckles pointed out as well.

Finally, they arrived to Neighborhood Sporting Goods. "This place is massive" Hitch said with an amazed expression.

"And I already hate it because of that" Knuckles said with a bored expression.

They entered the place, just to see that it was even bigger in the inside.

"Oh, come on!" Knuckles groaned with frustration.

"All right. Now where do they keep those rings?" Hitch questioned, walking by some sports materials.

"Found 'em!" Knuckles exclaimed, as he ran back with Hitch and gave him the rings with a smirk.

"Neat!" Hitch replied with a smile. "Now let's buy them and head to town so we can gave them to Izzy" he stated.

Once they got the rings, Hitch and Knuckles went back to town, walking by some stands on the small fair that the town prepared for the celebration.

"Bingo!" Hitch exclaimed with a smile, as he saw his DJ Hitch Booth on the distance.

But then...

"Hi, Hitch! Knuckie~!" Izzy greeted with a smile, getting in the middle of their way.

"Oh, hey Izzy" Hitch greeted back.

"Sup!" Knuckles greeted as well. "Sunny asked us to bring these to you" he added, extending the rings to her.

"Aw, thank so much!" Izzy told them with a smile, also giving Knuckles a side hug. "Do you guys mind coming with me to the Unicorn Toss Booth?" she asked.

"Not at all!" Knuckles replied with a little smile.

"Lead the way!" Hitch added.

As they walked towards the Unicorn Toss Booth, Izzy couldn't help but squeal in excitement. "Isn't it just wonderful how everyone has come together to bring in the new season?" she asked to Hitch and Knuckles with a cheery smile. "Earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi all springing together" she joked.

"Ah, I see what you did there" Knuckles told her with a smirk, while Izzy chuckled and blushed a bit.

"Well, I can't wait to see everyone hoof up the dance floor when I play the greatest pony hits" Hitch added with a smile.

Suddenly, Izzy smiled sheepishly to them. "Hey, uh, I was wondering if you could grab some arts and crafts supplies for me?" she asked to her friends.

"Well, I need to get my DJ Booth set up" Hitch pointed out with a worried expression, as they arrived to the Unicorn Toss Booth and Izzy used her magic to levitate the rings from Knuckles' hands. "But I guess one more errant won't hurt" he added with a little smile.

"Hitch..." Knuckles scolded with arms crossed and a frown.

"You're lifesavers, guys!" Izzy told them with a smile.

"Anything for my friends!" Hitch replied, smiling back at her.

Izzy then blushed and placed a quick kiss on Knuckles' cheek, and then she walked away as she hummed to herself.

Now it was Knuckles' turn to get blushed and stay freeze on his place, while Hitch at his side chuckled and bumped his arm with a hoof.

"Look who's blushing now!" Hitch said with a mocking smirk, walking away and towards the town again.

"S-Shut it..." Knuckles muttered, following Hitch.

Once again, they walked through town, and this time they saw Sunny and other ponies getting ready to play Tug-of-War.

"On my mark" Sunny announced with a changeling look. "Ready. Set. PULL!" she shouted, as the two teams started to pull the rope.

Hitch wanted to stay and watch, but Knuckles quickly cleared his throat, and Hitch reminded that they had to keep going, so he resumed his walk.

They passed by Sprout and her mother, with Sprout being the one in charge of the management of the celebration this time because... well, I don't know. Because his mother allowed him, I guess?

"Hey! Rein it in!" Sprout shouted to a colt that ran by, who also ignored the red earth pony. "Don't make me get the Harvest Day Celebration rule pamphlet!" he warned, then turned to see Phylis, his mother, with a sheepish smile. "How am I doing, mommy?" he asked.

"Maybe take it down a notch" Phylis replied, as Sprout got covered in mud since one of the teams from the Tug-of-War game lost, and Sprout looked on with a bored expression.

On the other hand, both Hitch and Knuckles arrived to a store called 'Pasture Arts & Crafts, please'.

"Seriously, who the heck is in charge of the names in this generation?!" Knuckles shouted with anger.

"At least the store is much smaller" Hitch pointed out, ignoring Knuckles' comment and getting inside the store, while Knuckles rolled his eyes at Hitch and went inside the store as well.

After 10 minutes, Hitch and Knuckles came out of the store, with Knuckles carrying a white bag with Izzy's new supplies.

But then, Izzy arrived with them all of a sudden. "Oh, guys! I am so sorry" she apologized with a sheepish smile. "I found my supplies just after you left" she explained, while Hitch frowned a bit and Knuckles forced a smile, getting a twitchy eye as well. "I tried to track you down sooner but stopped to watch Sunny's Tug-of-War Contest. I left before it got too messy" she added, still smiling sheepishly.

"Don't worry about it" Hitch told her, trying to give his best smile. "Now you have extras" he added.

"And I need them too!" Izzy replied, now smiling cheerfully as she levitated Knuckles with the bag of supplies. No, you didn't read that wrong: she levitated Knuckles. "And I'll need your help, handsome~" she added with a flirty tone, only looking at Knuckles, who blushed at Izzy's sudden change of attitude. "Thank you for your help, Hitch!" she told to the sheriff, hopping away with Knuckles.

"Guess I'll see you later, sheriff!" Knuckles shouted, getting away on Izzy's magic. "And don't forget to say 'No' if you need to!" he added.

Hitch sighed a bit frustrated. Not only he wasted some time, but now Knuckles was pretty much dragged away from him.

"I mean, I do enjoy helping. It's my thing" Hitch told himself with a worried expression. "But now I may have to rush to set my booth up, specially with Knuckles not helping out anymore..." he said with concern.

He walked a bit more, but stopped when he saw a big group of ponies gathered around a stage, where Pipp was singing alongside an earth pony mare and a unicorn mare.

"Oh, great" Hitch groaned in annoyance. "I need to find a way around this parade" he said.

But just as he was about to turn to another direction, Pipp noticed him. "Hitch!" she called out with a smile, as she flew down and grabbed the sheriff, then lifted to the stage as well. "Get up here!" she said.

"Whoa!" Hitch exclaimed, surprised that Pipp didn't even struggled to lift him up. "You're surprisingly super strong!" he pointed out.

"You can thank Sonic and Tails for helping on that" Pipp replied, putting him down and then looking at him with a sheepish smile. "You are just the pony I was hoping to see. I need your help" she said.

"Pipp, I really need to get ready for my DJ Set tonight" Hitch explained with a worried frown.

"It will be quick, I promise" Pipp assured. "My camera guy is nowhere to be found, and I need someone to record my performance to post to my social media accounts" she explained.

In the May Maze, Pipp's cameraman was panicking since he got lost on the maze.

"HELP!" the cameraman shouted.

"Usually, Sonic will be the one helping out, but you know why he can't right now..." Pipp pointed out with a sheepish smile.

Hitch let out a sigh and smiled. "Just one song. Okay?" he said.

"Totally!" Pipp said, nodding with a smile and giving her phone to the sheriff.

Hitch lifted it up and pressed the record button to record Pipp's performance.

"A new season has begun. Our summer fun isn't done. We're still going up like the sun. It's time for the Spring Arrival Celebration!" Pipp sang, while the crowd around her cheered in excitement.

"Celebration!" the mares behind Pipp sang as well.

After Pipp finished her song, Hitch gave her her phone back and trotted away before she decided to keep him longer.

"I really gotta blaze a trail now" Hitch told to Kenneth, who stood on the cart he keep dragging and looked at him with a bored expression. "Don't like at me like that. I know I could have told Pipp no" he told Kenneth. "But without Sonic there to help, I couldn't deny it. Besides, I'm Hitch! I always make space for others" he pointed out with a worried frown, then though of how his friends could look at him if he refused to help. "I don't want to let my friends down. They depend on me" he added.

"Don't forget to say 'No' if you need to" Knuckles' voice suddenly echoed on his head.

Hitch shook his head at the sudden appearance of Knuckles on his head and kept walking. And so, he happened to arrive to an obstacle course.

"Oh, great!" Hitch said with a little smile. "Maybe I can sneak by without anyone seeing me" he stated.

And so, he moved quickly at the side of the obstacle course, hoping nopony would notice him. But this story is about Hitch having bad luck for a day, so as you expected, he was noticed.

"Hey, Hitch!" Zipp called out as she flew in the sky with a bright smile.

"Ah, hoof..." Hitch muttered with an annoyed expression.

He tried to move faster, but Zipp managed to catch him anyways.

"Wait up!" Zipp told him with a smile. "Save some for the obstacle course" she said, landing at his side. "My partner ate too much apple pie. I will ask Tails, but he's checking on Sonic's state, so I need your help" she explained with a sheepish smile.

"Oh, geez" Hitch said with a worried expression. "I'm sorry to hear that, Zipp, but I need to––" he tried to add and to deny, but Zipp kept insisting.

"Please!" Zipp begged, placing her front hooves together. "I promise It'll fun" she assured.

At the end, Hitch sighed and just nodded, seeing that Zipp won't leave with a no as an answer.

And so, Zipp lifted Hitch up and flew towards the obstacle course entrance.

"Wow. You and your sister are ridiculously strong" Hitch told Zipp, genuinely impressed.

He knew Zipp was strong, just not strong enough to lift a pony so easily. And he definitely didn't expected it from Pipp.

Once they were both on their places, alongside two earth ponies, a pegasus stallion flew by wearing a white hat, a whistle and a white shirt with black stripes.

"First to make it to the finish line is the winner" the pegasus stallion announced. "Play fair, don't want a repeat of last year's incident..." he said with a bored expression.

Hitch, as soon as he saw the obstacle course, gulped and started to feel dizzy, and Zipp noticed that.

"Don't worry. This'll be a piece of cake" Zipp assured with a confident smirk.

"That's easy for you to say..." Hitch replied with a nervous expression.

Back on the Brighthouse, Tails already checked Sonic's injuries, as well as his broken ankle.

"Well, the good news is that all of your injuries have healed, the one on your stomach included" Tails told Sonic with a smile, then pulled out a walker boot. "However, your ankle still needs 3 weeks, or maybe a month, to heal completely" he said, placing carefully the walking boot on Sonic's ankle.

"Guess that's a whole month without running..." Sonic said with an annoyed expression.

"Yeah, but you can walk now at least" Tails pointed out with a smile. "Just don't pressure it to much or else..." he tried to warn, but Sonic cut him off.

"Or else it'll hurt as hell. I know, I know" Sonic said, slowly standing up and carefully walking around to make sure he can actually walk. "Yeah, it doesn't hurt that much. Guess resting here without doing a thing did helped after all" he added with a little smirk. "Thanks again for helping, little bro" he said, patting Tails head.

"No problem!" Tails replied. "But I hope you take this as a lesson to not do stuff on your own without telling anyone. And knowing Discord's magic, you better not try something similar again with him" he warned with a frown and arms crossed.

"Both you and Pipp have been harsh on me for being such an idiot, so you can be sure I won't do it anytime soon" Sonic assured with a smirk, then made a pain expression and looked at his broken ankle. "Specially with my ankle's current state" he pointed out.

"Uh-huh" Tails said with a bored expression. "Anyways. Have you remembered anything on the book that Discord took away?" he asked curiously.

"Just that part of the title said something like 'Daring Do'" Sonic replied. "Beyond that, I got nothing" he added.

"Well, at least we have something" Tails pointed out with a little smile. "Maybe we can ask Sunny after the Celebration's over" he suggested.

"Yeah... maybe..." Sonic said with concern.

Hitch was now walking away from the obstacle course at slow paste, feeling his stomach hurting after clearing the obstacle course with Zipp.

"Ugh... That obstacle course made me sick" Hitch told himself with a dizzy expression. "I don't want to see another apple for the rest of the day" he added.

But again, this story is about Hitch having bad luck, so he saw a pony dressed as an apple, and that was the straw that broke the camel's back for him.

He made his way to a bush and threw up all the pain on his stomach behind it. After that, he looked on and sighed, pretty tired after delaying his own stuff just to help others. But then, he noticed that the sun was setting on the horizon and panicked.

"Oh no, it's almost time for my set! I gotta get moving!" Hitch stated, now running towards his DJ Booth to set everything up, passing by some ponies at top speed. "Pardon me!" he exclaimed.

But once he arrived to his DJ Booth, he felt surprised when he found it almost done.

"Oh, great. Now I'm hallucinating" Hitch told himself.

"AHEM!" a voice called out from his back, and as he turned around, he saw his friends there, with Izzy levitating a speaker, Zipp carrying a box and Knuckles holding some cables.

"What are you all doing here?" Hitch asked, both surprised and confused.

"I knew you wouldn't be able to say 'No', so I gathered everyone and we decided to give you hooves and hands to help" Knuckles explained with a smirk.

"Sometimes you have a hard time putting yourself first" Sunny added with a smile.

"We felt awful about not being great friends and making sure that you do" Izzy added with a sheepish smile.

"So we're here to help you" Pipp added as well.

"Like you've helped us today" Zipp said too.

"Yeah, well, he didn't help me out today" Sprout, who was also there, said with an annoyed expression.

Knuckles smacked his head after that.

"I... I don't know what to say..." Hitch said with a thankful expression.

"How about you say No next time?" Knuckles suggested, placing an arm around Hitch's neck. "No one will hate you if you refuse to help now and then. You might be the sheriff, but you can't do everything" he pointed out with a smirk.

"Now come on! Let's get your DJ booth party ready" Izzy declared with a determinate look.

Several minutes later, the gang was placing all together.

"I hope you like the decorations Knuckles and I made with the extra art supplies" Izzy said with a smile, as she and Zipp placed some lights up in the booth.

On another segment, Sprout was instructing two earth ponies to move a table towards the booth.

"Pick up the pace" Sprout instructed. "A little more horsepower, please" he added.

And near the DJ set up, Pipp, Sunny and Knuckles placed some pumpkins in the ground.

"We're almost done, Hitch!" Pipp said with a smile.

"Are you ready?" Sunny asked, smiling as well.

"Almost" Hitch replied, placing all his DJ set up on the table the two earth ponies from before bring up. "I only have one more thing left to do" he stated.

And then, he pulled out a black pony head with blue heart eyes and hair, and soon enough he started to put on the music.

The ponies around started to dance on the dance floor, with Pipp dancing with Zipp in the air and Knuckles inviting Izzy over to dance.

Sonic decided to look for said book on his own.

He was on the basement of the Brighthouse, looking on Argyle's old stuff to see if he had the book.

After researching for a while, he found a box with many books... and one of them had the Daring Do tittle on it. Sonic smiled, then grabbed the book and blew the dust from the cover... and then the memory of the tittle came back as soon as he saw the entire tittle: Daring Do and the Curse of the Basaltic Caves.

Sonic smirked, not only seeing that he got the right book, but also the clue that will lead the group to Discord. "I got you now, old man" Sonic stated with a confident smirk.

However, he also saw a giant crystal in the basement. He raised an eyebrow, not understanding why there was a giant crystal there, but when he decided to touch the crystal, the image of Fluttershy appeared.

"What the––" Sonic tried to ask, but then he heard the message from Fluttershy to Discord.

"... I can tell how hard it's been for you to let go of the pain caused by these magical divides" Fluttershy said on the message with a worried tone. "I'm creating this message for you in the hopes that every time you feel overwhelmed, you can listen back and remind yourself why anger is not the answer. Our magic does makes us different, and that's something we should embrace. Lead with your heart, Discord. It will always show you the way..." she finished, with her image finally disappearing.

For the very first time since he met him... Sonic felt bad for Discord.

Again, he understood his point, and he knew that Discord was not a bad guy, he was just so blinded by hate and anger that he was using not very favorable methods. He was still a bit mad with the draconequus for not explaining himself better on the matter with the Chaos Emeralds... but now he had a different view of him.

"... Fluttershy is right" Sonic muttered with disappointment on himself. "Anger is not the answer..." he added with concern.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Let me explain why I decided to change this from fall to spring:

In my canon, this entire story (that is, from Issue #1 up 'till now) happens like one or two months after Winter Wishday. (Yes, I will make connections with Tell Your Tale so you guys can read this properly, I'm just waiting for the right episode to drop so I can make the proper connection.)

This way, I save myself from a massive plot hole, despite my desire is to keep this as canon as possible. Hopefully, the next issues won't requiere this kind of changes.