• Published 28th Sep 2022
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: IDW Comics - BronySonicFan

The Mane 5 and Team Sonic try to find the stolen Unity Crystal before magic disappears forever, while Team Sonic unfolds some mysteries on their own, like find their way back home.

  • ...

Issue #9

Team Sonic, Pipp, Sunny, Hitch and Izzy were walking towards Fluttershy's cottage, with Tails carrying the Daring Doo book since he and Sonic found a clue.

Just so you know, Sonic's ankle has recovered entirely from it's injury, and he can run and move around as much as he wants again, all thanks to both Tails and Pipp's take-care over him.

However, once they all reached the entrance to the cottage, Pipp stopped them. "You need to be prepared for the worst" she warned with a bored expression.

"Discord's about to destroy a Unity Crystal, ridding Equestria of magic for the rest of eternity" Sunny pointed out. "I think our threshold for catastrophe is at an all-time high" she added.

"Yours is just now? We've dealing with a fat man our whole lives that ours even passed the limit!" Knuckles pointed out.

"Yeah, that's what happens when your hobby becomes your life" Sonic said with a bored expression.

Pipp sighed heavily before placing a hoof on the cottage's door. "You brought this on yourselves" she said tiredly, and then she pushed the door.

Inside, well, Zipp was having a massive breakdown: The couch, the windows, the stands, even a lamp, all of them were covered on yellow tape that said 'Do not cross'. As for Zipp? Well, her hair was a mess, she had massive eye bags and one of her eyes was twitching.

"HOLD UP!" Zipp shouted to the others startling them and making them freeze on their places. "This is an active scene. If you touch anything, you'll contaminate evidence and we'll never find Discord or save magic in Equestria" she said desperate, and then she approached to the others. "Which means I'll never fly again, or achieve my 100-win flyball streak, or perform that air routine Mom asked me to do for the royal ball!" she exclaimed furiously.

"Zipp stressing over royal duties?" Pipp muttered to Sonic at her side with wide eyes.

"Okay, this is worse than it looks like..." Tails said as well with concern.

"We just popped in to... say a quick hello" Pipp told Zipp with a smile.

"Hi..." Sunny said sheepishly, waving her hoof.

"Hey!" Izzy said cheerfully, waving her hoof excited.

"Whazzup?" Hitch said as well, also waving his hoof.

"Yo!" Knuckles and Sonic replied, with Sonic making the 'piece' symbol with his right hand.

"I told you I'm fine..." Zipp said tiredly, also rubbing her left eye.

"And obviously we can see that" Pipp said, patting Zipp's head softly. "You look as peaceful as a pegasus in a mud bath" she 'complimented'.

"Or an orchid sun-soaked filed" Izzy said as well with a sheepish smile.

"Or a bear surrounded by honey pots" Hitch added.

"... Or a pony who hasn't eaten or slept in several days and is on the brink of collapse" Sunny said with a bored tone.

"Or like Knuckles when the Master Emerald gets stolen from Angel Island on a random day" Sonic said with a bored expression.

"Nah, she looks even worse" Knuckles said, also with a bored expression.

"For Zipp's sanity sake, I'm shutting my mouth" Tails muttered nervously.

Everyone else looked at Sunny, Sonic and Knuckles confused, while Zipp looked at them annoyed, and Tails simply gulped and covered his face with the Daring Doo book.

"Like we weren't all thinking it" Sunny pointed out.

"Go get a cup of coffee or something, Zipp" Knuckles said. "You look terrible" he added.

"But also, we're all gonna have to pitch in if we wanna find that old man already" Sonic pointed out.

"Discord researched how to destroy the Crystal in this very room" Zipp explained, grabbing her head as she tried to stay awake. "There's gotta be something that can point us in his direction" she pointed out.

"I found a claw nail!" Izzy said, cheerfully for some reason, after looking down a carpet.

"Ew. Cutting his claws in the living room has gotta count as suspicious behavior" Pipp said with a cringed expression.

"Unfortunately, I don't think it does for Discord" Hitch pointed out with a bored expression.

"Besides stealing the Crystal, what counts as suspicious behavior for him, anyways?" Knuckles questioned rhetorically.

"If Discord was researching... Wouldn't the answer be somewhere on this bookshelf?" Sunny questioned.

"I've read through every single sentence on every single page of every single book here, and I promise there's nothing helpful in them" Zipp explained.

"Maybe it's not about the books on the shelf... maybe is about the one book that's missing" Sunny suggested. "The one Sonic said he had when he followed Reginald" she pointed out.

"Thankfully, my ankle has healed after that awful experience" Sonic said with a smirk, as he adjusted his left shoe normally since his ankle was fully recovered.

Sunny was moving her hoof around the books on a shelf, when she stopped after noticing something. "Aha! Discord has every single Daring Doo book ever published on this shelf, except for one: her ninth book" she pointed out.

"Quick question: it doesn't happen to be called 'Daring Doo and the Curse of the Basaltic Caves', right?" Tails asked, reading the cover of the book he had on his hands.

"Actually, it is!" Sunny replied with a smile.

"How did I miss that?" Zipp asked confused.

"Sometimes, we're so busy looking for the inconspicuous, we miss the obvious" Sunny pointed out with a smirk.

"And how's that you know about this but I don't?!" Zipp asked to Tails in panic.

"Sonic found the book on the Brighthouse's basement, and I took a look at it for six hours just to find nothing..." Tails explained. "At least until Sonic told me in which page was the clue instead of telling me about the clue itself" he added with a bored expression.

Pipp turned on her phone and tried to look for info about the Basaltic Caves online, but Sonic placed a hand on her phone and shook his head in negation.

"Don't bother, Little Pipp" Sonic told her. "Tails and I already tried to look for something on the internet, but there's no info" he explained.

"That's because nopony's been there in hundreds of years" Izzy pointed out with a smile.

"Izzy's right. The book says that the caves are full of dangerous lava creeks that are so hot they could melt an entire castle, a stone sculpture, an entire building..." Tails listed, but then he got confused at something. "A dragon scale?" he asked.

"The point is, that thing can melt pretty much anything" Sonic explained.

"Didn't I told you to not do anything Discord-related while you recovered?" Pipp asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I didn't pass the obedience class, Pipp. Do not blame me" Sonic replied with a mocking smirk.

"Hang on..." Sunny called out "Those lava creeks can melt anything... Maybe even a Unity Crystal..." she pointed out with an anxious look.

"Oh yeah, they could definitely destroy a Unity Crystal!" Izzy said with a relaxed tone.

"Three, two, one..." Knuckles counted down with a bored expression.

"Oh..." Izzy realized her own words and panicked.

"There it is" Knuckles said with his arms crossed.

"Yeah... we kinda forgot that was the whole point of our investigation" Sonic confessed sheepishly, scratching his left cheek.

"Okay. What we are absolutely not going to do right now is panic" Sunny instructed to Zipp, Hitch and Pipp, who seemed to have the same anxious expressions as Izzy. "We know Discord took the book with him, so it probably has information in it about how to survive the caves" she pointed out.

"Well, I have a Daring Doo and the Curse of the Basaltic Caves for you!" Tails said, extending the book with a smile.

"In that case, we should pack up and get ready to head out!" Sonic stated with a smirk, and then he looked at Pipp's sparkling eyes and smiled at her. "And yes, Pipp. You can finally pack up all that you need for a trip" he told her.

Pipp squealed like an excited child in response.

Izzy, however, couldn't felt excited a single bit. "You mean... you want to go into the caves?" she asked in panic. "My uncle Fizzy once threw a flying star back to its home solar system using his bare hooves, and even he was too afraid to go to the Basaltic Caves" she told with worry.

"Daring Do was able to survive the caves" Sunny pointed out. "I'm sure that book will be able to tell us how" she assured.

"But Daring Do's a trained explorer..." Zipp pointed out with concern.

"Luckily for you, we have an expert explorer in the gang!" Sonic stated, as he looked at Knuckles with a smirk, who simply stood in pride at the compliment.

"And if we don't even try, who's going to save magic?" Hitch pointed out.

"There are worse things than losing magic..." Izzy said with worry and concern.

Everyone else turned to face her completely confused, except for Tails and Knuckles, who looked at each other for a second before looking back at Izzy.

"We've lived without magic before, and losing magic won't change ponykind coming together or any of the friendships we've made. Isn't that what matters?" Izzy questioned.

"Discord's words did stuck with you..." Sunny pointed out with concern.

"I'm not saying I want to get rid of magic. I love magic!" Izzy pointed out, before using her magic to levitate herself. "I wouldn't be able to do this without magic" she added with a smile, that disappeared once she putted herself on the ground again. "But even good things like magic can come with some not great things, too" she pointed out with concern. "Discord said he wanted to get rid of magic because he didn't want anypony feeling lesser the because of their powers" she explained.

"He also said that's how you felt when we flew off without you near Canterlot" Zipp pointed out in concern.

"Maybe I felt that way a tiny, little, atom-sized bit" Izzy confessed nervously.

The rest felt confused by that except for... the entirety of Team Sonic. Yes, Sonic included.

Now Sonic got the whole picture of Izzy's situation: when he was running around on Maretime Bay that day, the very same day that Discord stole the Pegasus Crystal, Izzy was feeling down. He wanted to know what happened, but then the thing with the statue happened, and everything went downhill after that.

At first, he thought Izzy could be sad over something silly... But now, everything made perfect sense: she was left by Sunny, Zipp, Pipp and Tails - although he didn't wanted to leave - for the fly ball game; she was left by everyone BUT Tails and Knuckles on the forest; she's been ignored lately and nobody, not even himself, was willing to listen...

He was so centered on finding Discord at any cost, that he ignored a friend's feelings entirely... and now he felt ashamed of himself. He was Izzy's first friend in her life... How's that he let her feelings slip so easily?

Unfortunately, while Sonic felt compassion over Izzy, Sunny seemed to take her words a bit harsh. "I told you, flying above those trees was about getting a better perspective of the forest" she pointed out to Izzy with a frown.

"And we still found nothing" Sonic pointed out with a frown as well.

"Sonic is right. It didn't actually helped us find the Gate of the Ancients" Zipp pointed out with worry. "All it did was separate us and leave Izzy and Hitch on their own" she added.

"We were fine!" Hitch said with a frown.

"Oh yeah, we were so fine that it took us like five hours to find nothing, while Izzy, Tails and Knuckles found the gate in what? An hour? Maybe two?" Sonic pointed out with his arms crossed and a bored expression.

"Ugh! Don't you see?! This like of thinking is what Discord wants!" Hitch pointed out in concern. "You can't let him get in your heads" he begged with worry.

"All Discord wants is to make sure everypony is on equal hoofing" Zipp pointed out.

"By getting rid of what makes us special!" Sunny snapped back in concern. "Our magic has already saved us in so many ways!" she pointed out.

"Communicating with animals makes me a better sheriff!" Hitch said in concern as well.

"Izzy's not saying our powers haven't helped" Zipp defended her. "But I'm sure magic has made all of us feel left behind at some point" she pointed out with worry.

"Don't you wish you could play flyball with everypony, too?" Izzy asked Hitch with worry.

And so, the four of them started to fight out loud, with Knuckles facepalming in frustration, Tails groaning in annoyance, Sonic putting on a bored expression and Pipp frowning in worry.

"Alright, I had enough of this bullshit!" Tails said with anger, before pulling out three headphones that blocked external sound and extending two of them to Sonic and Knuckles.

Team Sonic putted on the headphones, and Sonic then covered Pipp's ears, which made her blush. "S-Sonic?" she asked confused.

"You'll understand soon, Little Pipp" Sonic replied with a little smile, which seemed to comfort Pipp a bit as she smiled back.

Then, Tails pulled out a party bugle and used it to make a loud sound that startled Sunny, Izzy, Zipp and Hitch. Thanks to the headphones, Team Sonic didn't heard the horn, and since Sonic covered Pipp's ears, she didn't heard it either.

"Wow... thanks for that, Blue Star!" Pipp told Sonic, who retired his hands from her ears and removed his headphones along Knuckles.

"Anytime, Little Pipp" Sonic replied with a smirk and a wink.

Once the rest seemed to turn their attention to Tails, they found the little fox frowning in anger at them. It wasn't really scary, to tell the truth. I mean, is Tails we're talking about here: Even when he's mad, you feel like you're being threatened by a cupcake.

"Now that I got your attention: Can we please pass the page on the 'Discord is our enemy or not' thing? Because I'm pretty sure we already settled that, like, three issues ago" Tails pointed out with a bored expression.

"We did?" Sonic asked confused.

"You already left to chase Discord when that happened" Pipp replied with a bored expression.

"Look: Zipp and Knuckles already say it, Discord isn't a bad guy. There's no sides in all of this" Tails began to explain. "His methods are wrong? Yes. He's an old man with the wrong perception of unity? Totally. Does that means he's a bad guy? No. He's just misguided. Maybe none of us can convince him to not destroy the Crystal..." he pointed out, before turning to see the cottage's basement's door and smirking. "But I think I know how to stop him for good" he stated.

"Well, if it stops Discord from getting rid of magic, the any idea is welcome!" Sunny stated with a smile.

"Great!" Tails said. "The problem is that I still need to adjust some things, and it could take me a few hours that we don't have..." he pointed out in concern.

"Then let's make up that time!" Sonic said with a smirk, putting his arm around Tails' neck. "You guys go ahead and track Discord down. Knux and I will stay with Tails and then we'll catch you up once he's done, okay?" he instructed to the Mane 5, launching the Daring Doo book to Sunny, who struggled a bit at first before finally grabbing the book properly with a sheepish smile.

"You sure? You can tag with them if you want" Tails said with a little smile.

"And leave you alone? Yeah, not happening, little man" Knuckles stated with a confident smirk.

"Alright, then it's settled" Hitch stated. "Let's get moving, everypony!" he instructed with a smile.

The Mane 5 immediately left Fluttershy's cottage, while Team Sonic waved their hands to say their goodbye at them. Once they were alone, Sonic turned to see Tails. "So, what's the game plan here?" he asked him.

"First things first: Knux, could you go to the basement and bring the crystal with Fluttershy's message?" Tails requested with a smile.

"Leave it to me!" Knuckles replied with a smirk, before boosting to the basement.

"As for us, I think I have a little plan to trick Discord so we can recover the Crystal, by using violence... but not hurting him at all" Tails said as he turned to Sonic with a smirk.

"And what would that plan be?" Sonic asked, while Knuckles returned carrying the crystal with Fluttershy's message on his left shoulder.

"I'll explain everything on our way to Maretime Bay" Tails replied. "I have something on my workshop that I wanna show you guys, anyway. I've been working on it for months, but it's finally ready! And, we can use it to catch up with the rest!" he explained with a smile.

Sounds good to me!" Sonic said with his thumbs up. "One question, though: which one of you two is gonna explain me why you didn't told me about Izzy feeling excluded?" he asked to them with a frown and his arms crossed. "And don't used the 'you should pay more attention' bullshit of an excuse with me! I want a real answer!" he added with anger.

Both Tails and Knuckles looked at each other a bit hesitant, before nodding and looking back at Sonic. "We promised her to keep it a secret... and that we'll be with her at any moment if the rest didn't realized how excluded she felt..." Knuckles started to explain with concern.

"I actually tried to tell you several times before..." Tails confessed. "But... You were so focused on finding Discord and get that Chaos Emerald back... that I decided it was better if you never realized in the first place... at least not until Izzy herself decided to speak" he added with concern, also scratching his right arm with shame.

Sonic was frowning at first, but eventually, he sighed in defeat and rubbed his eyes with a hand. Then, he looked back at Tails and Knuckles with a smirk. "You two are a pair of idiots, you know that?" he asked them. "If you told me before, I would have listened instead of acting by instinct to track down Discord" he confessed. "But I guess Is already late to regret that. What matters is that you two were great friends with Izzy, and now that I know how she feels... I think it's time I also help her out by finding that draconequus and save magic!" he stated.

"Really?!" both Tails and Knuckles asked, while Sonic nodded with a smirk.

"But what about the final Emerald?" Knuckles asked concerned.

"We'll deal with that once we get the Pegasus Crystal" Sonic stated with a determinate look. "So, little bro, still wanna show us what you built?" he asked to Tails with a smirk.

"Sure thing!" Tails assured with a smile.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Sonic asked, as the three of them boosted towards the Crystal Brighthouse. "Let's roll!" he stated with a smirk.

A few hours later, the Mane 5 were walking towards the Basaltic Caves.

Sunny was reading the Daring Doo book, supposedly guiding the rest, while Hitch carried some bags with stuff and the others simply followed... but then they arrived to a very tight zone were they almost crashed against each other.

"Sorry!" Izzy exclaimed.

"Excuse me!" Zipp replied to her.

"Eyes on the road, Sunny..." Hitch told her with a bored expression.

"I'm sorry, but these instructions are really confusing" Sunny said with concern, as she kept reading the book.

"You've got time until we reach the Basaltic Caves" Zipp pointed out to her with concern.

"The instructions aren't for the caves" Sunny revealed. "They're for the Boulder Grit Canyon, which we're going to have to pass through first" she explained.

"That doesn't sound like the leisurely scenic route I want to be" Zipp confessed with a cringed expression.

"Don't worry, the canyons aren't dangerous" Sunny assured. "But there are huge boulders that separate the road, so if we go the wrong way, we could get very lost" she pointed out with concern.

"And we're already running out of time" Hitch pointed out with worry, as he watched at the sun setting in the horizon.

"Luckily, Daring Do left us specific instructions for navigating through the boulders" Sunny said with a smile, as she showed a map with some words to the others.

"Turn right, then left, then right, right, right, left" Izzy sang cheerfully.

"Are you sure it was Boulder Grit Canyon Daring Do was talking about?" Hitch questioned, before pointing at their surroundings in panic. "Because we've been walking though Boulder Grit Canyon for the last half hour, and I can't see any boulders or turns..." he pointed out in concern.

"T-That doesn't make any sense!" Sunny said in panic. "The whole road is supposed to be one big confusing maze..." she pointed out with worry.

"Maybe Daring Do made a mistake" Zipp suggested, as she approached Sunny to take a better look at the book.

"Yeah, maybe..." Sunny replied unsure.

Later on, the Mane 5 arrived to a bridge in the middle of the canyon.

"You decided to warn us about Boulder Grit Canyon but bot about the creaky old bridge with the 1000-foot drop?!" Pipp shouted in panic. "The guys are not even here to catch us if we fall!" she pointed out with worry.

"It's perfectly safe" Sunny assured, with her head buried on the book. "Oh, wait! It actually does say there was an incident back in––" she tried to explain with a worried look, but then Hitch snatched the book from her hooves.

"How about we put the book away for now?" Hitch suggested with an annoyed expression, putting the book on his badge. "Just follow my lead, and whatever you do... Don't look down" he instructed with a determinate look, before carefully walking over the bridge.

The girls looked at each other uncertainly, but Zipp decided to be the first one to follow Hitch, then Sunny, and then Izzy.

Pipp stood behind for a few seconds, since she was terrified, but then her phone vibrated, and she took it out to read a message from Sonic that said 'Be there in 10! Maybe 5 if Tails can take us there as fast as he claims!'.

Pipp smiled at that and sighed in relief, and then focused back on the road, looking carefully where she stepped so she won't fall at any moment.

"Turn right, then left, then right, right, right, left" Izzy sang to stay as calmed as she could, while also trying not to look down. "Turn right, then left, then right, right, right, left" she sang again.

"Careful. There's a rotting piece of wood here" Hitch instructed to the others.

"Copy that" Zipp said, focused on the bridge.

"Turn right, then left, then right, right, right, left" Izzy kept singing.

"Izzy, we really need to concentrate right now" Sunny told her with a frown.

"I've never been good at concentrating" Izzy confessed. "There're always too many fun things around, and how can you just pick one thing? It's impossible!" she pointed out.

"Well, your singing is making it a bit difficult for the rest of us to concentrate" Sunny scolded.

"But it helps take my mind off the scary bridge" Izzy pointed out with worry.

"Your mind should be on the bridge! Focused" Sunny said in anger.

"Can we please stop arguing back––" Hitch tried to beg, but he stepped right on the rotting piece of wood and fell from the bridge. "––THEEEEERE...? THE BOOK!" he shouted as he fell, and the Daring Do book fell from his bag.

"My wings are glitching!" Zipp shouted in panic.

"MINE TOO!" Sunny shouted desperate, wanting to save Hitch, but not being able to since her magic was failing.

"Come on!" Pipp cried out as well.

Suddenly, Hitch was wrapped by a blue aura of magic, and he was being levitated back to the bridge.

"Come on, magic. Do your thing!" Izzy cried out, grunting in effort as she struggled to levite Hitch back to the bridge, which she was able to do.

"Izzy! You did it!" Hitch cheered with a genuine smile, although but him and Izzy seemed anxious after Hitch almost freaking died, and Sunny even wrapped her hooves around Hitch as she hugged him tightly.

"But it looks like our magic is glitching out more by the second" Zipp pointed out with concern.

"And we kind of lost the Daring Do book..." Hitch added with worry and shame, since he wasn't fast enough to catch the book before it fell.

"So we'll be entering the caves with barely any powers and no road map? That's just great..." Sunny complained, separating from Hitch.

"Well, the boys are on their way. Maybe they could take a detour to catch another copy of the book" Pipp suggested, as she took out her phone.

"I don't think it's a good idea, Pipp" Sunny confessed. "I know they could go in a flash, but we're running out of time" she pointed out.

"Let's just keep moving forward" Zipp stated with a worried frown.

Once again, time passed by, but the Mane 5 managed to arrive to their destination.

"The Basaltic Caves! We finally made it!" Sunny cheered with a smile.

The Caves were covered by a giant rock door that had some symbols around and a clock hand.

"Turn right, then left, then right, right, right, left" Izzy kept singing, despite not being on a live or death situation anymore.

"We're not the only ones" Zipp pointed out, also pointing at some footprints in the floor.

"Discord..." Hitch said with a frown, before walking to one side of the giant rock blocking the entrance. "Get your hooves in position. It's going to take all of us to move this builder aside" he stated.

"Wait!" Sunny told him. "According to Daring Do, the only way through is to solve some sort of code" Sunny explained with concern.

"Great. What's the code?" Pipp asked in a tired tone.

Sunny gulped and started to sweat nervously. "Well, I didn't make it that far in the book..." she confessed with shame.

"Daring Do's not known for giving away clues" Zipp pointed out. "If it was in the book, it would have been hidden in some sort of riddle" she explained.

"A riddle that has to do with turning this dial" Hitch pointed out as well.

"But how many times and in what direction?" Sunny asked in concern.

"Turn right, then left, then right, right, right, left" Izzy sang again.

"Izzy! What did I tell you about singing while we're trying to concentrate?!" Sunny scolded her with a frown, and Izzy flinched at her outburst.

However, Zipp realized something. "No! Wait... keep singing. The directions Izzy's singing were clearly not for Boulder Grit Canyon, but this rock dial also turns right and left" she explained with a smile. "What if what Izzy's singing is the code?" she questioned.

"It's worth a shot" Hitch stated with a smirk, grabbing the giant clock hand.

"Turn right one, left one..." both Zipp and Hitch repeated, as they both moved the clock hand on said directions.

"Right one, right one, right one..." Sunny kept going.

"And then left!" Izzy sang again.

And just like that, the doors to the Basaltic Caves door opened up, granting access for the Mane 5.

"It worked!" Hitch cheered.

"WOOHOO!" Zipp cheered as well.

"Yes!" Sunny celebrated, as the entire group entered the caves.

"We did it" Izzy cheered too.

"Nice one!" Pipp added with a smile.

"That code was a real head-scratcher!" Discord's voice spoke, and everyone looked up to see him, Reginald Fursome and the squirrel that Izzy helped a while ago over some rocks, with the draconequus holding the Pegasus Crystal. "But look at us, able to figure out by working together as a team, and blah blah blah" he added in a mocking tone.

"Discord!" Izzy growled with a frown, while lightning up her horn to get the Crystal away from him.

"GET THAT UNITY CRYSTAL!" Sunny shouted in concern.

However, Izzy's magic was fading away, and Discord giggled since Izzy's magic tickled him.

"Oh, please, stop! It tickles, it tickles!" Discord pled. "You really are all trying your best, aren't you?" he added in a mocking sad tone. "Let me save you the embarrassment.

And so, Discord snapped his fingers, transporting the Mane 5 to a cage that hung right in the place where the bridge they crossed before used to be.

Then, Discord himself transported over the cage and looked with a bored expression at Hitch bitting the cage with his teeth, and at Sunny glaring daggers at him. "Don't look at me with those woebegone eyes. I'm doing this for you. For all of you!" he pointed out with a smirk. "One day you'll thank me for creating equality among all ponykind. But in the meantime... at least you can indulge in these fleeting moments of magic trapped with the ones you hold dear. You're welcome" he added confidently.

However, besides the annoying protests of the Mane 5 begging him to set them free, he noticed something else. Something that was... off.

Discord counted all the members of the group, and then gasped confused. "Hey... wait a minute" he said with a frown. "I thought you used to be eight..." he pointed out.

And then, without being able to dodge, or even notice it, Discord was punched hardly in the face by a blue ball, that soon enough disappeared in a way he could not understand.

"What the–– WHO DID THAT?!" Discord shouted in anger, with fire forming on his eyes.

However, as he looked around, he didn't noticed something else coming at him, and so, he ended up punched on his stomach by Knuckles, who smirked with joy after he finally could strike a punch on the draconequus.

"Oh, I was dying to do that to you, old man!" Knuckles stated, before landing over some kind of yellow wing.

Discord putted his hands over his stomach and looked around with a frown, but then his eyes literally came out of his body, and he screamed like a little filly when he saw something coming right at him.

The Mane 5 inside the cage felt confused by Discord's sudden change of attitude, and were also wondering who attacked him.

"Uh, what's going on?" Hitch questioned confused.

"Why did Discord just screamed like a filly?" Zipp asked startled.

"Uh... guys?" Pipp called out with wide eyes. "P-Perhaps you wanna take a look at this..." she added, pointing at something outside of the cage.

The others looked on the direction she was pointing at, and their eyes also widened in surprise: Tails was using a pilot hat with pilot googles, piloting a yellow plane with white stripes, no wheels, white wings with his iconic two tails printed on the sides and the words 'Tornado IV' written down beside the plane. Over the wings, Sonic and Knuckles were standing with smirks and their electrical powers charged up.

"Get him, boys!" Sonic instructed with a confident smirk, as the three of them prepared for the final showdown against Discord.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Next month, the Final Battle approaches: