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Surf and/or Turf

*Rusty's POV*

Scootaloo, Sweetie Bell, Applebloom, Dusk, Daylight, Feather and I were heading to Twilight's castle since the seven of us were called for a friendship mission.

“Can you guys believe it?! We’re going on a friendship mission!” I said in excitement.

Danyelle spoke "I'm sorry but you'll need at least two adults with you."

Twilight spoke "Danyelle's right though Rusty."

A male asks "Someone called?"

We turned around and saw a woodpecker griffon with a red head.

Danyelle growls "Oh no... Not this annoyance..... Get lost Woody..."

Woody spoke "Hey! I just wanted to help! Honestly!"

Danyelle spoke "Don't make me turn you into Flame Grilled Woodpecker..."

Gabby spoke "I'll come too."

Woody asks "Can’t you tell I really wanna help here?!"

Feather spoke "This is a Crusader mission though."

Two new voices sounded. “Uncle Woody?”

Feather was blushing since she's never seen other gryphons aside from Gabby, Gallus, Bluestar and Guinevere.

Woody asks "Knothead? Splinter?"

We turned around and saw two other woodpecker griffons like Woody, one being a boy and having an orange bow tie on his neck, and the other being a girl and a purple ribbon bow on her head, making a ponytail.

Dusk spoke "Hey Applebloom, I was thinking of adding more Crusaders to our group."

Applebloom asks "Really?"

Woody spoke "Are ya sure about that? They can be as crazy as me sometimes. They kept me awake while I was trying to get some sleep after eating a thousand cheeseburgers."

Danyelle spoke "Try dealing with a sugar addicted monkey on a daily basis... her boyfriend is also addicted to sugar.... One time, Tarb got into some sugar and went ballistic.... Thankfully Zoey knows how to calm him down..."

Bluestar spoke "It happened to me once..."

Woody spoke "Wow, these kids don’t get hyper from eating sugar. They just weren’t tired enough."

Danyelle spoke "I deal with eight hyper kids on a daily basis, so I understand how you feel."

Woody spoke "But seriously, you have no idea how much energy it takes to eat one thousand cheeseburgers!"

Twilight spoke "Can we drop the subject on meat? I'm starting to feel sick to my stomach..."

Woody spoke "Oh! Sorry, my bad. Forgot that ponies are herbivores."

Danyelle spoke "Most of the meat eaters have taken to eating fish though."

Woody asks "Just no catfish, alright?"

Danyelle spoke "I mostly eat cod and salmon though."

*One train ride later*

I spoke "I wonder where the problem is."

Danyelle spoke "We could ask around."

Skystar gasps "Dany! Twilight!"

The bubbly hippogriff tackles the two in a hug.

We were glad that Danyelle and Twilight were catching up with some friends, but then we saw Pesci flying overhead towards somewhere.

Feather asks "Where he going?"

“Think we should find out?” I asked, as the others agreed while Danyelle and Twilight were catching up with Skystar.

Terramar was having trouble deciding whether to be a hippogriff or a seapony.

Gabby asks "Um… You doing alright?"

Terramar stutters "N-not really, I can't decide where I want to be...."

Gabby asks "Should we at least check out both sides?"

Feather whispers in Sweetie Belle's ear. "He's got it bad...."

Sweetie Belle whispers "But we can't force two creatures to fall in love... I do recall the one time when Princess Cadence gave Clarity a scolding...."

Feather spoke "Oh… right."

Scootaloo spoke "Yeah..."

Applebloom spoke "Know what I heard? I heard a rumor that Iris has a crush on Guto...."

A female spoke "Hello."

We looked behind us to see the mermaid Mero, but for some reason, she had a necklace that can turn her into a hippogriff.

Danyelle asks "How did that happen?"

Vetur showed up. “You can thank me for that.”

Several adult male hippogriffs had suddenly surrounded the female.

Vetur facepalmed herself. “Why did I not see this coming?”

Danyelle spoke "Vetur..."

Vetur spoke "Really sorry about that."

Vetur snapped her fingers, causing Mero to teleport to somewhere else away from the male crowd, but none of us knew that she was teleported right to where Pesci was.

One of the males spoke "NOT COOL!!!"

All of the girls just giggled and snickered at that before Vetur snapped herself back to Sumarda’s dimension.

Skystar spoke "She's a strange one...."

Danyelle and Twilight spoke "You’re telling us."

Riverstride was resting on a blanket while singing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CW05iNSQ2zQ as shi collected seashells.

A blushing Skystar asks "Uh… Who is that?"

Danyelle spoke "That's Riverstride, shi's a tiger colored chakat and a great singer."

Skystar started sweating waterfalls, as Danyelle and Twilight caught on what was going on with Skystar.

Danyelle pushes Skystar over to Riverstride with magic.

Skystar started stammering.

Riverstride asks "you okay miss?"

Danyelle was snickering.

Twilight whispers in Danyelle's ear. "Should I give the last push?"

Danyelle whispers back "Nah, Riverstride made the first move."

Riverstride gives Skystar a kiss on the forehead.

Skystar was blushed crimson-red before passing out with a swoonful sigh.

Riverstride used hir waterbending to drench Skystar.

“Wait… Where do you think Pesci was going?” I asked before Danyelle and Twilight became sad.

Dusk asks "You okay mom?"

Twilight spoke "It’s… hard to talk about."

Skystar spoke "Maybe my mom might know!"

*some time later*

Riverstride had gills on hir neck for breathing underwater since the magic pearl shard was unable to transform hir to a seatiger.

Skystar spoke "I do need to talk to my mom about River though."

Twilight spoke "I do need to talk to Ocean Flow about a few things."

Then Chameleo showed up. “I think I got an idea.”

Danyelle retorts "A mirror?"

Chameleo spoke "Close, but no."

Chameleo planted a crystal seed before it grew into a crystal portal gateway.

Chameleo spoke "I already connected it to the other one I grew in your Ponyville."

Danyelle spoke "Best to have it placed in water so that we don't accidentally have Ponyville flooded..."

Twilight asks "Third?"

Chameleo spoke "See the two buttons on the portal gateway? The amount depends on how many are in a connection. And they’ll have symbols to tell you the destination."

We saw the symbol of Ponyville next to one button, and the right half of the symbol of Seaquestria and Mount Aris next to another.

Danyelle spoke "If we had something like this, it would save on warp wings and on train tickets!!!"

Raptor then showed up. “You forgot the lake at Ponyville so Seaponies can get in without doing water damage, so I put in a fourth portal gateway.”

Danyelle spoke "That could work for those without a pearl shard."

Chameleo spoke "Nice, Rap."

The two brothers hi-fived each other in their Zoroark forms before switching to Inteleon and Feraligatr forms.

Danyelle spoke "heh."

Raptor asks "What?"

Danyelle giggles "Just thinking about something."

Raptor asks "About what?"

Danyelle spoke with a sing-song voice "Not telling!!"

Raptor spoke "Come on! Just tell me!"

Chameleo spoke "Raptor… Danyelle will tell us when she tells us."

Danyelle tail slaps Raptor before swimming away fast.

Raptor spoke "Oh, it's on!"

Raptor chased Danyelle faster than she could swim.

Danyelle pulls off a sonic boom to get away from Raptor.

Raptor spoke "Good try!"

Raptor got faster and pulled off a Sonic Aquaboom, catching up to Danyelle.

But since Danyelle was swimming so fast, she had whacked Raptor a little bit too hard in the face.

Raptor spoke "Man... Looks like there's no choice! Aqua Jet!"

Raptor recovered and gave chase after Danyelle again, catching up with them in no time as we were visiting Terramar's mother, Ocean Flow.

Danyelle hides in a coral patch.

Raptor stopped and looked around, only to leave.

Danyelle tackles Raptor before hiding in kelp.

But then Raptor disappeared, revealed to be a shadow clone. "Gotcha!" Raptor showed up while upside down and grabbed Danyelle.

Danyelle spoke "You cheated!"

Raptor spoke "Nah! I had a feeling you'd attack me when I'd leave, so I used the Shadow Clone Jutsu."

Danyelle growls "This is why I don't play tag with you or anyone that uses clones..."

Raptor then let Danyelle go.

Danyelle scoffs.

Raptor spoke "Already caught ya, so later!"

Raptor went into a portal back to his universe.

Novo was heard shouting.

Danyelle thinks "That can't be good..."

Danyelle swam to where Novo was.

Danyelle asks "What gives Novo?"

Riverstride spoke "It's my fault....."

Danyelle asks "Huh?"

Riverstride spoke "It's because I'm not a hippogriff...."

Skystar spoke "That's enough mother!"

Danyelle snarls "That is enough Queen Novo! Can't you see that you're being racist? It was bad enough I had to chew Rainbow out one time when she and the others thought Zecora was scary..."

Chameleo spoke "It’s true."

Danyelle spoke "You shouldn't judge a book by its cover... or a zebra lamia by its stripes."

Chameleo spoke "Or a hyena by their spots. Sisi ni sawa."

Danyelle spoke "Except for Ein... He's a troublemaker..."

Chameleo spoke "Even troublemakers have good deep inside."

Danyelle spoke "Not Ein though, he has a habit of stealing...."

Chameleo spoke "True."

Novo spoke "Ugh fine.... But if Skystar's heart gets broken..."

That made Riverstride gulp a lump in hir throat at that.

Danyelle spoke "Chakat's honor, I know Riverstride would never hurt Skystar."

Novo spoke "Very well... Skystar can be signed up for the School of Friendship."

Me, the other crusaders and Skystar cheered at that.

Danyelle growls suddenly since she smelled blood.

Chameleo asks "Trouble?"

Danyelle growls "I smell blood..."

Chameleo looked up before paling. “Uh… Guys?”

Riverstride growls.

We looked up and saw a shark as big as a house!

Chameleo shouts "Megalodon!"

Danyelle snarls "But HOW??? That thing went extinct 3.6 million years ago!!"

Chameleo then facepalmed himself. “A stray portal from the world of Ocean Hunter opened!”

Novo spoke "If folks start panicking, it'll attack!"

The Megalodon roared before Chameleo swam up to the from of it.

Twilight had been up on the surface when she saw the giant shark so she transformed into Twirama before pouncing on the shark from above.

Chameleo swam to in front of Twirama as the Megadolon charged with its mouth open. “Good thing I know it’s weak spot. Enjoy your last meal!” Chameleo shouted as he dove right into the Megadolon’s mouth and into its throat, much to me and everyone else’s shock, before it coughed out blood and floated belly-up, signaling that it’s dead, before Chameleo came out of its mouth.

Twirama spoke "You're just as crazy as Griff!"

Chameleo spoke "Come on, the throat was its weak point, so I went right for it."

Twirama chuckles "Guess that makes you a Sharkslayer."

Chameleo chuckles "A bit."

But then Mero as a mermaid-wait… a Seapony showed up with with Pesci, who turned into a Seapony as well.

Twirama spoke "Hey Mero."

Mero spoke "Hello, Twilight."

We saw how close Pesci and Mero were and all of the girls smirked with a giggle.

Twirama chuckles "You two seem close."

Mero giggled while Pesci blushed, before we heard a voice. “I can see that art can come in many forms.”

We then saw an anthro octopus robot as a spirit appear next to Pesci.

Twirama spoke "Anyways... Danyelle and I should head back with the crusaders."

Chameleo spoke "Launch Octopus."

Danyelle spoke "Last thing we need is a freaked out hedgefox..."


Author's Note:

Happy 12th anniversary, MLP Friendship is Magic!