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Marks For Effort/ New Dragons

*Lance's POV*

Little did the Crusaders and I know, a new student was arriving at the school of Friendship.

Sunset was teaching a group of students.

Sunset spoke "Listen, your past mistakes may make you hesitate, but if you can let go of the past and look forward, you can make true friends."

Danyelle was teaching an art class.

Then Yusuke showed up in there to assist. “I heard you were teaching an art class. If it would please you, allow me to help.”

Over the PA system, Twilight spoke "Would Sunset report to the main office? Repeat, Sunset to the main office."

Sunset spoke "Guess I’m needed right now."

After asking Brightsong to handle the class, the Mobian alicorn teleported to the main office.

Sunset asks "You needed something, Twilight?"

Twilight spoke "Yeah, there's one student that concerns me since she's struggling in class. Flowerstep should be bringing the pony in soon."

And as if right on cue, Flowerstep showed up with the pony, revealing to be a Pegasus filly.

Twilight spoke "She came here on her own... I was wondering if you could look into her memories."

Sunset spoke "Alright."

Sunset gently put her palms on the filly’s forehead before her eyes glowed white.

*Sunset’s POV*

White, that’s all I could see. But I heard two voices.

“Are you still here? You’re useless! I don’t even bother why I kept you around after your mother died.” An adult stallion’s voice hissed.

“D-Daddy…” The filly’s voice whimpered before my eyes stopped glowing.

*Lance’s POV*

Sunset asks "You were abandoned?"

Kurama was growling in annoyance since he despised abusive people.

The filly leaked tears as she nodded.

Twilight spoke "What you need is a loving family."

Flowerstep asks "But who?"

Sunset asks "What about Danyelle?"

Twilight spoke "She has 5 adopted and 3 blood related children already."

Sunset spoke "That may be so but I'm sure she can help Cozy become a better pony."

Twilight asks "What do you think Cozy?"

Cozy spoke "Uh… Um…"

The door swung open before a panicky Danyelle appears.

Danyelle spoke "Twilight, I just had a bad vision..."

Twilight asks "What is it?"

Danyelle spoke via one on one telepathy with Twilight. "{I fear Tirek is planning something later on if we lock Cozy in Tartarus...}"

Twilight asks "{Cozy Glow? What do you mean?}"

Danyelle spoke "{She may seem innocent but it's just a mask to hide her true intentions.}"

Twilight gasps "{What?!}"

But then a new voice joined in the telepathy. "{Yeah, me and the rest of the Phantom Thieves have figured that out since Cozy Glow has a Jail.}"

Twilight and Danyelle spoke "{Ren!}"

Danyelle spoke "{Maybe Lillian can adopt Cozy. She has dealt with a troublesome daughter before.}"

An excited Nightfall flew into the room.

Nightfall spoke "I got my cutie mark!"

Danyelle spoke "Wow! Really?! That’s amazing!"

Lillian spoke "It sure is, she got it when we were up in Canterlot for a school field trip. One of the other students said that they were having repeated nightmares of a weird stallion with a stark white face with no eyes or mouth.... Next thing I saw, Nightfall had her cutie mark."

Danyelle spoke "Wait, that sounds like…"

Two screams were heard as Zoey and Sakura ran away at their top speed from the stallion that Lillian had just spoken of.

We looked outside and saw everything covered in fog.

Danyelle growls "If this is Jet's doing then I'm gonna turn him into Kentucky Fried Hawk...."

A warning howl rang loud, causing various Equians and Mobians to go into hiding.

Lillian gasps "What the?!"

Danyelle, Twilight and Sunset combine their magic and cover the entire school.

Danyelle spoke "What I'm about to say must never leave this room.... Slenderman has appeared...."

Lillian spoke "You’re kidding!"

Aphmau then crashed in, hyperventilating. “Not again!”

Danyelle spoke "Calm down Aph, we'll find a way to stop him...."

Danyelle yells at Discord via telepathy.


Discord shouts "{WHAT?!}"

Danyelle spoke "{He's scared Zoey and Sakura already plus I don't think he can be redeemed!}"

Discord spoke "{Of course not! He’s made of rumors and legends!}"

But then three beams shot down.

Danyelle snaps "{Cuss that! One of the students in Cheerilee's class has constant nightmares because of Slenderman!}"

Then Sumarda joined in the telepathy. "{Uh… you guys?}"

Danyelle and Discord asks "{What?!}"

Sumarda spoke "{I think your help has showed up from my dimension.}"

A portal had opened up before a pair of white dragons flew out of it. One was about Garble's age and the other was about Smolder's age.

The three beams faded, revealing three fat beings; one that looked like a female version of Asriel, the other that was a black female dragon, and the last one that was a black male hellhound.

The white dragoness started snickering since her brother had noticed Smolder.

The white dragon male spoke "Knock it off sis!"

The white dragoness spoke "Don't be such a wuss Shakir!"

Shakir spoke "Oh shut up Salma!"

But then a lilac teenage dragoness flew in. “What’s going on, Smolder?”

Smolder spoke "I have no idea, Maar!"

Danyelle spoke "Those two are from Egypt though... And Smolder... I think the male, Shakir... is looking at you...."

But then Hallow Flame in his Mobian Kirin form thanks to the bracelet on his wrist showed up. “Smolder! I’m glad you’re alright!”

Shakir growls at the kirin.

Maar heard it and flew up to Shakir. “Look bub, as much as I’d like to fight you for growling at a friend, we’ve got bigger problems to worry about!”

Shakir growls "I don't like it when other males are near a female I have an interest in...."

But then a portal appeared, as a female Decidueye and a male Aggron jumped out of it, with the Aggron “accidentally” bumping into Maar, causing her to crash into Shakir, making them locks lips in shock.

Danyelle spoke "Don't even think about it Aggrock..."

Aggrock spoke "Come on, Danyelle. I know it’ll take time."

Shakir pushes Maar away in annoyance since it was Smolder that he was in love with.

Aggrock asks "Care to help everyone calm down, Owleta?"

Owleta spoke "Sure thing, sweetie!"

Owleta flew up towards Maar and Shakir.

Owleta spoke "Guys, right now you need to focus on the problem, which is finding a way to beat the Slenderman!"

Shakir scoffs "Why not use that godly pony to stop that thing then?"

Danyelle spoke "It's not that easy!"

Shakir scoffs "What good is a god if they can't stop a measly threat?"

Danyelle asks "What was that?!"

Twilight spoke "He meant Twiliterasu...."

Danyelle spoke "Oh. Sorry."

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark! {I heard that!}"

Danyelle spoke "Seems like Twiliterasu's itching for a fight...."

Lillian spoke "And perfect timing."

Twiliterasu flew off, knocking Smolder into Shakir thus causing the two to lock lips.

Salma giggles "Wow... I didn't see that coming..."

Hallow Flame froze as Salma landed next to him, patting his back.

Salma spoke "You'll find someone one day."

Hallow Flame hugged Salma, much to her surprise.

Hallow Flame spoke "*Sobbing* Thank you..."

Salma spoke "There's plenty of kirins out there."

But Hallow Flame sighed sadly, making Salma grow concerned.

A lonely Pegasus mare was sitting at a table by herself.

The mare sighs "I'll never find the right guy...."

Salma noticed the mare and looked back at Hallow Flame before getting an idea.

Twilight asks "What are you thinking about?"

Salma spoke "Shh!"

Salma helped Hallow Flame to the same table the pegasus mare was at.

Shakir was too occupied to notice that Garble had arrived.

Garble spoke "Hey! Smolder!"

A now flustered Smolder spoke "Oh h-hey Gar-Gar...."

Garble asks "Huh?"

Garble saw Shakir and growled.

Garble growls "What do you think you're doing to my little sister?!"

Salma growls "Leave my brother alone!"

Aggrock asks "Owly, may I?"

Owleta spoke "Why not? We do make a great team with Shining Armor and Cadence after all."

Aggrock used a light Bulldoze to make the ground shake enough to make Salma fall, causing her and Garble to kiss each other on the lips, much to their shock.

Salma stammers "I'm s-so gonna pluck the feathers off that owl...."

Garble growled with a blush "That jagged metalhead..."

Gajeel bopped Garble on the head with his tail as he walked past.

Gajeel spoke "Watch it firebreath."

Natsu showed up. "You wanna fight me?!"

Lucy spoke "Natsu... SIT BOY!!!"

Natsu spoke "GAH!!!"

Natsu found himself face-first on the ground.

A loud explosion was heard since Twiliterasu had stuffed a cherry bomb down Slenderman's throat.

Levy soon appeared but she wasn't alone.

A young dragogriff was with her mom.

The dragogriff spoke "Daddy!"

Levy giggles "Hey Gajeel."

Gajeel asks "Hey, Levy, how’re you and our little girl doing?"

Levy spoke "she's a handful but that's how kids are."

Gajeel chuckles "Hahahaha!"

Aggrock asks "Hmm? Who’s this little cutie?"

Lucy spoke "That's Gajeel and Levy's daughter, Mina."

Aggrock spoke "Hehe. You know, my family knows a friend from another world called Mina, but her full name’s Mina Ashindo, and her hero name is Pinky for her friends, but her enemies call her Acigirl."

Danyelle spoke "I just realized something! Since Nightmare Night is coming up, I was thinking we could invite Luna and her children down for the party."

Lillian spoke "Yeah! That’s a great idea!"

Twilight spoke "This way, other creatures can enjoy it too."

Danyelle spoke "Who said Nightmare Night was just for ponies? It's for all creatures!"

Then Sumarda showed up. “If so, could I bring over some friends of mine?”

Danyelle spoke "As long as they stay in restraint form... Then yes..."

Sumarda spoke "Thank you! And I’ll make sure that if they’re gonna be chubby, a thousand pounds is the maximum for a time being."

Danyelle spoke "Sumarda... Don't make me call Cronile..."

Sumarda spoke "I’m just saying!"

Twilight growls "She's serious Sumarda, no unbound forms! Do you want a bunch of angry parents to deal with?"

Sumarda: Okay! Okay! But just a warning; some of my friends’ restraint forms aren’t exactly thin or fit. And I’m telling the truth!

Twilight spoke "Ugh fine...."

Lillian asks "Cozy, do you want to live with me and Tempest?"

Cozy asks "R-Really?"

Lillian spoke "Yes, I'll even file a restraining order against your actual father too."

Cozy Glow’s eyes widened, but shook her head, before smiling. “Thanks.”

*???’s POV*

Restraining order? Yeah, right. Good luck trying that.

*Lance’s POV*

But then Twilight called me and the rest of the Crusaders over.

Danyelle teleported suddenly, popping up in front of Cozy's father.

Danyelle growls "You're under arrest mister!"

The stallion scoffs "Hmm? For what? *Noticing Cozy Glow* And why did you bring the trash here?"

Danyelle struck the stallion across the face with her claws on fire.

Danyelle growls "You picked the wrong cat to piss off! Cozy Glow is under the protection of Princess Twilight, Princess Sunset and myself. If you ever come near her again, I will rip out your eyes and shove them down your throat SO YOU CAN SEE MY CLAWS TEAR YOUR CARCASS OPEN!"

But it seemed that the stallion was already knocked out unconscious.

Danyelle teleported with the unconscious stallion to the throne room in Canterlot castle since she had to talk to Celestia.

*Danyelle's POV*

I spoke "Celestia, this stallion tried to hurt his daughter again. According to Sunset, he was abusing Cozy Glow ever since his wife died. As soon as I found out, I snapped at him."

Luna spoke "That is troubling indeed, I've looked into Cozy Glow's dreams as of late and she's been having recurring nightmares of being hit by her father."

Sunset spoke "Yeah, but what was strange was that I only heard voices and sounds in that single memory."

I spoke "Either way, we should file a restraining order against this stallion. One that he can't find a loophole to bypass."

Celestia spoke "Agreed."

I spoke "Child abuse is no laughing matter... Same with child neglect... I was neglected by my dad when I was younger since he never cared about me so I understand Cozy on an emotional level."

Celestia spoke "Very well then. Captain Swift Strike, take this stallion and lock him up with no chance of bail. We can't have folks like him abusing their families."

Swift Strike spoke "Understood."

Celestia spoke "Good."

*Back in Ponyville*

The spirit of Cozy's mother nuzzles her daughter.

Cozy asks "Huh?"

Twilight spoke "I think your mother's watching over you Cozy."

Cozy asks "R-Really?"

Lillian spoke "Yeah plus you'll see her in your dreams."

Lillian gives Cozy a loving hug, causing the filly to break down into tears.

*Ren’s POV*

I’m glad that Cozy’s in a new family, but we still need to take care of that Jail.

Sumire asks "Are you ready, Ren?"

Danyelle pops up with Sunset.

Danyelle spoke "That jerk's never getting out, he's been sentenced to life behind bars with zero chance for bail."

“Thanks, but it’s not that kind of Jail.” I specified.

Danyelle spoke "Don't make me call Sam and Max...."

“It’s the Jail inside Cozy Glow’s heart.” I explained, making Danyelle and Sunset freeze.

Danyelle spoke "Oh... I might have to call in Cadence for that."

Futaba spoke "No, it’s not that either."

A voice that I know as Sophie spoke from my phone, “Entering Password; Friendship.”

Danyelle gasps "What the cuss is happening?!?!?"

A few seconds later, me, the rest of the Phantom Thieves, Danyelle and Sunset found ourselves in the metaverse as Danyelle was suddenly in a Japanese outfit and mask while we were in our normal forms and phantom thief attires, as all of us saw buildings of Ponyville looked like dark crystals as there were three Prison Keeps; one at Twilight’s Castle, the second at central square, and the final at Sweet Apple Acres, before we saw a huge dark crystalline castle at the School of Friendship with a birdcage on the top of the castle.

Danyelle spoke "Without the rest of my Mobian Guard, I don't think I can be of much help."

Mona spoke "No, I’m sure you can help us plenty."

Danyelle spoke "For the love of... I'm a Net Operator.... I don't fight unless provoked."

Since Danyelle never went anywhere without her 2DS, Megaman spoke "But she has me to help."

Futaba spoke "Hey, I’m not much of a fighter either. Which is why I focus on supporting the others."

Danyelle spoke "I'm the keenest in my Mobian Guard though. I keep a watch out for my friends and my husband while they're in battle."

Futaba spoke "And that’s fine, we can support our friends."

Danyelle spoke "Plus I can aid my brother with battle chips too."

Futaba spoke "Mwehehehe! I think we’ll get along just fine."

Danyelle spoke "Just don't flirt with me, I'm a married woman with nine kids after all."
