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Molt Down/ Lamia Trouble

*Spike's POV*

Lucy was laughing at a joke Natsu had told her.

“Is something funny?” I asked in confusion as Buttercream, Nightwatch and Shigechi showed up.

Lucy asks "You okay Spike?"

“Sorry. It’s just something embarrassing.” I admitted.

Lucy spoke "Looks like molt effect to me. I went through it once... It was embarrassing..."

“Molt?” Me, Buttercream and Shigechi asked in confusion as Smolder showed up.

Smolder spoke "Lucy’s got that right! And who knows? Yours might take the cake."

Lucy spoke "Stone scales... Voice shifts... Fire burps.... And don't get me started on the smell..."

To my surprise, Erza was having the same issue since her mother was a dragon.

Erza whines "I hate this...."

Smolder and the rest of us noticed the smell, almost making me, Buttercream and Shigechi lose our lunch.

Smolder spoke "Speaking of which."

Lucy spoke "When I went through the molt, I didn't have fire burps though. One perk of being a Celestial Fury."

Erza spoke "Least I don't stink as bad... I'm half dragon..."

Smolder asks "Wait, they don’t know about striking out?"

Erza spoke "Well this isn't the Dragon Lands..."

Lucy spoke "Spike and Cream were raised by ponies."

Erza asks "And isn’t Shigechi reincarnated as a dragon?"

Lucy spoke "Plus there are creatures that will snack on molting dragons like candy... Hydras, Tatzelwurms, rocs..."

“Rocks? Why would we be afraid of stones?” I asked as Buttercream and Shigechi agreed.

Lucy spoke "R-O-C... giant bird... One nearly ate me when I was dealing with the molt but Natsu chased it off."

Buttercream gasps "*Quietly* Giant birds want to eat us?"

Lucy spoke "Calm down Buttercream, those pesky birds won't come near Ponyville because of the Beast-lords."


Buttercream closed her mouth.

Lucy spoke "Quiet!"

Smolder spoke "Come on, you know that was an uncontrollable volume shift."

Lucy spoke "I know... I've had that problem before."

Shigechi tried to keep his mouth closed before he uncontrollably let out a huge fire burp.

Danyelle used her firebending to remove the fire before it burnt down a building.

Lucy spoke "We're lucky we have folks like Danyelle around."

A voice spoke "Over here."

Danyelle asks "Is that you Zecora?"

Zecora spoke "Yessss."

It was clear to Danyelle that Zecora was having shedding problems.

Danyelle spoke "Seems you've got shedding problems... KURUSU! We got a zebra lamia with a shedding problem!"

Kurusu started blushing. “Uh… Is it really a good idea for me to help?”

Zecora spoke "You're the only one with experience though.... Plus I don't have fingers to do it myssssself...."

But then Kurusu thought of something. “Wait a minute… What about Avdol?”

Danyelle spoke "I don't think he knows how..."

Zecora spoke "Lassst time he tried, I whacked him through a wall...."

Kurusu spoke "Maybe I could help both of you."

Danyelle spoke "I'll deal with this... Last thing any male wants is crushed ribs or worse..."

Danyelle picks Zecora up with magic and carried the zebra lamia to the spa.

Danyelle spoke "Bonjour Aloe and Lotus."

Aloe spoke "Danyelle! It is good to see you again!"

Danyelle spoke "Zecora's got stuck shed and needs help. Normally Avdol would help but.... He's stuck in a wall...."

Lotus spoke "Oh dear!"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah but given that the tip of a lamia's tail is highly sensitive... Kurusu learned the hard way though... Hence why it's a wiser idea for a female to help a lamia with stuck shedding instead."

Zecora spoke "Exactly ssssso a warm bath ssssshould help...."

Knocking was heard.

Danyelle spoke "Whoever's there better not sneak up behind me or they'll get a flame kick to the stomach."

A voice spoke "Instant delivery!"

Danyelle asks "Who the cuss are you?"

Zecora had a heated towel on her snake half.

The door opened, revealing Derpy hooves. “Meal delivery from Tonio and Saffron to Zecora.”

Danyelle spoke "Oh sorry Derpy, you kinda caught Zecora in a rather embarrassing state... Plus snakes shed their skin all the time, it's a reptile thing though."

Danyelle carefully peels off the dead skin from Zecora's snake half and puts it into a bucket.

Derpy asks "Uh… is it okay for a meal delivery here?"

Zecora spoke "As long it'ssss okay with the sssspa poniessss...."

Aloe spoke "I suppose it is alright."

Lotus spoke "Yes, I think that’s agreeable."

Derpy removed the cover of the dish for Zecora, revealed to be a dish familiar to Danyelle from how Lillian told her.

Danyelle asks "Is this insalata caprese with mozzarella?"

Derpy spoke "Uh… I think so."

Danyelle got most of the dead skin off Zecora's tail.

Danyelle spoke "Okay Zecora, the tail tip is all that's left but since it's a rather sensitive spot for lamias... I'd appreciate it if you don't attempt to choke me while I deal with the tail tip."

Zecora spoke "Okay, I’ll try. And jusssst make ssssure that you don’t die."

Danyelle spoke "My bones are hollow though so try not to hit me too hard."

A few minutes later, Danyelle helped get the last of shedded skin off Zecora and they had a meal.

Zecora spoke "Change in seasons can do that to a *yawn* lamia...."

But then the lights started flickering.

Danyelle's claws glow with a light spell.

Danyelle spoke "I think power's starting to fail...."

A voice spoke "You’re wrong about that!"

They suddenly turned around and saw an outlet sparking.

Danyelle growls "What the?"

Then a humanoid bird covered in electricity emerged from the outlet.

“So you’re Queen-Alpha Danyelle.” the bird spoke.

Danyelle growls "Alpha-Queen actually but yes, who the *yay* are you?"

The bird spoke "Just so you know, I’m a stand, and I’m known as Chili Pepper. I heard you were strong, so I came here to test that."

Danyelle spoke "I may seem weak but piss me off and you'll see how mad I can get..."

Chili Pepper spoke "Well then, I’ll let you strike, ladies first and all that. Come on, give me your best shot."

Danyelle spoke "We should take this fight elsewhere since I'd rather not have several folks yelling at me if the spa got destroyed."

*One teleportation and crossfusion later*

MegaDanyelle spoke "We can go all out here!"

Chili Pepper looked around and saw where they were at. “Well, whaddya know? We’re at the docks.”

MegaDanyelle spoke "Horseshoe Bay actually, it's away from other places so that I don't destroy things if I went on a rampage."

Chili Pepper spoke "Well, I’m still letting you take the first hit. So gimme your best shot."

MegaDanyelle hits Pepper with a Chaos Buster attack.

MegaDanyelle laughs "How'd that taste, pepperface?"

Chili Pepper thinks "Gah! No way! She’s faster than I thought!"

MegaDanyelle laughs "That's because my biological brother has Sonic's speed now! Crossfusion lets me add that speed to my own!"

Chili Pepper growls "Dammit! I let my arrogance get the best of me!"

MegaDanyelle spoke "Face it pepperface, you can't keep up with one of the fastest Mobians there is!"

Chili Pepper asks "Oh yeah?"

Then a male kappa Mobian with purple hair, wearing a rockstar outfit and having a guitar showed up.

The kappa spoke "And it was pure luck that you found me."

MegaDanyelle asks "Who are you?"

the kappa spoke "The name is Akira Otoishi! And I’m the stand user of Chili Pepper! But you don’t know of his special ability!"

More electricity started to surge around Chili Pepper.

Fire swirls around MegaDanyelle.

MegaDanyelle spoke "you forget, I CONTROL FIRE!!"

Chili Pepper spoke "Heh! With this much power, I'll only need to use my pinky finger to beat you."

But then in an instant, MegaDanyelle broke Akira's pinky finger on his left hand.

MegaDanyelle spoke "This is why people don't cuss with an Alpha-Queen, especially one who has children."

"Grr...!!! Why you...!!!" Akira growled as he started groaning in pain. "The pain in my finger is unbearable! I have to redirect it onto something! Grr...!!! This gnawing rage! Who should I direct it at?!" Akira asked as his groans became more intense before he roared as his pinky finger fixed itself before he did a guitar solo.

Akira then suddenly became calm. "Ah! That was pure ecstasy! My heart is free again! There's no greater euphoria than letting your blistering rage fly!"

MegaDanyelle spoke "EAT CHAOS BLAST!!!!"

The attack sends Akira flying.

But then MegaDanyelle suddenly found Akira right behind her. "What the?!"

Akira spoke "If you're thinking I moved, you're dead wrong. You're the one who moved! You turned a full one eighty. Think about it, you're facing the ocean."

MegaDanyelle looked forward and saw that Akira was right!

MegaDanyelle spoke "Dang pepperface!"

Akira spoke "If you wanna know how, I suggest you look down."

MegaDanyelle looked down and saw a lot of storm drains, knowing that Chili Pepper was hiding in underground electrical lines.

Akira spoke "A little soul searching always gives me the boost I need to bring the pain!"

Chili Pepper emerged from one of the storm drains behind MegaDanyelle as she tried to attack him, but the stand struck faster than MegaDanyelle before disappearing into the storm drains again.

Due to her anger, the crossfusion cancelled out.

Danyelle growls "Piss off!! It's bad enough that my biological brother is a NetNavi, my dad hates me an my mom is dead!!!"

Danyelle struck the ground in rage, shattering a spot of it.

Akira spoke "While you have my sympathies, I should warn you. Here in the harbor, there is no luxury of digging up asphalt and severing all the wires. However, the bigger the opening you make in the ground..."

Chili Pepper emerged from the hole in the ground and punched Danyelle as Zecora showed up from a teleportation done by Twilight.

Chili Pepper spoke "The easier it is to surface from below and punch your lights out!"

Zecora spoke "Danyelle!"

The nekomata-gryphicorn tribrid was knocked out cold on the ground.

A sudden roar sent Akira flying far.

Ben growls "Leave my wife alone!"

*Zecora's POV*

No! I need to do something to help Danyelle! But how?

"So you want to help those you see fit?" A mysterious female elderly voice asked before my heard started unbelievably aching as I screamed in pain while my irises turned golden-yellow. "You want to be kind to your allies and wicked to your enemies? Very well, then let us make a deal. I am thou... Thou art I. It is time to make a new brew. Your hut shall always be nearby, no matter where you go!"

I roared as a tiki mask appeared on my face, before I grabbed it to tear it off. "Baba Yaga!!!" I shouted as I found myself in a new outfit, wearing tribal clothes of my homeland with a few features of a witch. And behind me was my hut from the Everfree Forest, walking on its roots, as the spirit of a chicken-legged cabin was behind the spirit of an elderly human witch next to me on a pot-shaped mortar, wielding a combination of a magical staff and pestle.

Akira was suddenly back as Ben was somehow turned to the sea. "So you're her husband, aren't ya?"

But Ben hadn't been moved at all for some reason.

Chili Pepper then started moving from opening to opening like a whack-a-mole on steroids! But then Baba Yaga made a potion as she threw it at Danyelle, healing her and helping her regain consciousness while some kind of tar covered the openings of the storm drains.

Danyelle yowls loud as fire engulfed her as she transformed into Danyterasu.

Danyterasu bops Chili on the head several times since her front paws were as fast as lightning, giving him no chance to dodge.

Danyterasu spoke "Thanks for spilling that tar on the storm drains, Zecora! They helped me find out where Chili Pepper was going to pop up next!"

But then Chili Pepper started shining extremely bright.

Akira spoke "I underestimated you, Danyelle! I was too focused on my presentation again, I should've just gone in for the kill! And now, I'll focus all of Horseshoe Bay's electricity into Chili Pepper!"

Chili shouts "This is my last resort! Using this technique means temporarily knocking out power all over town, which I'm forced to draw in for my lifeblood! Time to end this!"

Chili Pepper shined as brightly as the sun before he dashed right for the right of Danyterasu's face.

Danyterasu spoke "Idiot."

Danyteraus punched Chili Pepper as he fell into the ocean.

Chili Pepper whines "NO!!! Not the ocean! Anything but the ocean!"

Electricity started to disperse form Chili Pepper.

Chili Pepper spoke "I'm sorry I tried to kill you! Please! Just get me outta here!"

Danyterasu pulled Chili out of the water.

Danyterasu spoke "next time, I won't be so benevolent..."

Then Chili Pepper disappeared, with Akira standing completely still, having passed out on his feet.

Danyterasu spoke "He's lucky that I didn't go to my final form."

Baba Yaga and her cabin disappeared as the voodoo mask appeared on my face again with my hut still standing on its roots, much to Danyterasu and Ben's shock.

Danyterasu spoke "Anyways.... We should head home. Something tells me Spike just got his wings."

Danyterasu engulfed herself in fire once more, reverting back to her normal self.

Danyelle teleported all of us and my hut about to the School of Friendship, as we saw Spike, Buttercream and Shigechi flying overhead us.

Danyelle spoke "Called it!"

But as Spike landed on the ground with a smile, I looked up, seeing something that made me giggle.

I spoke "The molt can bring about many things, but I'm glad the last was a new pair of wings!"

Danyelle asks "But why are you giggling?"

“Now now, there’s no need to pout. Just look up and find out.” I said as Danyelle looked up before smiling.

Danyelle spoke "Well, looks like Buttercream has found her special drake."

Spike spoke "I just hope they decide to wait a few years before having kids."
