• Published 1st Dec 2022
  • 1,665 Views, 47 Comments

Godzilla: Battle of Equestria - TheUnknownPhantom5

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Chapter 1: Prolouge

Western Pacific Ocean
Somewhere off the cost of The Philippines.

Godzilla slowly glided across the ocean. The Alpha Titan swam in a straight line with no destination in mind. He just went were the current took him. As he swam he saw many different creatures ranging from small fish to large humpback whales. However they were dwarfed by the sheer size of the king of the monsters. There was also something else following Godzilla. It thought that Godzilla didn't notice it, but he was very aware of it's presence.

The thing following Godzilla was a submarine built by MONARCH dubbed the USS MINILLA. It was built at the request of both Doctor Mark Russell. Husband of the late Emma Russell, and father of new recruit Madison Russell. And his new wife Doctor Ilene Chen in response to Godzilla's rampages back in 2024. Of course those rampages were just to stop the organization APEX from destroying the planet with their machine Mechagodzilla that had been built using one of the skulls of the alien creature King Ghidorah. Fortunately for humanity Godzilla, and fellow Alpha King Kong worked together to stop the Mecha after a brutal fight between the two of them earlier on. However, despite Godzilla's rampage being for a noble reason no one in MONARCH wanted to take the chance of the possiblity of Godzilla going on another rampage so now he was being closely monitored.

On the bridge of the submarine the crew was monitoring Godzilla's every move, and reporting back everything he did. Captain Goro Maki watched from afar with his assistant Emiko Shiragami. Both were members of MONARCH who had been put in charge of the sub after it's creation. The two of them were highly trusted by both MONARCH and the US and Japanese Governments. Goro had been a former Japanese Navy veteran, and Emiko was a college grad who had a degree in science and research.

"It's been four years since the battle in Hong Kong, and all Gojira does is swim in the ocean, I really don't think there's anything to worry about". Emiko pointed out. "Besides Gojira only surfaces when there is a threat to the planet". Goro nodded his head.

"I agree, but this is a direct order from the Government. Gojira went on a rampage before, and we can't be sure he won't do it again". Emiko sighed and looked out at the crew.

"I don't know why Doctor. Serizawa was so fascinated with, but whatever the reason, I can see that you are indeed an amazing creature". She thought to herself. All of a sudden Emiko was taken out of her thoughts by one of the crew members calling out.

"Godzilla's stopped moving"! Captain Maki walked up to the man to get more information.

"What do you mean"? He asked.

"I mean he's stopped moving". The man replied. "He's just floating there". Goro thought for a moment before speaking.

"Pull up the monitor, let's see exactly what Gojira is doing".

"Roger". Said the man as he pulled up said monitor. Sure enough when everyone looked they Saw Godzilla simply floating in place. His eyes seemed to be fixed on something. However, whatever it was the people in the submarine could not see it.

"What's he staring it"? Emiko asked.

"I'm not sure". Goro replied, but we should keep an eye on him.

"Maybe it's another monster, and there will be a fight". Said one of the crew members.

"I hope so, I've never seen a Godzilla fight before". Said another excitedly as the too began to giggle.

"SILENCE"! Captain Goro Maki bellowed. "Report what Gojira is doing now". He ordered.

"Yes sir". One of the crew members said as he began to send a message, while Emiko continued to stare. Unbeknownst to anyone on the Submarine, what Godzilla had spotted was a strange light in the distance. It was a light he had never seen before. What made this light most interesting to him however was the fact it was the middle of the day, and yet the light shown brightly. Godzilla didn't know what it was, but he did not like the look of it. All of a sudden without warning Godzilla shot off in the direction of the light.

"He's on the move"! Shouted a recruit.

"Quick after him"! Maki ordered.

"He's moving too fast, will never catch up to him"! Said a crew member.

"I don't care"! Goro shouted. I am captain of this sub, and I told you to go after him"! Not wanting to disobey an order to crew member shot off in an attempt to catch up to Godzilla. However the monster king was much too fast. No matter how hard to submarine tried it just couldn't keep up with him. Then all of a sudden.

"He's gone"! The crew member shouted.

"What"?! Asked Emiko.

"What do you mean he's gone"? Goro demanded.

"I mean exactly that he just disappeared off the monitor, and off the radar.

"Do you think maybe he just went somewhere where sonars can't track him, like deep into a trench, or maybe the Hollow Earth"? Emiko asked.

"It's possible, but still we need to return to base and report what happend". "RETURN TO BASE"!

"YESSIR"! The entire submarine crew shouted.

Unknown part of Equestria

Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow sat in Grogar's lair bored out of their minds. Grogar had summoned them about half an hour ago to discuss a new plan he had come out with. However he was taking his sweet time to get there, and Chrysalis was growing impatient.

"Ugh when is that old goat going to get here". She groaned. "I'm sick and tired of waiting.

"Tell me about it". Tirek agreed. I mean he asks us to be here at a very specific time, and yet he's the one who's late. Talk about unprofessional".

"I heard that". A voice echo. The three villains turned to see the monstrous ram walking towards them carrying a book. The book had a very interesting cover that immediately made Cozy Glow excited.

"Oooh, what's that is it a spell book"? She asked giddily. Even Tirek and Chrysalis were somewhat interested in the book Grogar had.

"Yes, this is a spell book". Grogar said making Cozy Glow even more excited. "HOWEVER"! Grogar boomed before Cozy Glow could ask any questions. "This is a summoning spell book".

"A summoning book"? Chrysalis pondered. Grogar nodded.

"Yes, with this book I plan to summon a giant destructive monster from another dimension to destroy Equestria, and bring Twilight Sparkle down to her knees". Grogar informed his recruits.

"How will you control it when it gets here"? Tirek asked

"With my bewitching bell of course". Grogar replied

"Um no offense Grogar sir, but why not just use your bell to take control of giant monsters that are already in Equestria". Asked Cozy Glow.

Because the monsters here aren't that destructive, and Twilight Sparkle could easily bring any of them down on her own. I need a monster that the Mane Six won't be able to defeat with their dammed Elements of Harmony". Grogar said. He then lit up his horns, and blasted the book. The book began to float in the air as what appeared to be a blue portal appeared in the air. Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow looked on in awe as the portal got larger, and larger before all of a sudden just shrinking and disappearing.

"Well that was anticlimactic". Chrysalis stated.

"The spell didn't work". Grogar growled angrily.

"What do you mean it didn't work"? Asked Tirek.

"Exactly what I said! It didn't work"! Grogar bellowed.

"So what now"? Asked Cozy Glow.

"I'm going to figure this book out, and you three are going to continue on learning how to work together"! Grogar ordered.

"You got it"! Cozy Glow said with a smile as Tirek, and Chrysalis groaned. However what none of them knew was that the spell actually did work. It's just that the monster was summoned somewhere else.

South Equestria Sea

The portal that Grogar had opened did indeed summon a creature. After he had performed the spell a second portal opened in the South Equestrian Sea. The portal just so happend to be the light Godzilla had seen before, and within a few minutes he came bursting through it roaring loudly to make his presence known.


Author's Note:

This is the first chapter of my New Fanficton Godzilla: Battle of Equestria.

My hope is for this to become a fanfiction that's worthy of being possibly made into a fan film one day. I'm a huge Godzilla fan so It's time I made something about him I think. Let's also see if any of you eagle eyed fans can spot any refrences to past Godzilla films in this story. I put some obivous ones in this chapter alone.