• Published 1st Dec 2022
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Godzilla: Battle of Equestria - TheUnknownPhantom5

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Chapter 8: Hot Air Balloon Travel

"The Hot Air Balloon flew high in the air, as the Monster Trackers began their journey on their quest to find a creature that so far only Apple Bloom has seen in person. It will be a long, perilless journey, but with their strong friendship, and trust in each other, this group of ponies will".

"What are you doing"? Scootaloo asked Sweetie Belle with a very annoyed expression on her face.

"Um, I'm narrating our adventure, obivously". Sweetie Belle replied.

"Um, why"? Scootaloo asked.

"So the audiance can know what we're doing"! Sweetie Belle explained, that only confused Scootaloo even more.

"What the, what audiance"? She asked. Sweetie Belle just looked out into the distance, and said nothing. "Ooookay, well I'm gonna go over there, and away from, whatever it is you're doing"? With That Scootaloo left.

"Whatever". Sweetie Belle muttered. Meanwhile Twilight was working with the balloon, making sure it stayed up as Fluttershy walked up to her.

"Twilight do you know where you're going"? She asked.

"Nope, not at all". Twilight replied confusing Fluttershy.

"I know I agreed to this, but don't you think we should've had some sort of plan in case something goes wrong"? Fluttershy asked. Twilight turned to face Fluttershy.

"Don't worry everything will be fine, besides I want Apple Bloom to know she's not alone". Twilight said looking over to the filly who was looking down from the balloon.

"Applejack has been way to hard on her, I hope she realizes there are better ways to protect her then locking her away". Fluttershy said.

"Applejack's probably going to kill us when she finds out what we did". Twilight sighed, to which Fluttershy nodded.


"Yes Fluttershy"?

"Do any of our friends actually know what we're doing"? Fluttershy asked.

"Only Spike, and Starlight, though they promised to keep it secret". Twilight replied.

Meanwhile Toola Roola, Cococnut Cream, and Petuina we're sitting on the other side of the balloon.

"This is so exciting". Toola Roola exclaimed.

"I know! I mean we're going on an adventure with Princess Twilight, not only that but we're hunting for a giant monster"! Coconut Cream stated.

"This is going to be so much fun". Petuina said happily as the three of them continued to talk. On another area of the balloon Diamond Tiara, and Apple Bloom we're playing go fish with each other.

"Got any threes"? Apple Bloom asked. Diamond Tiara looked, and saw that she didn't have any threes.

"Go fish". She said to her friend. Apple Bloom picked up a card from the the pile infront of her. "Apple Bloom"? Diamond Tiara then said. Apple Bloom didn't look up as she expected Diamond to just ask her for a card she might have. "Do you know why I started bullying you"? Diamond Tiara then asked taking Apple Bloom completely by suprise.

"What, where did this come from all of a sudden"? Apple Bloom asked. Diamond Tiara shurgged. "Well, I just thought it was because you got your cutie mark before I did". Apple Bloom replied. Diamond Tiara shook her head.

"That was only part of the reason, but it wasn't the main reason." Diamond Tiara replied sadly.

"Then what was the main reason"? Asked Apple Blom.

"The main reason I bullied you, was because I was jealous of you". Diamond Tiara replied. This reavlation took Apple Bloom completely by suprise.

"Jealous, why would you be jealous of me, considering how rich you are! I mean you have everything I could only dream of"! Apple Bloom replied.

"Accept a loving family". Diamond Tiara stated.

"What"? Asked Apple Bloom

"There is one thing you have that I don't. A family who loves, and cares for you. A sister, and brother for you to play with, a grandmother to teach you the rights and wrongs, and let's not forget all of your cousins, and aunts, and uncles. My father is always busy with his work, and well, you know what my mother is like". Diamond Tiara explained. Apple Bloom didn't know what to say to that, so she just got up, and looked down at Ghastly Gourge as Scootaloo walked over to her.

"Hey Apple Bloom", she greeted. Apple Bloom turned to face her.

"Oh, hey Scootaloo". Apple Bloom greeted as she continued to look down.

"Any specfic reason why you're looking down at Ghastly Gourge, do you think the monster might be there"? Scootaloo asked. Apple Bloom shook her head.

"First of all, how am I supposed to know where he'll be, and second of all no, there's no specfic reason why I'm looking down at Ghastly Gourge. At least no reason any of you need to be concerned about". Apple Bloom muttered to herself".

"What was that"? Asked Scootaloo.

"Nothing", replied Apple Bloom. Just then they heard a low rumbling sound.

"What the hell was that"? Asked Scootaloo as everypony looked around for the source of the noise. Just then Sweetie Belle raised her hoof.

"Sorry, that was me". She said sheepishly. "I'm hungry".

"Come to think of it so am I". Petuina replied.

"Me too". Said Toola Roola. Twilight then chuckled nervously.

"Oh, heh heh".

"What"? Asked Fluttershy raising an eyebrow.

"I, uh didn't bring any food". Twilight replied. Everypony looked at her.

"How ironic. You're floating in the middle of the air, and you starve to death". Scootaloo said sarcasticly.

"Hey I was in a rush okay". Twilight said trying to defend herself.

"Still, you should have thought about what we we're going to eat". Sweetie Belle said. Twilight sighed.

"I'm sorry". She said. Everyone just looked at each other again.

"So, now what"? Asked Petuina.

"I don't know, but I'm so hungry", complained Sweetie Belle.

"Oh don't worry I brought cupcakes for the trip". Pinkie Pie said handing Sweetie Belle a chocolate cupcake with sprinkles. Sweetie Belle smiled.

"Thanks Pinkie Pie, she said, and was about to take a bite of the cupcake when she did a double take. "Wait, Pinkie Pie?!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

"Hiya". The pink earth pony said with a smile on her face as everypony stared at her.

"Okay where did you even come from, and how did you even get up here"? Scootaloo asked.

"I flew". Pinkie Pie replied, confusing Scootaloo even more.

"What, but how did you, when you're? You know what, I'm not even going to question because I know it will never be answered". Scootaloo stated. Twilight, and Fluttershy meanwhile walked up to Pinkie Pie.

"Um, it's good to have you on this trip Pinkie Pie". Twilight said.

"Why are you here"? Asked Fluttershy.

"Well, duh did you guys think I was going to let you go on an adventur without me? This seems way to exciting to sit out of, now have some cupcakes". Pinkie Pie told everypony as she gave a cupcake to everyone in the balloon. The girls at the cupcakes in about five minutes.

"Thanks Pinkie Pie". Said Apple Bloom.

"No problem replied Pinkie Pie. Just then her stomach growled again. "Oops, guess I'm still hungry", Pinkie Pie giggled.

"Yeah, those cupcakes defenitly weren't enough. Fluttershy stated. Just then Toola Roola spotted something.

"Hey look down there", she called out.

"What is it"? Asked Coconut Cream.

"There's a town down there, maybe it will have some sort of cafe or something". Toola Roola replied. Twilight thought for a moment.

"Yeah, we can land". She said as she brought the hot air balloon down into the town. Sure enough there was a small cafe. The girls all walked inside, and Twilight went up to the counter.

"Hello welcome to our cafe", said the lady at the front desk.

Twilight looked back at the others. They all nodded.

"Can we get some pancakes please"? Twilight asked.

"Coming right up". Said the waitress as the girls went to a booth to wait. After about ten minuets the food arrived, and they all started eating.

"These are probably the best second best pancakes I've ever had". Coconut Cream stated.

"Oh really, what are the best pancakes"? Asked Diamond Tiara.

"The ones from Sugarcube Corner". They all said at once and laughed. However their laughter wouldn't laugh, as two poines, a mare, and stalion walked in, and looked over at them, specficllay at Apple Bloom, who looked away feeling uncomfortable.

"What's their deal"? Asked Scootaloo.

"Just ignore them". Said Apple Bloom as she continued eating. Just then she heard the stalion speaking.

"I say dear someponies really need to watch what they eat", he said. Apple Bloom continued to ignore them.

"Oh you're quite right". The mare said. Just then they walked up to Apple Bloom who continued to ignore them.

"Hello dear". Said the stalion.

"Can I help you". Apple Bloom asked.

"Back off". Scootaloo said getting agressive towards the newcommers, but they ignored her as the mare spoke to Apple Bloom.

"Don't you think you've had enoguh"? She asked. Apple Bloom shook her head.

"I'm fine thanks". She said. Apple Bloom could tell they we're tryng to get under her skin, and it was working.

"Well, said the Stalion. "We don't think you should be eating that much".

"And why not"? Asked Apple Bloom.

"Well, because you're already so fat". The mare replied. That did it, hearing those words caused Apple Bloom to snap, as she got up, and ran into the bathroom.

"Apple Bloom"! Sweetie Belle called out, as she and Diamond Tiara ran after her while Scootaloo was being held back by Petuina, Toola Roola, and Concunt Cream.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TO MY FRIEND"?! Scootaloo screamed, as the couple just laughed. Meanwhile in the bathroom Apple Bloom locked herself in the last stall, and sat in the corner as memories came flooding back to her. She remembered the reason why she was looking over Ghasly Gourge. It was because of something Spoiled Rich had said to her a few months back

"Why don't you do everypony a favor, and take a swan dive off of Ghastly Gourge"..

Apple Bloom began to hyperventle, her swet dripping onto the hard cold tile covered floor, she was in the middle of a full blown panic attack just as Sweetie Belle, and Diamond Tiara came bursting in. When they did, they saw Apple Bloom in the corner muttering to herself.

"ImsorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorry". She cried. Sweetie Belle said nothing, and just went over to hug her friend, with Diamond Tiara joining in as the others came into the bathroom. They all hugged Apple Bloom too.