• Published 1st Dec 2022
  • 1,665 Views, 47 Comments

Godzilla: Battle of Equestria - TheUnknownPhantom5

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Chapter 4: Hiking Adventure

Morning seemed to come eariler then expected for Apple Bloom. She groaned as she opened her eyes. She looked over at the clock it red 6:30am. Now normally Apple Bloom didn't have to be up until 7:00, and get to school at 8, but today her class was going on a special camp out, and she wanted to make it there on time. Especailly with all the effort she put into convincing Applejack to let her go. Apple Bloom made the arguement that she would stay near Miss Cheerlie, and her friends at all times, and would never wonder off on her own. With that in mind Apple Bloom got out of bed, and hoped in the shower. Once she was down Apple Bloom looked at herself in the mirror. She then remembered Spoiled Rich's comment about her weight. Despite Twilight, and Fluttershy's attempts to make her feel better she was still feeling a bit self councious. However she knew she didn't have time to worry about did, and so she headed downstairs.

"Morin everypony". She greeted. Granny Smith, and Big Macintosh both smiled at her, but Applejack was still a little miffed about the other night. "Heh, So um how is everypony doing"? Apple Bloom asked.

"Oh were all just find dear". Granny Smith said with a smile before giving Apple Bloom a plate of pancakes, and toast. Apple Bloom smiled.

"Thanks Granny". Apple Bloom smiled happily.

"Do you remember what you promised"? Applejack suddendly asked. Apple Bloom sighed.

"Yes, I know stay with the group, and don't wonder off on my own". Apple Bloom stated.

"That's right". Applejack replied. "You know yer lucky I'm even allowin you to go on this trip considering how dangerous it is".

Apple Bloom looked down and didn't say anything. She understood that her sister was on edge, but she didn't need to be so overprotective.

"Hey speak when your spoken to"! Applejack shouted causing Apple Bloom to flinch.

"Right sorry". Apple Bloom stated just as Sugar Belle came into the room.

"Applejack don't be like that" she stated as she gave Apple Bloom her saddle bag. Applejack just rolled her eyes.

"Well I think it's best you get going now, don't wanna be late now do you"? Granny Smith stated. Apple Bloom nodded, and got up from her seat. She hugged her family goodbye, grabbed her saddle bag, and headed out the door, while Applejack looked on nervously.

"Oh quit your worrying Applejack, Apple Bloom is going to be just fine". Granny Smith stated.

"Eeyup". Big Macintosh replied. Applejack sighed.

"I know, it's just ever since". Granny Smith intterupted Applejack before she could finish.

"I know you're still worried espsecially after what happend with King Sombra, but need I remind that Big Mac, and I were also controlled".

"Eeyup". Big Mac replied.

"So were Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo". Granny Smith stated.

"Eeyup, so was Spike". Big Mac inquired.

"And do you see Rarity, Rainbow Dash, or Twilight being overprotective of them"? Granny Smith asked while glaring at Applejack hoping that her words would get through to her granddaughter.

"Don't tell me how to raise her". Applejack finally stated. "Rarity, and the others obiousally just don't care about their families like I do". Applejack turned and walked towards the trees to begin the day's work as Granny Smith, and Big Macinotsh stared in shock at what she said.

Meanwhile Apple Bloom was making her way towards Ponyville Schoolhouse, she had a smile on her face, and was feeling much better then she had the other day. When she saw Spoiled Rich. Not wanting to be seen by her Apple Bloom ducked behind a building, and waited. Once Spoiled Rich left Apple Bloom continued on her way to school where she saw Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo and hapily went up to them.

"Hey Apple Bloom". Scootaloo greeted excitedly.

"Hey". Apple Bloom replied happily.

"Are you exicted about the trip today"? Sweetie Belle asked. Apple Bloom looked up and nodded, as Sweetie Belle cocked her head. "Apple Bloom are you okay" Sweetie Belle asked.

"What"? Apple Bloom asked confused.

"You look a bit on edge" Scootaloo replied

"Yeah, are okay"? Sweetie Belle asked. Apple Bloom nodded.

"Yeah, course I'm fine, it's just".

"Just what"? Sweetie Belle asked urging Apple Bloom to continue.

"I ran into Diamond Tiara's mother yesterday". Apple Bloom stated. Hearing that Scootaloo's face boiled.

"What did she do to you"? She snarled.

Apple Bloom raised her hoofs up her. "N-nothing she just laughed at me for cleaning out the pigpen at the farm, and she mentioned how I would be nothing but a useless farm filly who will never get anywhere in life".

"What"?! Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo said in unison

"That self entitled bitch. Where the hell does she get off talking about Apple Bloom like that"?! Scootaloo exclaimed as she punched a wall

"Girls please calm down it's no big deal, and please don't tell Diamond Tiara about this either". Apple Bloom begged. We all became friends, and I don't want anything to ruin that.

"It's okay". A voice said from behind the CMCs. They turned to see Diamond Tiara, and Silverspoon standing with very serious looks on their faces. "I already know what my mother has been doing".

"You do"? Asked Sweetie Belle.

Diamond Tiara nodded. "I confronted her about it a couple weeks ago, told her to stop, and that she can't talk about my friend like that, but she said I have no right to speak since I now assoiacte with "Commaners".

Hearing that the CMCs gasped in shock.

"Commaners"! Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

"How dare she"! Scootaloo stated. Diamond Tiara sighed.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault you get treated like this Apple Bloom". She apologized. Apple Bloom wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled at Diamond.

"It's not your fault at all, I'm glad we became friends after everything". She said happily. Diamond Tiara smiled.

"Thanks, I'm glad I'm no longer a mean filly.

"Hey speaking of mean fillies, what about that pegagus filly you helped with test at the School of Friendship". Silverspoon asked.

"You mean Cozy Glow"? Asked Sweetie Belle.

"Yeah". Silverspoon replied. "What happend to her".

"Well she can stay in tartarus for all care". Scootaloo stated.

"Yeah. We helped her, and offered her friendship, and then that little bitch stabs us, and everypony in the back for no reason"! Sweetie Belle agreed.

"But you don't know her backstory, don't know what made her the way she is". Diamond Tiara stated. "When you guys followed me you found out what my home life was like, and how cruel my mother was. Maybe something similar happend with Cozy Glow, but she had no one to help her out, and so she turned to villainy."

"Diamond Tiara has a good point, maybe".

"Children". Apple Bloom was intterupted by the voice of Miss Cheerlie calling to them. "Line up, it's time to get going".

"Come on girls let's meet up with the others". Diamond Tiara stated. The five fillies went to meet up with Toola Roola, Coconut, Cream, and Petiuna Paleo. They then waited for Miss Cheerlie to give instructions on what to do during the trip.

"Good morning boys and girls". Miss Cheerlie greeted with a smile.

"Good morning Miss Cheerlie". The students greeted back. Miss Cheerlie's smile remained as she pulled down a map in front of the chalk board.

"Now I know all of you are excited for are little hiking trip today, but I need to lay down some rules before we can go". Miss Cheerlie stated. That of course was met with serveal groans of frustration from the children. "I know, I know, but we need to know how to be safe when on this trip. "Now take a look at this map". She said pointing to a long path on the. "Are hike will start here on this path, it should take us about half an hour to walk it. Then we will come to the big open area where we will stop for lunch. Everypony have lunch with them"? Miss Cheerlie asked. The students all nodded. "Good". Miss Cheerlie smiled as she continued. "After lunch we will head over this way to this lake to rest and have fun. Now remember children the number one rule is don't wander off, and stay with the group. Now who's ready for an adventure"! Miss Cheerlie cheered. The students all cheered in response.

Arriving the the beginning of the trail, the hike began. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all stayed togther. Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon were a little ways ahead, as well as Petuina, Toola Roola, and Coconut Cream.

"Have either of you been to this part of the forest"? Sweetie Belle asked.

"No, this is all new to me". Scootaloo said.

"I'm not allowed to leave the house unless it's for school, or to solve a cutie mark problem". Apple Bloom replied. Hearing that Scootaloo turned to Apple Bloom.

"Okay real talk Apple Bloom, that sounds very controlling, and well not good".

"Yeah, I think you should reble aganist Applejack, and proove to her you can take care of yourself". Sweetie Belle replied.

"Last time I did that I almost got eaten by a Chimera! I ain't letting that happen again". Apple Bloom stated.

"Oh....... Right" Scootaloo rememebered.

"Well then what are you gonna do"? Asked Sweetie Belle.

"Hopefully just wait for Applejack to calm down, and that Granny Smith, and Big Mac can talk some sense into her." Apple Bloom replied.

"Oh. Well just let us know if you need anything". Scootaloo said. Apple Bloom smiled at her friends as the continued with the group. The hike was going extremley well, and nothing had gone wrong so far. Apple Bloom couldn't help but breath a sigh of relief, perhaps if everything went well, and she came back safe and sound Applejack would finally stop being so overprotective.

"Hey look at Apple Bloom". Sweetie Belle said. Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara, Silverspoon, Toola Roola, Coconut Cream, and Petunia all looked over at the earth pony filly to see her grinning from ear to ear. Their hearts melted at the sight.

"It's been so long since I've seen her smile like that". Toola Roola stated.

"With everything she's dealing with, this is good for her". Coconut Cream replied.

"Apple Bloom come one, you don't wanna be left behind". Silverspoon called out. Apple Bloom turned, and quickly ran to catch up with the group. After about 30 minutes of walking the class finally made it to the area where they would be having lunch.

"Okay children, place down your blankets, and enjoy lunch". Miss Cheerlie told her students. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Toola Roola, Coconut Cream, Diamond Tiara, Silverspoon, and Petuina all sat down on a blakent that Sweetie Belle brought from home.

"This is so nice". Apple Bloom smiled gleefully. I'm so happy Applejack let me come on this trip.

"We're happy that you're here". Sweetie Belle replied.

"Yeah, seeing you smile, and having fun with us really brings back the old times". Scootaloo stated. Everyone nodded in agreement, Apple Bloom smiled, she felt so happy that her friends all were happy, without heasitation she hugged all of them, and they all smiled. However that was quickly intterupeted by the arrival of Tender Taps. Seeing him Apple Bloom's smile quickly deflated as she shrunk back behind the others who glared at Tender Taps.

"What do you want"?! Diamond Tiara demaned causing Tender Taps to look at her.

"I want to talk to Apple Bloom, so get out of my way" Tender Taps demanded shocking the girls.

"Well she clearly doesn't want to talk to you" Petuina replied.

"Yeah espesically after what you did to her" Sweetie Belle stated. Tender Taps was taken aback by their hostitly.

"Listen here what happened between us is none of your business, now get out of my way so I can".

"Just get out of here Taps, I don't wanna talk to you or see you". Apple Bloom spoke up causing Tender Taps to glare at her.

"Did you just intterupt me"? He asked. Apple Bloom just looked down and stayed silent.

"Yeah she did", Scootaloo spoke up, "So do what she said and get the hell out of here. Tender Taps was about to speak up, but seeing he was outnumbered he just snarled and walked away. Apple Bloom meanwhile was shaking from the interaction.

"Apple Bloom are you okay"? Silverspoon asked concerend. Apple Bloom looked up and nooded.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" Apple Bloom replied before getting up. "Excuse me for a moment I'll be right back" she stated before running off into the trees as her friends looked on worried.

Elsewhere away from the group Snips and Snails were sneaking away from the others.

"Are you sure this is such as good idea"? Snails asked.

"Of course, I know that cave is right through these trees." Snips replied as he and Snails walked towards in the direction Snips said they should go. "Here it is"! Snips exclaimed excitedly as he walked inside, Snails following close behind.

"What are we looking for anyways"? Snails asked.

"I heard there's a bunch of treasure in this cave, if we get it just imagine how rich will be". Snips replied.

"But why would we want so much treasure"? Snails asked.

"Duh so we can be rich". Snips replied. Hearing that Snails began to imagine swiming in a pool of dimaonds, and emrealds. Suddendly this idea Snips had didn't seem to be so bad. "Come on Snails let's go". Snips said as he walked further into the cave.

"Coming". Snails called out. The two colts walked for a few feet until the came to a large area, and there it was. The treasure Snips was talking about.

"Oh ho ho, there it is Snails, are key to getting close to the eight cutest girls in class". Snips smiled giddley.

"Let's go"! Snails exclaimed. The two of them ran towards the gold, and began collecting anything they could get their hooves on, including, an dimaond, and ruby, and even a large emreld. Once they felt like they got enough they began to leave, when all of sudden they heard a low growl.

"Uh, what was that". Snails asked nervously.

"Uh I'm sure it was nothing". Snips chuckled, but he soon took it back when a large shadow loomed above them, and they felt hot breath on the the back of their necks. Snips and Snails both turned around. There standing behind them, was a larage black dragon. It had sharp claws, and spikes, huge jagged teeth, and glowing red eyes. The dragon saw the two colts holding it's treasure, and growled angrily.

"Oh, hey is this your's"? Snips asked. "Well don't worry we're going to put it all back right Snails".

"Right". Snails replied. The two of them then ran foward the put the jewels back where they found them, however Snails tripped over a rock, bumping into Snails, the two then rolled into the pile of gems which went flying into the air, and then the gems landed, and when they did, they all completly shattered.

"Heh heh, oops". Snips chuckled nervously. When the dragon saw his treasure being destroyed he became filled with rage. He let out a huge roar at the two colts who screamed and ran for their lives out of the caveren.

Back with the others Miss Cheerlie had gotten them all lined up when she noticed two of her students missing.

"Where are Snips, and Snails"? She asked. Everypony looked around to see if they could find the missing colts. Cheerlie sighed. "I told them to stay put, hold on children I'm gonna".

"AHHHHHHHHHHH"! Mrs. Cheerlie was intterupted by the sound of screaming. Snips, and Snails came out of the bushes looking terrified.

"Snips Snails what's going on"! Sweetie Belle asked franticly.

"DRAGON!" Snails was all snails could say.

"RUN FOR YOUR LIVES"! Snips replied.

"What"? Sweetie Belle asked confused.

"What's wrong with them"? Asked Scootaloo.

"I don't know". Sweetie Belle replied. "They said something about a. All of a sudden Sweetie Belle was intterupted by a loud roar.

The dragon that was chasing Snips and Snails suddenly appered out of the bushes and roared at the class. Seeing the monster most of the children started to scream and run around.

"What the hell did you two do"?! Scootaloo shouted at Snips, and Snails who we're still running.

"We broke his jewels". Snails shouted back at her. Scootaloo groaned.

"Damnit"! She turned to Miss Cheerlie. "Do something"! Scootaloo shouted. Miss Cheerlie looked around franticaly, then she spotted an opening.

"CHILDREN, QUICKLY, FOLLOW ME"! She ordered. The students did as their were told, and all ran in the direction Miss Cheerlie ordered them to run. However Apple Bloom ended up tripping, and landing right infront of the dragon. It roared at her and lunged towards her. Apple Bloom quickly got up to her hooves, and ran in an opposite direction, the dragon in hot pursit. Apple Bloom ran for her life, as the dragon tried to claw, bite, and grab her. She ran until she came to the edge of a lake.

"Oh no! What do I do now"?! She cried out just as the dragon landed it front of her. "Please don't eat me"! She begged. The dragon just let out a lound thunderous roar. No somepony help me"! Apple Bloom cried as the dragon flew up and lunged at her. Apple Bloom closed her eyes.

"Under the water Godzilla slept restlessly. He still had no clue where he was, or how he got there. He tried his hardest to sleep, but his curiousty, and frustration were getting to him. It all came to a head when he heard a loud roar, and a scream. At first, the king of the monsters tried to ignore it, but the sounds were getting noisier, and noiseier. Godzilla had finally had enough. He swam to the surface.

Apple Bloom waited in anticpation for the dragon to devouer her when all of a sudden she heard the water behind her churring, that seemed to get the dragon's attention too. Apple Bloom turned to see a large row of dorsal plates rising out of the lake.

Godzilla rose from the water, standing at his full height. Apple Bloom stared in both fear, and awe at the sight of him. Godzilla survyed the area. His eyes then locked on the dragon, and he let out a loud echoing roar. The dragon however paid no mind to Godzilla, and went for Apple Bloom again. Seeing this Apple Bloom screamed in horror as the dragon lunged at her once again. However before it could get to her it was blasted by Godzilla's atomic breath. The dragon fell to the ground, and howled in pain. It then got up, and locked eyes with Godzilla who once again let out a loud roar. The dragon roared back, and flew towards Godzilla. The dragon slammed it's full force into Godzilla's chest knocking the wind out of him. Godzilla fired his atomic breath again, but the dragon dodged the attack, and wacked Godzilla with it's tail. Godzilla clawed, and scaracthed at the dragon, but it kept dodging and hitting the king of the monsters with several blunt attacks. And each time Godzilla was getting angier, and angier. So when the dragon came for another tail wack Godzilla opend his jaws, and bit down hard on the dragon's tail and dove under the water as Apple Bloom watched on.

Godzilla swam fast to the bottom of the lake, the dragon making severeal attempts to try and break free, but Godzilla's grip was too tight. Godzilla then swung his head into the air, and slamed the dragon down onto the lake floor. He then pinned the dragon down, the dragon struggled, and thrashed around in an attempt to release itself from Godzilla's grip. Godzilla then charged up his atomic breath, and prepared the blast the dragon, but the dragon took that oppirtuinity to claw Godzilla's eye. The king of the monsters groweld in frustration as the dragon flew to the surface, and out of the water, Godzilla in hot pursuit.

On the beach Apple Bloom hadn't moved from the spot she was standing in. Just then she saw an explosion come from the water, she looked up to see the dragon burst out of the lake. It then turned and watched the water. A few seconds later Godzilla rose up out of the water. The dragon then shot it's fire breath at Godzilla, who countered with his atomic breath. The two beams colided, both monsters pushing harder, and harder until final Godzilla overpowered the dragon. The dragon was knocked back into the side of a cliff groaning in pain. The dragon grogillay got up. First it looked at Apple Bloom, who was just standing, and staring at it, it then looked up Godzilla who was glaring daggers at it. The dragon gulped, it took one final look at Apple Bloom, and decieded that she wasn't worth it. The dragon then took to the sky, and flew far away with both Apple Bloom, and Godzilla watching. Apple Bloom then tunred to Godzilla who let out a loud roar of triumph before turning around, and diving back into the water. Apple Bloom was still in shock by what she saw that she couldn't move, but then she remembered her class.

"I have to get back to them". She exclaimed, and with that she quickly ran back in the direction she came in order to find her friends.

Author's Note:

So Apple Bloom has encountered Godzilla, and he fought a dragon. How will Applejack, and the others react when she tells them, also what do you want to happen to Diamond Tiara's mother.
Stay tuned.