• Published 28th Mar 2023
  • 831 Views, 81 Comments

Rebirth of Magic: Izzytastic! - JimmyHook19

The life and times of a unicorn who thought outside the box.

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I'm Standing Here, I'm Full of Fear

"What do you mean?" I asked, somewhat confused by what Sunny was saying.

She looked at me, her eyes full of fear. "How can that be here? That thing's been haunting my nightmares!"

The machine suddenly shifted forward, and the front started to shimmer. The plates on the front shifted back, revealing the pilot. He looked down at us with a cruel smirk. The first thing I noticed was that he was wearing a striped shirt.

He smiled again, and began to speak. "Indeed, and I have been in your nightmares, Sunny Starscout. Or should I say Tom?"

Sunny glanced at me. "What the Heck? How does he know that?"

"I know the truth of this world," he said, adjusting the settings on his machine and looking at us quite intently. "And it is a depressing truth indeed. This reality was not meant to be, and the one before it should still be. And the bronies who moved forward deserve to perish for their foolishness. Isn't that right, Jimmy Hook?"

OK, this was weird. "How do you know that?" I asked, just as confused as Sunny.

"I know the names of all the traitors," the pilot said, adjusting his goggles as his machine stood on the side of the mountain, like a giant mechanical squid. "Not that you would understand, given you enjoy being the Pinkie Pie clone."

"I am not a Pinkie Pie clone!" I said, leaning closer. "I'm very different to Pinkie!"

"You make stuff, have a giddy personality, and make friends," he answered.

"Nope! I didn't have any friends when I started my journey, and I don't break the fourth wall anywhere near as much as Pinkie did!"

The figure waved his hand. "That is irrelevant. I thought I'd killed them anyway to stop them getting in the way of my plan. I can only assume she got in the way again. But no matter. Things are proceeding on schedule, and it will only be matter of time before Generation 5 is wiped off the face of the multiverse like the abomination it is." The plates on the front slammed shut, and the machine clambered upwards. "Let's see how much of a fight you put up compared to Sprout. I would say I enjoyed talking to you both- but I really didn't. Prepare to die!"

Suddenly, a pair of energy cannons on the side of the machine began to spin, and a series of blasts began to impact the ground. "I ALWAYS PREFERRED MY UNICORN BURGERS WELL DONE!"

"Run!" Sunny shouted, and we quickly began to move to dodge all the blasts flying towards us.

The energy fire was soon joined by a pair of rotating gun things which began to fire bullets at us! They were extremely loud, and I was worried I might lose some hearing if we didn't stop this soon!

"The auto targeting must be off," the pilot commented. "No matter. The end will come, and I will flatten you!"

We dodged into the snow before us as the heat from the energy blasts was starting to melt the snow into slush. And gaining traction on the snow was difficult. We were slipping and sliding about all over the place, which would have been fun were it not for the fact we were trying to dodge a rampaging death machine intent on killing us.

Suddenly, the machine leaped forward and stopped just short of us, before using one of its arms to start flipping things over. "Come out, come out, wherever you are! Stop and stand so I can flatten you!"

"What makes you think we'd do that?" Sunny replied. "We will stop you!"

"Wrong, on both counts," the pilot replied, as he switched the energy cannons to firing forward. "Not even the fools who screwed around with me online can stop me! This world shall feel my wrath as the other dimensions did so long ago!"

Wait, what? This guy had hopped from our dimension to this one? Just who was he?

Sunny indicated to me. "Look! That tank still seems to have a working cannon!"

A wreck in front of us sat, partly uncovered by the freshly melted snow. But it didn't look like a tank. It looked more like some sort of box on wheels.

"Can we use that?" I asked.

"Of course we can!" Sunny answered. "That looks to have some sort of 10 pounder gun. Not powerful enough to break that thing, but enough to drive it off!"

"I never took you for a gun nut!" I said, as we hopped in through the hatch and closed it.

"My grandfather was a tank commander during the Cold War! Armored warfare's in the blood!"

Sunny looked over and began aligning the weapon, before pulling a lever back and sticking a shell in it. "Still live! Here's hoping this'll do the trick!"

"Are you sure this'll work?" I asked.

"At the very least it'll give him a nasty headache!" Sunny replied.

The machine was lumbering around slowly, hunting for us in the same way a tiger stalks its prey. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!"

Sunny glanced at me. "Keep your hoof near that pedal, but don't press down until he gets closer."

"I hope you know what you're doing."

The machine stepped closer and closer, before it stopped for a moment. "Wait. Where could they be?"

And luck had it, the machine had stopped next to us.

"Surprise, motherfucker," Sunny said under her breath. "FIRE!"

I stomped down on the pedal, and the entire machine shook as the cannon discharged. A single shell slammed into the machine, sending it rocking backwards and stumbling backwards. The shielding failed, and part of the metalwork came off at speed.

The pilot looked cross. "This isn't the last you'll see of me!" he shouted.

Sunny had pulled open the back of the cannon and had loaded another shell, ready to fire again. But to our surprise the machine then walked off and vanished, dropping off down the mountainside.

Sunny popped open the hatch and we clambered out. "Izzy. I think I know who that guy is."

Sunny explained her theory to me, based on things she'd picked up and her nightmares. Safe to say I didn't think it made a whole lot of sense, but I did agree that somepony (or somebody, I suppose) wanting to blow up our world was a bad thing. I mean, plenty of innocent ponies live here. What did they ever do to that guy? He wasn't called Rob, by the way. That would have violated the One Steve Limit!

So we made our way onwards into the terrain, and we eventually made our way off the mountain and back into the fields and pastures. This was an odd sense of homecoming for me. These were much the same sorts of fields and lands where my journey had begun all that time ago. And already it was so close to its end. It actually made me quite sad, you know. These times and friends had been awesome to know, and although that tennis ball hadn't exactly been placed well for me, it still had worked out pretty well in the end.

I was, for once, in a place I loved, doing something that mattered. They would remember us for this, whereas I doubted anypony back home would have even noticed I was gone.

Later on, our paths converged with the others just outside Bridlewood. Hitch and Pipp arrived first, looking very odd. They were dressed in fancy yellow suits, and Hitch was holding a clicky thing.

"What happened to you two?" I asked.

Hitch looked over. "You wouldn't believe us if we told you," he said.

"But we'll tell you anyway," Pipp said. What they'd been through sounded super scary!

Misty then arrived after them. But it was who was with him that surprised us most.

"Sprout?" Sunny asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Saving your hides," he said. "Me and Misty-"

"Misty and I," Hitch corrected.

"I don't think now is the time for corrections," Misty said.

"Anyway," Sprout said, "we drove off some ghosts and a big guy in some epic battle. If he comes back, I'll kick his butt again!"

I shrugged. "Sounds pretty par for the course these days. Shall we go into Bridlewood?"

Pipp looked over. "Do you have a shower? I could do with a shower, a bath, and a manicure. These days have really taken a toll on me."

"Sure!" I said. "Every house in Bridlewood has running water. We get it from a spring in town, and the contents are piped to all the houses."

"Can we get moving?" Sunny asked. "We can chat, relax, and maybe have a drink when we get there. In the meantime, I suggest we keep going and get into the forest."

"Aren't you bossy!" Sprout said.

"Sunny has a point. We are exposed," I said. And with that, I stepped into the forest of Bridlewood for the first time in a long time.

Author's Note:

-deep breath in, deep breath out- If there's one thing that bugs me whenever those complain about G5, it's that of course drawing the obvious conclusion in saying that Izzy Moonbow is way too similar to that of Pinkie Pie or by calling her a Pinkie Pie clone in general. :/

If anything... and with Izzy Moonbow being My personal favorite from G5, I know deep down that she is NOT a Pinkie Pie clone at all. :T

Besides... when I saw Izzy Moonbow for the first time, I knew she would mean so much to me... especially once she became My Favorite from G5 following after seeing ANG for the first time.

Anyways.... this now concludes Part 3 of Izzy Moonbow's POV. We'll return to her again on a later date, but coming up next month... it'll be time to switch to another character once again. :)