• Published 28th Mar 2023
  • 831 Views, 81 Comments

Rebirth of Magic: Izzytastic! - JimmyHook19

The life and times of a unicorn who thought outside the box.

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I Stood Beside an Elden Tree

After so long away, you have no idea how good it felt to be back home. Well, back home in this place, not the ocean place I used to be in, but you know what I mean! My home in the place which gave my life meaning!

As we trotted into Bridlewood, I found myself wondering and wandering. What had changed since I was last here? How would the locals react to me being gone for so long? Had a giant cake monster covered all the world's cake in cake?

Now that would be crazy!

As we trotted along, the small group following me as we went along, the others soon got to chatting about what they had experienced during their journeys. Boy was it a wild set of trips! Turns out me and Sunny had had the least bizarre one of all of them- and that's saying something, really!

Pipp and Hitch dealing with a nutcase in a decaying building full of radioactive junk? I don't remember that in the movie. Nor do I recall a scene where Sprout and Misty were fighting ghosts and escaped by glitching out reality.

I can't recall any of this stuff going on in the movie at all. What was happening for things to have changed so much in the world?

It was very confusing. Belizzling, you could say. Look, I know Izzy doesn't start using that word until after the film's events have concluded, but why does that matter here? I can do what I want and no writer can stop me!

I noticed Pipp and Hitch appeared to be close. I mean, surviving a chaotic encounter with some bad guys would rather forge a bond. It also makes sense in other respects- Hitch didn't meet Zipp, so that eliminates the chance of that ship starting about now. So that put him with Pipp. Interesting, but I can ship it!

If there was one pony I was suspicious of, though, it was Sprout. I already knew things had changed thanks to Misty being around, but Sprout raised all sorts of questions. How could he be here when he's supposed to be causing chaos in Maretime Bay?

My only interaction with him up to this point suggested a distinct prejudice towards unicorns, as he'd been wearing the anti mind reading hat and had run off after realising it was as useful as a plate made of cheesecake. And as much as I love plates made of cheesecake, they are virtually useless for putting food on as they go all squidgy very quickly. And that's not fun when you're trying to enjoy a hayburger or some chicken on your plate.

Anyway, he was talking with Misty in a way that conveyed no hostility whatsoever. He was really friendly with her, and they seemed to have struck up some sort of accord with one another. It was almost as if they were friends with each other.

And if that's the case that's a really positive development. Either Sprout has gotten over his prejudice, or he's another one of us!

I set those aside for a moment as my house loomed into view. "Hello house!" I called. "I've missed you!"

"Who greets their house?" Pipp asked.

"Izzy, apparently," Hitch added.

"Perhaps it's some sort of unicorn ritual?" Sprout suggested. "Any suggestions, Misty?"

"Don't look at me!" Misty said. "I'm not from Bridlewood!"

"Whatever it is," Sunny said, "it clearly means something to her. And as long as she's not hurting anybody by doing it, I don't see any reason to worry."

I pulled my key out of hammerspace and stuck it in the lock, before turning it. The lock squeaked as I opened it- I probably need to oil it someday- and the door handle was similarly talkative as it rotated under my hoof.

"How can we turn things with no hands?" Hitch asked.

"I've long since stopped questioning stuff in this world," Pipp commented, clearly used to the fact stuff just sticks to our hooves. I like it. Imagine having to pick everything up with our mouths! That'd be a nightmare for hygiene!

The door was open, and we stepped inside La Casa Izzy. Once everypony was inside, I closed the door behind me and locked it, before turning to my friends. "Welcome to my home!"

"This is so pretty!" Pipp said, snapping a few pictures with her phone. "I had no idea this place could look so stunning when seen in real life!"

Sunny trotted over to a machine and began to turn it. My bottle machine which plays the My Little Pony theme, by the way. "Nice bit of engineering, Izzy."

"Thanks!" I said. "Truth be told it was already here when I got here but that's a moot point."

Sunny looked beyond it and saw something, and her face frowned. "Izzy, is that a basement down there?"

"Yep!" I said. I'd spotted the door for the basement when I'd first arrived, but I didn't mention it to you earlier as it wasn't relevant. "I make my cupcakes down there!"

Sunny looked up at me. She looked worried.

I laughed. "Relax, I'm just kidding! I actually do my baking up here in the kitchen. Why would I bake things in a place with no cooking facilities or ventilation?"

"You'd have loved the kitchens in the palace," Pipp said, who was rather taken with a windmill sitting next to a window. She even gave it a quick spin and filmed it, which was sweet.

I popped over to my teapot and turned on the kettle. I'd already dropped some tea leaves into the pot as I prefer that over teabags- teabags tend to produce a rather sour taste I don't really like, so I brew using leaves from the beginning and savor the taste then.

After a few minutes it was done, so I opened the kettle, poured the water in, and let the tea brew properly. I then brought the teapot over, opened up my table (which was currently disguised as a hidden flower), and handed out some cups. "Tea's here! Be careful, it's hot!"

I poured it out and then left the teapot on the central platform, in case anypony wanted any more. After a relaxing cup of tea, our thoughts turned to securing the next crystal.

Hitch was the first to speak. "I know I'm stating the obvious here, but we kinda don't blend in. Earth ponies aren't known for existing in large numbers in these parts."

"Nor pegasi, for that matter," Pipp said. "Right, Zi- oh. Still feels weird her not being here."

"And I'm not even here at this point!" Sprout added.

"In short, we can't afford to stick out like sore hooves," Sunny said, standing next to an implement that made her look like she had a horn. Foreshadowing is a literary device used to-

OK, I'll stop!

"So, once we've got the unicorn crystal we'll go and grab the earth pony one, right?" Sprout asked.

"One step ahead of you there," Sunny said. "Got it right here. If we put all three together it might reboot magic earlier."

"That didn't work in the film," Misty pointed out.

"But they only had two crystals," Sunny pointed out. "All three might do the trick."

I took a look over my new visitors and smiled. "You know, this group composition makes things slightly easier than in the movie."

"How so?" Pipp asked.

"The group currently consists of two unicorns, myself and Misty, three earth ponies, Hitch, Sprout, and Sunny, and a single pegasus, you of course. That makes my life easier, as I'll only need to cover one set of wings during this heist. For the other three I'll just need to fit horns and secure them much more firmly than in the film. We wouldn't want them to come flying off at the worst possible moment, would we?"

The others nodded in agreement, so I did. "Good."

"So, when can we get going?" Misty asked.

I sighed. "Unfortunately, I have good news and bad news. Which would you rather hear first?"

"Bad," Sunny said.

"I don't have enough crafting supplies to fit you guys out for this mission. I used some on my way to Maretime Bay, and some of it got left behind in Zephyr Heights when escaping from the heist."

There were a few murmurs. "So, what's the good news?" Hitch asked cautiously.

"Easy!" I said. "There's a shop in Vanhoover where I buy this sort of stuff, so I can get it into stock very easily. Vanhoover is a unicorn capital, by the way. Bridlewood is just a suburb in a forest near the city, so I can head out, buy some stuff, then come back before you can say 'bouncing bunnycorns'!"

"Bouncing bunnycorns?" Pipp said. "What a funny saying."

I pointed outside. "Unfortunately, the light is fading, so making the journey tonight would be a bad idea. I'll set out in the morning and go shopping tomorrow!"

Author's Note:

And away we go with more Izzy Moonbow to start off my side of Phase 4! :D :yay: