• Published 28th Mar 2023
  • 831 Views, 81 Comments

Rebirth of Magic: Izzytastic! - JimmyHook19

The life and times of a unicorn who thought outside the box.

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And so, Sunny can Wait...

I was about to go and watch the evening sunset, when I suddenly heard a loud crash over in the area.

"What was that?" I said, addressing nobody in particular. "Sorry, what was that, Auntie Buttons? There's a thing on the branch outside? I'll have to take a look!"

I headed for the door and opened it, and in doing so resisted making the obvious joke. I soon arrived at the outside, and saw something very peculiar sitting on the branch there.

All I can say about it was it looked like a balloon. A very odd balloon I'll admit, but a balloon nonetheless. I clambered up into the branches and moved it down to the floor level. It was then I realised why it looked so odd.

"It's a Chineighse lantern!" I said, in amazement. "I haven't seen one of these in moons!"

Thankfully, it seemed as though this one was out of fuel, so the risk of it burning the forest down was minimal at best, unless of course it had shed fire along its route from wherever it had started.

I decided the best place to look at it would be indoors, so I went back indoors and closed the door behind me. Nopony could see this at all. It was too risky, and I had to be sneaky. Too bad I was only medium sneaky.

After a few moments of fumbling with the chords and connectors on the lantern, I finally had it free and the thing was well placed. Time to look at the content inside.

The lantern had within it a piece of paper. The paper was yellow and torn on one side, as if it had been hastily removed. The council could have done a better job with a knife and fork in my opinion. It had a series of arches drawn on it, which I think were meant to emulate a rainbow, and a table with a chequered tablecloth in the middle. In the sky was a pegasus floating above it, and an earth pony and a unicorn sat on opposite sides of the table. The table itself in between two clouds whilst stars glowed across the image.

Above the rainbow was written the message DEAR UNICORNS AND PEGASI. The 'I' in 'pegasi' was written above the rest of the word, as the original author appeared to have started to write 'pegasuses'. This suggested the writer was a child.

And below the table were more words. YOU HAVE FRIENDS IN MARETIME BAY COME VISIT US!

"Maretime Bay!" I said, putting the image down. "That's where Sunny lives! Of course! This is the moment in the story when Izzy receives the message Sunny wrote as a filly! I must be pretty close to the start of the movie right now!"

A silly thought then flooded into my head. If I could get to Maretime Bay and talk to Sunny, then I could convince her who I truly was and how to bring about a better world whilst avoiding some of the bad things! This was perfect!"

If I was going to undertake a long journey, I needed to get some supplies together. I began to dig through all my cupboards and storage spaces. I knew exactly what I needed. First priority was to get some crafting supplies. I would need card, paper, some ink markers and a lot of glue and glitter. This had potential to be a very long journey, so I needed to ensure I had all the things I needed on my person to be certain I didn't get bored.

The rumbling of my stomach then interrupted my thoughts and I realised I had overlooked something rather critical in my preparations. The one thing I needed to take with me more than my crafting supplies was food and drink. If I got dehydrated out there it could end quite badly for me.

I pulled out some bottles of water and some squash. I checked my fridge and found I still had some boxes of macaroni and cheese in there. "My favourite," I said. "Now where did I put my coolbox?" I asked myself, glancing about for it.

Luckily, it was under my bed. Because where else would you store a coolbox? I dropped some blue ice canisters into the box and then placed the macaroni and cheese boxes on top of that. Most of the drink bottles went in on top of that, and as I dropped the stuff into the box I began to sing.

"There's an inn of old renown/
where they brew a beer so brown/
Hurricane came rolling down the hill/
one Wodnsday night to drink his fill!

"On a three-stringed cello there/
played the Owner's pat so fair!
The hornèd cow that night was seen/
to dance a jig upon the green;
Called by the fiddle to the middle of the muddle/
where the cow with a caper sent the small dog squealing;
Hurricane in a fuddle went to huddle by the griddle/
but he slipped in a puddle and the world went reeling!

"Downsides went up- hey! Outsides went wide!
As the fiddle played a twiddle/
and Hurricane slept till Sonnertag!
Upsides went west- hey! Broadsides went boom!
With a twiddle on the fiddle in the middle by the griddle/
and Hurricane slept till Sonnertag!"

Before long I was bouncing about the place, so caught up in the music that I jumped when the door knocked. "Coming!" I called, and ran over to the door, opening it.

Alphabittle was standing on the other side. "A unicorn told me you said a bad word earlier," he said. "And what in Bridlewood is happening in here? I'm pretty certain you were singing!"

"Just going for a walk," I replied. "I should be back soon."

"Good," Alphabittle said. "Try to be back before nightfall. There are dangerous things in the forests, after all." And with that he was on his way.

I snuck back in and checked my stuff. "I'll set off in the morning, then."

Author's Note:

The song is indeed a callback to Legends of Equestria. :ajsmug: