• Published 17th Apr 2023
  • 691 Views, 72 Comments

Rebirth of Magic: In the Mists - JimmyHook19

The life and times of a pony caught between conscience and duty.

  • ...

Stars in your Eyes

The slow smell of morning slowly drifted into my nostrils, slowly shaking me from my slumber. That was a lot of uses of words that begin with the letter S. Perhaps it was a world record? I have no way of knowing.

I slowly shifted my eyelids open to see what was going on around me. I soon noticed my fellows were not in their beds. I looked about in a slight panic. Had I been here on my own the entire time?

I slipped the covers off myself and loudly yawned, stretching my forelimbs to get myself into shape for the day. I hauled myself forward and glanced about to try and find the others again.

Nope. No chance at all. I slipped off the bed and neatly arranged the sheets and blanket on top of the bed so it took up less space. I placed my hooves onto the floor and trotted over to a desk, where I suddenly spotted a certain orange mare was sitting. Her mane was all over the place- I guess we'd call it bed mane?- and she was reading through a book.

"Hey, Sunny," I said, quietly.

Sunny jumped and suddenly slammed the book shut before spinning the chair round. "H- hey Misty!" she said. "Sorry. You startled me there. How long have you been standing behind me?"

"About twenty seconds," I said. "Any sign of Izzy?"

"No, she left earlier," Sunny replied. "We're on our own in the house and can't risk leaving in case we spark a riot amongst the locals." She looked wistfully out of the window. "And such a shame it is, because it's a lovely day out there."

I looked past her to whatever she had slammed shut. "What were you reading?"

Sunny turned her eyes back to the book. "Oh? This little thing. This was just my dad's journal. He collected all sorts of things in there. Notes, maps, bits of historical info, his own thoughts- some of it is a tad disorganized, as he tended to write about whatever came into his mind."

She stopped, and looked back. "I meant Argyle's journal." She sighed. "I'm just so confused. I know I didn't come from here originally, but I keep feeling Sunny's emotions and thoughts. What is happening to us?"

I put a hoof on her shoulder. "Perhaps this could be for the best. You've got the best of Sunny and whomever you once were rolled into one. And you know the show. We know what's coming, so can best plan for the future."

Sunny nodded. "That is true. Thanks, Misty. Now back to decoding the stuff in this book."

I excused myself to let Sunny get on with it, and dropped down to the lower level to find Pipp preening herself in front of a mirror.

"This is a kitchen, right?" I asked.

"It's also the only space with a big enough mirror to allow me to set my feathers properly, considering the amount of fluff on these things!" Pipp replied. "I gotta keep looking my best, after all."

I simply backed away and went to find something to eat. I was pretty hungry, after all.

One of the benefits of being a unicorn was that I could go outdoors without raising any real suspicion as to who I really was. After all, unicorns were the main group who resided here, and took all sorts of things to be used for other purposes.

Even so, I wasn't from here, so had to be careful as to the extent I exposed my existance. When not in Izzy's house, I spent most of it behind a bush set back from the main path, meaning I couldn't be seen by any pony passing by.

I sighed, watching this world going by. A world I moved in but didn't really belong as an outsider. I looked the part, but still didn't fit in. I didn't know the first thing about living in Bridlewood, but hopefully Izzy could get me up to speed.

I sighed, and crouched down to avoid being seen for a bit, before figuring I should head back indoors and get some rest. Or maybe some lunch. Lunch was always a good thing.

I turned to go, but to my surprise Sprout was there. "Fancy seeing you here," he said, with an awkward smile.

"You two," I replied, trying to mask my own awkwardness. "What brings you to this bush?"

Sprout sighed. "Pipp's turned the living area into a studio. She's been recording some musical ideas on her phone, but I'm not sure any of them will take off. The acoustics in that place aren't the best."

I nodded, as if in agreement, but I could sense something was up. "I don't think that's the entire reason, is it?"

Sprout nodded. "No. Listen, I needed to talk to you. About yesterday, and other stuff."

I wasn't sure where this was going. "OK," I said. "What about it?"

Sprout looked even more awkward, and his face was red. I know his face is red normally, but it was even redder now thanks to his cheeks doing weird stuff. "OK, time to stop beating around the bush. Err, you see, well, it's that..." He took a deep breath. "Misty, I have a crush on you."

I blinked a few times. "Sorry, could you repeat that? I'm not quite sure I caught it the first time."

Sprout nodded, and spoke again. "Misty, I have a crush on you."

The entire world seemed to stop turning in that moment as I processed those words.

Sprout Cloverleaf, the nominally crazy demagogue, momma's boy, race war agitator, and building demolitions expert, had a crush on me?

A unicorn?

This was rather a lot to take in as I looked at the floor awkwardly. My mind was able to process the concept, but at the same time it was so strange and new to me. I nodded.

But this revelation gave me hope. This Sprout was indeed different. His personality, his attitudes, he was so much more friendly- he truly was different.

And to be honest I did like him back. Not to that degree, but enough to be a sort of crush.

"Are you OK?" Sprout asked. "I can go away if you want and-"

"It's OK," I said. "It's just rather a lot to take in, that's all. Truth be told I have felt something for you as well. Perhaps we should go back to Izzy's house and deal with it there? Beats standing out here for no readily obvious reason."

Sprout nodded. "Yeah. I can do that."

We stopped in Izzy's garden for a while, and then just seemingly spent loads of time just sitting there, facing one another. I lost track of how long we were there for, but we found comfort and solace in just being together.

After all the madness and craziness in the world, I'd finally found a stable thing to anchor myself to. Despite the fact they barely interact in the show, Sprout and Misty is one of the more popular G5 ships out there. And it seemed this world had decreed it as well, so there was that.

I mean, Hitch and Pipp did seem kinda close to each other, so there was that.

I soon lost track of time, as before I knew what had happened a voice startled me out of my thoughts.

"You might want to move from there. Trees often dump water on that spot, hence all the bushes."

Sprout and I both jumped in the air, and turned to face whomever had just spoken. Looking at us was Izzy, who was carrying a shopping bag on her back, and seemingly had other things stuffed into another thing she was carrying.

And from her smile and other cues, I think she knew our secret. Looks like the game is up.

I was the first to speak. "Uh- erm- yeah, sure, we'll move!" I said, as we glanced back at the house. Luckily, Pipp had her headphones on and was completely oblivious to what was going on outside.

Sprout was the next to speak. "Gotcha, we'll head over," he said, as the awkwardness moved back over his face. "Look, what you saw-"

Izzy smiled, a gentle look that calmed our fears greatly. "Your secret is safe with me," she winked, before moving towards the door. "Now then, next is dinner. And I have a Bridlewood staple lined up for tonight!"

Wait, dinner? I looked up and only then noticed the sun beginning to set in the sky, gradually changing the light to glorious golden shades that cast beautiful rays across the land.

How long had we been out here just chatting?

Sprout trotted over. "Look, it's been fun, but it may be best we keep this under wraps for now," he said. "No clue how the others would react to this."

I nodded. "Yeah. Probably for the best." Even so, I couldn't ignore the butterflies in my stomach.

Author's Note:

Another day, another chapter for Misty. :3