• Published 17th Apr 2023
  • 691 Views, 72 Comments

Rebirth of Magic: In the Mists - JimmyHook19

The life and times of a pony caught between conscience and duty.

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Sweet Dreams are Made of These

I just have to say that things just got weird.

I know. Considering all the stuff that's happened so far, for me to call something 'weird' probably means it's pretty serious, right? Still, sitting in and reflecting upon this lot is the only way I'll be able to make sense of any of this madness.

It began at some point in the night, I think, when I was resting. This is normally the time that you rest, I believe, unless you have the misfortune of working the night shift or are Izzy Moonbow, who I've heard suffers from insomnia or goes sleepwalking. Or moving sheets about with her magic whilst asleep. That was a wild night, according to Pipp.

Anyway, I found myself sitting in this strange glowing place. Dark blue lights floated in the skies as lights pulsated far away. The ground below me was light blue, and felt almost like clouds. But I thought only pegasi could walk on clouds! If I was standing on a cloud, this either meant a long drop awaited me or maybe...

I wasn't on a cloud at all!

Where was I? What was this place? Was I on the verge of an existential crisis that could only be fixed through copious amounts of breaking the fourth wall?

Or maybe this was pony heaven?

"Hello?" I called out. "Is anypony there?"

Suddenly, to my surprise the flying text from Opaline's castle appeared in front of me. Hello there, Misty.

"Is this where I am meant to be?"

That is one of life's great questions, the text said in response. I know your journey may not seem to be in the right place, but do not despair, My Little Pony.

"Despair?" I said. "I couldn't be better, basically prisoner in a large castle in a dimension far from home and serving a complete lunatic!" That was sarcasm, by the way.

The text appeared again. You have a great destiny ahead of you, Misty. I know that all seems like hope is lost, but you are on the right track with this course.

"Again, prisoner, working for a madmare," I pointed out.

It is not all bad, the text responded, before showing me scenes from the days gone by. Fun at O&O meetings. Sharing meals with the others. Bonding with Pipp. All the positive things that had happened the last few days. I must admit it warmed my heart to see those moment unfolding right in front of my eyes. OK, dying my mane hadn't quite worked- purple does not work well with blue, it turns out- but apart from that it had been fun.

"I guess it isn't so bad when you think about it," I said. "They are my friends, after all, and even if we got off to a rocky start they do seem to like me."

Your friends, the text wrote. They are the ones who have seen you through. And now you can help them along in their mission as well. Your destiny lies ahead, one that will end in your ultimate fulfillment, and a great achievement.

"A Cutie Mark?" I ventured.

I'm afraid you'll have to wait until Chapter Four of Make your Mark for that. The text changed again. But never despair. Some Blank Flanks did amazing things. Just look at the Cutie Mark Crusaders! Another pause, and then some more text. I will always be with you, Misty, and as I am with the others. Hang on in there, and do the world proud.

All around me, the world seemed to get brighter and brighter, as if the stars were being gradually turned up in intensity. The light grew so bright that I had to cover my eyes to avoid being blinded.

And then I woke up. My alarm was buzzing, and the sun was beginning to creep in through the windows.

"Misty?" called a voice, which I recognized to be Sunny. "Are you OK in there?"

"Yeah, I'm fine!" I replied, and then looked at the clock. Eight in the morning.

I'd overslept!

I jumped out of bed and ran for the shower, determined to make up as much lost time as quickly and efficiently as I possibly could. Given what the strange text had said to me in the dream, I could hardly afford to be tardy. What if something important happened whilst I was behind schedule?

Work to get up to speed progressed rapidly, and by about nine I was caught up. Having said all that, there wasn't a huge amount I needed to do, so I spent most of it wandering around the palace and looking down over Zephyr Heights. Nice to be able to see the city without a tiny barred window in the way, even if I was finding heading around quite hard. According to Pipp the air up here is pretty thin, which I guess makes sense. That, and pegasi seem to live the bulk of their lives in climate controlled buildings.

When lunch came around, another issue of mine came up. You see, I can be a bit forgetful, even of the sorts of things you normally wouldn't forget. When I'm in a rush, I often forget to do normal things. And given I was in a rush I had forgotten to do something pretty important that most ponies remember to do.

When midday rolled around, I was near the cafeteria when I was hit with pretty severe hunger. As I looked inside I suddenly realised I had forgotten to do something very important.

Eat breakfast.

Without hesitating I dived into the cafeteria and ordered something. To my absolute delight, they had my favourite food from there in stock- the place does a delicious cheese pizza that just melts in your mouth the way cheese should do. And they somehow don't burn the crust in doing so! Pair it with some soda pop and the results are a great lunch.

Comes a close second to Bridlewood Popcorn, by the way. I'd suggest buying some; Izzy sells it sometimes when she makes a batch. But anyway.

I was really hungry, so I forgot the advice that the others had given me at the formal dinner and started wolfing some of it down, stopping when I got a couple of odd looks.

"She's hungry," said another pony having his lunch.

I looked sheepish. "Uhh, sorry." I then slowed down, trying to savor every bite. If I had space left I might go back for cake.

A while after lunch, I spotted Sunny and Izzy walking down a corridor, talking about something- it sounded like something to do with their own lives, though I heard something about a circular narrative being mentioned. I hid behind a pillar to avoid being seen, and then once they were out of sight I spotted which room they had gone in. I slipped next to the door and listened for a moment in case there was anything useful I could transmit to Opaline.

So, yeah, about that. I was kinda being a double agent, albeit not by choice. I had to keep an eye on what they were doing in order to deal with this stripes guy, and also keep Opaline happy. I really could not afford to annoy her, especially when she had some magic and none of the rest of us did.

As I listened, I heard quite animated talk.

"Hey, Sunny. What's up? You haven't said anything the entire time." That was Zipp.

Then Sunny spoke. "Truth be told, Zipp, I didn't sleep hugely well last night."


Nightmare? This wasn't good. Hopefully this won't end like that story where Sunny goes mad and murders her friends.

"Yeah," Sunny then replied. "It was really strange, but also quite graphic at the same time. I know normally most dreams don't stick in your mind, but this one did. Perhaps I should stop watching scary movies late at night."

I then heard Zipp snort. "Come on! Invasion of the Tripods isn't that scary!"

Oh yeah. That was the movie we watched last night. I certainly thought it was a bit frightening, so I don't blame Sunny for being scared.

"Just because something isn't scary to you doesn't mean somepony else wouldn't find it scary." I could only assume that was Izzy telling Zipp off. The next line was, I think directed to Sunny. "But as I said last night dreams can't hurt you, as they're just your brain trying to process your day. We can safely move on from them."

It was surreal, leaning next to the door and listening in on a conversation I wasn't party to. Hence the spy movie reference I made earlier.

Sunny's voice was then muffled for a bit, before Zipp spoke again. "When you two are finished, I'll take you two down to see something pretty remarkable. But only when you two are ready, of course."

Did Zipp mean her workshop? I hadn't been able to get into that yet! No doubt it would have all sorts of useful stuff to help me out!

Before they set off, I opened the door to the room. "Can I come too?"

Author's Note:

That dream for Misty at the beginning though...