• Published 17th Apr 2023
  • 693 Views, 72 Comments

Rebirth of Magic: In the Mists - JimmyHook19

The life and times of a pony caught between conscience and duty.

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Thus Spake Opaline

It took me a while to regain consciousness, as I must have hit my head pretty hard on that object. As I glanced about, the world slowly came back into focus around me, and I glanced about to try and determine where I was.

It seemed as though I was still in that building from earlier. The throne and pit were still there, as were the other useful objects inside that helped to give the room its quite distinctive character of evilness. Was I within the evil lair of an infamous villain? Any moment now, Dracula would walk in and start proclaiming his evil plan or some dumb thing like that.

I had finally regained enough composure to keep going with my internal monologue, and tried to get up off the floor to get moving. I adjusted my legs, to try and get enough movement off the floor and find my way out of here. My perspective was a bit weird, mind. It was as if I was stuck down at a lower level for no readily obvious reason.

I couldn't get up. My legs just didn't seem able to support my weight. I glanced down to see pony legs. And a pony body still. I gave up and simply flopped onto the floor below me, my belly catching the cold marble of the land below me.

I tried to process this situation with a range of emotions. It seemed I was still in this room, miles from home, with no way of contacting anybody, and not only that I was stuck in this stupid body. I was a pony- well, a unicorn if you want to split hairs- who had no way of getting out of this room and had a lack of contact with anybody.

I quietly sobbed on the floor. I truly was trapped here until I either died or something killed me that was stuck in this place. That was really the only way out in this case. I then had an idea. "That pool turned me into that thing. Maybe it can change me back!"

I got up and wobbled over to the pool, and tried to step in. But it seemed as though a shield had been placed around the tank itself, which meant I could not get in at all. It was almost as if somebody was aware that I would try that and thought ahead to ensure I wouldn't get in.

This was hopeless. As I said there, contemplating my fate, a message popped up from the pool.

Don't give up, it said. I know this situation may not seem ideal right now, but there are great things planned for you. The destiny of greatness is upon you, and you have a great quest to undertake.

"Change me back!" I demanded. "I don't want to be like this!"

You have been selected for a great purpose within this land, said the next message. Unfortunately, magic doesn't work like that. You have an important duty. It has been prophesized that an ancient evil will return soon to this land, and he shall bring chaos and horror to the land. He will try to rule over all. But you must lead the charge against him. The one with the stripes cannot stand a combined power like friendship. Your mission will take you a long way. But even little ponies can do big things.

"What?" I asked. "You are aware this sounds like a bad fantasy movie, right?"

The circumstances are less than ideal, said the next message, which displayed and shifted a few seconds later. There are others like you in this land, figures destined to stand against him and bring back magic to the land of Equestria.

So I was some point before the end of the movie, then. That at least gave me a bearing on when I was. Before I could speak the messages continued.

This castle is the starting point of your quest, and you will soon meet others from this destiny team. Up ahead is a door, and beyond it is a series of other doors. And beyond that door is a room. And in that room is where you shall receive your very first quest. Go, My Little Pony.

"Possibly the least subtle title drop ever," I said. "I am a brony, you know!"

Strictly speaking you would be a pegasister right now, the last message said. But still, the sentiment stands, Misty. Proceed to this room, and your journey shall begin. Best of luck to you and the others. The message then vanished as I headed onward.

As I opened the door, I suddenly heard a noise coming from a nearby room. This must be the room I was meant to head to. I turned my head and listened closely. Is that music? I thought, and trotted along the corridor. Sure enough it was music. But not just any music, but organ music. A creepy dark castle with an organ and resident organist.

"Can this day get any more cliched?" I asked myself, as I reached the next door and pushed it open. The organ sat at the opposite end of the room, with the stand lit by a series of candles. Whoever was playing it was incredibly good, as the sound was flowing and logical. Beyond the edge of my vision I caught a brief glimpse of the figure playing.

I didn't recognise the piece, but it was very loud and ominous. I think it was a fugue of some description. But after a few minutes the piece came to an end after some more playing, and the piece came to an end.

"I think that's quite enough organ music for one day," the operator said, as she hopped down from the seat and dropped to the floor. I caught a brief glimpse of a wing, Pegasus, maybe?

She trotted towards me, with her figure finally emerging into the light. And the result was rather intimidating, shall we say.

She was a purple alicorn with blue eyes. Enormous purple wings flared out from her sides, and she had a long white mane attached to her head. This flowed most of the way down her neck, and seemed to be curled in places. Turquoise streaks ran through the mane, and she seemed to have eyeliner on. Parts of the mane were wrapped as braids around her ears, and below her curved horn were huge black eyebrows the width of an oil tanker. She seemed quite full of herself, and this was only reinforced when she spoke.

"It took you long enough to get here, Misty. I thought you'd gotten lost."

I hesitated, not quite sure what to say. "Well, these corridors can be bit confusing, can't they?"

"They can," the alicorn replied. "To somepony with no sense of direction." She flared a cauldron into being. "Report."

"I can confirm there are sightings of the one with the stripes, Opaline," said a figure on the other end. "His current location is unknown, but we can track him much more easily now."

"Very good," 'Opaline' said. "Keep monitoring him for any future developments. He may well interfere with my plans, and I cannot have that happen."

"Understood, your majesty," the pony on the other end of the message replied. "Out."

Opaline looked to me. "As you can see, this figure is one of great concern to me. If he is allowed to run amuk, all could be lost. Which is why I am entrusting you with an important mission to a faraway place."

She flicked the display over to another place. "This is Zephyr Heights, which is the capital of pegasus territory. It's also where the false queen holds her court and maintains her power. It is her crown that is especially important to me."

The display changed once more to show a crown. "That crown holds a powerful artefact which may give us the strength to drive off the one with the stripes. The only problem is it is there and not here. I need you to steal it."

The messages back in the throne room had told me that I needed to accept this quest, so I took it. "Yes, Opaline!" I said. "I won't let you down!"

"Good," Opaline said. "The consequences for our world are dire if you don't. So get moving, and gather your supplies. You set out in the morning."

I nodded, and left as the tone changed. It seemed that, even though I was stuck here in a world that was not my own, I had some important destiny in this world, one that could change the fate of all that I knew.

As I checked the equipment lockers for supplies and all the bits I would need within this operation, I figured this would be easy pickings. After all, based on the film the guards were incompetent. And surely the queen wouldn't be a threat!

After all, she's just an old mare. This would be a cakewalk.

Author's Note:

And here we are with the next chapter. :)