• Published 27th Aug 2023
  • 1,177 Views, 61 Comments

Ori And The Dragon In The Blind Forest - Dragonfan101

Spike wakes up in a dark decayed forest, he then meets a spirit named Ori, and he and her team up to go on a emotional journey to save the forest from destruction.

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8: Exploring New Areas

We cut to a beautiful sunrise in the Thornfelt Swamp, Gumo is seen carrying Spike and Ori in hands before gently setting them down.
"Thank you, you two." Gumo says gratefully before he quickly takes off leaving them on the grass, they soon open they're eyes.
"Huh? where are we?" Spike asks confused as he gets up and sees Ori right next to him getting up as well.
"ORI! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Spike askes as he helps her up.
"I'm fine! are you?!" she asks worried as well.
"I feel fine, but how did we get here?" Spike asks confused
"I don't know." Ori says wondering why they were here as well, Spike then hugs here surprising her for a moment before she returns it with a smile.
"I'm just glad your okay." Spike says with a smile.
"Me too, thank you Spike" She says gratefully. as soon as they separate they see Sein fly down to them.

"Ori! Spike! I thought I had lost you two to Kuro's talons of hate... But it was Gumo who saved you, delivering us from an uncertain fate." She says really relieved that her friends are okay.
"Gumo saved us?" Spike asks surprised with Ori surprised as well.
"Yes, he was able to save you two before you were taken by Kuro." Sein explains.
"I hope we are able to give him our thanks soon" Spike says with a smile Ori agreeing with a smile as well, Gumo was in the distance and had heard everything and had a smile of happiness before he decided to take off once again.
Sein then looks down to the waters.
" Look here, With the Ginso Tree restored, Nibel's waters are clear!" Sein says happy.
"I'm so glad that the waters are normal again, now we can properly swim through them." Spike says with a smile before he kneels down and takes a quick drink with ori taking one as well they sigh in relief as the water help ease them, once they finished they look up at Sein.

"What do we need to do now?" Ori asks ready to know what's next Spike nodding ready as well.
"We need to restore the Elements of winds next ,resting deep with in the Forlorn Ruins but we need to find a key to open the entrance, and It is inside the Misty woods." Sein explains.
"Forlorn ruins?, but isn't that where Gumo's kind is from?" Spike asked confused.
"Yes, but none aside him have been seen again they were amazing builders and made amazing things, but the state of the forest left their fate unknown." Sein says sadly.
"So we need to go to these "misty woods" In order to get the keystone to the entrance" Ori asks.
"Yes it near the northwest." Sein explains, the image of Nibel comes into their minds before it moves to the top left of the area and a light shines signifying they're destination.
"Hang on before we go we should explore a little more of the area around, we might find some more interesting stuff since the waters are cleared, and i think i saw a ledge near the Spirit well near the spirit caverns we hadn't been able to explore that place yet." Spike suggests as he looks at the water.
"he's right we should prepare ourselves before we should go into more tough areas" Ori agrees.
"Okay lets see what we can find, lets go!" Sein declares as she and spike and Ori start to explore.

There was a lot for them to find, with the waters cleared Spike and Ori were able to discover quite a few things, Spike had practice holding his breath and could do so for about 5 minutes and was able to help ori learn as well. They were able to discover a lot of stuff, secret caves, they were able to find more life and energy cells to help them around ,they also opened up more ways to the previous areas they explored. they saw a high ledge that they needed to bash off lanterns to reach, they bashed off higher lanterns and landed near the top and they discovered another Ancestral tree.

"Another area, another Ancestral tree" Spike says before Ori put her hand on his shoulder.
"You sure we should absorb this ones light as well? you were hurting a lot after the last one." Ori says worried for her friend.
"We need to do so in order to proceed farther, lets do it." Spike says as he walks up to it, Ori then as she was worried for him sighs and follows, Sein goes up to the tree to see who it was.
Ilo was the stoutest of the Spirits, the most powerful ever seen. Now here he rests turned into an ancestral tree." Sein says sadly.

"Even the strongest of the Spirits couldn't defend themselves against her" Spike says sadly with Ori looking sad as well.
They once again absorb the light from the tree and land on the ground with another power.
"This is the Stomp ability, you have to jump into the air and curl up and you will emit a powerful impact on the ground" Sein tells them, Spike and Ori both try it out and were able to get the hang of it, they then look spike to see if anything happens.
"Huh, nothing, guess i might be lucky for this one" spike says as he looks at himself seeing if anything happened.
"We should at least be careful when moving forward we never know when you might react like that again" Sein says worried.

"This might help us reach that area near the spirit caverns that i saw lets head back there" Spike suggest as he and the others take off.

They had to take a bit of a backtrack back to the spirit well near the Spirit Caverns but they had to go, with the Stomp ability they were able to open up paths that weak floors they previously saw above them led to, eventually they made their way back to the Spirit well near the Spirit caverns and they quickly used it to recover.
"Okay now where is this area you saw Spike?" Sein asks her friend.
"Follow me" Spike tells as he runs ahead with the other two following.
Spike then used his wall jump and reached the top Ori and sein following after, they then came upon a large statue.
"This is what i saw" Spike explains as they look at it.

"They found the home, Of the child who embraced our light" we then see the memories of Naru and her father holding each other lovingly like a lovely family

"This looks a bit like my mother Naru" Ori says as she observes the statue
"Maybe this is where she lived" Spike suggests.
"This is a great find spike! I remember them! Many years ago when the Spirit tree was just a sprout, Naru, the young one looked after us whenever she could.
"So my mom knew about the spirit tree, and looked over the Spirit guardians" Ori asks
"She must've been a really kind soul to look after them" spike says with a smile with ori agreeing with a sad smile
"Yes, she really was" Ori agrees.

"We should see if there's anything interesting to find here." Sein declares.
"Yeah we should see where she grew up," Spike agrees and they all move deeper into the cave

Author's Note:

Hey guys hoped you liked the new chapter! I'm sure after the waters cleared in the game we all did what we could to find stuff before finding anything interesting, Naru's home was the first thing i found during my playthroughs after clearing the waters and I'm sure many more have had the same experience so i hope you look forward to the next chapter!
Thank you all for the positive support this helps me motivate myself to writing more chapters each day! Thank you all for being so kind and see you soon!