• Published 27th Aug 2023
  • 1,177 Views, 61 Comments

Ori And The Dragon In The Blind Forest - Dragonfan101

Spike wakes up in a dark decayed forest, he then meets a spirit named Ori, and he and her team up to go on a emotional journey to save the forest from destruction.

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4: The Spirit Tree And Answers

Spike and Ori and Sein continued they're way forward and eventually stopped in front of the Spirit tree.

"Somber they found me, dormant and still, We told Ori the tale of her misguided will, and Spike the tale of why he was summoned here" The voice echoes once again.

"This must be the Spirit tree" Spike said in awe
"it's amazing." Ori said looking amazed as well,
they then found another spirit well right in front of it and decided to step on it, when they did Sein move upwards to get answers.
"You think things will be alright?" Ori asked worried
"With us by each others side, i know it will" Spike said with a smile and ori returns it, Sein soon comes back down to both of them.

"Ori, Spike.. the Spirit Tree! He must've used the last of his strength to save you both" Sein said sadly.
"Yeah... we kind of figured it out" Ori said sadly with spike agreeing. Sein then came up to spike.
"Spike, the reason your able to absorb the light and gain ability's like ori... it's because he made you part Spirit Guardian, so you could traverse these lands and have a easier time making through, if he hadn't even saved you, things would've been much harder if he didn't give you this blessing" Sein explained to spike.
Spike looked shocked and observed himself for a moment
" So I'm like a hybrid?" Spike questioned
"yes, even though you still appear as a Dragon, you have the essence of a Spirit guardian flowing in you now , it was to make sure you'd survive" Sein explained and spike still looked confused.

"Okay, but how did I even get here?" Spike questioned
"The Spirit tree was desperate to find someone who was willing to help save the forest, he used what strength he had to reach out across the world to find someone, he found you wishing that you'd be somewhere you can help find meaning, find your destiny, so it used what little strength it had to summon you here, so you could find your purpose." Sein explained
Ori and Spike looked shocked
"He summoned me here... to save this forest?" Spike asked surprised
"Yes Spike" sein answered.
" Okay... but from who?" Ori asked in worry.
" I was about to get to that." Sein answered before floating in the air.
"Come now and hear our story. It was the night of the Light Ceremony, It was the night she hated" Sein tells as they were both given a memory.

We cut to many years ago, the Spirit Tree was shining its light all over the land
" I called out to Ori, but my child never came." The voice echoes.

We then see what looked like to be hundreds more of Ori's kind gathered in front of the Tree looking confused on why they were gathered together, but then a large black bird like monster comes flying towards the tree eyes glowing white, it attacked the other Spirits when they tried to escape, the creature then looks at the tree in anger before it flies towards it.
It lands on top and rips what was the source out of it and flies off, it then lands on a tree and crushes the light in its talons and it is thrown to the ground and the monster flies off.

" Kuro stole Sein, it was the end of our days.." The voice says sadly

We cut back to present time Spike and Ori both shocked and terrified in what they saw.
"What was that?" Ori asked scared holding Spike tightly.
"What we'll have to face at one point" Spike said with fear holding Ori close to her. Sein then came back down to them.

"you both received the spirit tree's light, he put our fate in the hands of both of you. listen carefully now, for you two must understand..." Sein began to tell as they see what looks like the land of Nibel.
" The spirit tree sustained the three Elements Of Light, and in turn they brought balance and kept Nibel safe." Sein continues
" The element of Water, high up top the Gisno Tree, The element of Winds, deep with in the Forlorn Ruins, and the Element Of Warmth, beneath the fires of Mount Horu" Sein explains going to each place on the map.
" To restore Nibel to its former self, we must rekindle their light before its too late." She says with worry.

"So in order to save this land, we have to go through different dangerous parts of Nibel and restore the light that helps make the forest what it is, and eventually must face a giant bird monster that took it?" Spike asks trying to follow along with Ori.

"I'm afraid its the only way, we can't reach out to your friends because Nibel is thousands of miles away from your home, it would be to late be the time they arrive" Sein says sadly as it was given the knowledge of how far it is from the tree.
Spike and Ori then look at each other to think it out.
"You really think we should go through with this?" Ori asks scared
"The forest will suffer more if we don't and it might spread farther and even to my own home. we can't let that happen" Spike tells her.
"But what about that monster?" Ori asks scarred
"We'll have to face it at some point, but we'll be getting stronger and stronger as we go along, and We'll have each other to protect" Spike says with a smile putting his claw on her shoulder.
"We'll make it through this together, right Spike?" Ori askes.
"Of course Ori." spike says confidently before he tells her something.
" I've been wanting something like this to happen with me for a while, i always thought i was for something greater, and saving this forest is what i may need to prove myself, Twilight always said our destiny comes at a time when we least expect it, so i must do what I'm meant to do, and I'll have you at my side" Spike tells her
" You think we can do this?" Ori asks a little unsure
"with us by each others side, i know we will" Spike says with confidence with Ori smiling in agreement, they then turn back to Sein.

"We'll be glad to help this forest" Spike and Ori both say at once.
"Thank you, you two! you have our gratitude" Sein says gratefully.
"Where do we need to go first?" Spike asks.
" The first place we need to go is the Spider Coves, atop the tree where the water once flowed. they then see the image of Nibel again before a light appears near a large tree, they they open they're eyes again.
"Spider Coves?" Spike says a little confused.
"Yes its where we need to go in order to reach the Ginso tree to restore the Element Of water" Sein explains.
"Alright then lets get going!" Ori says happily, Spike then shakes off his confusion before smiles in understanding.
"Yes! Lets save this forest!" Spike says confidently, Ori, Spike, and Sein all make they're way to save the forest.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked the surprise bonus chapter today! So I've been getting comments asking if I'll do the second ori game, the answer is yes to that, but hear me out, these first chapters have only covered the first half hour of the game, and it takes at least 3 or 4 to finish it, the second one is at least triple the length making it 12 or so. By the time I'm done with this story, the second game will be at least 3 times as big as this one, I'm still new to writing stories and i want to write a few small ones before i take on a bigger one, I Will get to the second game by the end of the year i promise! I just have a few stories i have to do first, then I'll get to them, it will come guys i promise.
Stay tuned for more and have a great day!