• Published 27th Aug 2023
  • 1,169 Views, 61 Comments

Ori And The Dragon In The Blind Forest - Dragonfan101

Spike wakes up in a dark decayed forest, he then meets a spirit named Ori, and he and her team up to go on a emotional journey to save the forest from destruction.

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6: Through The Thornfelt Swamp And Gumo's Hide Out

As spike and Ori entered the swamp they were greeted by a large ledge they needed to climb, they wall jumped to the top, they then saw a edge that was a bit to high.

"We need to find something to help reach that ledge" Spike suggested as they looked around to see what they could use, Ori then pointed to a nearby cave that had a boulder near the end.
"We could use that to get the extra height." Ori suggested and they made their way towards the rock while avoiding rotating spikes that came out of the ground, they pulled the boulder back to the ledge but before they went ahead spike noticed something else in the cave.
" Hang on i think there's something else in there" Spike pointed out as he and ori both went to see what they saw, thankfully they found another spirit well and they sighed in relief.
"Glad there's a good number of these things around" Spike said with a smile as he and Ori went to take a quick rest.

Using the spirit wells instantly got rid of any injury and completely restored his stamina, it was better then most healing magic in Equestria to Spike, after they recovered then then made their way back and went up the ledge and were near the entrance of the Gisno Tree .

" While Ori and Spike brought light and hope to the forest, others gave in and embraced darkness and fear" The spirit tree echoes.

As Spike and Ori arrived at the entrance they saw a spider like creature holding a piece of light, as soon as he saw them he soon ran away with the object in hands.
"Wait!" Spike and Ori shouted trying to stop him but he was gone.
" A Gumon from the Forlorn Ruins! We must follow his steps, and get back what he stole! We need that to get into the Gisno Tree!" Sein said with worry as spike and ori quickly headed after him.
Spike and Ori followed after him close behind, following him each way he went, they had to redirect an monsters attacks at walls in order to proceed, soon Spike and Ori came upon the Moon Grotto.

As they entered Spike and Ori both saw him carefully avoiding purple beams of energy as it looked lethal, he carefully made his way downwards and went to his right.
"Careful you two! These could kill you instantly!" Sein said with worry.
Spike observed how often the beams fire and got an idea.
" I think i know how to get past these, but i need you to trust me" spike said holding his claw out, ori then looked him for a moment before grabbing his hand.
" Okay but what do we have to do?" Ori asked confused.
"Follow my lead" Spike said as he rushed through the obstacle ori tailing right behind.
Spike had carefully maneuvered down the ledge avoiding another purple beam, he then took them and clings to a wall to avoid the beam that was about to fire, they then quickly made they're way under and grabbed onto a ledge and made it on top.
" Wow that worked! Great job Spike!" Sein said surprised.
"It's all about timing, come on we need to get the key back." Spike said as they quickly continued after.

They continued to move downwards, they found another Spirit well in which they both used to recover and quickly head back down they once again saw the Gumon going downwards even more and followed in pursuit.
" Man how deep does this place go?" Ori asked surprised.
"Don't know, but i have the feeling we're about to find out" Spike said with worry as they moved forward.
As soon as Spike finished that sentence they came upon a bridge in which the Gumon was on the other side of, but as they made they're way across the Gumon pulled a lever which caused the bridge to split and two and the two friends fell down.
" I KNEW IT!!" Spike shouted in irony as they fell down, they eventually landed down on the ground pretty hard.
"Ow... That's gonna be felt later on" Spike groaned as he got up he saw ori and his eyes widened in panic.
"ORI! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Spike asked with worry as he tried to help her up
" Yeah I'm fine, thanks" Ori said gratefully as she took his hand.

They then both got up and looked around to see where they were
"This must be the Gumon's hideout" Sein said as they finished looking around.
" How are we gonna get out of here?" Ori asked with worry.
just then the Gumon landed on the ground and went into a nearby cave
"We'll figure this out later, we need to follow him! Spike said as he went on ahead Ori and Sein following after.
they had to carefully move around moving platforms that could squish them if they were in between them, they found another map fragment and used the map stone back at where they fell to know how to get around, they then got back to following the Gumon right after.
They had to take care of a larger enemy the Gumon had rioted, Spike finished it with his fire as Sein used a few Charge Flame blasts to damage it faster, as soon as that was done they moved forward and found a door fragment.
"Another fragment another door" spike said complaining as they saw that
" they're might be something interesting if we find the door lets head back" Ori said as she and spike went back to the top.

They went up a ledge they hadn't explored and carefully moved through some more walls and ceilings that could crush them eventually they found the door that they needed to open. Spike saw the other fragment that he needed to carefully move through moving ceilings and grounds and he was able to grab the fragment and made his way back.
"You act like you've done this kind of thing before" Ori asked curiously.
"I've done a lot of strange things with Twilight, I'll tell you about it later." Spike said with a smile as they continued.
They had to go down a ledge that had spikes, they had to carefully time their jumps as they made their way down, they then jumped over some more poisonous water and logs and to their shock they found another Spirit Tree.

"How many of these Spirits lost they're lives to that monster..." Spike asked sadly
" Almost everyone, it was the end of our times as Kuro attacked." Sein explained
"Kuro?" Spike and Ori both asked.
"The name of the monster, she hated the light and wiped out all of them..." Sein said sadly
"Why though? Why does she hate the light? What did it do to her?" spike asked upset as he wondered what her problem was.
"I'm not entirely sure myself, but i have a feeling we're going to find out soon" Sein says as they moved closer.
"We'll avenge them, we'll save this forest and restore the light" Ori said hoping things will go well.
Sein then went towards the tree to see who lays here.
" An Ancestral Tree. Leru lay here, She was swift, agile, used to cut through the air" sein explains sadly as she reads who this used to be, Spike and Ori absorb the light once more and they get another power.
"What was it this time?" Spike asked curiously.
" This is the double jump, it will allow you to jump an even farther distance or get higher after the jump.
"That will be helpful for reaching higher areas" Ori says happily they then made their way back to the top.

As they made their was back a few of Spikes scaled glow white for a few moments before returning to normal but no one noticed it.

It was much easier reaching across longer ledges then before, they used their new power to make their way around, with the knowledge of the layout it was easier to make their way around, they had to avoid some more obstacles that had the purple energy beams, found some more Energy cells and a couple life cells that would help make them more durable, they soon came near a pit in which they saw the Gumon trying to pull a lever but it was a lot harder to do so, but as he pulled it he went back a lot farther then he thought and crushed a large log in which a larger rock fell on his leg preventing him from moving.

they had to make their way up the pit while avoiding falling rocks that could prevent them, they then jumped of a hanging log which helped them reach the top, but as soon as they did their eyes widened in shock as they saw he was hurt.
"Must've accidently caused some of the logs to fall and one must've had that rock" Spike said as he observed what he saw.
"We can't just leave him hear to suffer, this forest has gone through enough already he might've been to scared." Ori says sadly.
"She's right Spike, even though he tried to stop us this forest being in darkness for so long prevented him from seeing what needs to be done, but it doesn't mean he cant find the light again." Sein explains with concern.
Spike looks at him once again before deciding they're right and they should help as he was a little hesitant on helping him.
They then lifted the boulder off his feet freeing him, he looks confused for a moment before running down a path they looked at each other in confusion for a minute but decided to follow.

"Ori and Spike brought kindness and hope to his heart" The Spirit tree echoes again.

We then see Spike and Ori find their way back at the bridge, they then see Gumo give them the Water Vein before he quickly runs off.
"At least he'll be alright" Ori says with a smile.
"Yeah he will, and now we got the Water Vein." Spike says happily.
"Lets get back to the Gisno tree we have to use this in order to get in.
"You said that we can warp to other spirit wells with the more we find right? Lets use the one that's nearby to go to the one that's right next to the tree! Spike suggested.
"Great idea! it will help us get there much faster! Sein said happy, they then soon made their way back to the spirit well and used it, in the blink of an eye they ended up back in in the cave right below the tree. They then carefully made their way through the spikes and climbed on the ledge they soon found themselves back at where they needed to be.

The Gisno Tree

Author's Note:

Hey guys, another extra chapter for today! I had some extra time today and decided to use it to make this and I'll do so with any other extra time i have , hope you guys are liking what I've made so far, please be sure to to like the story and stay tuned for more!