• Published 2nd Sep 2023
  • 1,166 Views, 59 Comments

Spider Dragon: Origins - Dragonfan101

Spike gets bitten by a strange spider, after a while he gets strange powers and with them he secretly becomes a hero and uses his uses great power for great responsibility

  • ...

10: Final Battle

The other Spider People were making they're way out of a bus while Peni and her robot jumped off it, they webbed up to the top of a large crane and began to get a view

"Kingpin has a private elevator that leads from the penthouse to the collider bellow" Peni explains
"Didn't count on having an audience" Noir says as they all see tons of people
"Yeah kingpin set this up to" Honor the legacy of me defending the city"" Peter explains.
They all went to the roof and saw the place is clouded
"You gotta be kidding me!" They all said surprised at the place
"Thank you, it's nice to be with you this evening to celebrate Spider Man, he and I are very close" he lies while announcing the thing.
"What a lying pig" Peter and Gwen both say angry
"I'm right here." Porker says offended

"Hold on, get a load of how the waiters are dressed" Noir points out, they all see they are wearing Spider Man masks
"At least they got the design's right" Peter says impressed
"A little poor taste but, can't be that easy" Noir says.

We cut to them as waiters in the place with bowties
"It's that easy" Noir corrects himself, Peni and her robot are navigating through the room while she eats some candy. B then notices MJ and Peter notices it
"Hey are you okay" Peter asks
"Pay attention! it's not your MJ remember?" Gwen asks
"I'm sorry i'll be right back" B says and he tries to move to talk to her but Gwen stops her
"Peter! Listen to me, trust me, i've been there, ,i know it's hard but you gotta move on buddy" Gwen tells him
"It will take on second let me just... oh!" He says as he almost bumps into MJ

"oh wow." He says nervous
"Um, i was wondering if we can get some more bread at table 12 please?" She asks
"Yeah" he responds and Gwen is sliding her hand down her mask while Noir watches
"Yeah it's just, i'm really sorry" He apologizes
"Oh you don't have to be sorry it's just bread" She says
" I wasn't there for you when you needed me" Peter says
"mm hm" she hums weirded out
"I didn't even try
"I should probably get going" She says trying to leave
"I know i could do better if you just give me another chance to, the bread that you deserve
"Are you okay?" She asks worried

"I am so sorry about that we'll get your bread right away!" Gwen interrupts
"Uh it was nice talking with you" She leaves but peter goes up to her while they leave.
"Are you okay?" Gwen asks as they leave
"Oh yeah totally" he responds
"good because we are not getting them bread.

" MJ it's me Peter" He says lifting his mask so only she can see it and her eyes widened.
"What are you doing here?" She asks worried
"Look everyone here is in big danger, you need to help get them all out of here, Kingpins just lured them to die, please try and get as many out and i'll be back when i can okay?" Peter asks, and she nods in understanding
"Who was that guy?" She asks weirded out
"Long story i'll tell you about it later!" He says as he catches up with the others, she then proceeds to try and get others to leave, the tables shake slightly as they start to activate the Collider.

"Initializing primary ignition sequence" The PA says as the machine begins to activate.

Kingpin is seen going to the elevator and he closes the door, the two guards are webbed up by the Spider People
"Sleep" Noir says as he knocks them out, they all head down and they glitch as they do.

Kingpin enters the room" Start the sequence" he orders and the scientists begin to activate it.
" Uploading Venessa Fisk and Richard fisk DNA sequence" A scientist says as they take hair samples and put it in a container
"Beginning scan for dimensional matches" one of them says as they find a match, Octavia then activates the machine as it begins moving faster.

"Secondary ignition in Five, four, three, two, one" The machine counts down and they all make they're way and see the thing begins to fire.
The entire city begins to shake again as multiple street lights begin to glitch out, and Mile's dad helps a old lady and he watches in horror as the tower glitches out

Back in Equestria, the main 6 were watching in horror as the entire thing goes down but they feel the ground shake again as Canterlot begins to glitch out as well as ponyville,
"Evacuate the citizens now! Celestia orders, they all nod and begin to help everypony there escape
"Spike please save us" Luna prays as they continue to watch what happens.

Back in the room, B then glitches out as the others do too.
"Come on guys were almost there! Peter says and they all climb to the ceiling
"I'll put the Goober in and take over the beam, after your gone i'll blow it up" Peter tells them
"You don't have to do it i should while you help the citizens" B shouts
"to late for that now! MJ is doing what she can to help them!" Peter tells him

Before they could however they're senses go off
"They know we're here" Gwen says they see multiple guards start to shoot them, Peter then sees multiple tentacles as he tries to put the device in the machine but he is grabbed as well as B.
"Nice to see you again Peters" she says. all the spider people start to try to fight them off but they're bodies glitch.
"These guys are the pits" Gwen says as she tries to fight them off. Peni tries to fight Scorpion off but the glitching made it hard to do so.
"Why is this always difficult" Peter says trying to put the device in, but Octavia drags him away while choking B.
"Any last words" she asks them.
" Can we get a minute to think about it? You have a pen?" They ask.
"goodbye Peter Parkers" She says.

one of her tentacles then look at her and begin to hit her over, Gwen notices this and sees what's happening
Celestia and Luna are watching the thing looking in awe as well as the dragons
"is that?" Luna asks
The Scorpion is then punched multiple times and is thrown of Peni as she looks confused, he's then dragged by the tail and is thrown hard at Octavia and two figures appear.
"What's up?" Both Miles and Spike say, they then hit them hard, and Scorpion goes flying.
"Miles!" Gwen shouts.
"Spike!" Peni and Celestia and Luna shout exited to see them

"Wow, Miles, Spike! your doing it on command! " Peter and B both say amazed as they save them from a fall
"Bout time right?" Spike asks and Peter high fives him
"Great job Spike i am so proud of you!" Peter says happy.
" I love you I am so proud of you" B says rubbing his shoulder and Miles laughs
"Do I want kids?" he asks.
"Got a extra suit huh?" peter asks Spike
"Yeah, figured it'd be best to have a spare right?" Spike asks
"Two of the best ones, great choices dude" Peter says rubbing his shoulder, something is then thrown at them and they see Octavia
"Oh yeah i forgot about her." B says annoyed as they all begin to fight her off they then look and see something rise in between the beam,
"Oh no.." Celestia says as they all watch the device rise

"That doesn't look promising" B says as they see it
"No it doesn't" Spike and Miles both say at once
The device then makes lights go crazy, an alternate version of Venessa and Richard start to appear
"I've got genetic matches. Hold on. It's to risky!" A scientist says
"Shut up and turn it up" Kingpin orders
Both Peters, Miles and Spike try to fight them off but are pinned to the ceiling as the room starts to glitch. Back at the top. Miles's dad is helping citizens escape" Get to a shelter go!" he says talking with his wife" I tried to get the school but i can't get through!" She says worried helping an injured guy out.

Back in the room the lights begin to go darker and they watch in awe, soon buildings and mountains start to come through the entire beam and they are freed after Octavia gets hit and they are flying through multiple buildings
"Guys are you seeing this?" Miles asks
"this is crazy!" Spike says as he sees the whole thing.
"I think our dimensions are coming to us!" Gwen says as she sees the whole thing
"Does look cool though right? B asks as he and Peter land on a building and they watch the entire thing happen
Back in Equestria they are watching the whole thing while they see glitched houses and mountains begin to be sucked down.
"Please stop this spike!" Twilight prays as she helps more ponies escape

Spike then makes a decision," Peter go to the surface and help people escape! The rest of us can handle this!" Spike tells him
"Are you guys sure about this?" Peter asks worried
"we'll be find dude go!" B orders
"don't worry about us" Gwen says as they swing off, Peter nods and makes his way back to the surface to help the people

"We gotta get back up there" Gwen says as they look upwards, they're senses go off and they see Octavia throw a car at them
"Spike go help the others! we'll take care of her!" Miles shouts, Spike nods and goes to help the other Spider People.

Noir is fighting off multiple thugs at once" That all you got? are you fighting or are you just bumping gums?" he taunts and grabs a black and white car and throws it at them.
Scorpion is besting Peni as he begins to tear her robot up he even breaks through the screen and is about to deliver another blow , but before he could do more damage Spike comes in and delivers a hard punch
"Leave them alone you overgrown pest!" Spike shouts as he delivers a venom blast to him, he tries to stab Spike but Spike phases through the tail and kicks him in the face sending him flying back. he gets up and is about to fight again but an a large piece of metal drops on his head and Spike laughs at that.

Porker is then sweeping his hands as he walks up to him.
"what are you supposed to be? some kind of silly cartoon?" he taunts
"You got a problem against cartoons?" Porker asks, he then proceeds to beat the crap out of him and hits him with a large hammer, he is then thrown to Noir and he punches him the other way, Peni then hits him with a piece of the robot furious, and Spike delivers a final Venom Strike and knocks him down completely
"Aw did that feel like a cartoon?" he mocks and blows a raspberry and they walk of.
Peni's spider comes out of the robot and they look at it depressed as it shuts down
"Peni.. i am so sorry" spike says as she hugs him.
"It's gonna be okay" Noir tells her as they all go back to the others

Miles and B and Gwen took care of Octavia as she got hit by a truck much to their surprise, miles made his way up to the machine and landed on the ceiling. all the others had met up with him
"Miles that was awesome dude" Spike says, Miles then puts the key in and reverses the sequence
"Alert! quantum polarity has been reversed" The computer says, and kingpin destroys the glass in rage

"Alright got the portal open, you first Peni" He tells her,
"thank you miles, from both of us" She says gratefully
"Hey don't forget, I'll be glad to show you Equestria when i get the chance." Spike says making her smile
"I look forward to it Spike, thank you" She says with a smile and she jumps into the portal going home.
"I uh love you all" Noir says" I'm taking this thing with me" He then hold out the cube from before" I don't understand it but i will" he says before he jumps off and goes home
"I want you to have this, it'll fit in your pocket" Porker says giving Miles a hammer "That's all folks" he says with a tear and floats into the portal
"is he allowed to say that? Legally?" B asks
Miles and Gwen then say they're goodbyes and become friends
"See you Spike, thank you for everything" Gwen says gratefully.
"Glad to be of help hope to see you soon" Spike says with a smile, she then finally leaves.

"Alright you next Pete" Miles tells him
"Thank you both of you, thanks to you i feel like i can make things right. i'm glad to have been your guys friend" He says gratefully
"We're glad to have helped you two" Spike says and Miles nods
"see you Miles and Spike" B says and he finally goes through the portal leaving the two of them alone
"Alright now it's your turn Spike" Miles says looking at him, Spike is about to take off but their senses go off, they see kingpin has made his way to a floating platform

"Your not going anywhere" He shouts, Spike then decides to fight and jumps off the ledge.
"Spike!" Miles shouts trying to make him stop,
"We'll take him on together then i'll go home!" spike shouts, miles is reluctant but agrees as he and Spike land on a building.
"Kingpin! they both shout ready to fight.

Kingpin then slams the building breaking the glass, they backflip to avoid the damage and is able to avoid it. Kingpin tries to shoot miles but is webbed by Spike
"Sorry that's cheating!" Spike says as he takes the gun, he then delivers a powerful punch to him knocking him back a great distance.
they then see a train and use their strength to hit him with it
"Adios" they say as they try to get to the portal but kingpin pushes through and is not letting them escape.
They land on the window and see the device.

"We gotta get that button!" They say, but Miles is grabbed by the head and Spike is thrown across the room.
"Miles! He shouts as he tries to make his way back, the train goes into the beam and Spike grabs onto it, he then looks around and sees the multiverse
"whoa! "Spike says in awe, the train finally comes out and Miles is on the top
"Dude are you okay?" Spike asks worried
"Yeah come on we gotta get going," he shouts, kingpin then rips through the roof of the train and throws it away
"You two aren't stopping me! not today!" he shouts

"we are stopping you! right now" Miles shouts, they both proceed to double team him, Spike webs multiple flying blocks and throws it at Kingpin, while Miles is doing hand to hand, Spike then comes in and Venom strikes him weakening him
"You took my family, now i'm gonna make sure you never see yours" he shouts as he runs at them.
Spike and miles both are stronger then him and are able to knock him down he is soon on his knees and can't get up.
"We'll always have them, you ever hear of the shoulder touch?" Miles asks and Spike smugs.
"What?" he asks confused, they then put both their hands on him
"Hey" they both say in a deep voice before they venom strike him and he flies across the room as he's finally defeated.

They see the device and web up to it and Miles ready's the portal.
"Alright you ready Spike?" Miles asks
"Yes, Thank you miles, for everything" Spike says gratefully.
"I'm glad i met you Spike" Miles says with a smile
"Hey, it's always great to have a brother" Spike says happy
"never thought id have a dragon as a brother" and they both laugh at that
"I'm keeping this music player and these suits" Spike says as he points to his suit he's wearing, and holds out the Nano suit in a charging container and the Music player on top
"5000 songs on it, gonna be a wild ride that's for sure" Spike says laughing
" id recommend listening to Post Malone, they're a great band" Miles tells him
"I will, see you... brother" Spike says and he finally gets ready to leave
"See you brother" Miles says as they fist bump one last time, Spike then jumps into the portal
"you'll do great things kid" Spike says as he finally goes home and Miles smiles at that last part.

Miles then destroys both the machine and the building and they finally save the multiverse, Miles has the chat with his dad on the phone and he then speaks to him in person. Peter Parker then shows up and lands next to them.
"Dude you did it!" Peter says amazed as he high fives miles
"Told you we could do it!" Miles says happy
"guess we have two Spider Man helping us now right? Jefferson says
"we look forward to working with you" Peter tells him
"Yeah yeah, i just don't approve of you methods you two, we're just gonna have to agree to disagree" he says and they awkwardly laugh. Peter then gets an idea
"Hey i got an idea for a proper punishment for Kingpin, mind helping us with it?" Peter asks
"What kind of punishment?" he asks.

We cut to a movie theater, Kingpin is restrained to the point he can't move and both Spider Man and Jefferson are all looking at him
"What are you idiots doing? Why am i here?" Kingpin asks
"Kingpin what is about to happen.. is for the greater good" Miles says sadly
"I hope they remember you" Jefferson says.
"what?" He asks confused, they then swing out of the theaters and the movie starts
"what watching a movie that's..." He is then cut off as the screen appears and his eyes widen as he realizes what it is
"What the?" he asks shocked.
"I am.. Goku" the movie starts to say and kingpin freaks out.
"Hey! hey hey hey! Wait! No..." he says as he looks horrified.

We cut to the outside of the room, Peter, Miles and, Jefferson are all outside and they look a little bad
"You think this is a little much?" Jefferson asks worried
"He'll be fine" Peter says as they continue standing
"OH GOD! NO!" Kingpin shouts, he then screams like a girl "NOOOO!" He screams in horror
Miles then looks at the photo and feels bad
"That movie is atrocious" He says sadly and they all nod
"Maybe i was a little to harsh on this" Peter says regretfully and the camera cuts to what movie he is watching

Dragonball Evolution...

Author's Note:

Hey guys hoped you like this next chapter! that last joke was from of my favorite youtubers! i hope you guys are able to find it out! he is hilarious! Sorry if the final battle was a little to short, it's mainly because if Spike and Miles both fought him they would barely have much trouble considering how strong Spike is. got at least one more chapter as it is for when Spike comes home! look forward to it!