• Published 2nd Sep 2023
  • 1,166 Views, 59 Comments

Spider Dragon: Origins - Dragonfan101

Spike gets bitten by a strange spider, after a while he gets strange powers and with them he secretly becomes a hero and uses his uses great power for great responsibility

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1: Strange Changes...

The night proceeded to fly by, Twilight was sleeping soundly as if nothing was wrong, Spike meanwhile couldn't, he kept trying to change sleeping poses over and over, but he just couldn't sleep, when he finally started to fall asleep the sun had already started to rise.
Twilight opened her eyes and yawned.
"Morning Spike , time to get up" She said before she looked down, but her eyes widened as she noticed something was different, Spike had grown a little, Spike then opened his eyes and groaned as he was still tired.
"Morning twilight" Spike says still tired as he gets up, he then notices her shocked face and gets curious.
"What's wrong?" Spike asks, she simply gestures for him to look at the mirror, he then walks over to it but notices everything seems a little smaller... When he gets to the mirror his eyes widen as he realized why she was shocked.

"Spike what's happened to you?" She asks worried.
"I think i hit a growth spurt!" Spike suggests and he looks at her, he is now just an inch taller then her and she still looks worried.
"Do dragons grow this fast? If not something's different" Twilight said as she observed him and she notices him sweating heavily.

"Why am i so sweaty?!" Spike asks in his thoughts
"Why are you so sweaty?" Twilight asks concerned
"I don't know... Maybe its a natural thing for dragons after a growth spurt?" Spike suggests, and twilight thinks for a moment.
"We'll figure this out later after we tell Celestia your growing, right now we should get you a new bed as yours is to small for you now" Twilight says as she points to his bed.
"Yeah, I'll go get ready, you go on ahead i'll catch up" Spike tells her, she nods as she walks on outside to find a new bed, Spike then goes into the restroom with a worried face.

"Why is this happening? That was just a normal Spider, it's just a growth spurt" Spike tells himself as he tries to wash up, as he gets done he places his hand on the counter.
"It's just a growth spurt Spike, It's just a growth Spurt..." Spike tells himself again as he tries to leave he is suddenly stopped and looks back and he notices his hand is stuck on the counter...
"What the?" Spike asks worried, he tries to pull off the hand and he tries harder to pull it off, he eventually does but flies back into the wall, he tries to get up be he realized he's stuck to the wall too.
"Oh come on!" Spike shouts, he eventually frees himself but it ripped a couple pieces off the wall and they're stuck on his back, he quickly gets them off and throws them away and quickly makes his way outside.
"Don't think about it now Spike, focus on today first and you'll figure it out later" Spike thinks to himself before catching up with Twilight.

Spike had quickly made his way through the village, a bunch of ponies noticed him and were shocked on how much he grew since yesterday some even asking if something was wrong."Look out!" Someone yelled , and Spike looks to see a carriage coming right at him with high speeds! to everyone and Spike's own surprise he leaped over the thing grabbing the pony that was in it and landing on the ground much to the shock him and everyone who watched it,
"I'm so sorry! The wheel went lose and i lost control!" The pony apologized.
"It's okay, as long as were both okay that's all that matters, sorry about your carriage," Spike apologizes.
"It's okay, thank you so much!" The pony says gratefully before he walks off, and Spike runs off ahead and a few ponies cheer as he saved that pony.

Spike had quickly caught up with Twilight and she looks up at him.
"Is everything okay Spike?" Twilight asks with a concerned look.
"Yeah i just needed a little time, is it okay if i go on another walk later? I have to think this over, i just need time to process what's going on" Spike asks as he looks a little tired.
"Sure Spike, you look like you need it, lets focus on getting some stuff done first then you can take a break" Twilight tells him as they go into the store.
They eventually found a bed big enough for spike, they didn't exactly have any beds for dragons so they had to get one for bigger pets,
"Alright this one looks like it should be good enough, what do you think Spike?" Twilight asks as she looks at him.

"This will work, lets get going." Spike says as Twilight lifts it with her magic. they then make their way home and replace his bed, they then take care of the rest of the stuff they needed to do, Twilight had more studying about friendship and they had to organize the village library, then help applejack move some apples over, Spike surprisingly had an easy time because of his new height.

"Spike what happened to ya?" Applejack asks concerned.
"It's just a growth spurt A J" Spike tells her as he helps with the last load of apples.
"Well thank ya for the help spike, would you mind helping me out with these more sometime, you look like you didn't have much trouble with these." Applejack asks.
"Sure thing applejack, I'm gonna go on a walk now twilight" Spike tells them as applejack smiles gratefully, Twilight simply nods and Spike goes out for a bit.
"You think somethings wrong with him?" Applejack asks as she doesn't think it's a normal growth spurt.
"I don't know... I just hope everything will be okay." Twilight says concerned as they walk back to the village.

Spike had rushed through the forest back to the tree where he was bitten by the spider.
"That spider couldn't have gotten far" Spike says worried as he tries to find that Spider again, he looked all over the area he searched every tree but couldn't find anything.
"Dang it! Why the heck is this happening?!" Spike asks as he punches a nearby rock, to his surprise his fist didn't hurt a bit and the rock completely shattered shocking him beyond belief.

"What the heck?" Spike asks as he looks at the shattered rock. Spike then places a hand on a tree and thinks.
"Okay so list of strange things, Growth spurt, Sticky hands, enhanced Senses ,and stronger strength. Is there anything else i need to know?!" Spike asks out loud, he then gets his hand stuck... again...
"Are you kidding me?!" Spike asks annoyed as he tried to pull it off, to his surprise his body flows THROUGH the tree, freeing himself and horrifying him.
"No way..." Spike says as he looks at his freed hand, he then starts to breath heavily.
"That wasn't a normal spider..." Spike says worried.
"Just what was it?! Why did it bite ME of all people?!" Spike asks as he flung his arm around in annoyance, but as he did he hears a strange noise and he looks in that direction, and he just kept getting more surprised.

He had seen what looked like a spider web that was shot right at the side of a tree and it leaving a string that comes right back to his hand...
"No... it can't be..." Spike says horrified as he quickly rips off the webbing and backs away in fear .
"What's going on? Why is this happening? Spike asks scarred, he then feels his head start to ring hard it felt like i migraine.
"Why is this happening?" Spike asks in his thoughts as the ringing goes away, much to his relief.
"I just hope i can get the hang of things and don't freak out twilight." Spike prays as he heads back to the village hoping there's no more surprises, little did he know things were about to get weirder.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hoped you liked the new chapter! I hope you like the little tease of powers spike has! Hope you look forward to more! thank you all for the positive support on my last story, and I'm so glad you all liked it! Hope you stay tuned for more and look forward to the next!