• Published 20th Nov 2023
  • 492 Views, 24 Comments

My Little Dragon Ball: Icebound - Tundricwolf

A quartet of siblings, a saiyan, a dragon, a pegasus, and a unicorn, venture outside of their isolated kingdom to explore the rest of the world and embark on the biggest journey of their lives

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Ch 17: The Ticket Master

It had been a few days since the Siblings had come to Ponyville. While staying with Twilight, they would help out in any way they can. Cooking, cleaning, helping to reorganize the books, they had even started up a little garden outside. Other times, Twilight would drag poor Arctic and Glacier down to the basement to study them. Especially Arctic. Twilight would often drag Arctic down to study him as much as she could. He, and Glacier when she wanted to study him, would try to fight Twilight’s magic, but it happened so often, they kinda just gave up and accepted it. They wondered if she did that often, and Spike confirmed it when he informed them that Twilight does tend to use her magic to drag him around.


“Yeah, she does do that a lot. You’ll get used to it sooner or later.” Spike said with a shrug.


Other than that, the siblings would always roam about Ponyville, learning as much as they could about the little town. Many of the pony’s had gotten used to seeing the siblings. They would often wave or stop to chat with them for a brief period of time before going about their day. Some ponies where still apprehensive about Arctic and Glacier, but they were starting to expect them. Most of them anyway. Meanwhile, Rarity would often bring Arctic over to design some clothes for him. She was slightly upset though. She would’ve liked to be the first pony to ever make clothes for an alien. But she, begrudgingly, accepted that she was the third to make clothes for him. The siblings also made it a point to hangout with the Bearers of Harmony. Those days were truly interesting. Pinkie would often bake with them, which sometimes resulted in a minor food fight. Fluttershy introduced them to her animal friends. Many of the had grown to like them, except for one. Her bunny, Angel. The siblings would help out of the Apple Family Farm when they could, which Applejack really appreciated. Rainbow really seemed to enjoy either racing them or watching them show off the ice magic or ki attacks they could perform. Which resulted in Rainbow pestering them to teach her how to do it. Rarity always either designed some new clothes for them or drug them off the spa. Whereas Twilight, when not studying Arctic and Glacier, like the adorable purple nerd she is, would read with the siblings. Like the adorable purple nerd she is.


It was a sunny day in Ponyville. Tundra was resting in the library reading some books. Winter was hanging out with Fluttershy and Glacier was at the lake relaxing in the water. Arctic was with Twilight, Spike, and Applejack. Applejack had come to Twilight, Spike, and Arctic while they were out a Sugarcube Corner. She had asked the three if they could help her out on the farm, and they immediately agreed. After the four worked through to the afternoon, well three, seeing Spike had been sitting on Twilight’s back the entire time, they had finally finished up and were heading to the barn to put up the apple’s they were carrying. With Spike digging through the apple’s twilight was carrying and throwing them aside while repeatedly saying, “No”, or “Nope”.

“Thank yah kindly, Twilight and Arctic, for helping me out. Ah bet Big Macintosh ah could all these Golden Delicious in the barn by Lunchtime. And if I win, he’ll walk down Stirrup Street in one of Granny’s girdles.” Applejack said with a laugh.

“No problem at all, Applejack. I’m glad the goal was Lunchtime. All this hard work is making me hungry.” Said Twilight.

“I know, right?” Asked Spike as he threw an apple up into the air, it coming back down and bonking Twilight on the head.

Twilight shot a glare at Spike as he sheepishly smiled at her.

“Please Spike. You’ve been lounging on my back all morning while we worked.” Said Twilight.

“Exactly. You three were taking so long, I missed Snacktime.” Said Spike rubbing his belly.

“Oh? What about all the cupcakes you at, before we came to the farm?” Asked Arctic giving Spike a look.

“Those were my After Breakfast Snack. I’m talking about my before lunch Snack.” Said Spike as he continued digging through the apples.

Just then, there was a low growl. They all looked over to see it had come from Twilight. With a sheepish grin and chuckle, Twilight looked away.

“I guess we should get some food.”

After digging around some more, Spike pulled out a vibrant and juicy looking apple. Before anyone could blink, Spike had shoved the whole apple into his mouth, eating it in one bite.

“Spike!” Said Twilight.

“What?” Asked Spike looking at her.

Just then Spike’s faces scrunched up and his cheeks puffed out, before belching out flames. Just then a letter popped into existence.

“A letter from Princess Celestia!” Twilight said as Spike grabbed onto it and unfurled it.

“That was new. Could he always do that?” Arctic asked Twilight.

“Oh yeah. Spike was taught how to do it so we could send letters to Princess Celestia.” Twilight said with a smile

Throughout the time the siblings had been staying with Twilight and Spike, they had never seen Spike do that before. Arctic made it a point to ask if Glacier could learn to do that someday. Breaking from his thoughts, Arctic heard spike clear his throat as he started to read the letter.

“Hear ye, hear ye. Her grand royal highness, Princess Celestia of Equestria, is pleased to announce the Grand Galloping Gala, to be held in the magnificent capital city of Canterlot on the 21st day of…yada yada yada…cordially extends an invitation to Twilight Sparkle plus one guest.”

Twilight and Applejack’s eyes widened as they both began to celebrate.

“The Grand Galloping Gala!”

Arctic just watched the two before leaning over to Spike and asking, “What’s the Grand Galloping Gala?”

Twilight and Applejack paused before their heads shot over to him.

“You don’t know what the Grand Galloping Gala is?!” They both asked.

Arctic just gave them a deadpan look as if to say, “seriously?”.

“Oh right.” Said Twilight. “The Grand Galloping Gala is an annual royal ball held to celebrate the completion of Canterlot that’s mostly attended by high-class ponies. The only way to get in is to receive a golden ticket from Princess Celestia herself.” Twilight said as Spike belched once again, revealing two golden tickets.

“Great! I’ve never been myself. Have you Spike?”

“No. I plan on keeping it that way. I don’t want any part of that girly, frilly, froufrou nonsense.” Spike said. “What about you Arctic? Would you like to go the Gala?”

“It sounds like it would be an interesting experience. But after how those ponies reacted to me and Glacier, I don’t think those ponies would take two kindly to me be there. But whoever you choose to go with you, Twilight, I hope you have a nice time.” Arctic said.

“I suppose so. Plus a good dance sounds nice.” Twilight said.

“Nice? It’s a heap good more than just nice. I’d love to go. Land’s sakes, if ah had an Apple Stand set up, ponies would be trying our tasty vittles till the cows came home. Do yah have any idea how much business ah could drum up fer Sweet Apple Acres? Why with all that money, we could do a heap of fixin’ up around her. We could replace that saggy ole roof. And Big Macintosh could replace that saggy ole plow, and granny could replace that saggy ole hip. Why, I’d give my left hind leg to go to that Gala.” Applejack said as she looked to be off in her own world.

“Well, in that case, would you like to..”

Before Twilight could finish a loud yell sounded out. Looking up, they saw Rainbow falling toward them. Before, she could hit the ground or Applejack and Twilight, Arctic jumped in a caught her.

“Sup Speed demon.” Arctic said with a small grin.

“Sup Arc. Soooo, we talking about the Grand Galloping Gala?” Rainbow asked.

“Rainbow? Yah said yah were to busy to help with the harvest. What were yah doin’? Spyin’ on us?” Applejack asked, giving Rainbow a glare.

“I was busy. Busy napping.” Rainbow said as they all looked to where she was napping. “And I happened to hear you had an extra ticket?”

“Yeah, but,” Twilight said before being interrupted by Rainbow.

“Yes! This is so Awesome. The Wonderbolts perform at the Grand Galloping Gala every year! I can see it now. Everypony would watch the sky, their eyes on the Wonderbolts, but in would fly Rainbow dash. I’d draw their attention with my Superspeed Strut. Then mesmerized them with my Fantastic Filly Flash. And for my grand finale, the Buccaneer Blaze. The ponies would go wild and the Wonderbolts would insist on having my moves in their routine and then, welcome me as their new member. This could be my one chance to show them my stuff. You’ve got to take me!” Said Rainbow.

Arctic, seeing things getting a bit out of hand, he slowly began to walk off before shuffling into the barn to drop off the apples. As the rest of the day rolled by, Arctic was back at the Library.

“Hey, Arc. How was your day?” Asked Tundra who was still reading.

“It was, interesting. Have you been reading all day?” Arctic asked.

“Yeah, she has. She read almost all the books on this section of the bookcase.” Winter said as she flew up onto Arctic’s shoulder.

“You and Twilight really are alike with all your reading.” Arctic said.

“Hey, reading is an essential part of life. Everypony needs to read every now and then. And besides, I don’t read that much.”

“Yes you do.” Said Arctic and Winter. Even Glacier once he walked in with a plate full of grilled cheeses.

“So, what’s with Twilight?” Glacier asked

“Good question. Last time she and Spike, popped in, she looked stressed. Especially when she saw Fluttershy in here quote, unquote, Spring Cleaning.” Said Tundra.

“Oh, Twilight got two tickets to Something called the Grand Galloping Gala and the other’s are trying to convince her to take one of them. Guess she can’t figure out who to take.” Said Arctic.

“What’s the Grand Galloping Gala?” Asked Glacier.

Arctic sat as he and grabbed a sandwich as he began to explain the Gala to them. Afterwards, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy burst into the Library.

“Whoa, what the!?” Shouted siblings as they looked over.

“Oh, Howdy you four.” Said Applejack.

“Arc!” Exclaimed Pinkie as she jumped onto Arctic’s shoulder.

“Hey Pinks.” Arctic said as he started petting Pinkies head.

After the first time Pinkie had gotten pet by Arctic, she asked to be pet more by him. Soon it kinda became their thing. Pinkie would get up onto Arctic’s shoulder and he would pet her on the head.

“What are you all doing her?” Glacier asked.

“Oh, we’re here to see Twilight.” Said Fluttershy with a small smile.

The siblings all looked to each other having a hunch as to why they were there. Just then, with a loud “pop”, Twilight and Spike appeared. Spike, burned and dazed, shakily stood up, stumbling a bit.

“Warn me the next time you do that.” Spike said.

“I didn’t even know it was going to happen. Quickly, we need to lock the…” Before she could finish, she saw the girls and yelled.

“I can’t decide, I just can’t. It’s important to all of you and I just can’t stand to disappoint you. And giving me gifts and doing me favors won’t make a difference! You’re my friends and I want to make you all happy and I can’t. I just can’t!” Twilight said.

The siblings looked over to the girls whom all had guilty looks on their faces. Applejack slowly walked up to Twilight.

“Twilight, sugar, I didn’t mean to put so much pressure on you. And if it helps, I don’t want the ticket anymore. You can give it to sompony else. I promise, I won’t feel bad.”

“Me too. I feel awful for making you feel so awful.” Said Fluttershy.

“And me too. It’s no fun upsetting your friends.” Said Pinkie still sitting on Arctic’s shoulder.

“Twilight, it was unfair of me to try to force you as I did.” Rarity said.

“Yes! The ticket is mine! I got the ticket! I got the ticket!” Rainbow celebrated before looking around, finally reading the room. “You know, I haven’t perfected my moves for the Wonderbolts yet. I don’t need the ticket.”

Just then, the girls looked over to the siblings with an expecting look.

“What?” Asked Winter.

“We’ll aren’t you going to apologize to Twilight too?” Asked Rarity.

“No.” Said Glacier. “We didn’t even know about the tickets, let alone the Grand Galloping Gala itself.” Glacier said.

“You never heard of the Grand Galloping Gala?!” Blurted Rarity as she looked at them like they grew second heads.

“Yup. We never knew about the Gala till Arctic told us about it.” Said Tundra.

“And I never knew about it till Twilight explained it to me.” Said Arctic.

“Then why don’t you go?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well, Twilight doesn’t have enough Tickets. So we can’t go even if we wanted to.” Winter said.

“And with how those ponies reacted to seeing us,” said Glacier pointing to himself and Arctic, “don’t think they’ll like to have us their.”

“What boulder dash. Those ponies would be honored to have two ponies as wonderful as you there. And you deserve to experience the Gala yourselves.” Rarity said.

“Well, like Winter said, Twilight doesn’t have enough tickets, so we can’t go.” Arctic said.

“And that’s exactly why I’m sending the tickets back.” Said Twilight.

“What?!” Exclaimed the girls.

“Spike, take a note.” Twilight said as Spike got ready. “Dear Princess Celestia, I’ve learned that one of the joys of friendship is sharing your blessings. But, when there isn’t enough to go around, having more than your friends can make you feel awful. Thus, I will be returning the tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala. If my friends can’t all go, then I won’t go.”

“You don’t have to do that Twilight.” Applejack said.

“I’ve made up my mind. Spike, send the letter.” Twilight said as Spike sent off the letter.

“But, you won’t be able to go Twilight.” Fluttershy said giving Twilight a sad look.

“It’s okay. I couldn’t possibly enjoy myself without you all their with me, so I’d rather not go.” Twilight said as the six hugged.

The Quartet just watch with a slight smile as Spike just silently gagged. Just then, his cheeks puffed out and he belched.

“Huh? A letter from Princess Celestia? That was fast.” Said Twilight.

As Spike opened the letter he read it aloud.

“To my faithful student Twilight, why didn’t you just say so?” Then he held up six tickets. “Six tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala!”

“Now we can all go!” Twilight said. And then her stomach growled.

“Hehe, allow us to treat you to lunch.” Said Rarity.

The six all began to walk out taking their tickets from Spike.

“How come we don’t get tickets?” Asked Spike.

“Who knows, guess Princess Celestia didn’t want to invite us.” Said Glacier.

Just then Spike belched again. It was another letter.

“And tickets for you, Spike, Glacier, Arctic Okami, Tundra Storm, and Winter Winds.”

The five looked to each other and ran out of the Library with their tickets, ecstatic to have gotten tickets and ready to experience the Grand Galloping Gala themselves.