• Published 20th Nov 2023
  • 492 Views, 24 Comments

My Little Dragon Ball: Icebound - Tundricwolf

A quartet of siblings, a saiyan, a dragon, a pegasus, and a unicorn, venture outside of their isolated kingdom to explore the rest of the world and embark on the biggest journey of their lives

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Ch 5: The adventure begins

The quartet stared in awe. Before them stood Queen Snowblossom. While they have seen the Queen on a number of occasions, they still looked upon her in sheer amazement. The same could be said for their parents and their teacher. Queen Snowblossom was always a sight to behold.

After giving a quick bow, Sunshine stepped forward.

“My Queen, your young subjects, Glacier the Dragon, Arctic Okami, Tundra storm, and Winter winds, have an announcement for you, as well as myself and their parents.”

Queen Snowblossom slightly raised a brow in curiosity.

“Is that so?” She asked looking at the for siblings.

“Y..yes, your Majesty.” Said Glacier. Nervousness washing over him.

“Then by all means. What is this announcement you have for us Today?” She gave a gentle and motherly smile to the siblings.

While her smile did make the quartet’s nervousness diminish slightly, they were still nervous. The four looked at each other, wondering who would speak first.

Wanting to finally let it out, Winter blurted out,

“We want to go explore outside of the Kingdom!”

Silence. It was so silent in the throne room, you could hear a pen drop. Queen Snowblossom stared at them alongside Sunshine and their parents.

“You want to WHAT?!” Exclaimed a shrill voice.

The voice belong to the quartet’s mother. Snowflake Winds angrily stomped up to her children.

“And why exactly would you want to do that?!” Snowflake asked. She was angry and also terrified. She did not want her children gallivanting off into the unknown.

Arctic sheepishly chimed in.

“Mom, we want to know what’s out there. We’ve never had anypony really go far out there. They always came back.”

“Because they knew that horrible things had to be out there and returned to safety!”

Glacier jumped into the mix, adding in his two cents.

“How can we really know for sure if there really are dangerous things out there, if we’ve never explored further?”

“And so you four want to risk it by going out there yourselves?” Sweeping asked, anger present in his voice, but also a bit of nervousness.

“Yes we do.” Said Tundra in a rather shy voice.

“And what if one or all of you end up getting hurt? What then?” Sweeping asked.

“Well, with the training we’ve been doing with Miss Sunshine, we could protect ourselves and each other.” Replied a sheepish looking Winter.

Sunshine just stared at them before speaking.

“You four are exceptionally strong, but there is always the chance you four end up getting seriously injured. Or worse.” Sunshine shuddered at the thought. She loved the little group and didn’t want them to end up severely hurt or dead.

“We know, but still,” said Glacier, “we want to go out there.”

“And if nopony else is willing to go further out there, then we will.” Tundra said, a slight confidence coming from her as well as her sibling.

Having watched and listened to everything, Queen Snowblossom spoke up.

“It has been so long since I’ve been outside of the kingdom.”

Everyone looked to her as she spoke.

“I’ve completely forgotten what the outside world looks like. And after so many years, who knows how much things have changed. Even I have a slight fear of what may lie just beyond our kingdom.” She said. Her voice was quiet, just barely above a whisper.

She thought back as far as she could. She vaguely remembered how things were before her Kingdom came into being. But she mostly remembered the young fillies and colts who gave the lonesome Alicorn a chance, leaving their home to start a new home with their new friend. She even still, somewhat, remembers their parent's protests and pleas for their children to come back and stay away from her, but, surprisingly, they refused. They wanted to stick by her and that was final.

Queen Snowblossom, still searching her mind, tried to remember anything else from the days before her Kingdom, but those memories have either vanished or are were far to vague to be remembered properly.

She looked up to her four young subjects, a solemn look on her face.

“Are you four sure you wish to embark on this journey?”

The four gave a nod.

“Very well. Have you chosen a day to start this journey of yours?” She asked.

“Tomorrow morning your majesty.” Said Arctic.

“Tomorrow morning it is. Before you leave, I will meet you at the entrance to the Kingdom.” Queen Snowblossom said.

“Yes your Majesty.” Said the siblings as they gave a bow.

After informing the Queen about their plan, the quartet had spoken more with Sunshine before leaving the Castle Grounds.

Along the way home, Sweeping and Snowflake were still ranting to their children. Asking why they would want to do this and trying to get them to stop. The siblings, while very nervous, were adamant about their decision.

After arriving home, the air was tense. They all hardly spoke, even at dinner they hardly said anything to each other.

The night came and went and soon it was the day of the quartet’s journey. They had gotten washed, gotten their bags packed, and headed out towards the entrance to the kingdom, their parents solemnly trudging behind them.

As they approached, they saw the Queen and some of her guard there. Sunshine was also. She too looked quite down.

“Good Morning my young Subjects.” Queen Snowblossom said.

“Good Morning your Majesty.” Said the quartet, as well as their parents who spoke in low voices.

“I see you have packed and are nearly ready to go.” Said Queen Snowblossom.

“Yes your majesty, but what do you mean “nearly”?” Asked Glacier.

“Before you go, there are two things I wish to give you.” Queen Snowblossom looked to one of her guards who was a female Griffon.

The Griffon nodded and from her bag, proceeded to pull out cloaks and wrap them around the four siblings.

“Those are to aid in keeping you hidden and safe should you find yourselves needing to escape anything.” Queen Snowblossom stated.

“Thank you your Majesty.” Said the siblings.

“And the final thing I wish to give you are these.” Said Queen Snowblossom, as her horn glowed and from a bag one of her guards held, emerged for necklaces which she put around the four sibling’s necks.

The necklaces were made with a leather like band and hanging from each necklace hung a single gem. The gems were a deep royal blue and shined bright in the morning sun.

“If I may your Majesty ?” Asked Arctic, “What are you giving us necklaces?”

“Those necklaces are special. They will be able to aid in your venture whenever the need arises.” Queen Snowblossom replied.

The siblings looked at each other, then to the necklaces. They had no idea how these simple necklaces could help them, but they decided not to say anything on it and each bowed to the Queen.

“Thank you your Majesty.” They said.

“You are welcome my young subjects. Now, I believe it is time for your journey to begin.” Queen Snowblossom gave them a smile.

After giving temporary farewells to their parents and teacher, who bonked the four over the head and stating, “You four ragamuffins better come back safe ya hear?”, the quartet stood at the entrance to the kingdom.

“You ready for this?” Glacier asked.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” said Arctic.

“Let’s get this show on the road.” Tundra said with a small smile.

“And let’s see what awaits us.” Winter said. She was still nervous but excited for this adventure.

Soon, the four began to walk, taking their very first steps outside of the kingdom.