• Published 20th Nov 2023
  • 492 Views, 24 Comments

My Little Dragon Ball: Icebound - Tundricwolf

A quartet of siblings, a saiyan, a dragon, a pegasus, and a unicorn, venture outside of their isolated kingdom to explore the rest of the world and embark on the biggest journey of their lives

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Ch3: A decision is made

After arriving to the lower district and just roaming around, the quartet had made a stop at the Lower Districts bakery, the Blizzard Bakery, and got themselves some treats to snack on.

Once they got them, they found a table outside and sat down, digging into their treats with pure delight.

“I never get tired of these doughnuts! They’ve got to be the best in the kingdom!” Winter said in a cheery tone.

“You always get those doughnuts. It’s like you can’t live without them.” Tundra said with a chuckle as she popped one of the cake pops she got into her mouth with her magic.

“Can you blame me? These doughnuts are the best!” Said Winter, stuffing another doughnut into her already full mouth.

Winter had always enjoyed the bakery’s famous Blueberry doughnuts. Ever since she had one as a young filly.

“Not as good as the Apple Cinnamon Muffins.” Glacier said as he chowed down on one of his muffins.

“Yeah right! The Banana Nut Muffin’s are the best.” Arctic said eating one of his muffins.

“Of course you like the Banana Nut Muffins, Monkey-Man.” Glacier said with a cheeky grin nudging Arctic’s arm.

“Oh, shut up, Dragon-Boy.” Arctic said nudging hun back with an equally cheeky grin.

Monkey-Man and Dragon-Boy. Two goofy nicknames the Saiyan and the Dragon gave each other when they were younger. The nicknames started off as jokes but eventually stuck.

As the group sat, eating their treats, they saw a Buck walking alongside a Stallion, accidentally listening in on what they were talking about.

“It would be truly something if that was truly out there.” Said the Stallion.

“I know that’s right. But what if some kind of dangerous creatures lived out there? I mean, remember the group who tried going out last time? They said they heard all kinds of eerie and terrifying noises before rushing back to the kingdom.” Said the Buck.

“That’s true. Still, I always wonder what’s out there. Perhaps it could explain the mystery of the Pony on the Moon.” Said the stallion.

“Perhaps. If only somedeer was actually brave enough to go out there.” The Buck said as the two of them laughed, a bit of nervousness present in their laugh. While they would like to know what lies beyond their home, they know, like every other being in the kingdom, that none of them would truly be brave enough too.

After the two of them had walked away, the quartet had stopped eating. All four looked down, each one with inquisitive looks on their faces, before looking to each other once more.

“You know,” Glacier said, “it would be nice to know what’s actually out there.”

“But who knows what would happen if somepony went out there. What if they never came back?!” Winter said, quietly shouting, worry and fear clear in her face.

“But what if it’s a nice place out there?” Arctic said hesitantly. He too, much like all the other residents of the kingdom, was quite fearful of what was outside their home.

“I doubt it.” Glacier replied. “I mean, even Queen Snowblossom is unaware of what’s out there.”

The four of them had shuddered slightly. If even the Queen didn’t know what was out there and was hesitant to venture out there, then maybe it was dangerous out there.

Winter, with a bit of determination, but still pensive and scared, spoke up.

“We wouldn’t know if it is dangerous out there if we never go see for ourselves.”

“You mean send somepony out there?” Tundra said, whipping her head over to Winter, upsetting her glasses in the process before hastily correcting them.

“Well, maybe.” Winter said shyly.

“No way we’re sending somepony out there! Who knows what could happen!” Tundra blurted out. Fear and a bit of anger in her voice. She didn’t want to go seeing any of the residents sent out into the unknown. She herself was worried for the groups who tried going out there and was relieved when they returned.

All of them felt that way. They didn’t like the idea of any of the beings in their home being sent out there. But, still, they too were curious as to what lay beyond their border.

After some more thinking, one of them spoke up.

“What if we went ourselves?”

Three looked up to the voice. It was Glacier.

“What do you mean, “what if we went out there?!” Tundra blurted out? She was taken aback by the suggestion and was quite angry. Her outburst caught the attention of others and after a quite and shy apology, she wheeled around to her brother.

“We can’t possibly go out there. If other’s went and returned after only a day or two, full of fear and talking about monsters they saw out there, what makes you think we should go?” Tundra said still seething a bit.

“I mean, surely you wanted to see for yourself what’s out there, right?” Glacier asked.

Hesitantly, and a bit shyly, Tundra replied.

“Y..yeah. So what?” Tundra said.

“This could be your chance to see for yourself, for all of us to see for ourselves, what’s really out there.” Glacier said, a little excited but still a bit nervous.

“I don’t know.” Winter said. Her ears were folded back, her head down. She was nervous, afraid even, to go galavanting out there and away from home. “What if we get hurt or something worse?”

“We could get hurt. But the four of us are strong. We can defend ourselves and each other if need be.” Arctic said. He too, was a bit nervous, but a little excited about going out on an adventure, seeing what’s out there.

“I suppose. You could also use that Oozaru thing.” Winter said.

The Oozaru thing, was Arctic’s transformation. They remember when it first happened. The group were out at the outer region of the kingdom near one of the lakes around the kingdom. They were talking about random things and playing with each other, till Tundra brought up the Pony on the Moon. They decided to look up at it, a bit mesmerized by it. That is, until a roar was heard. They whipped around and saw Arctic transforming. After transforming and ramping a bit, the Royal Guard had showed up. It was a hard fought battle, but the guard had managed to stop him, getting lucky and managing to knock him out.

After the ordeal, he was asked about it. He didn’t know much, but digging through what foggy memories he had before ending up in the kingdom, he figured it out. He vaguely remembered it being called an Oozaru and needing the moon to transform into it. After more discussions, the Captain of the Guard asked if it could be controlled. Arctic didn’t know but was up for trying. It took many months, but eventually Arctic was able to gain control over the Oozaru form. All of this was done in secret, but only his family and the Guard knew about this. As well as Queen Snowblossom.

“I guess I could use that. I suppose, I may be up for going out on this adventure.” Arctic said. Still a bit unsure about all this.

Glacier chimed in, slightly more confident, but still a tad bit nervous.

“Same here. I’m up for an adventure. We’ve been here for so long. It’d be nice to see something new. Even if it could be dangerous and terrifying.”

“I guess I’ll go too.” Tundra said. “We’ve done a lot together, guess we’ll do this together too.”

“Alright. That’s three. Winter, what about you?” Arctic said. The three looked over to her.

Winter was struggling inside. She wanted to go on an adventure and see something new, but she was afraid. She also didn’t want to be away from home.

After a minute or two of debating, she responded.

“I..I’ll go too.”

“Alright Sis!” Glacier said excitedly. He hugged her tight and she returned it.

“If we’re going to do this, when should we go?” Tundra asked.

“How about tomorrow morning?” Glacier suggested.

“What?! Why so soon?” Tundra spluttered, surprised at the suggestion.

“Why not? It would be better to do it tomorrow. If we try doing this later, we might not go, having talked ourselves out of it.” Glacier replied. He was right. If they pushed it off, they all probably would’ve just talked themselves out of it, allowing fear to deep in day by day till they abandoned their idea.

“I.. ugh. Okay. I guess we’ll go tomorrow.” Tundra said.

“It’s settled then.” Arctic said.

“Tomorrow morning, we’re officially leaving and going out to see what’s well and truly out there.” Winter said. She was very slowly growing excited but still scared and nervous.

“Alright. We’ll have to get some things together before we go.” Tundra said.

“Right!” Arctic, Glacier, and Winter said in unison.

The quartet packed up their leftover treats and head out for the stores to gather some supplies, as well as inform the Queen and their parents about what they intend to do.