• Published 15th Feb 2024
  • 181 Views, 24 Comments

The Brothers Journey Through Space - Big Imagination E

Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!

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Swimming Around Sealantis

The brothers arrived and luckily they found a beach and landed their ship there. Then before the brothers got out Inferno needed to discuss something with Spike.

"Ok bro. I know it doesn't look like much but if were gonna explore Sealantis then were gonna have to put on some scuba gear. Because we can't breathe underwater." Inferno explained.

Spike nodded and the two of them got some scuba gear on and headed out of the ship. Once they were the brothers both jumped in the water and began sinking to the bottom of the ocean. And after a few minutes they landed on the wet sand.

"Ok bro. Were underwater. Now we just gotta find whatever made that sound." Inferno replied.

Then they heard the sound again. They looked around trying to locate the source til Spike saw some moving seaweed.

"Hey Inferno? This may sound crazy but I think the sound is coming from the seaweed." Spike thought.

"Dude are you nuts? There's no way that a bunch of seaweed can be making that sound. But I suppose we can check it out if you want." Inferno offered.

Spike nodded in agreement and swam closer to the seaweed. The sound was getting louder and Inferno started to believe that Spike was right. And then to their surprise a girl with violet hair, artic blue shells on her chest, and a tail covered in shiny violet scales merged out of the seaweed all tied up. The brothers gasped seeing this.

"Please. Can you help me?" She asked.

"I can't believe my eyes! You're a me..me..mermaid!" Inferno sputtered.

"Yes and I'm stuck! Please help me." She cried.

"Sure we'll help. Spike pull on one end and I'll pull on the other." Inferno said.

"Ok." Spike answered.

Then with all there might they tried pulling her out of the seaweed but they were having trouble. Then they tried pushing her out of it from behind. But that didn't work either.

"Man she's really stuck!!" Spike said.

"How are we supposed to get her out of this icky seaweed?" Inferno wondered.

"I have an idea. Inferno grab the seaweed and try and rip it off while I get her out of it." Spike suggested.

"That could work. Let's do this." Inferno said.

So he grabbed on the seaweed and Spike took her hand and when he counted to three they pulled with all their might and Inferno ripped off the seaweed and Spike pulled her out of it. She was no longer covered in seaweed and was free.

"I'm free! Oh thank you boys! I owe you two one." She said happily as she swam towards them and hugged them.

Then to Spike's surprise she hugged him so tight and rubbed his back causing him to blush crazy red but returned the hug. Inferno smirked and nudged his shoulder.

"Ooh. You got a mermaid lover bro." Inferno said all singy songy.

"Eh no I don't!" Spike denied.

"Relax. I'm only teasing. You know that you have a thing for Rarity." Inferno said.

Spike sighed in relief. His brother may tease but at least he doesn't tease a lot. Then they faced the mermaid they rescued and were curious who she was.

"Excuse us miss? We didn't get your name. Who are you?" Inferno asked.

"Oh I'm sorry. My name is Night Star. I'm the princess of Mermaid De Ray. Which is where I live with my parents. Who are you two?" She answered.

"I'm Inferno and this is Spike. We came from a different planet and galaxy. Though we never expect to see an underwater planet. We were trying to find what was making that sound we heard." Inferno explained.

"Oh. You mean this?" Night Star said as she started singing.

Then suddenly they remembered that sound from earlier. They now realize it was her that made that sound all this time.

"Wait. It was you that made that sound the whole time?" Spike asked.

"It sure was. We mermaids are half siren you see. Therefore we have the ability to sing to draw people near. It also hypnotizes them but I only hypnotize them when I wanted to. That's what you were hearing." Night Star explained.

"Ohh." The brothers said in unison.

"Anyways I better be heading home. Although since you two saved me would you like to see my home?" Night Star asked.

"Sure! I wonder if there's any more mermaids besides you." Inferno wondered.

"Oh there is. Come. Lemme show you two Mermaid De Ray. It will be something you will enjoy." Night Star smiled.

She swam towards her home and the brothers followed her.

After a hour or two they arrived at her home. It was a huge city in the sea and there was a castle too. We also see many residents enjoying their time and doing there daily activities. To the brothers it was a sight to behold.

"Wow. Now that is something you really don't see everyday." Inferno smiled.

"Yes. Now come boys. I want you to meet my parents. And we'll explain that you both saved me." Night Star said.

So the trio all swam towards the castle gates and Night Star assured the guards that the brothers were completely harmless and won't cause any trouble. They let them in and once in the castle the brothers loved seeing the reef decorations on the walls. Once they arrived in the throne room they spotted the rulers of Sealantis. One was a muscular merman king and the other was a beautiful mermaid queen. Those were her parents.

"Intruders!! What are they doing in my castle?! Guards!!" The merman king shouted.

"Father wait! They're not intruders! In fact they saved me when I was stuck in the seaweed. I assure you they are friendly!" Night Star worried.

"Honey. Lemme go talk to them." The queen replied.

He calmed down and the queen swam towards the brothers who were a little nervous seeing royalty.

"Is it true that you two truly saved our daughter from being stuck in the seaweed?" The queen asked.

"Yes ma'am. We did save her. And we don't mean any harm what so ever. So we really don't want any trouble." Spike answered.

The look on the queen's face suddenly soften and she can tell that they were telling the truth.

"Well. I thank you boys for doing that. And I'm so sorry for thinking that you were trespassing. But I now see that my daughter is safe and you boys are pure of heart. Guards. Return to your posts. They are free." The queen said.

The brothers sighed in relief and the guards returned to their posts.

"You two try any funny business with my daughter I will put you in the dungeon." The king threatened.

"No you won't. Honey. Everytime we have guests you always threaten them just because you think that they are doing something with our daughter. She's 19 years old and is old enough to spend time with friends even if their boys. So stop being a overprotective king and go to the bedroom. I will deal with you later." The queen said.

The king frowned and swam to the room. Once he was out of sight the queen faced the brothers again.

"I'm sorry about my husband. He isn't used to relying on others. But I do appreciate you both for saving my daughter. Oh my name is Queen Ocean Wave." She said.

"Nice name. It totally fits you. I'm Inferno and this is Spike."

"Pleasure meeting you. Now that we got that taken care of how's about we give you both a tour of Sealantis?" Ocean Wave offered.

"We would love that." Spike smiled.

So the queen or Ocean Wave called in a special sea carriage and allowed her daughter and the brothers in. Thus begins there tour of Sealantis. The first stop they made was a special training ground where mostly mermen train to protect their underwater kingdom. Next was sea like stage they see where they can perform different plays and shows at night. Third was the whole city of Sealantis where they get many friendly waves from the residents and they returned them by waving back. And finally they see the the luxurious Seaside Spa where the residents can go and relax when they had a rough day.

Night came in and the queen and Night Star were at the front of the castle gates again.

"Well boys. I hoped you enjoyed the tour." Ocean Wave smiled.

"We sure did. Thank you for letting us see everything that your kingdom has to offer." Spike said.

Then suddenly when a ray of moonlight shined on the mermaids their tails started to light up. The brothers immediately saw the light shine so bright that it lit up the ocean!

"Whoa. How is your tails doing that?" Inferno asked.

"Easy. Our tails are covered with shiny scales of our color. So when the moon shines it's light on us we can light up the whole ocean." Ocean Wave explained.

"Wow. That's so pretty. If only Rarity could see this. She be starry eyed." Spike commented.

"And before you leave I wanna sing a little something for you." Night Star said as she cleared her voice and started singing.


(Replace blue with violet)

As she sang the brothers immediately swayed their heads to the tune and did a little synchronized swimming to the beat and even sang with her! After the song was finished she posed and the brothers clapped.

"Wow. I really felt that one. Deep down." Inferno commented.

"Me too. Well thank you for the song. Now we gotta go." Spike smiled.

The brothers waved goodbye to the mermaids and swam back to the beach. Once on land again they took off all their scuba gear and headed back inside the ship and dried off. After that they changed back into their spacesuits.

"Wowzers! That has probably got to be the best planet we ever been to. Anyways let's go see one last planet before we head back to our galaxy." Spike said.

"You got it! Way we go bro!" Inferno agreed.

So he actived the boosters yet again and steered the ship out of the atmosphere and back into space. What will the next planet be?

Author's Note:

The brothers had a great time in Sealantis! Now what's the last planet in this galaxy they want to see?