• Published 15th Feb 2024
  • 181 Views, 24 Comments

The Brothers Journey Through Space - Big Imagination E

Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!

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Crashed And Back in Their Galaxy

Back with Twilight she was still looking for her brothers. While she was doing that she didn't realize that she entered a meteor shower!! Twilight was scared and tried dodging them but there were too many. That caused her pod to go out of control and spun around. She tried gaining control and was having a difficult time due to the meteors coming. Finally she managed to get out of the meteor shower and sighed in relief.

"Whew. That was a close one. Now to find my brothers." Twilight said.

But suddenly she saw something on her radar that another meteor was coming. Twilight looked around trying to find it but had no luck. Then all of a sudden he felt something hit the back of her pod and that cause the booster to be broken and she spun around and lost control of her pod. She tried regaining control but it was no use and she crashed on the Moon. The impact knocked her out cold and now only her brothers can save her.

Speaking of the brothers they came out of the portal and returned to their galaxy. The brothers smiled and are happy to be back in their solar system.

"Ahh. It's good to be home." Spike said.

"It sure is bro. Now let's go see one of Jupiter's moons before we head on home. What do you say?" Inferno asked.

"I think that is a great idea. Let's fly." Spike answered.

So the brothers flew straight to Jupiter at warpspeed and saw that there was many moons. But the one they wanted to discover is Europa. Now that is the smallest of the four Galilean moons orbiting Jupiter, and the sixth-closest to the planet of all the 95 known moons of Jupiter. It is also the sixth-largest moon in the Solar System. And Europa has the smoothest surface of any known solid object in the Solar System. The apparent youth and smoothness of the surface have a hypothesis that a water ocean exists beneath the surface. And they reached til they enter it's atmosphere and once they landed Inferno actived a tank mode and they went ahead and entered a crater.

In one of the craters they entered was called Cilix, which is the brother of Europa. In the crater needless to say that it was deep and has some ice in there.

"Woah. Would you look at that man. I never knew that Europa has craters that contain ice." Spike replied.

"Believe it bro because we are making history. And we will have one incredible story to tell when we get home to our parents. They will be so surprised." Inferno nodded.

But then they started getting a call. Inferno pressed a button and the screen revealed Sunset and the rest of the girls.

"Boys! Do you read me?" Sunset asked.

"We heard you loud and clear Sunset. What's going on?" Inferno asked.

"Listen boys we need your help! Twilight went into space looking for you and she hasn't answered back! We think something bad happened to her!" Sunset explained.

"WHAT?! Twilight went into space?! Well you made the right choice calling us Sunset. When did that happen?" Spike wondered.

"It happened when she got out her space pod and was worried that a bad thing happened to you two. But last time we checked her pod it wasn't fully tested. So we need you two to find her and bring her back home." Rarity answered.

"Never fear girls. We will find our sister and bring her home. But problem is that we don't know where she can be." Inferno admitted.

"Well when you do find her please let us know as soon as possible?" Pinkie said.

"We promise Pinkie. Thanks for letting us know. We'll be on the lookout for Twilight." Inferno replied.

He turned off the call and the brothers looked at each other in worry. To hear that Twilight is in outer space somewhere and is in trouble they can only imagine what will happen if they don't get her home. Their parents will be extremely worried about their family going missing.

"What are we gonna do? Twilight's out there and she could be hurt." Spike worried.

"Oh I tell you what were gonna do. Were gonna have to reschedule exploring Jupiter's moons for another day. Because for now were going to find our sister and bring her home." Inferno said determined.

"You're right. She's family. And families stick together no matter what. So we have to find her." Spike agreed.

"Damn right. Now let's get out of this crater and head off and find our sister." Inferno replied.

So he actived the rocket mode again and they blasted out of the crater and flew out of the atmosphere and began their search for Twilight. He put the ship in hyperspeed again and off they went.

After an hour or two they slowed down and began searching around the comsos to see where Twilight was. But they couldn't find her.

"Oh where can Twilight be?" Spike worried.

"I don't know Spike. We don't even know what happened to her that caused her to be lost in the first place." Inferno said.

Then suddenly they picked up something on their screen. They looked on it and saw that there was something coming from the Moon and they wondered about something.

"Inferno. There's something coming from the Moon. Do you think that it could be Twilight?" Spike asked.

"Im not sure bro. But if she's on the Moon then we have nothing to lose. Let's head to the Moon and see if she is. We'll be lucky if we find her." Inferno admitted.

The brothers nodded in agreement and Inferno actived the hyperspeed once again and flew super fast heading to the Moon. They have to find Twilight and her get her home to safety. Can the brothers find her on the Moon? Or will they have to keep looking through the galaxy for her?

Author's Note:

Ok bros. Head to the Moon and find your sister. She needs your help.