• Published 15th Feb 2024
  • 181 Views, 24 Comments

The Brothers Journey Through Space - Big Imagination E

Spike and Inferno go on an adventure through outer space!!!

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Exploring Toompa

The door open and the brothers came out of their rocket. Once out they saw what Toompa was on the inside. They saw a bunch of wacky houses, A tall crystal skyscraper in the far distance, and a bunch of other stuff the saw that was pretty impressive. But ultimately they like the rainbow color vibe that was all around.

"Wow. Would you look at this? This planet is amazing! I real like were in a dream right now dude!" Inferno smiled.

"Me too! I mean I never seen this much rainbow color before. I guess you could say that this really is 'colorful'." Spike joked.

The two laughed at Spike's joke. Spike was really good at telling jokes and his brother sometimes comes up with jokes of his own.

"Dude! We gotta be comedians! That is seriously some funny stuff you said!" Inferno said.

But then suddenly they heard someone else laughing. And they didn't know where it was coming from.

"Spike? Did you hear that?" Inferno asked.

"I did. But where did that come from? I think someone is here." Spike answered.

And turns out Spike was right. Appearing out of the bushes was a girl with blonde curly hair and wearing a rainbow dress. She smiled and giggled seeing the boys.

"It was me. I was the one that laughed at the joke. It was funny. Anyway who are you two?" She asked.

"I'm Inferno and this is my brother Spike. We came from another galaxy because Spike made a cool wish to go on a space adventure."

"Nice to meet you Spike and Inferno. My name is Meebeedeep. But you can call me Melody."

"Well Melody it's very nice to meet you. And we were curious about this planet Toompa." Spike said.

"Oh. Well this is my home planet. You happen to be in front of my house. And I can certainly tell you don't know much about it. Would you like to have me show you around?" Melody asked.

"Sure! We really want to get to know your planet better." Inferno answered.

"Come with me and I'll be happy to show you around." Melody said.

So Melody led the brothers to their first stop in Toompa. They arrived at a sea which for some reason smelled like raspberries.

"Hey Spike? You smell raspberries?" Inferno asked.

"I do smell raspberries. But where is it coming from?" Spike wondered.

"It's coming from here. Here is the Great Soda Sea. It's an ocean of raspberry soda that you can really drink and swim in." Melody explained.

"Wait! You can actually swim in that?!" Spike asked.

"Uhuh. But the bubbles really tickle." Melody added.

"Haha! Talk about a fizzy feeling there! You know what I mean?" Inferno joked.

The brothers laughed at his joke and Melody couldn't help but laugh too.

"Come boys. There's more to see." Melody said.

So she led them to another place on her planet. They now arrived at the crystal skyscrapers and saw how beautiful it looks. And when the sun shined it's light it caused rainbows to appear out of the skyscrapers and cover the sky in rainbows.

"Whoa. Melody that looks beautiful. What exactly is this?" Inferno asked.

"This is the Rainbow Crystal Scrapers. These special scrapers can make the whole sky a bright rainbow color whenever the sun shines on them. And it makes quite a wonderful sight." Melody explained.

"Well you sure ain't kidding. This is a wonderful sight to see! You know if Rarity was here she would think that this is so beautiful she create many dresses rainbow themed." Inferno commented.

"Yeah. Her customers would be tickled pink seeing the rainbow design on the dresses." Spike added.

"I'm glad you're enjoying the view of the rainbow. Come there another place I wanna show you." Melody said.

So she led them to a third place her planet has. This building had a bell and was decorated in rainbow color but is presented as a school.

"Hey Melody. What's this place?" Inferno asked.

"This is where I go to school. But considering it's the weekend I don't have school today. Here I learn many things. Like learning how to create paintings, learning the planet's history from back in the day, and best of all k learn how to have time to be with my friends and not have my head in the books." Melody explained.

"Good for you. But we have a sister back home and she always has her head in the books. We do love her but we wish she didn't always think about school." Spike said.

"Is your sister always like that?" Melody asked.

"Not always. Sometimes. We just want her to try and understand that it's ok to have a little fun every now and then. In fact I bet she's really worried about us leaving." Inferno said uneasy.

"Hey it's ok. I know something that can help." Melody said giving Inferno a bracelet. "I made it. But the only difference is that this jewel in the middle will be set off whenever her mind goes unbalanced."

"Won't that just frustrate Twilight more?" Spike asked.

"Don't worry. This jewel won't frustrate her. The jewel will play a calming tune to relax her brain and try to do something fun so she won't be all panicky." Melody assured.

"Oh. Well thank you Melody. This will definitely come in handy." Spike smiled.

"Your welcome. Well it was nice meeting you two. But I gotta head home now. I hole to see you two around someday." Melody smiled and disappeared back home.

"Wow. That girl really can do all sorts of tricks. Especially on a different planet. Well Spike did you enjoy seeing Toompa?" Inferno asked.

"I sure did. Melody was nice. Though I think we should head back to the ship and see if we can find more planets to explore before we head home." Spike answered.

"Sure Spike. This adventure ain't over yet! Come on!" Inferno said.

So the brothers both headed back and when they stopped at the Great Soda Sea they took two large bottles and filled both of them up with raspberry soda. After that they headed back in the ship and Inferno actived the boosters and headed back into outer space yet again.

Back in the endless sea of stars the brothers flew through the comsos and saw Toompa getting smaller as they were leaving. Spike knew that visiting Toompa was great but there's more planets to explore before heading home.

"Alright bro. Third planet down. So where to next?" Spike asked.

"Hmm. Why don't you pick Spike? What planet would you like to go to next?" Inferno offered.

"Let's try a planet with some either icy or fiery surroundings? I wanna see what it would be like to visit a hot or cold planet." Spike answered.

"Alright. We will do just that. Now let's see.." Inferno said as he typed some info on hot or cold planets. And to their surprise their were only two planets. One icy blue and cold, and one orange and very hot.

"Only two huh? Ok Spike which one do you want to see?" Inferno asked.

"Hmm. I'm thinking we can go to the cold one. The hot looks blazing and we could get burned." Spike answered.

"You know what? I agree with you. Let's go to the cold one and see how 'cool' it looks.' Inferno joked.

The two laughed and Inferno actived hyperspeed and they flew very fast in the direction where their cold planet is. And once they arrive they will get quite a chilly feeling in their skin.

Author's Note:

Nice! Three planets explored! Now it's time to see what the forth one is. And we better hope the brothers will get home soon. Twilight is starting to worry.

Guess what reference that was. It was based on a familiar purple dinosaur.