• Published 5th Mar 2024
  • 773 Views, 34 Comments

My Little Pony: The Ghost Rider - Big Imagination E

When Princess Celestia gets taken by the son of the Devil the Main Six join Johnny Blaze to stop him and save the universe.

  • ...

A Deal with the Devil

Night came in and the clouds were rumbling meaning it was gonna rain later. In the tent we see Johnny and the gang helping him adjust a few things on his bike. Even Spike decided to help them by giving it a new paint job. Then outside the tent a man with a cane came walking to the tent as the lights exploded and short circuited when he passed. He arrived at the tent and saw the group.

"Johnny Blaze." The man said as everyone turned to him.


"Caught your show today. Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed watching you ride." He replied.

"Oh thanks." Johnny said.

"Um excuse me sir? But how did you know his name?" Twilight asked.

"Why I'm a fan of him." The man then looked over toward the Mane Six and Spike. “Though I must admit, I was not counting on the Elements of Harmony to drop in unannounced.”

All eyes, from Spike and the girls, went wide upon hearing that.

“You know who we are?” Twilight questioned.

"Oh yes. And as for Johnny perhaps he'd ride for me one day." The man answered.

"You run a show?" Johnny asked.

"Greatest show on Earth." The man said.

The thunder boomed as we see the came he was carrying had a skull on it. The girls were a little unsure about him. How he knows their names was a surprise.

"He really appreciates the offer but he's with us. So no thank you." Twilight politely said.

"Plus we don't know who you are." Fluttershy said.

"Oh I'm sorry. Forgive my manners. I am Mephistopheles. And I also know much more than your names. Nothing happens that I do not know about. I believe you can show me your ‘true selves’ now.”

The Mane Six and Spike looked back and forth between on other, then to Johnny and the man who seemed to know who they were. With a reluctant sigh, Twilight closed her eyes as her magic began to envelop them all. Once cleared, they once more assumed their equine and dragon forms respectively, and the man smiled with satisfaction.

“Much better,” He said.

Johnny, meanwhile, stood shocked and confused.

“Just when you think you’ve seen it all,” He mumbled.

“So you know about us, but we know nothing about you,” Twilight told the man.

"You wouldn't have. Now I know why you're here. Johnny is worried about his father. And you six along with Spike are looking for your beloved princess." Mephistopheles said.

They all were in shock when he said that.

"What do you know about that?" Johnny asked.

"And how do you know about our mission?" Rainbow wondered.

"Even a blind man could see he's sick. Thing about cancer is the time it takes....the toll on the loved ones. And as for your mission I know exactly who took your princess. Johnny. Girls. What if I could help you? By healing your dad and revealing the name of the kidnapper that took Celestia?" Mephistopheles offered.

"Yeah? How?" Johnny asked.

"And how would you know about the kidnapper?" Twilight wondered.

"How is not important. What if I could make him better? Give him back his health? And you girls shall have the name of your princess's kidnapper so you can destroy him and return home to Equestria. Would you all be willing to make a deal?" Mephistopheles asked.

Everyone was definitely shocked. How can this man know so much about the Main Six when they just met him? And yet he's willing a deal to them to help them all get what they want. They wanted answers from him but it was not the time for questions right now.

"Well. If you really think you can help us out then we pretty much don't have a choice. Do we?" Spike asked.

"I'm afraid not young dragon." Mephistopheles answered.

"Name your price." Johnny said.

"I will take......your souls." Mephistopheles replied.

That made them uncomfortable. Then they faced him away to discuss this as group.

"Ok who the heck is this guy? The Devil? And how does he know the mission that Celestia is kidnapped?" Rarity worried

"I don't know how he knows all this. But if he's willing to help us then we shouldn't reject his offer. Besides he said he'll reveal the name of the kidnapper that took Celestia. So we gotta at least try." Twilight said.

"I don't know Twi. That guy maybe creepy but something about him feels off." Applejack said unsure.

"I understand that. But we need Celestia back. And we'll need all the help we can get." Twilight replied.

The girls sighed and faced him once more.

"Ok sir. If you think you can help us out then you have a deal." Twilight replied.

"Wonderful. By sunrise tomorrow, Johnny's father will be healthy as a horse. And I will seek the being of the kidnapper that took Celestia and reveal his name to you." Mephistopheles said as he took out a scroll. "All you have to do is sign this."

Johnny took the scroll and read everything that said on the contract. The girls read it too and Johnny's finger got cut and he winced as a drop of blood landed on the signature line. Twilight went to check on him and suddenly she cut her finger too and her blood was on the line.

"Oh, that'll do just fine." Mephistopheles said as he took the contract and his eyes glowed orange.

The next morning everyone woke up all shocked and scared in Johnny's bedroom. What this all just a dream? Johnny then clutched his head as he felt a little pain coming. The girls then shook their heads as they tried to wake up. Then Barton came in and was feeling like his old self again.

"Good morning sleeping beauties." Barton said.

"Dad? You look--" Johnny started.

"Great, right? Least that's what the doc said when he looked at my x-rays this morning." Barton finished.

"What are you talking about? How are you cured suddenly?" Rarity asked.

"I've been sick girl. When I finally get up the nerve to tell you all about it...I'm not anymore. I can't really explain it. But I feel healthy as a horse. Now, come on hotshot. I got a show to do. Now, get my bike ready. Don't wanna keep those people waiting." Barton said as he walked out the door.

The girls couldn't believe it. Johnny's dad was cured! Maybe that deal they made with Mephistopheles was for real.

"Maybe the deal really was for real." Spike said.

"I guess. But I still think that something is off with that Mephistopheles guy. Something tells me there's more to that deal we made." Applejack added.

They couldn't argue with that. So they decided to keep an eye on things. Now at the circus tent they see Barton getting ready to do his show.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Barton Blaze!!"

The crowd cheered for him as he rode his bike. But Mephistopheles was watching and for some reason made Barton trip and get hurt in the fire ring! The crowd gasped and Johnny and the gang saw him in his state and ran to him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, head for the exits. Please stay calm."

"Oh my God! Barton! Are you okay?" Spike asked.

"Dad? Dad, it's all right, were here. We're here, it's gonna be okay." Johnny said.

But Barton could barely talk. He was injured so bad that his life was taken away and when he took his last breath he died. The girls gasped and Johnny tried waking him up but it was no use. Then they all heard Mephistopheles laughing demonic and disappeared. That brought angry faces on them as they decided to seek him out.

With Johnny riding his motorcycle with Spike riding with him and the girls following they all tried seeking out Mephistopheles. Then suddenly they saw him appear and gave them quite a scare as Johnny and Spike fell off the bike and the girls screamed and fell on the road. Mephistopheles saw their reaction and slammed his cane down to wake them up.

"You're all no good to me dead." Mephistopheles said.

The group slowly got back on their feet and hooves and and stared at him so angry.

"You....you killed him." Johnny said.

"I knew there was something suspicious about you! Why did you kill him?!" Applejack demanded.

"I cured his cancer. That was the deal. But I couldn't let him come between us." Mephistopheles explained.

"You monster! You son of a bitch! We shouldn't have trusted you!! Now you'll pay for this!!" Rainbow shouted.

Johnny and Rainbow along with everyone else trying attacking him. But no matter what they did he dodged all their moves. It was almost like he studied them carefully. Then they faced him once more.

"It's no use fighting me. Besides you still want the name of the kidnapper?" Mephistopheles asked.

"Forget it! We want out of the deal! And we'll find the guy ourselves!!" Rarity demanded.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. You made the deal and now you're stuck with it. Now hear this. One day when I need all of you I will come. And when I arrive the name of the kidnapper that took Celestia shall be revealed. That I promise. Until then I'll be..... I'll be watching." Mephistopheles said as he placed his hand on Johnny taking his soul. "Forget about friends. Well except the Main Six and Spike since they need their princess. Forget about family. Forget about love. You're all mine Johnny Blaze."

He tapped him on the shoulder and he disappeared. Johnny gasped as he got up and the girls were all panicky. They couldn't see him anymore. And now what were the Main Six, Spike and Johnny gonna do?

Author's Note:

That is what happens when you make a deal with the Devil. Now you gotta deal with it til you come through.