• Published 5th Mar 2024
  • 773 Views, 34 Comments

My Little Pony: The Ghost Rider - Big Imagination E

When Princess Celestia gets taken by the son of the Devil the Main Six join Johnny Blaze to stop him and save the universe.

  • ...

The Penance Stare and Answers

Back with Roxanne she was STILL waiting and was getting a little drunk off the wine. To her it was turning into the worst date ever. Back on the road we see Ghost Rider, The Sinister Six and Spike riding their bikes destroying every light they passed. Meanwhile we see a mugger trying to steal a woman's bag.

"Gimme the damn bag!!" The mugger threatened.

"Help!" The woman cried.

The gang all stopped their bikes and heard her cry for help. Then the Ghost Rider and the Sinister Six roared as it caught the mugger's attention. Then they all jumped down and stared at the mugger while one of them pointed to the right telling the woman to run that way.

"Thanks." She said.

So she ran off and the mugger continued looking at them in pure terror. He had never seen something so scary like that and this was only starting. Ghost Rider pointed at him and spoke.

"You. Guilty. Fluttershy he's been misbehaving. Let's teach him a lesson." Ghost Rider replied.

She nodded and they both grabbed the mugger and pinned him against the wall.

"Look into our eyes." Rider Fluttershy said.

The mugger tried stabbing her but had no effect. Then he tried stabbing Ghost Rider but that ended up with the same result. He took the knife out and melted.

"Your soul is stained by the blood of the innocent." Ghost Rider spoke.

The mugger tried struggling for dear life but with no effort.

"Now you will feel their pain." Rider Fluttershy said.

"NOOO!!!" The mugger screamed.

He stared into both their eyes and in their gazes he could see all the pain he caused on his victims. Those images are trapped in his mind and burning his soul on fire. Then after a while of seeing all the victims pain we zoom out seeing the mugger's eyes all burned and the body dropped on the ground lifeless.

They all continued riding their bikes in the heat of the night and keeping a lookout for Blackheart. But then the sun began rising and the boosters on their bikes began sputtering and all the Riders fell off. The seven bikes disappeared into thin air and the original one turned back to normal. Then the gang saw their skin returning to them and they screamed a little in pain as they regained their normal forms.

Then they all struggled to reach a certain grave with Johnny father's name on it and they were too tired to continue on. They all rested and then a shovel head came down and they stared at the new person.

"Morning boneheads." He greeted

"I...ain't....no....bonehead." Rainbow said weakly.

But due to all the energy they drained out they became unconscious and the guy saw all of them in that position and took them inside.

They all woke up inside laying on beds and they woke up feeling their throats on fire. Then they all grabbed a cup of water and drank it so fast to cool the heat down. After they did they all went outside and saw the guy they met earlier.

"You all right?" He asked.

"Yeah we're good." Johnny answered.

"We feel like our skulls are on fire, but were good. Thanks for the water." Spike said.

"Did you see my bike?" Johnny asked.

The guy simply smirked at them.

"What? Did we say something funny?" Pinkie wondered.

"Ironic. We're big on irony around here. It's out by the shed." He answered.

"Thanks." Johnny smiled.

"It does."

"Excuse me? What did you say?" Twilight asked.

"You're wondering if the bike looks normal? It does. And to answer your other questions: Last night did happen, it wasn't A dream, and it will happen again." He answered.

"Who are you? And how do you know this stuff?" Applejack asked.

"Question is, who are you? Your the Rider. The Ghost Rider and the Sinister Six. Get used to it, kids. It'll be a lot easier. If you don't, I got some nice cozy spots picked out for you. " He said.

They really don't know how he understands this stuff as they continue walking to the shed and getting his bike. The man followed them while Johnny grabbed it.

"They've seen you now. They'll be waiting for you. You'll need my help, you expect to last the night." He replied.

"Sir we appreciate the offer but the last time we let someone help me it didn't pan out so good." Fluttershy said.

"This ain't something you can run from kids. This day has been coming ever since you made that deal." He said.

That made everyone stop in their tracks and turned to face him. How did he know that they made a deal with the Devil? This mission just keeps getting weirder and more confusing by the minute.

"Congratulations. Your chances just went from none to slim." He smiled.

"Ok. You know some things about what were doing. We want the answers." Twilight said.

"Come on in ladies. And I'll tell you." He offered.

Meanwhile we see the police investigating the city train yards from last night. Roxanne was spreading the news about it and the chief didn't know what could have caused it last night. Then we cut back to Johnny, The Main Six and Spike at the church resting while the man was healing Johnny's injuries.

"The Rider is the devil's bounty hunter. Sent to hunt down anyone that escapes from hell." He started.

"So Johnny became the devil's bounty hunter?" Spike asked.

"Yes. Sterilize that for me." He said giving him a hook.

"Ok. But where?" Spike wondered.

"In the boiling water."

Spike nodded and did what he asked him to do.

"But we don't know why he became this Ghost Rider at the night. It was so ghastly to witness." Rarity shuddered.

"During the day you all will be normal. But at night in the presence of evil the Rider and the Sinister Six takes over." He explained.

"I remember now. Last night. There was some punk and I could see all the wrong he'd ever done and I turned it all against him." Johnny realized.

"Me too. I witnessed that too." Fluttershy agreed.

"The Penance Stare. It sears the souls of the wicked. It's the Ghost Rider's greatest weapon. All the Riders have it. Including you girls." He explained.

"Have there been others with the "Ghost Rider" problem like us?" Rainbow asked.

"Been a few. Last one was 150 years ago in a little town called San Venganza. Nice town. Nice people. Till a stranger came along making promises one deal at a time. Consumed by greed, they turned on one another until the village of San Venganza drowned in it's own blood and their souls trapped forever in that godforsaken place." He explained.

"What's this have to do with Blackheart?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah. And if I remember correctly he was after the contract of San Venganza. Not to mention that he has our princess." Spike remembered.

That made the guy realize after hearing that name.

"Blackheart? He sent you kids after Blackheart?" He asked.

"And others." Fluttershy added.

"The Hidden. Fallen angels cast out of heaven by Saint Michael himself. They hide within the elements waiting for the end of days. As for this Celestia you speak of I know why he has her. He's trying to make her his demon queen. If he marries her and takes the souls of San Venganza all of the universe will be covered in darkness and all hope is doomed. You better hang around here, kids. They can't come onto hallowed ground." He realized.

"Thanks. I feel much better now that we know that im the devil's bounty hunter." Johnny thanked.

"But one more thing. If Johnny is the devil's bounty hunter then why do we feel like that we are the Ghost Rider's followers?" Rarity asked.

"Because those Elements you're wearing....the Rider upgraded them. Once he takes over The Sinister Six will too." He answered.

The girls nodded and got up, thanked him and followed Johnny to head on back. But not til after he had one final thing to say.

"Why did you do it? Why did you all make the deal?" He asked.

"Johnny was a kid around that time." Pinkie said.

"And what did you get in return?" He asked again.

"Well it did cost us Johnny's dad's life. But he was willing to tell us that Blackheart kidnapped Celestia. Sir we appreciate you giving us all the info we need. Now we need to go and see where and when the Hidden and Blackheart are going to and what they'll be doing. Celestia is counting on us." Twilight admitted.

And so Johnny took off and the Main Six and Spike all thanked him for keeping they company and giving them the information they needed about Blackheart's plan. Now all they need to do is find him and the Hidden and stop them from achieving.

Author's Note:

So they all met Carter Slade. And since he was the first Ghost Rider it only made sense that he knows much of San Venganza. In the next chapter they will see all the chaos that happened and face another fallen angel of the Hidden: Abigor. And to try and patch things with Roxanne.

But first need to get out of jail after the cops wrongfully imprison them.