• Published 5th Mar 2024
  • 773 Views, 34 Comments

My Little Pony: The Ghost Rider - Big Imagination E

When Princess Celestia gets taken by the son of the Devil the Main Six join Johnny Blaze to stop him and save the universe.

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Birth of The Ghost Rider and The Sinister Six

The thunder kept booming as the sky grew darker. We cut to the park where Blackheart is still carrying Celestia all tied up as he forced her to keep walking. Then suddenly the lights flickered. Blackheart turned and faced Mephistopheles as he came closer to him.

"Mephistopheles. I knew you come here." Blackheart said.

"Long time no see boys. Where have you been hiding? I know why your here. I know what you're after. It's my contract, and those are my souls. As for Celestia she is not yours." Mephistopheles stated seeing the Hidden with him.

"How do you know my name?" Celestia asked.

"Silence!" Blackheart shouted. "We both know you can't harm me here. It's now my turn to lead. Along with Celestia once were married."

Then suddenly he secretly placed one hand on her butt and squeezed it making her gasped in terror.

"Have you have no manners?! Did you just squeezed my butt?!" Celestia said enraged.

"Ooh. Sounds like someone wants to get a little kinky. I wouldn't mind playing with your ass for a while." Gressil smirked.

"Don't even think about it." Celestia growled.

"You will all suffer for this. Now you will deal with my Rider. Along with The Main Six and Spike. They will put you away and leave you to rot." Mephistopheles threatened.

"Your favorite creations. Send your precious Rider and The Main Six. I will retire them just like I will retire you.......Father." Blackheart said.

Like that they disappeared and the lights came back on. It sounds like trouble is already brewing.

In the night of the city we see Roxanne waiting for Johnny to arrive at the restaurant. But he sure was taking his time. Speaking of Johnny he and the girls were still at his place and he kept repeating that he doesn't live in fear. Now that was starting to creep out the girls.

"Johnny? Can you please stop saying the same thing? And we should go met Roxanne now." Rarity asked.

"Ok. We'll go. I was only reminding myself that I made the coolest jump ever." Johnny said.

Then suddenly he saw his hands turn a flame pink color. He tried washing them to see if it will come off but it didn't. Then after he dried them there was smoke coming out and they heard a voice calling them.

"Johnny. Main Six. Spike" The voice whispered.

The gang looked around trying to see where the voice is coming from but couldn't pinpoint it. Back with Roxanne she was still waiting for Johnny to arrive. She wasted her time drinking all the red wine there was. Now back with the girls and Johnny they went outside to see who called them. The voice called and this time they also heard his bike running. The voice laughed and when they turned around they saw the same man: Mephistopheles.

"You." Johnny said while pointing.

"You have a lot of nerve coming here after what you done." Twilight said.

"Hello, Johnny. Girls." Mephistopheles replied.

"You stay away from us." Spike growled.

"A little late for that Spike. Though I gotta say that is a nice bike." Mephistopheles commented.

"Why are you here?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah. If you're here to tell us the name of the kidnapper that has Celestia you better make it good." Twilight frowned.

"Oh, I've always been here, Johnny. All along. Phoniex, Denver, Houston. Everywhere. And your right Twilight Sparkle. I have the name of the kidnapper that has Celestia." Mephistopheles explained.

"So it was you. Keeping Johnny alive." Applejack accused.

"No. No Applejack. That was all Johnny. He's the best. And I happen to be his greatest fan. The posters, the video games, the crowds screaming, chanting: 'Johnny, Johnny, Johnny.' It makes me so proud. It's like watching an investment that keeps growing and growing until the day you cash it in. That day is today guys." Mephistopheles stated.

"Ok you said that when you return you will reveal the kidnapper's name. Tell us. Who took Celestia?" Twilight demanded.

"Oh yes. I did promise that. The one that took Celestia is none other than Blackheart. Your task: find Blackheart and destroy him." Mephistopheles said.

"Blackheart? Who's Blackheart?" Rainbow asked.

"Find him yourself." Johnny told him.

"It doesn't work like that. You're all under contract, remember? Besides there is a deal I'm willing to make for all of you." Mephistopheles said.

"We don't want to take it. You gave us the name so..." Rarity said.

"Lemme finish." Mephistopheles interrupted. "If you all succeed at killing Blackheart and saving Celestia then I will return Johnny's soul and grant you a way back home to Equestria."

The girls didn't know what to do. At this point they were all confused at this.

"If we said no then we don't have a choice do we?" Spike said.

"I'm afraid not. If you want to return home...then find Blackheart, destroy him and save your princess." Mephistopheles said.

After he said that he slammed the cane and made the motorcycle ride at super speed and also made the girls follow behind him. They couldn't control their flying and they passed through made buildings leaving a path of chaos as they zoomed passed! They even knocked off a cop from his bike!

With Blackheart and the Hidden they still had Celestia in their grasps walking to their destination searching for the contract. But then someone dressed as a redneck came with a light and saw them.

"Hey. You can't come in here. This is private--" He said but got a little scared seeing them.


"There was a cemetery here." Blackheart said.

"Yeah, A long time ago." The redneck replied.

"What happened to all the graves?" Blackheart asked.

"They moved them." The redneck answered.

"Where to?" Blackheart asked again.

"I don't know." He said.

"So who would?" Blackheart asked again.

"Ok Saint Michael's church." The redneck said getting nervous as the Hidden surrounded him. "They're in charge of the whole thing. Look, you really shouldn't be here."

"That's what they keep telling me." Blackheart said as he turned the redneck into a skeleton.

Back with Johnny and the gang they saw him fly off his bike and then smoke came out of his face and then they started seeing fire coming out of him.

"Johnny?! What's happening to you?!" Fluttershy feared.

But she got her answer as he screamed in pain and everyone saw his skin burn off and he became something more terrifying to them. His head looked like some sort of skull that was set on fire and his hands were burning bones. Meaning he was a walking skeleton on fire. He became the Ghost Rider.

"OH FOR CELESTIA'S SAKE!!!" Rarity screamed.

He roared and then they heard someone laughing and clapping. They turned around and saw Blackheart coming to them. The girls and Spike gave him the angry looks and stood face to face with him.

"Were you all looking for someone?" Blackheart asked.

The Ghost Rider pointed at him and spoke. "Back to Hell."

"So your Blackheart. And you're the one who took Celestia." Twilight said.

Blackheart chuckled. "Yes. And you must be Twilight Sparkle. I heard all about you. But I'm afraid I have a contract and a wedding to plan. And you all are not invited."

"You have one chance to return the princess or else we will destroy you." Rainbow threatened.

The girls took out their Elements and placed them on. But Blackheart was unamused and can only smirk that them.

"You really think those so called Elements of Harmony can stop me? You must be dumber than I thought. But judging from the looks we're not gonna all have a meaningful conversation now, are we?" Blackheart asked.

"You're going down." Ghost Rider said.

"What he said you no good varmin. Were gonna stop you. And your not marrying Celestia. Now surrender or suffer the consequences." Applejack growled.

"I don't think so." Blackheart said.

Then Abigor in his wind form attacked the girls and Spike as they screamed in terror and threw them on the ground unconscious and the Elements came flying off. Then he attacked Ghost Rider and his neck was on a chain as the flames died down. Blackheart chuckled and smiled seeing their demise. But the flames were relit and wiped the smile off Blackheart's face and ripped the chain off and landed on his feet. He walked towards him but he had Wallow waiting to trap him. And then a truck came by and slammed into him!!

"Ooh. Ouch. That is gonna hurt. Oh well. Call me when you actually are a challenge." Blackheart said as he took his leave.

Then coming out of the truck was none other than Gressil. For none was the one driving. He looked at his work and spoke.

"They ain't so tough." Gressil said.

He climbed out and was heading to the Hidden but suddenly.....

"Hey. Dirtbag."

It was Ghost Rider! He's alive! And then he punched Gressil in the face and he landed on the ground. He held the chain and lit it on fire.

"Have mercy." Gressil begged.

"Sorry. All out of mercy." Ghost Rider replied.

Then he swung the chain around and lassoed him! It burned him as he screamed in pain and yelled for help but the others disappeared and he turned into a statue and he broke him into tiny burnt earth pieces. He then got the chain on him and looked at the Elements of Harmony. He walked to them and picked them up. Then he looked at the unconscious bodies of the Main Six and Spike and knew what had to be done.

"Time to unleash the Sinister Six." Ghost Rider replied.

So using his hellfire he transformed the Elements into looking more hellish like. They had been changed and modified to look much more sinister. The magenta star gem in the center was now a maroon color. The gold was now a shiny gray color, and the blue gems on the face were now red. Sharp metallic spikes stuck out at the ends, almost making the tiara look sinister. The others had the gold turned to gray and spikes out but the colors on the gems were now an evil orange.

Then he went to each member of the Main Six and placed their rightful Element on them. And when he went to Spike he placed his hand on his chest and roared as the transformation began. The flames began surrounding them and one by one each of them were turning into a Rider. Spike turned into a fiery dragon of Hell, while the ponies took their human forms and became female ghost riders. Even their clothes became biker outfits. They joined the Ghost Rider and were all ready for real.

He then whistled and out came his motorcycle. When he placed his hands on it he roared again and it started changing too. Spikes came on the back and the wheels were lit on fire. Once it finished it truly became a motorcycle straight from the depths of Hell. He then used he hellfire and made seven other bikes for the gang. Each one has the same look of hell. They all got in their bikes and since Ghost Rider was the leader he was going to command the mission.

"Come Sinister Six. And Spike. We have a princess to save and an evil demon to destroy." Ghost Rider replied.

The Sinister Six and Spike all nodded in agreement and together they all rode their bikes into the heat of the night and thus began the mission for real. But what they don't know is that they completely forgot about the date with Roxanne.

Author's Note:

Well guys. The Ghost Rider and Sinister Six are officially born!! And now that they know that Blackheart took Celestia.....The Devil's bounty hunters are on the hunt! And the orange will represent the Ghost Rider talking. But don't worry! The Sinister Six will talk too. They will be having a darker orange so it doesn't get confusing.