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Uz Naimat

Aspiring author and artist from Africa. (Patreon!)


The spell was lifted, her friends had been sent home, and her student had learned her lesson. 

In theory, everything should be fine. At least, that’s what Twilight kept telling herself. The Fiducia Compelus episode was nothing more than a mistake, and once apologies were handed out tomorrow, everypony would be able to put it behind them. Everything was absolutely fine

Why, then, were there sobs coming from Starlight’s room?

Featured: 04/26/2024 - 04/29/2024
Behind-the-page: Relapse
Proofread and edited by: JinxJTL

Chapters (1)

For seven-year-old Sunset Shimmer, Hearthʼs Warming is the best thing to ever exist. Thereʼs excellent food, presents, songs and most importantly, Princess Celestia. Her first holiday with her mentor is bound to be the most memorable night of her little life.

For teenage Sunset Shimmer, Hearthʼs Warming is nothing but a waste of time. Time she should be spent studying and getting ahead. She doesnʼt want to spend hours at dinner, especially not with Annoying Pink Princess there. Her last holiday at the castle is one she wonʼt ever forget.

For adult Sunset Shimmer, Hearthʼs Warming is a chance to atone. After years of spending the holidays in the human realm, she finally has a chance to spend one with her mentor again. Especially after the disaster that was her last winter in Equestria. Sheʼs going to
make the most of this second chance.

A tale of love, jealousy and shifting attitudes.

Written for: Lunaria, Jinglemas 2023
Prompt: Unicorn Sunset Shimmer. No horror please, and if holiday theming isnʼt for you feel free to do something else, I donʼt mind.

Chapters (3)

Not everything I write sees the light.

Sometimes, I get a really great idea - I start it and then I can’t finish it. Sometimes, I start a story, but then it goes in a different direction, so I have to scrap it and start over. Sometimes, I just write a really bad story and I’m too embarrassed to publish it.

Where do these lost words go, you ask?

Here, of course! Welcome to Never Made The Cut, a collection of half-finished and half-baked fanfics that I either never published or published but then deleted. Some of it might be good, some might be average and some just be plain awful.

You be the judge. Enjoy!

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Chapters (8)

"Hey, Twilight. You’re up late.

"Yeah, I couldn’t sleep."


It’s two in the morning and everypony in Canterlot Castle is asleep. Everypony, that is, except for Twilight and Cadence.

Plagued by nightmares about recent events, the two soon-to-be sisters join together for a cup of hot cocoa, tears and deep conversations. Brace yourself; it’s going to be a rough night.

Featured: 09/18/2023 - 09/22/2023
Behind-the-page: Ladybugs Awake
Scouted for: Equestria Daily!
Featured in: Equestria Daily, 20 of the Best Fanfics to Read for Shiny and Cadance Day
Translation: Russian by NovemberDragon

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Chapters (1)

Like most Pegasi, Rainbow Dash lives in Cloudsdale. For little Dash, though, Clousdale is all she knows.

Sheʼs about to change that.

Dash is accompanying her good friend, Flutttershy, for their first trip to the World Below. The two filles are about to discover a whole new world, filled with beauty and so many wonders.

And maybe learn a thing or two along the way.

Behind-the-page: So Many Wonders
Review: Nightmare_Omega
Featured on: Equestria Daily, 30 Of the Best Fanfics to Read for Rainbow Dash Day and 17 More of the Best Fluttershy Fanfics to Read for Fluttershy Day!

Now with Patreon!

Chapters (1)

Dealing with loss is never easy. 

Ponies can lose a lot of things - loved ones, pets, houses, jobs. For Twilight Sparkle, though, her biggest loss is a limb. 

Her right wing is gone. Lost in battle, Twilight struggles with her changed body, confusing feelings and a crushing lack of hope.

And in the midst of it all, she wonders if sheʼll ever truly recover. 

Behind-the-page: To Lose & To Heal
Written for: Bicyclette’s A Thousand Words II Contest - Drama
Proofread & edited by: JinxJTL
Review: Nightmare_Omega
Featured in: Equestria Daily, 30 More Fanfics to Read for Twilight Sparkle Day

Now with Patreon!

Chapters (1)

In her short life, Diamond Tiara has accomplished so much. And today, she has achieved her goal of becoming mayor. Sheʼs elated, of course, but what does that mean for her future?

In her long life, Mayor Mare has accomplished so much. It is time to step aside and spend her days in peaceful retirement. Sheʼs elated, of course, but how does one leave behind the past when itʼs defined you for so long?

The past and the future meet in the middle and together, come to an understanding about the present.

Featured: 05/31/2023 - 06/01/2023
Written for: The May 2023 Pairings Contest
Chinese translation by: Beholder123

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Chapters (1)

The Fall Formal. 

For Sunset Shimmer, this is her chance to win her crown. To finally be crowned Princess, like she deserves. She had been expecting it for weeks.

What she didn’t expect, however, was having a date. She only said yes because Flash Sentry was a popular student at CHS. She doesn’t like him.

But maybe she does? Sunset isn’t entirely sure.

Tonight is her chance to be crowned. It’s also her chance to find out how she truly feels about him.

Featured: 05/01/2023
Written for: EileenSaysHiʼs Equestria Girls Spring Fling Contest
Winner of: The Sleepless Beholdersʼs Judge Pick
Proofread and edited by: Trellia and Scroll

Now with Patreon!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has done it - she’s made friends! She went from a shy, socially awkward loner to a confident, self-assured genius.

But how did she get there?

Her friends want to know. And so, the night of the successful Crystal Gala, the Rainbooms and Spike sit down in the Sapphire Tent for a chat about family, acceptance and friendship.

Behind-the-page: A Study of Smart & Social
Proofread and edited by: Trellia
Review: Flora Blossom

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Chapters (1)

Let me start this letter by saying: I love you. I know, I know. It’s probably the corniest statement in all of Equestria, but what can I say? It’s true.

Remember the first time we met? When I got my cutie mark? Your fourteenth birthday? Our final year project? All those good times we spent together strengthened our friendship.

But perhaps it’s time for something more? Twilight Velvet, would you like to be my girlfriend?

Featured: 10/03/2022
Behind-the-page: My Dearest Twilight
Written for: FanOfMostEveryhting’s Ancestral Tribute Contest
Review: KarmaSentinal and Ghost Mike

Now with Patreon!

Chapters (1)