• Published 4th Jan 2014
  • 2,203 Views, 61 Comments

The Rock - DinoDenver

Making dresses for Princess Celestia and Princess Luna is like a dream come true for Rarity. But what will bring her obsession with completing this task?

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Chapter 2: Diamond hunt

The sky was turning into lighter and lighter shades of blue, near ground surface pure, white mist was slowly getting thinner. Ponyville was still asleep. But one pony has already woken up and was getting ready for a day of hard work.

Rarity woke up few minutes past four o'clock in the morning. Since then she took a shower, combed her hair and put on her makeup. After that she was packing her saddle-bags as well as a cart. For a trip like that it was necessary to take a day worth of food as well as drinking water. It was getting heavier than she thought it will, but at least she didn't have to worry about food for Spike – after all there will be more than enough gems for him to snack on.

It was almost five o'clock already. She decided to wait for Spike outside.

“Hello, Rarity!” As it turned out she didn't have to wait for long.

“Good morning, Spike.” There was a subtle hint of surprise in her voice. “You certainly do not make lady wait.” Spike blushed slightly to that compliment. “Would you be a gentledragon and help me with this cart?” Asked Rarity while going back inside her boutique.

She double-checked if she packed all that was needed, then she used her magic to put on her saddle-bags. While Spike was pulling the cart outside she opened a drawer and took out a scarf which she tied on moments later. It was pretty chilly after all.

After walking for some time they were close to place where they once met the Diamond Dogs. Even after that incident Rarity and Spike were often looking for gems in these parts. But as they were getting closer and closer to the entrance to the Diamond Dogs' caves Spike felt a little bit uneasy.

“Rarity, and where exactly are we going to look for gems?” Spike tried his best not to sound nervous, and he did a moderately good job.

“Well, Spike, this time my project requires not just any gems, but diamonds. And I'll need plenty of them, full cart should be sufficient.”

“Full cart of diamonds?” Spike stopped. „Aren't they like really rare? It will take forever to collect them!” Spike had to run up few steps to catch up to Rarity.

“It is true, that it would took almost eternity to find such a great amount of them here on the surface, but that's why we're here Spikey.”

“What do you mean?”

“We are going to look for them underground, darling.” They now stood before entrance to Diamond Dogs' caves and Spike immediately understood that this will not be a usual trip. They entered the cave.

With Rarity's magic illuminating the way they were going deeper under the ground with every passing minute. Rarity was looking for a way down, and at the same time she was using her magic to search for diamonds. Spike on the other hand was pretty worried about this whole situation.

“Rarity, I really don't think it is good idea to go into Diamond Dogs territory...”

“Nonsense darling, I'm sure that after last time they won't do anything to us.” Rarity answered with confidence in her voice.

“But can't we go look for diamonds somewhere else?” Spike still felt uncomfortable.

“I'm afraid, that we can't, Spike. We would have to travel at least two days just to get to other place that would let us go deep enough to find diamonds. And I can't let princesses wait this long.” Spike didn't answer that.

They didn't know how much time has passed already, but it felt like at least few hours. Upon hearing Spike's stomach rumbling Rarity decided it is time for break. She used her magic to find gems for Spike and after that from her saddle-bag she took out a sandwich for herself. They've ate their meals in silence.

“That sure hit the spot!” Said Spike, clearly satisfied with his meal.

“I'm glad to hear that, darling.” Rarity finished her breakfast as well. “But We should advance into the cave, if we want to make it back to Ponyville before sunset.” Said Rarity and started to walk deeper underground.

“As you wish, m'lady!” Answered Spike as he followed Rarity.


Half an hour of walking later they finally got deep enough to find diamonds. At first there wasn't many, but soon Rarity was showing Spike where to dig much more frequently. Slowly but surely they were getting more and more diamonds, they've had about quarter of cart already. But Spike was feeling uneasy. They were going so deep underground and tunnels were getting rougher, looking like they could collapse without any warning. But this wasn't what really bugged Spike. He felt like someone was watching them. In the end he decided to tell Rarity how he felt about this situation.

“Maybe we shouldn't go so deep, Rarity?” Spike was still hesitant about telling Rarity what he was thinking.

“Nonsense, darling.” Rarity was looking for diamonds with her magic, not really paying attention to what Spike was saying.

“I really have a bad feeling about this...”

“Everything will be alright, Spikey-wikey. Now could you please dig here?” Asked Rarity as she pointed spot just a few steps ahead.

Of course Spike wasn't reassured by Rarity's answers, but he wasn't going to leave her on her own, not even in a million years. He would never forgive himself if anything happened to her. He started to dig in place that Rarity pointed at.


Rarity's intuition was right about diamonds, they soon had almost full cart of them. Spike still was feeling uneasy, but at least they will go back to Ponyville soon, and then Rarity will be safe. But for now he was very cautious.

“Splendid, Spikey! I think that with this lot I'll be able to manufacture dresses for princesses!” Rarity looked really happy, which, for Spike, was best reward.

“Thank you for finding diamonds for us, pony.” They didn't have much time to celebrate. This was one of this rare occasions, when Spike wasn't glad to be right. "Now, please, move aside so no one gets hurt." Diamond Dog's leader had grin on his face.

"I beg your pardon?!" Rarity was furious. Spike looked around and quickly realized, that they were outnumbered. Badly. Beside three leaders there were about twenty soldiers armed with spears.

"Rarity, this doesn't look good..." Whispered Spike.

"It was really nice of you to find and dig up OUR diamonds for us, but we will handle them from now on." He got few steps closer as he was speaking, other dogs followed him.

"If you think that we will handle you these diamonds then you, sir, are clearly MAD!" Spike had different opinion on who was the one being mad here, but there were bigger problems at the moment.

"Very well, pony. We will do this the hard way then."

“Ugh..!” Spike didn't have time to react as one of soldiers hit his belly with a spear. Impact knocked him down and send him all the way to the wall. This was probably most painful thing he ever experienced. He knew, that if it wouldn't be for his dragon scales he would be dead right now. They weren't joking.

“Spikey!” Rarity turned in direction of the one who attacked Spike. “How DARE YOU!!!” In her teary eyes there were no sanity. Her horn was glowing.

Dog stopped dead in his tracks. Just in time to take hit to the side of his head. With cart. He was dizzy, diamonds were flying around his head. Some parts of cart were still in his head. He was going to fall to the ground when Rarity rammed into him.
Spike saw all this. He sometimes forgets how well Rarity can handle herself in tight spot. But he has never seen her like that. She was breathing heavily, big stone was levitating in direction of now lying unconscious soldier.

“Watch out Rarity!” Spear's head brushed her throat as she dodged at last possible moment. She turned and kicked the attacking one with both her legs. Second one was out.

“Attack dragon!” Yelled leader, as he realized Spike was Rarity's weak spot. Everyone, stopped for a moment.

Rarity was first to dash in Spike's direction. Spike was still in pain, he was fighting to stay conscious. He saw Rarity running towards him. He also saw one of soldiers very close to him. There was no way Rarity will make it, but he wasn't able to move a muscle. His whole body was hurting.

Rarity was running as fast as she could. She had to make it. She had to make it before that soldier could hurt Spike. She was almost halfway when terrible pain on left side of her belly blurred her vision. She was sent flying and rolled to the wall. She didn't see, that big one of Diamond Dogs leaders flanked her and delivered a huge blow to her side in her blind spot.

Upon seeing that Spike felt even greater pain. It felt like his whole body was burning inside, every muscle, every bone. He didn't know that it is possible to feel that kind of pain. He let out a roar of pain and anger, and realized that he was able to move.

Spike got up. Looked at soldier that was now standing in front of him. He looked aghast. But Spike was too angry to feel sorry for him. He grabbed him, took a swing and threw him. The big leader couldn't even whimper before flying soldier collided with him. They flew and rolled into one of cave's corridors, Spike lost sight of them.

Two other leaders were backing off, soldiers were just running in fear. Except one. The one that was about to pierce Rarity's belly. He knew there was no way he would make it, it was about ten meters away, but he rushed anyway.

Rarity was regaining her consciousness. She saw reflection on spears head. There was no way she could dodge that one. She was scared, but accepted that this is it.

Spike saw, like in slow motion, as soldier was raising spear. “There's no way I'll make it!” He cried inside his head. Spear stopped, soldier was about to strike. Spike felt how jaw shattered under his fist. He saw how impact turned head violently. He heard neck breaking.

Spike was standing right next to Rarity. He didn't know how did this happened, these few meters felt like one step, everything happened so fast. And he just killed someone.

“Spikey!” This was more than enough to grab his attention.

“Rarity, are you ok?” He instantly forgot all what-is-happening-to-me-and-oh-my-I-just-killed-someone stuff.

“I've seen better days, but I'll manage, darling.” Said Rarity as Spike helped her get up. “I was going to ask you same thing, but you look fabulous!”

“Well, I surely don't feel that way... Wait, what?” Spike realized what he just heard.

“Well, look at yourself, darling. It sure is a shame that we don't have a mirror, but I suppose these brutes wouldn't have one in their caves.” Said Rarity with a smile.

Spike gasped. He looked at his hands, now much longer and bigger. He was overall just bigger. This would explain why Rarity looked so short all of sudden. Well, not really short, he was about half head taller than she. He probably would admire his new form for few more minutes, but Rarity interrupted him. With a kiss on the cheek.

“Thank you for saving me, Spikey. You are my hero.” Rarity was still smiling. Spike's face felt so hot it could melt. It was like a dream come true. “Come one, darling. I think we'll better be going home.” Said Rarity as she started walking. Spike quickly came to his senses and followed her.

“But what about diamonds, Rarity?” Spike saw them all around on the floor. But without cart they wouldn't be able to take them.

“Well, I suppose I could fit most of them into my saddle-bags, if you were a dear and carried our water supplies?”

“Of course, my lady.”

“Let's get to work then, Spikey.”

Rarity took all things from her saddle-bags with her magic and they started to pick up diamonds up. Rarity using magic, Spike tried using his tail to sweep them, but he quickly decided to just use his hands.

“I wonder how did this happen?” Spike asked suddenly.

“What exactly, darling?”

“Well, Rarity, you know, this whole growing up thing.”

“I don't really know, Spikey. But I'm sure Twilight will have some explanation for us when we'll get back to Ponyville.” Answered Rarity truthfully. She didn't know what caused Spike's sudden growth, but she liked it. A lot.

Soon saddle-bags were full of diamonds. Rarity used her magic to place them on her back.

“I think this should be enough to make dresses.” She looked at Spike, he was picking up bottles of water. “Shall we go?”

“I'm ready, Rarity!”

They started walking back home, talking happily. Rarity was relaxed. She realized, that she was too fixated on making these dresses. She should have listened to her friends. “But as would Pinkie Pie say, all is well that ends well” she thought to herself. They were close to the exit. Time sure flies by fast when you're having fun.

“Now!” Shriek Diamond Dog's leader.
Rarity and Spike felt ground shaking. They looked at each other for a moment and started to run. Cave's vault started to collapse, rocks of various sizes were falling from ceiling. They run while dodging them. They could see the exit.

“Watch out, Rarity!” Big rock was falling right at her, it was too late to react. She closed her eyes and felt the rock hit her head, but something pushed her to the side. She felt to the ground unconscious.


Her head was hurting. She wiped her forehead from warm liquid and opened her eyes. It was blood. She looked around, dust had already settled. She noticed Spike, lying under huge rock. She was horrified.

“Spike!” She ran towards him. Her horn glowed and rock slowly levitated away. She dropped it the very moment it was safe to do so. “Spike, darling, do you hear me?!” She got closer to him. There was no answer, but he was breathing. She immediately dropped her saddle-bags and picked up Spike, placed him on her back and started galloping.

Few seconds later she was outside, rays of the setting sun blinded her. She turned in direction of Ponyville and accelerated even more.

“Please, hold on, Spikey.” Said Rarity, more to herself than to him.

“Rarity...” She heard weak voice behind her.

“Spikey! Please, don't talk, darling. I'm taking you to hospital, hold on.”

“Rarity... please, don't die Rarity...” She couldn't answer that. With teary eyes she tried to run even faster.


Door to Ponyville's hospital suddenly opened. Nurse Redheart looked what happened. She saw white unicorn mare with cut in her forehead and blood on her face carrying... is it a dragon?

“Please, help him!” Said Rarity to nurse.

“Is that a dragon?! Sorry, but we don't know how to treat dragons...” She was looking perplexed.

“He'll die if you don't help him...!” Rarity didn't know what to do. Where was she supposed to go?

“Sister Redheart, please take him to the operating room.” It was Doctor Stable, who came to see what is all the fuss about. “And you, miss, should wait here.”

“Thank you, doctor!” He didn't answer that, he just went into operating room. Nurse followed him carrying Spike.


Rarity were sitting in hospital hall, looking at doors to operating room. Some nurse noticed her and told her to go with her.

“I... I'm waiting for the operation... to end...” Rarity were shaken.

“Just come with me.” Ordered nurse, and Rarity followed her.

Nurse washed Rarity's face and treated wound on her forehead. After that she told Rarity that she could go now. So Rarity went back to hospital's hall. She were just staring at door to operating room. After few minutes door opened, but not the one Rarity was looking at. Rarity turned her head around and saw Twilight and Rainbow Dash at the entrance.

“What happened, Rarity? Where is Spike?” Twilight was clearly scared.

Turned out Rainbow saw Rarity with Spike when she galloped into hospital and immediately flew to let Twilight know. Rarity told her friends everything what happened that day. She was trying not to cry at the end.

“He'll be ok, don't worry!” Rainbow Dash said with confidence.

“I think we'll just have to wait and hope for the best.” Added Twilight. Rarity just nodded.

Three friends were waiting for the operation to end.


Few hours later door to operating room finally opened and Doctor Stable showed up. Rainbow waked up. Twilight got up. Rarity moved closer, her heart was beating.

“How is he, doctor?” asked Rarity.

“I'm sorry, I did everything I could.”

Three mares couldn't believe what they just heard. Rainbow didn't even move, Twilight's eyes became watery. Rarity almost fell on the floor and started to cry. Doctor didn't say anything. He had enough experience to know, that there are no words that could ease pain like this.