• Published 4th Jan 2014
  • 2,203 Views, 61 Comments

The Rock - DinoDenver

Making dresses for Princess Celestia and Princess Luna is like a dream come true for Rarity. But what will bring her obsession with completing this task?

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Chapter 3: Farewell?

It was beautiful day. Birds were singing, the sun was shining, few clouds were lazily moving through the sky. Canterlot's gardens were as beautiful as they were peaceful.

In one part of this garden though there was group of ponies, that weren't enjoying themselves. Six friends, as well as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were gathered around monument. It was statue of a dragon, a memorial for Spike. On the ground was laying ebony coffin with gold accents. In that coffin was lifeless body of their friend.

Princesses looked saddened, but composed. Although younger one looked little bit more sad. Rainbow Dash looked at Spike in disbelief, like she still couldn't believe what has happened. Applejack covered most of her face with hat and was looking down. If somepony looked closer they would see tears dropping to the ground from time to time. Pinkie's hair were straight, her smile upside down. She was sitting down and tears were rolling down her cheeks. Fluttershy was sobbing quietly. Twilight were lying on ground, with front hooves covering her face, crying loudly.

And of course Rarity was there as well. Her hair looked a little bit messy. She was standing there, completely silent. She wasn't crying. Her eyes were swollen and red. After whole night there probably were no more tears left in them. Looking at Spike was painful, but she didn't want to look away. She couldn't.

He was always so eager to help. So polite. A true gentledrake in every way. She was remembering all these times they spend together. Memories were flowing through her head. How he always was helping her. How many laughs they shared. How sometimes he acted childishly and how sometimes he acted like he was more mature than anypony she knows. And of course she remembered the day Spike gave her heart-shaped fire ruby. The fire ruby that she used to create necklace she was wearing right now.

Rarity's horn glowed as she took of the necklace. She looked at it, it was probably her most cherished possession. She took few step forward and looked at the one who gave it to her. She was standing right next to coffin.

“I'm sorry Spike...” As it turned out her eyes were able to squeeze out some more tears. “I'm so sorry... Please, keep an eye on this necklace for me... Until we met again...” She used her magic to put necklace on Spike. Rarity wanted to say something more, but was unable to. She just wanted to howl.

Other mares got closer, so they were standing beside white unicorn. Twilight hugged Rarity and she reciprocated the hug. All of them were looking at Spike, who was going on his last journey. The one who was supposed to live for a thousand years, was the first one to go.

“It is time to let him go, girls.” Princess Celestia said softly. Her horn glowed and coffin's lid closed. “Remember, someday you will met him again, so don't be so sad.” Coffin levitated into crypt and monument covered the entrance. Ceremony was over. Princesses went back to castle, but more than an hour had to pass before six mares decided that it is time to go back home, to Ponyville.


It was another horrible night for Rarity. She couldn't sleep, she was rolling over from side to side on her bed. All the time she was thinking about Spike... and she felt only guilt.

It was second night in a row when she didn't get any sleep. Her eyes were looking terrible and her hair were trying to keep up with them. Bottom line – she was looking like a mess.


She was sitting in her bedroom, looking mindlessly at unfinished projects. She didn't know what to do with herself. It was almost noon and she was still in bed. Suddenly she heard that someone was knocking on front door to her house.

“Hi, Rarity.” Pinkie asked cautiously. “How are you holding up?”

“Well, darling, I would be lying if I said that I'm all right.” White mare said with sadness and fatigue in her voice. “But I think I'll manage.” She added quickly.

“You don't mind if I invite myself in?” Asked Pinkie as she went pass Rarity and into the kitchen.

“Actually, Pinkie, I'm not in best mood right now...”

“Come one, Rarity! I brought you cake!” Pinkie obviously wasn't listening to her friend.

Rarity sighed and gave up. She knew, that Pinkie will try to cheer her up, and there was no way she could stop her from doing that. In the kitchen Pinkie was waiting for her with cake already on plates. Pinkie always was making herself at home when she was visiting her.

“Here, have some cake, Rarity!” Pinkie gave a plate with slice of the cake to her friend.

Rarity decided to just play along and took plate with her azure magic. She then sat at the table and looked at her cake. It looked delicious and tasted even better, but she almost couldn't feel the sweetness. Rarity looked at Pinkie, she was all over the place.

Rarity smiled a little. It really made her happy, that her friend is trying to cheer her up. Even in situation like this, when Pinkie herself was sad for sure, she was putting on a smiley face and tried to lift her friends spirits. But Rarity knew, that this time it won't help much.

“Rarity! Let's go to spa!” Pinkie tried another approach.

“I'm really sorry, darling, but I'm in no mood for spa. And I haven't even slept in two days...”

“Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa?!?!?!” Rarity jumped when Pinkie yelled. “It's, like, really bad for you, you know?! You need to get some sleep.” It felt strange to see how this usually cheerful pink mare became so serious all of sudden.

“I know, darling. I really do. But I don't think I can do anything about it.”

“Let's go to Twilight, she'll surely know what to do.” Pinkie was back to her usual cheerful self. "Or at least she has a book that knows."

“Pinkie Pie, dear, I'd really rather not bother her with my problems...”

“Nonsense! That's what friends are for!” Said Pinkie as she started to push Rarity outside with her head. White unicorn was trying to fight back for a moment, but quickly resigned. After all, there is no sense in fighting with Pinkie.


“Hi, Twilight!” Said Pinkie cheerfully as door to the library opened.

“Hello, darling.” Added Rarity faintly.

Twilight appeared in the doorway. She was looking rather good, much better than Rarity imagined she would. And she brightened up upon seeing her friends.

“Hi, girls! Come in.” She stepped aside to let her friends in. “What brings you here?”


“We're really sorry to disturb you, darling.” Rarity interrupted Pinkie.

“Oh, that's no problem at all. To be honest I'm glad you came. How do I put this...” Twilight looked down and blushed a little. “At times like these having a book as a companion is not really what... I'd much rather be with my friends.” She raised her head with a smile on her face.

“I told you it will be alright!” Said Pinkie to Rarity, then she turned back to Twilight. “You see, I went to Rarity to check up on her and she told me that she couldn't sleep so I said 'Whaaaaaaaaaaa?!' because sleep is very important for your health and I told Rarity that she needs to get some sleep and then I thought that you'll surely know some way to help her with this sleep problem so I told her we should go to you but she said we shouldn't and I told her that we should and we-”

“I think that I pretty much know what happened, thank you, Pinkie.” Interrupted Twilight.

“You're welcome.” Pinkie was glad she gave her friend such a detailed and accurate overview of the situation.

“So, you're having problems with sleeping, Rarity?” Twilight turned to her white unicorn friend.

“Well, darling, I won't lie to you, I really do have some kind of sleep disorder. I couldn't sleep at all past two nights.”

“Ok, I think I might have just the thing. You see, I too had some problems with falling asleep recently.” Twilight looked at Rarity with a sad smile. “Come with me, girls.”

All three mares went upstairs to Twilight's bedroom. When they got inside, Rarity saw Spike's basket, still where it used to be. She felt pain in her heart. When they were passing by, she looked at it again. “He certainly wouldn't fit in it now... WHY AM I EVEN THINKING THAT?!” Her feelings in that moment were weird mix of sadness, guilt and anger toward herself.

“Get in bed, Rarity.” Said Twilight, pulling Rarity back to reality.

“Pardon?” White mare was rather surprised by this offer.

“As I said, I too was having problems with sleeping, Rarity.” Twilight's horn glowed as she magically lifted and opened book that was lying on her night table just seconds earlier. “So I casted on myself this sleeping spell that I found in this book. And now I intend to cast it on you, so you need to get into bed.”

“I don't want to cause any problems for you, dear.”

“Rarity, that's what friends are for.” Twilight calmed her down. “Now, lie down, and I'm going to cast the spell.”

Rarity did as she was told. Twilight's horn glowed once again, as she closed her eyes and concentrated. After few moments beam of purple light went from Twilight's horn to Rarity's head. After that mares looked at each other.

“Is that it, darling?” Rarity was rather puzzled.

“It should have...” Twilight's was even more surprised than her friend. Rarity should be asleep already. “Let me try it one more time.” She casted spell once again, and once again there was no effect. “I really don't know how is it...”

“I know, I know!” They almost forgot that Pinkie was there, something that doesn't happen too often. “If this spell doesn't work maybe we should go to Zecora to see if she has some potion that will help?”

“I don't know...” Rarity didn't really want to bother her friends.

“Actually, that's very good idea, Pinkie” Commented Twilight. “Let's go, she may be able to help.”


Pinkie knocked on the door three times and moments later they opened.

“Hello friends, what brings you to my hut?

I feel like it's related to Rarity somewhat.”

Zecora was right. She was usually right. That's why so many ponies seek her help and advice.

“You're right! Rarity has problems with sleeping!” Pinkie cut to the chase.

“I tried to use a sleeping spell on her but it seemed to have no effect.” Added Twilight.

Rarity felt how Zecora's eyes were examining her, but she remained silent.

“So you have problems with sleep,

roots in your heart are lying deep.

There is potion that this problem match,

but there is one, not so little, catch.

Upsetting your mind with drug that is external,

might put you into a dream – that is eternal!”

“See? I told you Zecora will have potion for that.” Pinkie seemed pleased with herself.

“What do you mean by eternal?!” Twilight was rather shocked with what she just have heard.

“Well, darling, that seems to be rather obvious.” Rarity answered her friend with calm voice. “If I were to overdose this... medicine, I'll die.”

“No, Rarity, you've got me wrong.

Although this drug sure is strong,

from taking too much you wouldn't die

but to this world you would say goodbye.

If I meant you would be dead,

then that's what would I've said.”

“So...” Twilight started cautiously. “Rarity would be in a coma?”

Zecora just nodded. It seems she didn't have any rhymes for simple “yes”. After that all eyes were on Rarity. Normally she would be delighted in such situation, but somehow she wasn't.

“I do not have much of a choice now, do I?” Asked Rarity.

“Well, my friend, I'm not glad

that your situation is this bad.

But this is not to be flout,

you really must watch out!

For one sip will calm you down,

second one will chase off frown,

third one should help you sleep,

but take more than five and your sleep will be too deep!”

“I'll be sure to remember that, my dear.” Rarity didn't really care about all that at the time. She was just tired.

Zecora turned around and started to look for potion. Rarity looked at her friends. Twilight looked rather worried. And Pinkie, well, she was trying to make her face look like masks that were all over Zecora's hut. Scary part was that she was succeeding. About half a minute later Zecora put a big bottle in Rarity's hoof and looked into her eyes. Rarity could tell, her Zebra friend was worried about her.

“Please, use it wisely.” Whispered Zecora. Rarity knew, she meant it. After all it was at least unusual for her to say something without rhymes.


Rarity was lying in her bed, but she couldn't sleep. Images of last few days were haunting her. She turned on her side, just to see picture of Spike on her night table. Tears fell down on her bedclothes. Now there is really no chance, that she'll sleep without Zecora's medicine.

Her horn glowed and big bottle that was standing behind Spike's picture levitated into her direction. She remembered Zecora's warnings, as well as what Twilight told her before they parted. “Don't worry girls, I'll be careful.” Rarity thought to herself before getting three fast sips from bottle. She managed to put bottle back, just before she fell on bed. She was asleep, after three, really hard for her, days.


Rarity was standing in royal gardens of Canterlot castle. Day was beautiful, but she wasn't happy.

“Hello, Rarity.” She turned around and took two steps back. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. “Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.” Spike smiled.