• Published 4th Jan 2014
  • 2,203 Views, 61 Comments

The Rock - DinoDenver

Making dresses for Princess Celestia and Princess Luna is like a dream come true for Rarity. But what will bring her obsession with completing this task?

  • ...

Chapter 6: Party

“Howdy-doo, girls, you're just in time! Rainbow and Fluttershy just got here!” Applejack welcomed them as they entered the barn.

It was their usual spot for parties when they wanted to make sure, that they weren't going to disturb anypony. And maybe even more important: when they wanted nopony to disturb them. Good example of such a party was Pinkie's birthday party. Very good example.

“Finally! It took you forever to get here!”

“I've just told them that you guys got here few moments earlier, Rainbow.” Said Applejack while filling up mugs for her friends. “So easy, we can fight when we are drunk.”

“Let's drink!” Pinkie was the first one to react. She grabbed the mug full of cider almost immediately. “Cheers girls!”

Five other mares followed Pinkie's lead and raised their mugs. The party has begun.

“First!” Rainbow dash yelled. “Four seconds flat!” But other mares weren't really interested in competing with her.

“I needed that, I tell ya!” Said Applejack with sight of relief. “It was rather a hard day here at farm, that's for sure.”

There's nothing like cold cider at the end of hard day. But Rarity didn't really enjoyed it. She could barely feel sweetness of her drink. She really rather would wait for Zecora in Carousel Boutique. But then again, Pinkie was really... convincing. And in the end this whole party was put together to cheer her and Twilight up, and Rarity was aware of that. She didn't want to disappoint her friends, so she tried to put on a smile and enjoy drinking with them, just like old times.


“First!” Rainbow just finished another mug. “You didn't event try, Fluttershy!” She was pretty drunk already and was trying to persuade Fluttershy to join her drinking game.

“Uhm, Rainbow, you know that I like to take things... more slowly.” Fluttershy smiled and blushed a little.

“S-suit yourself.” Rainbow turned around to hide her red face. And to get herself another mug of cider. “What the- there's no more cider?”

“Well, sugar-cube, with your pace I'm mighty surprised it lasted this long.” Rainbow's drinking pace was one of things that never stopped to amaze Applejack.

“Great, we're out of booze and I'm not even drunk yet!” Rainbow was evidently annoyed.

“I don't really agree with that.” Answered Applejack with wide smile.

“You say I'm drunk?!” Now Rainbow was pissed off.

“Well, that too, sugar-cube.” Said Applejack and opened chest that was nearby. “But I really meant the 'out-of-booze' part.”

“Uuuuu! What is it what is it?!” Pinkie was already holding one of the bottles with crystal liquid.

“You know what it is, Pinkie.” Twilight joined the conversation.

“Hooch.” Answered Applejack.

“Hooch?” Fluttershy raised her head, they've got her attention now.

“I knoooooooow!” Pinkie rolled her eyes. “How did you name it?”

“I didn't think about it yet, to be honest.” Applejack was rather confused.

“You HAVE to name it, Applejack!” Pinkie grabbed Applejack and looked in her eyes.

“Um, I think we should try it first before naming it.” Fluttershy already brought six glasses. Well, she always preferred hard liquors.

“I guess there's no harm in that...” Said Applejack, but she looked at her half empty mug of cider.

“WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?” Pinkie yelled. “How long are we supposed to hold these before you will join us?” She and Fluttershy already raised their glasses. And they were generous while filling these glasses.

“We'll need some chaser, I'll get some juice...”

“Don't go anywhere, Applejack!” Pinkie stopped her. “There's no need to get chaser for the first shot!”

“Pinkie...” Applejack wasn't fan of this idea.

“Uhm...” This time Fluttershy was the one to interrupt Applejack. “It's ok, for the first shot.” Applejack didn't look pleased, but she has given up.

“Have it your way then. But only the first one!”

“Of course!” Pinkie smiled. “Girls, get your glasses! Twilight! Rarity!”

Rarity was looking at her almost full mug of cider. Usually she would prefer some fine red wine from south provinces of Equestria, maybe champagne. But she liked cider, why wouldn't she? It's taste was kind of resembling sparkling wine.

But it didn't taste good today. It almost didn't have any taste at all... She forced herself to drink first mug, but now she was stuck with second one. After all, she couldn't enjoy herself with what she was going through.

“Rarity!” Pinkie's voice finally reached her.

“P-pardon me, I was...”

“Grab your glass and don't make any silly excuses!” Pinkie was really getting in party mood.

“I think that I really shouldn't...” Rarity tried to oppose, she was thinking about going home.

“No excuses!” Pinkie forced glass into Rarity's hoof. “Cheers!”

“Bottoms up!” Added Fluttershy.

This was some serious stuff. Apple family was known in all Equestria for their fine Cider, but Applejack wanted to make some stronger drinks, so she decided to give it a whirl.

And without a doubt – she was good at it.

“Argh! That's some strong stuff!” Said Rainbow Dash with grimace on her face.

“Smooth. Um, very well done, Applejack.” Complimented Fluttershy.

“Wooohooo, that's the stuff!” Shouted Applejack as she putted glass back on the table, maybe little harder than she should. “You okay, Twilight?”

“Little stronger... than I would like it...” Twilight sounded rather weak.

Rarity wasn't really into hard liquors either, but, strangely, this felt right. That glass was really refreshing, not really what she was expecting. She felt like pain in her heart lifted a little. Rarity's glass levitated and landed softly on the table.

“I must say, this really felt good.” Said Rarity, to her friends surprise.

“That totally absolutely felt good! Time for round number two!” Said Pinkie Pie as she refilled glasses.

“Already? Gonna get some juice then.” Said Applejack.

“There's no need to get chaser for second shot!” Pinkie was already holding her glass.

“You're mad, you know that, Pinkie?” Applejack was about to go, but Fluttershy stopped her.

“Uhm... It's ok, for the second shot.”

“You're both mad! I'm bringing juice!”

Party went on.


“What should we drink to?” Asked Pinkie as she was refilling glasses. Few empty bottles were standing on the floor.

“Toomah...” Mumbled Rainbow Dash, she was lying on the floor.

“Easy, Dashie. You need to rest.” Said Fluttershy as she stroked Rainbow's mane. She was sitting beside her.

“Like you two even need anything to drink to!” Applejack looked really tired.

“Of course we need! We can't go on without a good toast!” Pinkie was outraged.

“Um, I can go on.” Fluttershy was still petting Rainbow Dash while holding her glass in other hoof.

“Let's drink to that!” Pinkie smiled wide.

“That's not really much of a toast.” Commented Applejack and turned her head. “What's that, Twi?”

“T-to Spike!” Twilight's eyes were full of tears.

Rarity felt like someone throw cold water on her head. What was she doing? Getting drunk with her friends while Spike is out there somewhere and needs her help. Now she felt even worse than before.

“Girls, I think I should go home.” Said Rarity.

“Yeah, you won't drink to his memory even though you killed him!” Twilight was as bitter as she was drunk.

“Oh, my...” Fluttershy covered her mouth with the 'petting' hand.

“Dotstah...” Mumbled Rainbow.

“Easy, partner!” Applejack tried to calm Twilight down.

“It's ok, Applejack, Twilight is right...” Rarity was on the verge of crying.

“Don't blame yourself, Rarity. It was an accident.” Fluttershy tried to cheer her up.

“It wasn't accident, it was her sick ambition!” Twilight was saying out loud what was on her chest. She wasn't even trying to hide tears. “She always used and teased him, and in the end she killed him! He loved her and she treats him like some thrash that's not even worth a toast!”


A deathly hush fell in the barn. The only sound was Rainbow Dash mumbling something. Rarity was the one to break the silence.

“I'm really sorry, Twilight.” Rarity was looking at the floor. “It's true that it was my fault...”

“No.” Twilight interrupted her. “I'm sorry, Rarity. I really miss Spike and I guess I just wanted to blame someone for his death... I know that you didn't want him to die...”

“To Spike!” Pinkie raised her glass. Friends looked at each other.

“To Spike!” They answered all at the same time.

“Tospah...” Mumbled Rainbow, her eyes were still closed.


Mares drank few more glasses of hooch and party got considerably more cheerful. But Rarity was thinking about what they were talking earlier, about what she said. What exactly are those feeling she has for Spike? Could it really be something more? She didn't have time to think about it earlier. But as it turned out she didn't have enough time to think now either.

Door to barn opened. It was Zecora. Rarity felt like she sobered up almost immediately.