• Published 26th Feb 2014
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Batmare: Birth Of The Dark Knight - SuperPinkBrony12

Applejack learns the truth of her parents demise. This discovery inspires her to teach the world of crime a lesson, and strike fear into the hearts of all criminals. As she does so however, she creates her greatest enemy, The Joker.

  • ...

The Princess, The Joker, and The Dark Knight

Batmare did not turn herself in, despite The Joker's threat about what would happen if she didn't. Luckly for Ponyville, their friendly ally from The Everfree Forest, Zecora, worked tirelessly to whip up remedies for any potential victims of chemical poisoning. It wasn't long before Princess Celestia and Princess Luna recruited Zecora themselves, so that she could help victims in Canterlot, Manehattan, and all over Equestria.

As this was going on, Princess Twilight or Twilight to her friends, recieved a very unusual letter in the mail. It was an inviation sent from an unknown someone, who wished to meet Equestria's newest princess live and in the flesh. To that end the mysterious sender had arranged for a meeting in Canterlot, at a small cafe. The letter also told Twilight to "bring samples of your work", refering to her job as a temporary assistant to Photo Finish while the current one was away.

Twilight had her doubts about the intentions of whoever sent her the letter, but she felt it would be rude to just turn down the offer without even meeting the sender face to face. So, she agreed, and the arrangements were made.

Twilight waited nervously at the table the letter had told her would serve as the place of discussion. She had arrived about ten minutes ago, and so far, no one had showed up. She was starting to get worried, she had a bad feeling about all of this.

"Ah, so nice to see you, Princess Twilight." a voice called out. The tone sounded rather evil, but also rather playful. About a moment later, a figure clad in a familiar purple vest approached the table.

Twilight gasped "I know you! You're-you're the-the-the" she stutered.

"The-the-the-the, The Joker!" The Joker bellowed. Twilight screamed, but The Joker mearly laughed "Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya." he said with a grin.

"Well you did!" Twilight said sternly "But more importantly, what are you doing here Joker?"

"What? Can't a fellow just have a friendly little chit-chat with a princess?" The Joker asked.

"I know you're up to something!" Twilight said "Tell me what it is, now!"

"Hmph, you're no fun at all." The Joker said crossly "I sent you that letter so we could get to know each other better."

"What?!" Twilight gasped "You wrote that letter?!"

"Sure did." The Joker chuckled.

"Then why did you ask me to 'bring samples of my work'?" Twilight asked.

"Ah, well you see, I kind of need someone to capture my goodside." The Joker explained "I wanna look nice when I really make a splash in the world of Equestria. Of course, when you're a guy like me, that's a little hard to do. But then we musn't compare ourselves to others, we're artists of our own profession." The Joker chuckled to himself.

"But what does that have to do with me?" Twilight asked.

"You just don't get it do you?" The Joker said crossly "If I have a photographer of my own I can ensure the public sees me for what I really am."

"Well, I hate to break it to you, but I have no interest in helping someone like you!" Twilight said sternly "If you wanted a photographer you picked the wrong pony. I know very little about photography, and only helped Photo Finish because she insisted, and wouldn't take no for an answer. So, if you'll kindly excuse me, I think I'll be going!"

Twilight tried to leave, but The Joker grabbed her hoof, and pointed his revolver at her. "Don't run." he said, a creepy smile forming on his face "Bad things happen to those who try to run away from me."

"What do you want?" Twilight asked.

"I think you know the answer to that." The Joker said "Come on, have a seat, and let's see those photos. I'll decide if you're the kind of gal I'm looking for."

Twilight sighed and did as she was told. "Here!" she said sternly, tossing the sample photos onto the table, after pulling them out of her saddle bag.

"Alright, let's see here." The Joker said, and began to sort through the photos. "This one's crap!" he said, tossing it to one side. "This one's crap as well!" he commented, tossing it over to join the previous one "Crap! Crap! Crap! Megacrap!" he said, as he discarded photo after photo. At last, he picked up a photo showcasing a mare just after she had taken a shower. "Ooh! Now this is more like it!" he said, whistling at the beautiful sight captured in the photo "I don't know what this is, but this is a masterpiece if I ever saw one."

"You like it?" Twilight asked nervously.

"Like it? No. I LOVE it!" The Joker said happily. "I think I'll frame this one, and hang it up in my office. Congratulations Princess, as of tonight you are now the official photographer of the one and only Joker." The Joker threw back his head, and laughed wickedly.

"I'll never help the likes of you!" Twilight shouted.

"Oh you will, or you won't live to regret it." The Joker threatened, pulling out his revolver once more. He slowly began to approach Twilight.

"What are you doing? You're crazy!" Twilight said, trying to put distance between The Joker and herself.

"Why thank you! Now you're starting to get it." The Joker said as he continued his approach.

"Help me! Somepony help me, please!" Twilight pleaded.

"No one will get here in time to save you!" The Joker threatened, closing the distance "Say goodbye to this world! And give my regards to Tartarus!"

Before The Joker could fire, the glass ceiling of the cafe suddenly shattered! Batmare swooped down, and placed herself between The Joker and Twilight. "It's you!" Twilight said happily. "Oh thank you A-"

"Sssshhhh." Batmare interrupted "Don't say my real name, The Joker will hear you."

"I understand." Twilight said.

"You again?!" The Joker hissed "Have you come to turn yourself in?"

"In your dreams Joker." Batmare said "I'm not gonna let you hurt an innocent princess just because she doesn't want to be a part of your stupid schemes."

"They're not stupid!" The Joker said angrily "And this time, you won't get away! If you thought I was stupid enough to come alone, you thought wrong!"

"Go ahead, sic your goons on me for all I care." Batmare encouraged "They're no match for me. And neither are you."

"We'll just see about that." The Joker said, flashing a smile that made Twilight feel very uncomfortable. The Joker whistled, and within seconds the remaining members of The Shadow Triad (who had remained loyal to The Joker) began to swarm the cafe. All of them weilding various firearms, clubs, sticks, and other deadly weapons of brute force.

"What are we gonna do?" Twilight asked.

"Just do as I say." Batmare instructed "Hang on tight, and don't let go!"

"What are you doing?" Twilight asked, as she saw Batmare pull out her grapple gun. "There's nothing to latch onto."

Batmare said nothing, and fired the grapple gun. To Twilight's surprise, it managed to hook onto the roof, pulling herself and Batmare up with it.

"Now what?" Twilight asked "It's a long way down from here."

"Don't worry about that." Batmare said, pulling out a strange device "I had a feeling this would come in handy sooner or later." she pressed a button, and Twilight saw The Batmobile begin to drive by itself as it approached the cafe.

"How are you doing that?" Twilight asked.

"Remote control, like those toy cars that are all the range these days." Batmare explained "I can call The Batmobile from just about anywhere within a few miles. And that's not all I can make it do." Batmare pressed another button. A grapple hook shot out from the front of The Batmobile, latching onto the roof. It then proceeded to drive up the side of the building, using the grapple hook as if it were a rope. It stopped just in front of Batmare and Twilight.

"Let me guess, now we hop in and make a speedy getaway." Twilight said.

"Yup, and if anyone gets in our way, they're in for a big surprise." Batmare replied "Now come on!"

Twilight did as she was told, and climbed into the Batmobile's passanger seat. Batmare climbed into the driver seat. Ever a stickler for the rules, Twilight buckled her seat belt.

"All systems go! We're out of here!" Batmare shouted, and began to drive The Batmobile down the side of the building, after turning it around. Once The Batmobile was on ground level, Batmare pressed down hard on the pedel. The Batmobile rocketed away with a roar.

"They're getting away boss!" Bob said to The Joker.

"You think I don't know that, fool?!" The Joker hissed and turned to The Shadow Triad "Well, don't just stand there! After them! Stop them by any means necessary! I don't care what you do or how you do it! Just do it!"

"Sir yes sir!" The gang members said. Some of them gave chase in their own motorized carriages. While others went to set up roadblocks.

"Applejack look!" Twilight shouted, looking at the rearview mirrors "Those goons are right on our tail! And they have guns!"

"Don't you worry Twilight." Batmare said with a smile "The Batmobile is completly bulletproof."

"But what about the tires?" Twilight asked "What if they shoot them? They could cause them to deflate!"

"I'm well aware of that." Batmare said with a grin "Which is why I took the liberty of giving The Batmobile a few new 'toys' after The Joker made his threat." she pressed a button on a control panel.

"Smoke screen activated." a mechanical voice said. Two vents appear on the rear of The Batmobile, and sprayed a thick cloud of smoke. Guranteed to obscure the vision of anyone that drove into it.

"Now to stop them in their tracks." Batmare said, and pressed another button.

"Oil slick activated." the mechanical voice said. A second later, oil began to drip out from another vent on The Batmobile's rear. The oil was very slippery, and would cause any vehicle that crossed over to spin out of control.

The goons never saw it coming. With their vision obscured by the smoke screen they had no way of knowing about the oil slick, until it was too late. A few of them managed to bail out before their vehicles crashed. But others were not so lucky, and suffered the same firey fate as the vehicles they had been driving.

"Whew. That was a close one." Twilight said, breathing a sigh of relief.

"It's not over yet!" Batmare shouted "Look up ahead!"

Twilight gasped, two members of The Shadow Triad had somehow managed to erect a roadblock too big to drive through, and too wide to drive around. "Do something Applejack!" Twilight pleaded.

"I'm on it!" Batmare said, and pressed a third button on the control pannel.

"Laser guns activated." the mechanical voice said. Two turrets appeared on the front of The Batmobile, and began to shoot laser beams at the roadblock. Just as The Batmobile approached it, the lasers managed to cut a gap wide enough and big enough for The Batmobile to fit through.

"All right!" Twilight cheered.

"Now to teach those guys a lesson they'll never forget." Batmare said with a smile, and stopped The Batmobile.

"What's wrong? Why did you stop?" Twilight asked.

"You'll see." Batmare said, and pressed yet another button.

"Bomb drop activated." the mechanical voice said. The Batmobile was quickly encased in bomb proof shields, as a small bomb was dropped in fronf of the approaching gang members.

"Uh-oh." the gang members said, as the bomb blew up in their faces. The explosion wasn't very powerful, but it was enough to cover their faces in charcoal and soot, as well as turn them black.

"That'll show them that I mean business." Batmare said, as the bomb proof shields retracted, "Now let's get out of here, and get you home."

"Thank you Applejack. You saved my life." Twilight said with relief.

"Think nothing of it. That's what I do." Batmare said as she drove The Batmobile out of Canterlot. "But remember, you promised not to tell anyone about my secret. For right now I don't need others finding out about it. You and the girls, as well Spike and Granny Smith are the only ones who deserve to know the truth. The rest will have to be kept in the dark, at least until The Joker has been defeated."

"Bob!" The Joker said sternly.

"Yes boss?" Bob asked nervously.

"Go round up those good for nothing idiots!" The Joker shouted "I want to just who is reponsible for screwing up this perfectly good chance to kill Batmare!"

Author's Note:

The Batmobile's gadgets draw inspiration from three different sources.

Most of the gadgets come from Tim Burton's Batman and Batman Returns.

The grapple comes from Batman Forever.

And the smoke screen and oil slick come from the type of gadgets you usually see in Bond cars.

And no, Twilight will not be Robbin either.