• Published 26th Feb 2014
  • 1,956 Views, 49 Comments

Batmare: Birth Of The Dark Knight - SuperPinkBrony12

Applejack learns the truth of her parents demise. This discovery inspires her to teach the world of crime a lesson, and strike fear into the hearts of all criminals. As she does so however, she creates her greatest enemy, The Joker.

  • ...

A Pink Pony Problem

With The Shadow Triad on his side, and the influence and wealth of AXIS Chemicals, The Joker was now a very powerful and dangerous threat. Right now his mind was focused on only one task, killing the mare responsible for ruining his life! Batmare!

Applejack had no way of knowing what The Joker was up to. And even if she did she wouldn't have cared. She was busy monitoring Equestria. Since the close call at the AXIS Chemical Factory things had been way too quiet. No thugs or muggers seemed to pop up. Something had to be wrong, it wasn't like the criminal world to just suddenly go quiet.

"I don't understand it." Applejack said to herself, as she looked at the monitors again "Something has to be going on. The absence of criminal activity just doesn't add up."

"Hey Applejack, whatcha doing?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Oh nothing much, just keeping an eye on Equestria Pinkie Pie." Applejack explained, then it hit her "Wait! Pinkie Pie?!"

"Yes indeedy! The one and only!" Pinkie Pie said happily.

"What are you doing in here? How did you find this place?" Applejack asked.

"I invited her in Applejack." Granny Smith explained.

"Why would you do that Granny? You promised me this would stay a secret." Applejack said crossly.

"I never said for how long." Granny Smith said "Listen Applejack, this little charade has gone on for long enough. You can't keep this second life hidden forever. It's not good for ya."

"But why did it have to be Pinkie Pie? You know she's a chatterbox!" Applejack said.

"I can't help it if she decided to drop by and pay her favorite cousin a visit." Granny Smith said, a smile appeared on her face that seemed to imply she had arranged it.

"So, what is this place?" Pinkie Pie asked "Granny Smith didn't get a chance to explain."

Applejack sighed "Well, I guess there's no point in trying to hide it. What you're seeing here, is The Batcave. I stumbled across it near the orchards one evening. This is where I house my secret crime fighting persona, Batmare!"

Pinkie Pie gasped "So YOU'RE Batmare?" she asked. Applejack nodded "This is so super duper cool! I wish I could be a superhero! Though I think I'd probably be a bright red spider like figure, that climb up walls, and spouts cheesy one liners."

"What makes you say that?" Applejack asked.

"I don't know, it just seems like my style." Pinkie Pie said "Honest."

"Well anyway" Applejack continued "I use these monitors to check for any sort of criminal activity. And if I'm not mistaken, it looks like this night has just gotten interesting." Applejack turned to a screen that displayed a group of ponies dressed in black hoods, planting what looked like explosive devices.

"But that's in Manehattan! How do you get from here to there and back in just one night?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"With this." Applejack said, and pressed a button. The Batmobile appeared on a rising and rotating platform.

"Ooh! Cool carriage!" Pinkie PIe said.

"I knew you'd say that. But it's not just any old carriage." Applejack explained "It's a very specially designed and motorized one that I call The Batmobile. And if you think it's cool now, you haven't seen anything yet. It comes equipped with mini laser turrets (powered by a magic battery), retractable shields, bombs, and a little something that can make it turn 180 in a heartbeat."

"Can I ride in it? Please?" Pinkie Pie pleaded.

"I don't think so." Applejack said, shaking her head "You have a tendency to get into trouble."

"Oh please Applejack. I promise I'll behave." Pinkie Pie said, shooting Applejack a pair of puppy dog eyes.

"Take her with you Applejack." Granny Smith said "Her 'Pinkie Sense' could be a big help. Besides, I ain't exactly running a foalsitting service here."

Applejack sighed "Oh alright. You can tag along Pinkie."

"Yay! Thank you so much Applejack! You won't regret it!" Pinkie Pie cheered, bouncing all around.

"On one condition. So listen and listen good." Applejack went on "You do exactly what I say. That means, you don't touch anything, say anything, or DO anything, unless I tell you. Got it?"

"Yes Ma-am!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Good. Now just give me a minute to get suited up and we'll head out." Applejack said, and doned her costume.

"You look so intimidating with that costume on." Pinkie Pie commented.

"That's exactly the point." Batmare replied "Now hop in, buckle up, and hang on tight!" Pinkie Pie didn't need to be told twice.

"Have fun you two." Granny Smith said, her face appearing on a screen in The Batmobile "I'll try to keep in contact with you as best I can. Be careful, I've done a little research on these guys and they're nasty. So watch your backs."

"Roger that." Batmare said.

"Hey, I wanna listen to the radio!" Pinkie Pie said.

"What did I just get through you telling about doing as I said?" Batmare asked.

"Oh, oopise." Pinkie Pie said, blushing slightly.

The drive to Manehattan didn't take long, especially since Pinkie Pie kept baggering Batmare about everything. From how she fought the bad guys, to how she built The Batmobile.

"Well, here we are." Batmare said, hopping out of the Batmobile "This shouldn't take long Pinkie. Just stay by The Batmobile and wait for me. If all goes well I should be back in a matter of minutes."

"Are you sure you don't need my help fighting those meanie pants?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Positive." Batmare said "They're armed, and I don't need you getting hurt."

"You don't have to worry about me. But if you're sure you can handle things I won't get in the way." Pinkie Pie said "No need to 'Pinkie Promise', I know I won't break this one."

"See that you don't." Batmare said, and went to take down the criminals. But when she reached the area where they had spotted she found that they had already fled. And on top of that, the explosives turned out to be fake plastic ones. "That's weird. Why would anyone plant fake explosives? It doesn't make sense." Batmare thought to herself. Then a terrible thought struck her "Unless, this is all a set up!"

"Um.....Applejack?" Pinkie Pie asked nervously.

"What are you doing here Pinkie? I thought I told you to stay by The Batmobile until I returned?" Batmare asked.

"You did, and I tried to really." Pinkie Pie said innoncently "But then, these guys showed up." she pointed a hoof towards The Shadow Triad goons, all of them weilding firearms.

"Pinkie, what did you do?!" Batmare asked, casting a stern glare at Pinkie Pie.

"It wasn't me, I swear it." Pinkie Pie said "I was just sitting in The Batmobile, minding my own business, and then all of a sudden, these guys show up and start attacking The Batmobile. And well, you did tell me not to touch anything."

"That I did." Batmare sighed, wishing she hadn't.

"So, who's this friend of yours Batmare?" a Shadow Triad gang member asked.

"You should know what happens to those who mess with The Shadow Triad!" another gang member threatened, cocking his shotgun.

"It ain't pretty." a third gang member chimed in.

"Leave her alone, or you'll answer to me!" Batmare warned.

"Ooh, we're so scared!" the gang leader teased "Hate to break it to you Batmare, but we've got orders from The Boss. He don't like you very much, and he wants you out of the way, for good! He'll pay us handsomely if we can kill you, and if your little pink friend there gets in the way, we'll kill her too!"

"What are we gonna do Applejack?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Listen to me very carefully." Batmare instructed "Stick close to me, and hold on tight!"

"Why?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"You'll see in a second." Batmare said, digging into her utility belt. She pulled out her grappel gun, and fired it at a nearby pipe. She used the grappel line to pull herself and Pinkie Pie out of the danger zone.

"Trying to pull a fast one eh?! I don't think so! Shoot her now boys!" the gang leader instructed. The Shadow Triad Members fired their guns at Batmare, who threw her cape over herself and Pinkie Pie, shielding them from the bullets.

"Thanks Applejack, you're a life saver." Pinkie Pie said with relief, once she and Applejack were on solid ground aboard a rooftop.

"You'll be safe here." Batmare said, turning away "I'll come back for you after I've taken care of these bad boys!"

"Be careful Applejack." Pinkie Pie said with concern.

"I'll be fine. These clowns have met their match!" Batmare said, and leaped down, gliding through the air. She landed in front of the gang members, frightening a few of them.

"Don't let her rattle you boys! Use whatever means neccessary to bring her down!" the gang leader instructed.

"You guys picked the wrong night for a fight." Batmare said, her bullet proof suit easily deflecting the bullets that were fired at her. She easily dispatched several gang members with well placed punches and kicks, all the while expertly dodging their punches and kicks.

"Yeah, that's it Applejack! Show em who's boss! Teach them to respect the Apple Family!" Pinkie Pie cheered as Batmare took out gang member after approaching gang member. Suddenly, her 'Pinkie Sense' warned her that somepony was about to attack her. She spun round suddenly, and narrowly dodged a knife that would've struck her back.

The asialant was shocked "How did you know I was going to stab you? I made no noise!" he said with confusion.

"I don't really like starting fights." Pinke Pie said "Just so you know."

The asialant sighed with relief.

"But that doesn't mean I can't finish them!" Pinkie Pie said, and delivered a kick that knocked him off of the rooftop. The asialant screamed. "Oopsie, I guess I don't know my own strength." Pinkie Pie chuckled.

"Looks like Granny Smith was right after all." Batmare said with a smile when she saw Pinkie's attacker crash land right near her.

The rest of the gang members were taken down without too much trouble. Both Batmare and Pinkie Pie had no signs of damage or injury. But many of the gang members had either turned tail and ran off, or had beaten senseless, and left laying on the ground for the police to discover. A few of them, like the would be stabber, even lay dead.

But there was one gang member who was still alive and well. The gang leader, and Batmare wasn't about to let him get away.

"Looks like it's just you and me pal." Batmare said with a grin "Why don't you just surrender now and make it easier on yourself?"

"Never!" the gang leader said, and tried to hurl a dagger at Batmare. The dagger failed to lodge, and Batmare tossed it aside with ease.

Batmare was furious, and pressed the gang leader up against the wall. "Okay you!" she said sternly, keeping one hoof on him at all times "Talk! I want answers and I want em now! Someone sent you, and I wanna know who it is!"

"I can't tell you that." the gang leader protested "The boss would kill me if I blabbed."

"You shouldn't be worried about what your boss is going to do you!" Batmare said, keeping up her interrogation "You should be worreid about what I'm gonna do to you!"

"Don't kill me, please!" the gang leader cried "I don't wanna die!"

"You know what I wanna hear!" Batmare said "Who?! Who was it that sent you to try and kill me?! Who's the guy or gal who's got a problem with the way I'm handling things?!"

"Alright....I'll talk." the gang leader said "It's The Joker, The Joker's the one who sent us."

"The Joker?" Pinkie Pie asked "Who the hay is that?"

"I don't know." Batmare said and turned back to the gang leader "How do I know you're not making this up?!"

"I swear to Celestia, my story is true." the gang leader said.

"Celestia?" Batmare said "SWEAR TO ME!"

"It's true I tell you. But I don't know who he really is." the gang leader confessed "He just suddenly showed up one day and all of a sudden he took charge. No one knows who he is."

"Hmmph. Well, thanks anyway." Batmare said, turning to leave "Be thankful I let you live. Come on Pinkie."

The gang leader could only watch as Batmare and Pinkie Pie went away. "The Boss is gonna kill me for this." he said "Unless-" he began to make a plan.

Author's Note:

Funny how this chapter comes right before "Maud Pie" is slated to air.

Pinkie Pie will not be the only one that joins Applejack while she is Batmare. And no, she will not become Robin, or Catwoman.