• Published 26th Feb 2014
  • 1,956 Views, 49 Comments

Batmare: Birth Of The Dark Knight - SuperPinkBrony12

Applejack learns the truth of her parents demise. This discovery inspires her to teach the world of crime a lesson, and strike fear into the hearts of all criminals. As she does so however, she creates her greatest enemy, The Joker.

  • ...

Raising The Stakes

"I just don't understand it. Despite everything I've done, Batmare still won't give up and turn herself in." The Joker said, pacing back and forth in his office "I thought for sure I'd have gotten to her by now, and yet, somehow she remains unphased."

"Well, it probably doesn't help that she's found a way to counter your acts of industrial terrorism sir." Bob said nervously.

"You think I'm unaware of the situation?" The Joker asked sternly "I know by now that Batmare is persistent. She has left me with no other choice. I'm going to have to face her, and kill her! It's the only way to finally rid myself of the one thing that continues to plague my existence upon this world! Without Batmare, no one will be able to stop me!"

"That's great and, but how do you plan to confront Batmare?" Bob asked "You don't even know where she lives. No one does."

"I'm well aware of that, thank you very much." The Joker hissed "But I also know that Batmare is not one to just sit idly by when someone's life is at stake. You saw how far she was willing to go to protect Pinkie Pie and Princess Twilight. It's obvious she'd do anything to protect the lives of others, no matter what the cost might be."

"So what's your plan?" Bob asked.

"It's simple really." The Joker said with a fiendish smile "I'm going to kidnap someone, and hold them hostage in the Ponyville Bell Tower. And when that fool, Batmare, comes to the rescue, I'll kill her! And, as luck would have it. I already have the perfect hostage in mind. Pack your saddle bags Bob, we're going to Ponyville."

"Thanks for stopping by Spike." Applejack said "I'm glad to hear that Twilight's recovering from what The Joker tried to do to her. That scum bag has some nerve picking on our friends like that!"

"Yeah!" Spike said eagerly "Good thing Batmare was there to save the day, or should I say night?"

"Twilight was indeed very lucky." Applejack said. Spike currently didn't know that she was really Batmare. Applejack planned to tell him the truth very soon.

"Well, in any case, here. Twilight told me you might need this." Spike said, and pulled out a strangely colored vial "This potion should cure anything that comes into contact with chemicals, just in case The Joker tries anything on you, your family, or your livestock."

"Let's hope I never have to use it Spike." Applejack said, grabbing the vial, and storing it away somewhere "But I've learned that it never hurts to be prepared for the worst. With a guy like The Joker on the loose, you never know what could happen."

"Words of wisdom Applejack." Spike commented. Just then there was a knock at the door of Sweet Apple Acres. "Who could that be?" Spike asked.

"Beats me." Applejack said, somewhat confused "I wasn't expecting any company but yours Spike." The knock was heard again.

"So what now?" Spike asked Applejack.

"Granny always says it's rude to turn away company without first answering the door." Applejack sighed "I have a feeling I'm gonna regret saying this, but why don't you go open the door for our unexpected guest? See what is that they want."

"If you say so." Spike said, and went over to the door. The knock was heard a third time. "I'm coming!" Spike said sternly "I heard you loud and clear the first time! You don't have to keep knocking!" Reluctantly, Spike opened the door. "Yes?" he asked.

"Hello!" The Joker called, flashing his sinister grin at Spike.

Spike jumped in surprise "J-J-Joker?" he asked.

"That's my name, don't wear it out!" The Joker chuckled.

"Go away!" Spike shouted "Your kind ain't welcome around here! We want nothing to do with you!"

"But I want everything to do with you!" The Joker replied "Besides, isn't it rude to turn away guests?"

"In your case I'm more then happy to make an exception!" Spike said "Now beat it, before I slam the door in your face!"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you!" The Joker warned.

"Why not?" Spike asked "You can't tell me what to do!"

"Oh, but I can!" The Joker said smuggly, and pulled out a very familiar weapon "Recognize this?!" he asked Spike.

"Oh please, you don't really expect me to fall for that do you?" Spike asked "That's your famous trick revolver. It doesn't actually have bullets, it just has a pole with a flag that says 'Bang!'. It's a really sad joke."

"You think I'm kidding huh?!" The Joker asked "Well, let me ask you something Spike. Does this sound like an empty gun to you?!" To prove his point The Joker pointed his revolver up into the air and fired a shot. A loud "Bang!" was heard for miles. The Joker then brought it back down and pointed it at Spike. "So, are you gonna let me and my boys in? Or do I have to stain my precious coat with dragon blood?"

"You're bluffing." Spike said "You wouldn't shoot me."

"Would I?!" The Joker asked.

"Yes." Spike said weakly.

"But what if I'm not?!" The Joker asked "Can you afford to take that chance?"

"N-no." Spike gulped.

"Exactly." The Joker said with a smile "And, on the off chance that my revolver jams, I'd be more than happy to spray you with my flower. And you know what's inside it. So, are you gonna do as I say?"

"Oh y-yes, of course." Spike said nervously "P-please, do come in and make yourself at home."

"There's a good boy." The Joker said "Bob, you know what to do!"

"Yes sir boss!" Bob said, and grabbed Spike, holding him captive in his hooves. "Don't try to break free or I'll blow your brains out!" Bob threatened, as he followed The Joker, and the loyal members of the Shadow Triad inside.

Applejack suddenly became aware of what sounded like circus music blasting from a radio. Sure enough, in trotted a member of the Shadow Triad. A unicorn, who was holding a small radio with his magic. The Joker, the remaining Shadow Triad members, and Bob (who was still holding Spike) appeared soon afterward. "What's all this?" Applejack asked.

"Let me answer your question with one of my own. Have you ever danced with the devil on a pale moon lit night?" The Joker asked Applejack.

"No. And what the hay is that suppose is to mean?" Applejack asked.

"Nothing really. It's just a little something I like to ask all of my 'guests' so to speak." The Joker explained.

"What do you want?!" Applejack asked.

"It was my understanding that Spike over here gave you a vial containing a cure in the unlikely case that I decided to poison you, your family, or your livestock." The Joker explained "But I'm sorry to say, I can't let you keep it. I want that vial and I want it now!"

"You'll never get it!" Applejack said stubbornly "I hid it away somewhere, and I ain't telling you where!"

"I'd reconsider if I were you." The Joker threatened.

"Oh yeah?" Applejack asked "And why is that?"

"See your little friend here?" The Joker asked, pointing to Spike.

"Spike!" Applejack gasped "Let him go!"

"No can do!" The Joker said "Spike belongs to me now! And if you don't do as I say right now, poor Spike here will soon be six feet under."

"Make one false step and I pull the trigger." Bob threatened, pointing his revolver towards Spike's head.

"Don't do it Applejack! I'm not worth it!" Spike pleaded.

"Quiet you! I did not give you permission to speak!" The Joker snapped, and smacked Spike in the face with his hoof.

"That was uncalled for Joker!" Applejack said crossly.

"Shut up!" The Joker shouted "The vial! Give it to me now and I'll spare Spike's life!"

Applejack sighed "You win this round Joker. I'll give it to you."

"Excellent." The Joker said with a smile "See, that wasn't so hard. Was it?"

"Just shut up already!" Applejack said crossly, and retrieved the vial from behind a family picture that hung above the fireplace. "You want it?! Keep it!" she said, and threw the vial as hard as she could.

The Joker snatched it up with his magic. "Thank you for your cooperation." he said, and let the vial drop to the floor, where it broke. "Oopise! Looks like the old butterhooves strikes again!" he threw back his head and laughed long and hard.

"You got what you wanted Joker!" Applejack said sternly "Now let Spike go!"

"I never said I'd let him go when you gave the vial." The Joker said.

"What?!" Spike gasped "You can't do this!"

"Oh, but I can, and I will!" The Joker threatened "Take him away Bob!"

"Come with me peacefully if you want to live!" Bob said to Spike, and escorted him away, still pointing a revolver at Spike's head.

"Hey, where are you taking him?!" Applejack asked as The Joker turned to leave.

"Make sure that Batmare gets this message." The Joker said "If you ever want to see your friend again, make sure that Batmare knows to meet me on top of Ponyville's clock tower tonight! Otherwise I'm afraid Spike's role as number one assistant to Twilight Sparkle will come to a premature end."

"You won't get away with this! Batmare will stop you!" Applejack hissed.

"We'll just see about that." The Joker said "But I've wasted enough time talking to. Farewell." And with that The Joker left.

Author's Note:

I apologize for these chapters taking longer to come out, but my other currently active fic has taken priority over this one since this one is so close to being done. Add to that the fact that final exams for my college classes are fast approaching, and the time I'm spending on another site roleplaying, and you cansee why progress for this fic is a little slow.

Yes, Spike is the damasel in distress, but he's also going to play another role. Can you guess what role that will be?