• Published 9th Oct 2016
  • 5,138 Views, 192 Comments

The Rose and the Serpent - Gulheru

A bet to prove her courage causes Roseluck to stumble upon a great, serpentine creature in the midst of White Tail Woods. Which might not be a most fortunate occurrence.

  • ...

Chapter I – The Rose and the Serpent

A gentle murmur of wind through the leaves sounded like a cackle.

“Don’t you laugh at me, forest...” Roseluck whispered to herself, stumbling through some more bushes.

White Tail Woods were known for their dense foliage and undergrowth, requiring an actual race to prepare them for autumn and winter. It couldn’t compare to the thickness of Everfree Forest, sure, but that wasn’t something that made Roseluck feel any more relaxed about her situation.

Taking this stupid bet was possibly one of the most irrational ideas that she ever had. And she was the one that suggested mixing apple cider with grape juice which spawned this dare in the first place!

“You were just supposed to grab some starsalvia from under the first tree, it’s not your fault that there was none there and you didn’t want to go back and never hear the end of it...” she mumbled to herself. “Besides, I’m pretty sure that Ponyville is this waaaaaay!”

Whatever she thought was solid ground in the darkness turned out to be nothing more than a hollow. And without much of a choice, she found herself sliding down, muzzle first, into it.

Grab onto something! A vine! A rock! Anything!

The smooth surface that she was traversing gave her no chance. Even her loud, obvious protest did not spawn any kind of obstacle she could cling onto to slow her slip.

The rocky surface at the bottom of the slide was generous enough not to be a wall, although finally braking on stones did leave an unpleasant sensation on Roseluck’s belly. She groaned, trying to stand up, finding herself in a most perfect darkness.

Oh, no, wait, she closed her eyes at one point.

The darkness still lingered, even after she remedied that, although it was corrupted by a slight flicker of bluish light in the distance, coming from some sort of a crystal, illuminating its surroundings.

Roseluck looked around the barely lit cave, but spotted no way out other than the slide she went down. It looked... burrowed into the ground, now that she thought of it. There was also that luminous mineral and the pitch black side of the cavern.

“Alright, this would be a good moment to start panicking.”

Having said those words and taking a moment to let them sink in, Roseluck followed the single scenario that came to her mind.

Which constituted of frantic breathing and desperate attempts at climbing up the slope she just traveled. However, no matter the tries, the techniques, no matter lying flat on the rock and trying to snail upwards, nothing was working.

“Great! Fantastic! Superb!” she screamed at the cave, but it remained cold to her desperate irritation.

She sat down on her haunches, shaking her head. What was there to do? She would cry, but that was not going to help at all, so... why waste time?

“Right, Rose, you need to keep it together. You can do it. You're brave enough.”

With a heavy sigh she turned away from the dark tunnel upwards, putting her hope in the luminous crystal and the murky edge of the cavern.

She pondered for a moment. She was certain that if she were to be gone for the entire night, Lily and Daisy would start looking for her. And not alone, as they would surely inform Princess Twilight. Yes! She would know how to find her!

It still wasn’t much to go by in an ill-lit cave in the middle of the woods, but!

Roseluck pushed forward through the shades, finally approaching the crystal, which, as she found out, lightened an actual passage further into the cave, until another mineral was visible. They looked almost like lanterns in the darkness, giving away this eerie, bluish glow that, nonetheless, made the place a bit less frightening to pass through.

Roseluck was glad that she didn’t stumble into some kind of a... bat colony! She would possibly be galloping in the opposite direction right then, screaming to high heaven, despite knowing better!

Having little choice, she made her way to the other rock, and after the second crystal she encountered a bend heading downwards, almost like a... staircase.

“That’s weird...” she whispered to herself, spotting even more light coming from below. “Do Diamond Dogs live around here?”

She wasn’t an expert on underground housing, even less so than the regular one, but this place looked more and more occupied by the minute.

Feeling curiosity clutching her in its firm grasp, Roseluck descended down the slope, this time glad to choose her own pace, rather than plummet down like she did but a while ago. She soon managed to reach the bottom of this coiling stairwell, witnessing a remarkable sight.

This cavern was definitely occupied.

In the middle of the grotto was natural pool of shimmering water, reflecting dozens of crystal formations on the ceiling, dotted between the stalactites. And around that magnificent pond she witnessed rich rugs of various colors, splayed all around to cover the harsh stones. A pile of furs was stashed on the distant side of the cave neatly, pelts of various colors and sizes almost falling into the pond. A selection of rather rich looking books was stored against one of the walls in columns. And, surprisingly, this... “chamber” smelled of strong incense. Roseluck could see the tendrils of smoke dancing in the air from a brazier hung off one of the rock formations.

“H-hello?” she called meekly, but only echo seemed to be home.

Waiting a moment but spotting no host, she placed one of her hooves on the first rug. It was really soft! Although, she had a strange sensation of the bristle being somehow... damp. Perhaps from being so close to water.

“Right, this is surely not a Diamond Dog place,” she murmured to herself. No Diamond Dog would ever had the patience to care for a place in such an... exotic way.

She would think that prettying a home was like creating a perfect bouquet. It took time, effort and conviction. And this cave was a work of someone who would be a good florist, indeed.

Roseluck trotted near the pool of water, feeling an aura of heat coming from it constantly. Was it a hot spring? That could have been responsible for the decent temperature in the cavern! Wanting to reach into the pond and check, she took another step, placing her hoof on the uneven edge of one of the rugs.


A vicious hiss broke the calmness of the cave and something moved under Roseluck’s hoof, causing her to shriek in surprise. She stumbled backwards, but one of the carpets spared her the pain of tripping down.

Something blue slithered into the pond from under the rug and then the pile of furs on the other side of the water began to shift.

A pair of hooves dug out of the pelts, hyacinth in their hue, soon followed by the rest of the pony silhouette. There was no coating on that particular pony, however, only smooth scale, glistening in the crystal light. The creature’s mane was oily, like wet, falling down its back in long, raisin black curls. The pony head turned ever so slightly and a violet eye focused on Roseluck, its black, slit pupil dilating and shrinking.


That was far more than enough for her. Without thinking much, exchanging that for screaming, she scrambled up and galloped towards the stairwell with all the speed she could muster. Her curiosity had gotten her in trouble, she hoped that her legs were enough to get her out of it!

Despite the ringing in her ears, she could easily hear a loud hiss coming from behind her, before a splash of water muffled it for a moment. Not a second later, though, the sound became clear again and Roseluck realized something to her terror.

The creature was far faster than she was.

She put all of her strength into the desperate lunge forward into the stairwell, to the point of feeling a jolt of pain through both of her hind legs. She closed her eyes only for a moment, jumping into the passage, but instead of feeling the rocks under her hooves, she bounced off a cold, scaly, wet surface.

She squeaked, finding herself landing back on the carpeted ground. She covered her head in panic.

This was it. The curiosity killed the pony.

She trembled, waiting for the inevitable, feeling her eyes tearing up.

She heard the rustling of the rugs around her. The slight hiss of the creature, coming from above her. She lowered herself to the ground as much as she could, desperately hoping that pretending to be as small and unworthy of attention as possible would help her, somehow.

To her astonishment, it was working so far.

Nothing was happening. She knew that the monstrosity was close to her, but other than sporadic hisses, she could not tell what it was actually doing. Observing her curiously? Preparing to strike? Disappearing into thin air?

Roseluck had to admit that the last occurrence would have been pretty cordial of it.

She finally lifted one of her forelegs and looked up. With one eye. Not to appear intrusive.

Staring from the way down, she first took notice of the scales again. Tough and bluish, yet marked by an occasional indigo or purple patch of marks, forming irregular, coiling shapes. The droplets of water were smoothly flowing down the layers, almost without resistance, making the carpet underneath dampen.

Above the tough tail formed a shape of a sturdy stallion. Or, at least, the front part of one, although the change appeared absolutely smooth. The creature had its two pony forelegs crossed on its chest, and was swaying in a serpentine fashion just a little bit. It was causing the mineral light to shimmer off the reflective scales.

Soon, in her gaze's slow journey upwards, Roseluck found herself staring at the muzzle of the monster, imitating that of a pony, but so very different. The nostrils of the creature were slit, serpent-like. More so, its violet eyes were now focused on her with intensity that made her shudder and cover her own immediately.

She had already realized with what exactly was she dealing.

The monster leaned forward a bit, and Roseluck could have sworn that she heard his long forked tongue flick out of its mouth. Which was enough to cause her to shudder and gulp in fear.

“The young one shall say...” the creature began, with but miniscule hisses in its voice. The tone of it was smooth, silky, a timbre that a pony throat could barely attempt to replicate. “Why is she trespassing on my belongings? And me, for that matter!?”

She? Was there anypony else here?

Roseluck sneaked a short peek at him. He must have been referring to her in that fashion, for he brought the very tip of his massive, several-meters-long tail to the level of her eyes.

It did look positively stepped on.

Roseluck inhaled shakily, still trying to avoid that piercing, serpent glare that lurked on the edges of her vision. “Uhm... I didn’t really... m-mean to. I’m very, very sorry! I will be stepping on n-nothing at all from now on!”

The tongue flicked again. “So the young one says and I hope for truth in her words. Stepping on my tail while I slumber goes against all rules of proper behavior, even those of your infant domains.” He scrunched his muzzle. “She reeks of soil and fallen leaves.”

“Yes, ah, I’ve had a... bit of a slide?” she admitted, chuckling nervously. As far as she could tell, the creature coiled the space around her. And that was a good, additional reason to be truthful.

The monster’s eyes widened actually. Not that she was intentionally trying to observe them in any way.

“She has discovered the burrow? How come? The camouflage is immaculate.”

“I... just... well, trotted into it in the darkness. It’s n-nighttime outside and—”

The creature paused for a moment, then agreed with a small nod. “Ah, so it is.” It sighed. “Once again, the Coil of Lucks laughs at me.”

Roseluck had no idea what he meant, but it wasn’t the best choice to ask questions now. For all she knew, she was at the creature’s mercy. And one wayward look could have proved fatal for her.

At least... the tales said so.

The snakepony squinted his eyes suddenly, which make her shut hers tightly. “Her state is lamentable. Has she hurt herself on the way here?”

“I... I h-haven’t bumped into anything on the... way down. I-I think I am fine...?” she assessed. She didn’t feel anything hurting her really as she lay almost flat on the floor.

The monster lowered its torso, as if trying to support himself on the front hooves, but instead but flicked his tongue out again.

“I don’t smell blood. Nor do I see its warmth outside of her...”


“... but she seems a bit fatigued.” A small pause followed. “You can stand up for now, I will not hurt you...”

The sudden change in his speech caught Roseluck by surprise. Was that a try of... endearing her?

Still feeling a bit shaky, she sat up cautiously at first. Trying to stand was a bit beyond her shivering muscles right then. She glanced at him, to see if he didn’t mind her not following his words exactly, but then quickly looked to the side. While trying not to appear disrespectful in her attempts to avoid direct eye contact.

“What is your name?” the creature inquired, swaying a little in front of her, observing her carefully, as if estimating her.

She took a deep breath. “R-Roseluck.”

“Roseluck...” he repeated, rolling her name in his mouth. “A name to enjoy. It has a nice hiss and satisfying click to it.” He smiled mysteriously, his forked tongue almost ticking her nose as it flicked once more. “I taste your fear in the air, young one.” His coils loosened as he slowly freed the space around her.

Did he want to appear... friendly? Roseluck wasn’t certain what to think of that. It didn’t cause her to relax, that was certain!

The creature inhaled, clearly taking note of her caution. “Ah, I see. You do know what I am, do you not?”

“I d-do,” she managed to mumble, rubbing her foreleg fiercely. “I... I’ve heard some legends.”

“Do tell...” The monster leaned forward a bit more.

“You’re...” Roseluck stammered on the sentence and the word that came to her mind. “You’re a lamia.”

Sssash’ah’asss!” The snakepony let out a prolonged hiss that caused her to lower to the ground in an instant. She observed as it put one of its forelegs to its temple. “Oh, by the Endless Coils!” he exclaimed, letting out something that mimicked a profound, pregnant sigh. “Shame upon the tongues and childish hisses of the young ones!”

Roseluck felt her brow arching. “I’m... I’m sorry?”

The creature groaned, slithering away and causing the mineral light to reflect off its scales in all directions. It looked... distraught.

“She comes into my lair and repeats a word that carries no meaning! I am not a lamia, I am a naga!”

“A... na-ga?” she parroted the word. No, that’s not the term that Lyra used to describe this mythical race of snakeponies, and she was an undisputed enthusiast of fables about the strangest of creatures! “I... have never heard that one before...” Roseluck admitted, which, to her worry, caused her host to hiss loudly again.

“That is the point, young one.” He reached the books he had stashed next to the fur pile. “Every single of their ancient bestiaries, almanacs, encyclopediae. Lamia.” A tome was flung to one side. “Lamia.” A scroll ricocheted off the nearest wall. “Lamia.” A massive volume arced high in the air, heading down into the water, but the naga skillfully caught it in its coils right before. “No, I like this one actually...”

Roseluck was observing her host with growing confusion. She was expecting, well... not this. Especially considering all these stories that she heard of snakeponies that once ruled the distant exotic lands. Enthralling entire villages and towns of ponies to turn them into their obedient slaves. To rule the lands as undisputed hegemons.

They were supposed to be serene. Sinister. Sly. And many other, mostly bad adjectives beginning with a hiss.

Yet this one seemed a bit... off, rather than dangerous so far. Getting fed up over a... misusage of a word? Complaining about his tail?

Perhaps she had a chance to get out of here without a hassle.

“Uhm, Mr. Naga?” she began, which caused him to turn its torso towards her, his gaze irked. “I-I am once again very sorry I... ah... invaded your lair. A-and stepped on you. And called you a bad name!”

The creature took a deep breath, closing its eyes, then smiled at her shaky apology. “It pleases me to receive such respect. Young ones know their places still, that is beneficial.” It coiled around, slithering slowly in her direction. “But she... Pardon, you have nothing to fear. Your intrusion was caused by the Coil of Lucks, not your will. Though, my squished tail might remain skeptical.”

He... made an actual joke?

“I... will gladly apologize to the tail again, if... ah... it wants it?” she added, trying her best at a sheepish expression.

A hissy laughter echoed through the cavern. “Not necessary, young one. But your wit is appraised and found desirable.”

“I’m... glad,” Roseluck admitted, now trying to properly stand up. However, a pang of pain in her right hind leg caused her to land back down on her haunches.

The naga tilted his head. “What seems the matter, young one?”

“I... don’t know.” She felt another pang. This time it was the anxiety in her heart. She examined her leg. “I... I think I might have...” she paused, thinking whether it was wise to let the naga know of the discomfort she felt. She tried to twist the limb, but a sharp feeling caused her to but yelp instead, giving away the amount of pain.

She hurt her leg. Which meant no trotting. Which meant no leaving. Which meant... nothing good.

The snakepony was by her in an instant, lowering its torso down. She stayed motionless, dreading sudden movement. The creature squinted its eyes. “Let me see this leg, young one.” It flicked its tongue. She tried to remain calm as he reached for her limb with surprising gentleness. “Tell me when it will start to hurt,” he asked of her when he performed a steady, rotating motion.

“Uhm, it’s not that bad, really, I-I mean it! It’s simply—ow!” She cringed, another surge of pain causing her body to tense and beads of sweat to appear on her brow.

“Hmm... This will not do, this will not do at all, the young one needs to be mobile,” the naga pondered absent-mindedly. “Seems like a muscle in your gaskin was strained. Nothing major, but it is an obvious inconvenience when trotting,” he judged, carefully palpating around her leg.

“I—” She closed her eyes and inhaled as he located the hurting spot precisely. “I suppose you never have this problem, Mr. Naga...” she blurted out.

Her host hissed in laughter again, the entirety of his coils shivering. “A point well made. You are a witty young one. Your value grows in my eyes,” he added, glancing her way with a kind smile.

Despite the worry, Roseluck felt a strange warmth behind her cheeks.

“May I ask...” She felt like changing the topic desperately. “...what might be your name?”

“My full name will be too difficult for your thick tongue, young one...” the naga stated, shrugging a bit. “I need to see if I can treat this leg of yours. May I lift you? I will go slowly.”

“Oh...” Roseluck swallowed. He... really wanted to help?

She carefully looked into his serpent eyes.

They were full of... concern?

“Alright...” she agreed shyly and the naga encompassed her in his forearms. To his further credit, he was trying to be as gentle as possible and the touch of his scaly form was cold, but smooth. Roseluck could feel the sheer muscles under his reptile skin, their strength enough to overpower a pony easily. And yet the creature was being truly careful.

“I... would still like to try learning your name, if you don’t mind,” she pressed the only topic that was calming her down.

He lifted her slowly and carried her in his forelegs to his resting place. She could barely feel the movement, his coils were traversing the rugs so steadily. She was inadvertently resting against his sturdy torso, trying to withstand its strange cold. And although he dived into the water not a few minutes ago, he was completely dry.

He hummed at first, closing his eyes for a brief moment. “Very well,” he agreed to her offer. He let out a throaty click, then a strain of hisses of various intensity and volume. She could feel his speech vibrating through his body.

“... you were right,” she surrendered immediately, without even trying to mimic the sound. “But... does your name have a meaning, perhaps?”

“That it does, young one. The One Who Bestows Care,” he translated, staring down at her. His gaze was keen, focused entirely on her person. It was nearly enough to cause her to blush. “I think the simplest variation that your thick tongue could tackle would be... Cyrus.”

“Cyrus...” Roseluck mouthed the name. “It... sounds like an exotic flower to me. I... I like it,” she confessed.

Cyrus smiled broadly. They reached the furs that acted as his bedding and he carefully lowered her on the top of them. They felt warm and as comfortable as one would think.

“I believe that your name fits a flower much better...” Cyrus pointed out with another smile, slithering away to a stash of belongings, hidden in a stone niche on the side of the cave. He started to rummage through it.

Roseluck found that... convenient. It meant that he couldn’t see the red tint on her muzzle. She felt... peculiar, receiving compliments from a creature like this.

Cyrus was busy pulling out various bottles and flasks from his stash. “Mind not my curiosity, but what were you doing at nighttime in the middle of the woodland, Roseluck? I know that most young ones of your kind stay in their dwellings at night.”

Roseluck had managed to sit back a little, enjoying the furs. It wasn’t hard to feel all comfortable and sleepy in such a bed. “Well, flowers were involved... And a bet, to be honest,” she disclosed.

“A bet?”

“Yes. I was supposed to bring back a blooming starsalvia flower for my friends, as a... Well, a dare. They think that I wouldn't do it, but I... wished to prove them wrong. Prove that I am not a softy. That I do not fear picking some flower after dark!”

“Bravery and confidence are valuable...”

“Glad you think so,” Roseluck thanked him. “So starsalvia became the part of the dare. They only bloom at night—”

“ ‘When the Moon rises high and the stars flicker down and the petals rise to greet them.’ ” Cyrus suddenly quoted, turning around with a smile on his muzzle, as well as a bottle and a long bandage in his hooves.

“Exactly!” Roseluck felt astonished, but couldn’t hide her joy at the same time. “You know floristry!”

“A bit, I admit. It is not something I have tried to become a sage in, but I have read about some local flora and fauna before deciding to make my lair here...” the naga let her know, coming closer and spreading the bandage before him. He uncorked the flask and a heavy, fermented scent filled the air around him. “This oil makes the muscles relax, which helps them in restoring themselves rather quickly. I just hope it won’t be too potent for a young one of warm blood...” he added, consideration filling his words.

Roseluck watched him pour the thick, olive liquid onto the linen. “Well, ah, my screaming will let you know that it’s burning off my coat,” she retorted, eliciting a chuckle from him.

“It shouldn’t be quite so bad, young one. Scoop closer,” he asked of her, and she placed her hind leg over the bandage carefully. He began wrapping the limb at a steady pace.

A sudden feeling of warmth overtook Roseluck for a second. The comfort that sprawled almost immediately through her hurting leg was truly astonishing. The remedy was frightening in its efficiency, she could actually feel the strained muscle loosening!

Spotting her relaxed expression with ease, Cyrus nodded. “I am very glad you have calmed down, young one. Though I do not blame you for the anxiety in the face of my glorious coils.”

Roseluck rubbed the back of her head, feeling abashment flood over her. “Don’t take this the wrong way, Cyrus, but... well...” she began, addressing the remnants of fear in her own heart.

He squinted his violet eyes, smiling and flicking his tongue out. “Hmmm, yes, you have surely heard about what happens to the ponies that stumble upon a naga, have you not?”

“Uhm... I did hear about what happens to ponies that stumble upon a lamia, exactly, but... yup.”

Cyrus’ coils shivered in yet another long laugh. He slithered away to stash the bottle. “Your mind has true value. You are a smarty, aren’t you, Rossseluck?” he hissed out her name playfully.

She giggled, covering her mouth. “My friends tell me that often. I’m sorry if I come across as rude.”

“No offence was taken or given.” Cyrus turned to her with a kind expression and a piercing stare. “I embrace the awe that my kind rightfully causes. And humor is high-priced in my eyes,” he added absent-mindedly. Then he shook his head. “How fares the leg? Is the unguent working?”

“It is!” Roseluck admitted, trying to move the limb a little. It was still making her uncomfortable, however, and Cyrus read her expression immediately.

“It will not heal quite so fast, I am afraid. I take it that you are expected to return from your nocturnal trek soon?”

Roseluck pondered. “Well, technically I have a whole night to grab the flower, but... I wasn’t planning on getting lost in the forest in the first place!”

“Nor getting yourself hurt, I imagine,” the naga agreed, nodding in deep thought.

“Well... obviously!” she agreed immediately, causing a grin.

The tip of Cyrus' tail shuddered and the shiver traversed his entire body quickly before subsiding. Roseluck was watching him intently.

He finally looked back at her, after this moment of strange stillness. “I can offer you shelter for the night, Roseluck.” He slithered away, rising high on his tail to the brazier from where the incense was trickling. “Would you accept me as your host for the time being?”

The mare looked around the place. It was certainly warm in here. Dry, if one wouldn’t mind the pond in the center and the slight moisture on the rugs and furs. She haven’t spotted anything edible, but she didn’t feel particularly hungry.

“I don’t have much of a choice with this leg, have I?” she assessed, shrugging.

Cyrus smirked. “Well put. Very well put. And it is crucial that it heals.” He put out the little flame inside the brazier, which stopped the incense from slithering out of it. He looked at her, meeting her curious gaze. “I know that young ones use less fragrance in their homes. I wouldn’t want the scent to bother you.”

“I wasn’t minding it, but thank you for your concern,” Roseluck replied, appreciating the hospitality. “You know, I deal with a lot of flowers, I never cared for strong smells and if you would like it to still be lit, don’t worry about me. I mean... I’m the intruder, right?”

“Very considerate of you. You are a fascinating young one, Roseluck, indeed...” Cyrus stated, lowering his torso down and slithering around the pond at a steady pace.

“Uhm... yes, thank you” she said back, again bewildered by his compliments. She... couldn’t complain about them. “Actually, you are also rather... interesting, Cyrus.”

“For a monstrous aberration, you mean?” he asked, flicking his tongue out and grinning. His eyes seemed a bit cold, though.

“No! No, that is absolutely not what I meant!” she protested fiercely, flailing her forelegs around.

He but hissed in laughter, reaching the opposite side of the water. “Fear not, young one, I was merely teasing. Your presence here is... warming,” he responded. “Speaking of which, do pardon me.”

Before Roseluck could say anything, Cyrus dived head first into the pool, the entirety of his respectable length disappearing under the surface in a matter of seconds. She stretched her neck, glancing after him, but the water surface was distorting everything underneath. After but a few whiles, the naga burst out, causing a splash that she was almost soaked by. He took a deep inhale, his raisin black mane covering his face.

He hissed something incomprehensible before slithering forth, making his way back to the shore, pulling his hair back.

“Forgive me, young one, but I needed that. You awakened me from a deep, heating slumber, but the cold was getting to me again...”

“What do you mean?” Roseluck asked, watching as he climbed near the pile of furs, keeping his body low, the water almost already gone from it.

“We, nagas, as you might have learned, are of cold blood in our veins. But our desire...” he paused, slithering into the pelts, only to emerge on the other side. Most of his long body remained in the water and the rest was now covered nicely. “... our desire is that of warmth and comfort.” He stretched his torso, entering the bedding on the other side.

Roseluck could feel the pile shifting underneath her. “Oh! That could explain why you chose this cave! The water must be lovely.”

“It helps, for certain. But the Hiss of the Coil of Amenities teaches that one can never have enough comfort in life,” came Cyrus’ voice from underneath.

“Well, you have a very cozy resting place as well,” Roseluck stated, watching left and right for her host to emerge.

“Indeed. But, there is something no spring nor hide can compare to... The addicting heat of young ones’ flesh.”

Cyrus’ form emerged right before her. Roseluck shifted back, surprised and startled. Their gazes crossed.

The naga’s eyes were no longer violet. The slit pupils went away somewhere, replaced by a deep azure hue, shedding strange light all over Roseluck’s muzzle. It was a light stalwart, imperious. Not commanding respect, but rightfully deserving it. It filled her vision, as it was predestined to, by the force of its enchanting splendor.

Roseluck felt her heartbeat immediately speeding up, as panic bloomed in her. Cyrus tricked her! He got her to lower her guard! And now he was attempting to hypnotize her! She leaned back in an instant, ready to close her eyes a tightly as she could.

A spark of purple blinked in the depths of the azure light. Like a flame of a candle it grew slowly, until it expanded into a full ring, adding to the illumination that bloomed in Cyrus’ gaze with its subtle beauty.

Roseluck felt her eyelids attempting to shut for a brief moment, but she couldn’t at first recall why would they try to take away such a calming light in the first place? There was something... tranquil in this purple. Regal, but unlike the azure illumination, it felt not imposing but... benevolent. Peaceful. Calming. Offering to envelop her mind in a sweet, tender embrace.


No, this wasn’t right, this wasn’t safe! This was a trap! Roseluck tensed her whole body, afraid and panicked, ready to look away right now! Right now! She had to! She...!

Periwinkle. A ring of periwinkle snuck into her vision. Bright. Fascinating. Making her mind lose focus and remember suddenly those tiny, cute flowers that grew so marvelously around many gardens and made them brighter and alluring with their presence. That filled her heart and mind with gentle bliss. Just like the one she was experiencing right then.

She felt confused. What was giving her this comfort? Were the flowers always making her feel so... good? Or was it this brilliant light?

The light. The light was granting her comfort. The ring of azure that came forth in Cyrus’ eyes told that to her mind firmly. The following purple hue confirmed that with its soothing presence. Just before the periwinkle washed through her vision and mind once more, filling her with calm, intoxicating joy.

“You can keep looking, Roseluck...” Cyrus whispered, leaning forward and nearing his muzzle to hers.

Yes. She could keep looking. Sitting and looking. The rings were flowing smoothly through his eyes, each one more wonderful and appealing than the one before, but so familiar at the same time.

Commanding. Soothing. Bringing joy. Ordering. Calming. Granting happiness. More and more wonderful lights, brilliant hues of azure, purple and periwinkle.

Roseluck felt a nagging thought at the back of her mind, fighting off the colors for some reason. She... yes, she was supposed to look away! This was not safe! This was not pleasant! These colors weren’t terrific, they were terrifying!

“C... Cyrus...” she tried to call out clearly, but only mumbled the naga’s name. She had to force her tongue to work against this strange fatigue and stillness that had suddenly spread all over her. “St-stop... I don’t... I don’t... want to... l-look!” she forced out the sentence in between the waves of color that were invading her mind, drugging her consciousness.

She tensed all the muscles of her face, but her eyelids simply refused to obey her!

She still managed to take note of Cyrus’ smile. “You do not want to look, Roseluck,” he replied soothingly, “but you can look, can you not?”

Yes, that... that was a good point. She could look. Keep staring at those brilliant colors that were taking over her vision.

Azure... Purple... Periwinkle...

No! No, that wasn’t right! That wasn’t what she wanted!

“I... No...!” Roseluck grunted in defiance, hoping to get away from the naga. But every time she was trying to tell her body to obey, a wave of color swept through her mind, taking with it coherent thoughts.

Ordering her to be still. Asking her calmly to. Telling her that if she were to obey, she would feel more of that intoxicating bliss that was sedating her.

Despite all of her mind’s effort, Roseluck only managed to slightly turn her head, but her eyes remained glued to Cyrus’ gaze. They even widened, so that more of those bright colors could flow into them and into her brain.

“It would be better if you stopped trying to get away, young one...” the naga suggested with ambrosial tranquility, his voice slithering amongst the colors right into Roseluck’s mind. And, despite the inside struggle and confusion, she could hear it with absolute clarity.

Her muscles began to feel tired, feeble. Her strength to move was being drained away. The very thought of escaping was drowning in the tidal wave of colorful rings.

Roseluck felt her body loosening, but she somehow remained sitting still. More so, instead of managing to back away, she was leaning forward.

Her head turned back fully towards Cyrus.

“Just look. You don’t need to do anything else. You don’t need to think of anything. Just look... Just look...” he murmured, the hissing sentences echoing, slithering through her mind.

“I... I...” Roseluck tried to forge a reply, but it was far easier to simply stare forward. The colors were in front of her after all. That feeling of oblivious pleasure which was creeping through her was coming from them.

Besides, could she think of disobedience when she was given azurite orders and purple pleas to just look? And granted periwinkle bliss?

“I... I d-don’t... w... want...”

Cyrus’ tongue flicked forward. He calmly rose above her, his torso swaying left and right.

Roseluck felt her head following his movement loyally, desperately trying not to lose sight of his bright gaze, despite her best efforts to stop her body from betraying her. Yet the naga moved like a pendulum, smoothly, constantly. And she followed every little sway, for those only made the swirling colors whimsical and further captivating.

“Very good, Roseluck...” Cyrus praised her and the intensity of his gaze grew further, even though it seemed impossible for her. How could such perfect light become more flawless? “You are enjoying this...”

Roseluck couldn’t tell whether it was a statement or a question, a command or a suggestion, but most of her mind had already stopped caring. A torrent of bliss spilled through her, with a current of delight soon following. She tried to fight the sensation, but her consciousness was being drugged with the intricate, ethereal pleasure.

...this wasn’t the end! She was not... not going to just... give in!

She gathered the very remnants of her thoughts that were desperately struggling. She focused to the point of her ears starting to ring and some of her vision of azure, purple and periwinkle turned white.

At the back of her head she felt an encroaching migraine. And through that discomfort, she shook off some of the stupor and managed to grit her teeth. Hard. Very hard. To the point where the further jolt of pain woke more of her comatose alertness.

“I... I w... I won’t... g-give in!” she blurted out with all the willpower she regained, even though she still couldn’t force herself to stare at anything else.

Cyrus stopped his subtle movement. His eyes widened in what must have been bewilderment. The assault of colorful rings slowed.

“By the Coil of Defiances, how fascinating...” he mumbled, puzzled.

Roseluck groaned again, feeling the numbness of her body subsiding a little. When she realized that she could try and move her limbs, she took her chance to tense the muscles in her hurt leg. Despite the soothing unguent, a strain of discomfort traveled right to her mind, coursing through the waves of color and disrupting them. Awakening her!

Cyrus hissed, irked. His torso leaned, closing in menacingly. His brow furrowed, she could spot that much.

“You will only hurt yourself.”

“I t-told you... I will not l-let you... h-hypnotize me!” Roseluck declared, despite her still sluggish tongue and the swirling thoughts.

The naga laughed gently. “A bold statement, young one. One more reason why I find you so enjoyable...” He neared further, almost touching muzzles with her. “And why I shall be keeping you.”

To Roseluck’s confused surprise, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

He closed his eyes...

... this was her chance!

Her mind swam gallantly through the depth of azure, purple and periwinkle. All of her willpower was being spent on making it to the surface. Turning her gaze away! Fighting back! She wasn’t going to simply...!

Cyrus’ eyes opened like a bursting dam and a flood of colors rushed forth from them. This time the light of his eyes tried not to sneak into her mind, but assaulted her like a flow of an endless ocean of azure, purple and periwinkle. Striking at the shore of her mind with fierce, unrelenting determination. Swirling constantly and constantly, with each of Cyrus’ eyes having its own tempo, its own rhythm, its own will.

Roseluck felt her gaze immediately captivated again. She could tell that her eyes widened to their extent, pulled back into a true abyss of rings and colors and lights.

“I... wi... will... I will... n... not...” she mumbled, but her thoughts diluted in the tri-colored tide. Her tongue felt like an anchor, plummeting into the ocean, heavier than before. Her jaw slumped open in drugged admiration of the sight right before her. “C... Cyr...”

“Shhh, young one. It is fine. You have fought quite enough...” the naga cooed, his voice more soothing and melodious, more supernal than Roseluck recalled.

She could only agree with its sound. The sound the color of azure, purple, periwinkle.

She fought enough. She showed defiance. She impressed him. She did her part. She proved her worth.

Now it was time to rest.

“I w... want to k... keep fi...”

The irrational words that were trying to leave her were no longer coherent, as wave after wave of light bathed her mind.

Cyrus came so close to her. His wonderful eyes were so close. So close she could spot her own reflection in them.

“Go deeper, Roseluck...”

A whisper slithered through her consciousness. It coiled around the thoughts that were drowning in her and enveloped them. Entangled them. Constricted them.

But it wasn’t painful. This strangling whisper was soothing. It was giving her bliss. Awe. Wonder and joy.

It was such a... plain pleasure. The pleasure of surrendering oneself.

She let out a long breath, feeling her body relaxing and giving up the fight. Her legs felt sluggish and her head bobbed down a little. But her eyes were not going to stop following the wondrous rings that Cyrus was generously gifting her with his gaze.

She spotted her own stare in it. And her mind rejoiced groggily.

There was no chartreuse green left. But flowing azure... purple... periwinkle... Wonderfully mimicking Cyrus’ eyes.

Roseluck’s lips twitched in a tender smile.

“Good, young one... You are doing marvelously ...” the naga murmured. She felt his foreleg on the back of her neck, the touch of his smooth skin sending a shudder of pleasure through her. “Lie down,” he commanded.

“Lie... down...” she mumbled, feeling him lowering her down onto the furs. Their warmth and softness flustered her, pushing her further into this calm, soothing contentment that clouded her mind further.

Cyrus loomed over her and Roseluck felt another rush of bliss, seeing that the patterns in his eyes were enchantingly synchronized with those in hers.

“You are relaxed...”

As if on cue, Roseluck experienced her body giving up completely. She was lying limp in the gratifying warmness of the pelts. In the gathering pleasure. The last thoughts in her mind had drowned... And the colors were ordering her, pleading to her, bringing her intoxicating, pure happiness.

Her eyelids began to droop, overwhelmed by the sweet weariness of her body, but... but the light was still there... and she wished to keep looking...

“Cy... Cyrus...” she let out a faint whisper.

“Yes, Roseluck?” he replied back, looming over her, his muzzle right above her. His breath was tickling her face, making her blush.

“I... I’m... sleepy...” she mumbled groggily, doing her best to fight her own closing eyes.

“There is nothing wrong with feeling sleepy. It is late at night. You are tired... You are relaxed...” he let her know and the hiss echoed in her mind, multiplied, clear and dominant.

Yes... There was nothing wrong with feeling sleepy. It was late at night. She was tired... She was relaxed.


“B... but... I... I want... to... keep...”

“Worry not, Roseluck, I am not going anywhere...” he hummed seductively, reaching for her cheek and slowly caressing it. A new, different wave of bliss suddenly washed through her at his smooth touch. She felt her face burning. “I will let you look. Keep looking. You are sleepy, but keep looking...”

“Yes... I... I am... sleepy... but... I will... keep looking...” she echoed, following the whisper in her brain. It felt... good, obeying it.

It felt... ecstatic.

The hues in Cyrus’ eyes changed their pace, pulsating, slowing into a rhythm that synchronized with her breath and heart. Or was it her who was coming into accord with the light...? She could not tell... but it felt... overwhelming to do so. She was melting into the warmth around her and her hazed mind resonated with Cyrus’ calming whispers.

Her body did so too.

“You are an appealing young one, Roseluck...” his voice crawled and slithered around her. Just like his hoof, which was tracing her side, goading her forth into enjoying the sudden thrill filling her to the brim. “Hmmm... This leg of yours shall heal quickly. Know that I never considered making you a Thrall, no... A Slave, perhaps... Ah, but that would take away that witty mind of yours and I wish to have a Servant of some value...” he stated, slithering to take his place right next to her on the furs.

She tilted her head to keep his eyes in sight. She knew not what he meant by those words exactly, but the premise of being enslaved by his power felt only... exciting. It meant that she would feel more of this wonderful bliss in her mind, unobstructed by thoughts.

And then there was that... satisfaction that was beginning to heat her entire body...

“I...” she mouthed, but it was only a faint exhale. “I... want... to...”

Cyrus smiled slyly, silencing her with his hoof. “What? This?” he asked and the azure, purple and periwinkle in his eyes caressed her further.

Roseluck inhaled deeply, the pleasure of her mind and body intensifying tenfold. She moaned lightly into his hoof, wishing to let him know how grateful she was for this cascade of colors... Her mind was full of them, swirling and changing... wonderful...

“You were so defiant at first...” Cyrus continued, soothingly, his muzzle nearing her own, as he brought his torso closer to her. The flick of his tongue reached her face, eliciting a short neigh of pleasure. “You tried to resist my power...”

“I... I’m s... sorry...”

“Shhhh...” He brushed her cheek more and Roseluck exhaled in gathering, pure delight. “It was an audacious attempt. Few have even tried to resist. I know that even the Coil of Kismets would praise a brave stance against it. Well done...” he whispered, his eyes nearing hers a bit more still.

Her mouth curled into a faint, but wide smile. Him being closer meant more astonishing colors. And the cold intimacy of his body was dragging her towards new depths of happiness.

“Th... thank... thank y... you...” she murmured, feeling that her eyes could remain open for only so long. She felt so tired... so sleepy...

... so good...

Cyrus scooped closer, causing the entire pile of furs to shift under Roseluck. One of his forelegs slithered under her neck, the other he placed over her side. The touch of his scaly skin was... soft for her... Tender...


He shifted her to her side like a puppet. And she did nothing to stop him, even as he covered their two torsos with a heavy, warm pelt.

Why would she stop him? He was The One Who Bestows Care. He was bestowing care over her.

Her smile grew, now that she could be even closer to him. And the heat in her body multiplied. Her breathing became ragged as she felt the bliss overtaking her.

“So warm...” Cyrus whispered, nuzzling her with great affection.

He cared for her. He kept her safe. He gifted her with joy.

“I—A-ah! I...” she cooed, her body shivering in delight, a rose tint coloring her muzzle.

“So wonderfully warm...” the naga murmured further, embracing her tightly and taking in the gathering warmth of her flesh.

She could feel his slow heartbeat, joining with hers, and the sensation was overwhelming.

“Cy... Cyrus... I... feel... I am...!” she heard her own, frantic voice among the warm torrent of colors, as her very soul shivered in ecstatic delight.

“Give in.”

The bliss erupted in Roseluck’s mind, taking her body with it.

Her eyes defocused and a current, a surge of electricity hit every nerve of her body. Her mouth widened in a soundless scream as she was taken to the abyss of unobstructed ecstasy the color of azure, purple and periwinkle. She could see nothing else, just the constant pulse of hues that had constricted all thoughts inside of her. Her heart skipped a beat and her senses dulled to anything but this enthralling pleasure, as her body spasmed a few times, each of the convulsions draining the very slivers of her strength.

With not one coherent thought or desire left, Roseluck’s consciousness surrendered utterly to the trance.

She lay in Cyrus’ forelegs limp, her breathing deep, her heartbeat slow. Her smile gentle.

The naga’s eyes lost their enchanting shine finally, but the colors flowed still in the mare’s own gaze.

“Wonderful...” Cyrus whispered, planting a kiss on her forehead. “My night shall be embellished by the closeness of your flesh...”

Roseluck kept staring forward, in endless bliss the color of azure, purple and periwinkle.

“May your dreams be warm, Roseluck... Until the morn...” the monster whispered into her ear, pressing her listless body to himself tightly. “Sssleep...

With her eyelids fluttering and dropping and her lips parting, the mare slipped into the caring coils of dreams...

Azure... Purple... And periwinkle...

Author's Note:

Greetings, ye who reached down here!

The possible continuation of "The Rose and the Serpent" I wish to leave to the dear readers. As I believe the topic to be a bit niche, I have not considered a grand, elaborate continuation. However, if anyone would be interested in me expanding the story further, I... might have a couple of ideas that I wouldn't mind forging into future chapters. Would Roseluck manage to somehow escape? Would her friends find and rescue her? What is Cyrus' true agenda? Is he but a slithering monstrosity on the hunt? Or is there more to the nagas that we might realize?

The comments below are open to you. Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoyed the tale. :twilightsmile: