• Published 9th Oct 2016
  • 5,139 Views, 192 Comments

The Rose and the Serpent - Gulheru

A bet to prove her courage causes Roseluck to stumble upon a great, serpentine creature in the midst of White Tail Woods. Which might not be a most fortunate occurrence.

  • ...

Chapter IX – The Deliverance and the Choice

Roseluck dreaded what was to come.

Even more so ever since that little, insidious voice in her head had come back. Having completed its mission of thwarting her. And before the very Princess, Roseluck’s greatest chance at getting out of this... mess.

And more so, the voice had returned with a vengeance. The worst kind of. The sweet and gentle one.

It was telling her that she shouldn’t worry. That despite everything she had planned, which was nothing but treacherous, she was in for a reward from the Master... and that the reward was going to take care of Roseluck’s bad thoughts. A gratification which would again let her feel carefree, blissful, give her the glimpse into divine joy... It would free her. Plunge her right into the greatest, tri-colored honor of serving the Master...

Roseluck felt herself grinding her teeth, trying to push the bad thoughts away...

... which were the right bad thoughts again?

She had nothing left for her but pondering. And trying to stop herself from shivering at any further thought of the Gaze and Cyrus’ presence, whilst trying to decide what kind of shivers were those as well...

The night had almost fallen. Her friends and her had made sure the store was closed and their own houses were secure. They left through the back doors towards the greenhouse. Not that Roseluck wanted to, no... but what choice did she have? Not only had she failed to tell the Princess about the naga, Bulwark and Sortie came around and were nearby, keeping an eye out after their shifts had ended.

There was only one way to go now, Roseluck felt. Steel herself and hope for the best.

Yes... for the rapturous best...

Cyrus, for his part, had not squandered the day, that was clear right away. The interior which was his temporary locum had been reorganized with the help of his possessions. Into something that resembled an open chamber right in the gardens, a sort of courtyard of greenery and personal belongings. Were it not for the building’s glass creating natural barriers, it might have been so as well. The carpets were placed on the ground in a more deliberate pattern, to cover any rougher patches. And the naga’s treasures were neatly displayed about, in a way that had to be deemed exotically stylish.

Roseluck could easily spot some of the items she had witnessed in the cavern. Like the golden idols, almost all depicting either serpent beings or signs of, as she imagined, the Endless Coils, invoking the presence of Cyrus’... deity, or patron force or philosophy or whatever. And what a concept it was. A never ending weave of scales, like a tail having no end nor beginning, going on and on, without a break, without a fault...

It felt... mesmerizing to even stare at these continuous loops...

Roseluck managed to glue her eyes away from those trinkets... and was forced to admit to herself again that the naga definitely had a sense of aesthetic. If she would bother to acknowledge that at all when it came to the serpent abomination.

Feeling rather... petulant, of all things, she almost forgot to do a proper bow, when the trio of them stood before his coiling majesty.

And what a bow that was... A sign of obedience and deference towards a malicious and magnificent monster, who was now resting on the furs and in his own coils. Looking repulsive and resplendent alike in this little throne room of his, filled with azure, gold and green.

Not all of the three colors she wanted to see, deep inside...

“The Slaves will report,” Cyrus’ voice resounded, broad and strong. His torso expanded further as he issued the command, splayed on the pile that served as his temporary seat of power.

Daisy shuddered, then spoke up, her own tone meek and subservient in return. “Master, the day went on without much worry... ponies came, asking how things were, but we were happy to tell them all is fine again. Though...”

She faltered, but Cyrus’ warning hiss worked wonders as a motivator.

“T-though we had a visit from Princess Twilight Sparkle right before the evening. She came in to check on Roseluck.”

The naga’s gaze hardened in an instant. “Oh? The Princess, you say?”

“B-but we managed to elude her!” Lily was prompted to join in, frightened by the prospect of the Master’s anger. “Roseluck made a beautiful bouquet to distract her and convince her things were alright! She just took it and was gone! That’s... that’s it.”

Cyrus shifted a little in place, the length of his tail uncoiling slightly, as if he was measuring himself against his own thoughts.

“A leader taking quite the interest in the subjects and their misfortunes... A noble quality, even for a young one upstart...” he judged, craning his neck. “But problematic at the moment. She will have to be looked out for, if she decides to sniff around more. Or dealt with accordingly... Roseluck.”

She jumped up a little at her name being called in such a firm way. “Y-yes, Master.”

“You have done your part to alleviate that Princess’ suspicions, yes?”

She bit the side of her tongue instantly.

Because... she had no idea what she was about to say. Whether her words would follow her will, or the voice in her head, or do something else entirely.

After what had happened before the Princess... could Roseluck even still lie to Cyrus? Or would she reveal that she had and still did want nothing more than the betray him, to warn everypony of his presence and growing threat? And if she would admit that... what would happen? What cruelty was Cyrus capable of towards treachery...?

Or would he, in his boundless mercy, forgive her the moment of weakness...? But would that rob her of the chance to see the Gaze?!

All of those questions, those wanted and those not, happened in but a split second before Roseluck took a breath. And when she spoke...

“Yes, Master, I did the best I could. I thanked the Princess, gave her the gift and hopefully that is the end of it. I haven’t mentioned a word about your glorious being.”

She would exhale at the realization that she could still lie...

... how dared she do that...

... but what had been said wasn’t pure falsehood either. Actually, Roseluck had been almost painfully honest. Despite her efforts, her words were replaced at the very attempt of betraying the naga’s presence.

And, to her mounting interest and worry, Cyrus... chuckled.

“I am glad about the former... for the latter isn’t really a choice made freely. And thank the Endless Coils it is so,” he stated, relaxing a little more in his own coils, as his worries looked alleviated.

“M-Master? What would you mean?” Roseluck asked. Feigning not understanding even a little of what he was hinting at.

The naga only laughed a little more, this hissing sound permeating the greenhouse. “In the times of the Endless Empire intrigues and schemes were aplenty, yes. It was part of the joy of our culture, to outsmart one another and to be ready for anything at any time. However, one would hardly be capable of keeping track of both his naga enemies and their many young one assets... Thankfully, the Gaze takes care of that.”

A fanfare of colors shifted through his pupils. Roseluck managed to briefly look aside, thankful that Cyrus wasn’t focused on her in particular. Still, Daisy and Lily both shuddered, caught in half-step forth, hopeful for and trying to catch even the shortest of the magical glimpses.

The monster continued, his smile an amalgamation of wickedness and benevolence.

“The connection of Servants, Slaves and Thralls, the intricate weave of the Gaze, always there, allows the young ones to speak about their Master... and, one expects, with the right praise and veneration. But not towards any young one outside of the Gaze’s hold. I cannot imagine our glorious nation overripe with gossip and senseless buzz between the courts. Spreading rumors and secrets is our prerogative as nagas, so say the Coil of Schemes and the Coil of Loyalties.”

Roseluck’s eyes would widen at learning so much, but the explanation actually gave her a measure of relief. She couldn’t speak of him directly, unable to reveal his existence and his plans... but she wouldn’t be forced to say the truth to him by just the passive charm in her head.

That meant that she would have to be bit more creative, but she wasn’t completely hopeless, no?

Maybe she wanted to be...

No. But she imagined a direct order, especially if colored by the Gaze, would make her tell the naga absolutely everything. Then she would be hopeless...

In the meantime, unaware of her internal struggles, Cyrus rubbed his scaly chin and his tongue flicked out once, then twice in rumination.

“The matter of that ‘Princess’ will have to be addressed soon... but it can rest for a night. We won’t be doing any grand moves for a moment, though I already have more plans... grand plans...” He stretched and a little shiver shook his blue, scaled form. “Tonight, however... I think I’m in the mood for some delights...”

Daisy and Lily let out little, excited gasps, whilst Roseluck’s reaction was far less enthusiastic.

Minus that one part of her, which also exhaled in joy, even if inwardly...

She... She could only hope that her willpower would hold just well enough not to completely lose her sense of self... like during her time as a Slave. To think about that felt traumatic to her... though her other side was, as was its near-constant want, feeling rather different about it.

Cyrus wasted no time after his words. He decided to uncoil himself, showcasing his size and splendor, his tail long enough to encompass the greenhouse’s interior in almost a full loop. Leaving the trio in the place’s very middle, almost as if on display.

With no place to hide...

“I feel the need to ease my tension first, I think...” the naga deep hiss reached their ears. “This was a sudden and unforeseen shift, moving here. And I believe a... massage is in order. Roseluck, you’ve tended to my back and chest before. Instruct the Slaves how a young one can please their Master.”

Roseluck felt a vibrant blush on her cheeks, especially when Daisy and Lily both turned to her with those impish smiles at the words. They had a lot more in mind than she had, but that didn’t make the situation less unpleasant.

And their eager staring didn’t make things any easier, especially considering the monster’s length and the girth of his coils. Still, a job had to be done, because displeasing Cyrus would be a most terrible idea. Not only for her own safety’s sake.

“Right... follow me, I suppose...”

The next few minutes, taking in from her previous “work”, Roseluck spent attempting her best to actually make the massage work, leading hers and her friends’ efforts. Cyrus wasn’t particularly helpful, preferring to lean back and close his eyes in relaxation. Letting out the occasional hums which were partially telling them that they were doing, at the very least, passably...

And what Daisy and Lily lacked in technique, not that Roseluck had any herself, they were making up with beguiled eagerness. They were earnestly trying, with all the grace of their hooves, to push and knead at the more tense portions of the naga’s tail.

To their delight.

“M-Master?” Lily spoke up, trying her best to pamper one of his thicker coils, which wasn’t an easy task in itself. “Could... could I climb onto your tail?”

The naga chuckled melodiously, his eyelids still closed, but his lips opening in a grin. His serpent-like fangs flashed briefly. “How else can the young one be thorough, met with my glorious size? Permission is given to her.”

Lily nervously nodded her head, realizing a moment later that he would not see it anyway, then did her best to gingerly and precisely hop up on Cyrus’ tail. She wobbled a little, trying to maintain balance on the scaly surface. It elicited another small laugh from him, as he most definitely felt her hooves attempting to keep her steady. Maybe it worked as a massage of its own.

Roseluck tried to keep an eye out for what was happening, but had her own share to do. Assured that the monster would feel if she stopped entirely to observe Lily’s attempts.

Daisy, to the side, also glanced at her friend, but hers was a stare of much less worry and much more sickening envy. Over not coming up with the idea before...

Roseluck herself should have thought of it! She was meant to be the Servant!

She shook her head, pressing harder on the coil to fight the sinister influence back.

It caused Cyrus to groan a little. “Such eagerness... how heartwarming...” he murmured, reacting to Roseluck’s ministrations... or maybe Lily’s attempts at providing him with the best service she could muster, stepping onto the more tensed coils with true care and no less true joy.

This was... appalling. This was degrading and humiliating, seeing her friends being so docile and motivated...

... because she deserved much more from the Master than doing what the Slaves were doing!

No! No, no, no! Because no scaled monster was ever going to make playthings of her friends!


Roseluck heard a hum of delight even as she was almost hitting the naga on its tail at this point, in hopeless anger...

... and yet she realized that the sound was a little too high-pitched for Cyrus.

She glanced up... spotting that Lily had decided that the best way of pleasing the abomination with a massage was to actually lie down against his hard scales. Use her whole body to try and press against it, embracing it almost lovingly. And, considering Cyrus’ dreamy expression, it was working well, causing his tail to occasionally twitch and move.

It was adding some difficulty to the task of a regular massage. And Roseluck didn’t mean just the fact that he was shifting about.

It got even worse when Daisy, clearly prompted by witnessing Lily’s actions herself, was now also attempting to clamber up. To help another coil of the naga with her own self.

Leaving Roseluck pouting and even more frustrated. For double the reasons, as it had been happening lately. Of both disgust and... denial, she supposed.

How could Slaves get so close and she was left with—

No, enough of that!

Roseluck shook her head, trying to continue her work in earnest, for the lack of anything better to attempt. At least, anything that wouldn’t leave her with but scraps of dignity. And she was doing her best to ignore and completely shut off the occasional coos and hums coming to her ears.

She was trying to not be terrible at pretending to pamper him, after all! For the sake of herself, and the safety of Lily and Daisy! But her friends, as well as the movements from the monster’s tail, were not helping at all! Cyrus’ scales were moving left and right, wriggling and changing positions right before her very eyes, no matter what she was trying to achieve!

What was going on with that snake?! Couldn’t he hold still? Forget the massage, she didn’t even wish to glance at him at this point, especially when...!

Just then did Roseluck spot something. A lavender reflection in the glass wall opposite of Cyrus. And, looking the other way, right behind her... she witnessed something that caused her coat to stand on end in both genuine dread and duplicitous expectation.

Both of her friends were splayed against the naga’s long, serpentine tail, their expressions as dreamy as she could only hope for.

Or as she could fear. Roseluck wasn’t sure at that point, her mind panicked and muddled. The voice inside her was full of surprise, but also strange hope, trying to get all other thoughts out of the way, so that her focus would be purely on Cyrus.

For the naga was lifting and sliding her two friends over his scales, leading them on these strange, shifting and changing trails of hyacinth hue. Coiling and uncoiling them, holding them for a breath, tighter and tighter, only to release them and let them move about like they were nothing more than puppets on velvet strings.

And Lily’s eyes... And Daisy’s eyes as well... They were glassy. Distant, emitting soft, almost invisible glows of azure... of purple... of periwinkle...

For every time their strange, coiling journey would take them nearer to the naga, he would open his own eyes and fill their sight with the tri-colored magic, causing the pair of mares to sigh or coo in utter and unmistakable delight. He was gradually putting them under, more and more in this dance of relaxation and enchantment.

Tried as she might have, Roseluck simply couldn’t look away from this strange and shifting, alien and alluring, contrary and conflicting display. And it wasn’t the pull of the Gaze, no... or not yet anyway, but her friends looked blissful, so happy. So fortunate and rapturous.

And yet... their wills were shackled, right? They swam and were rocked by the waves of Cyrus’ coils, two unfortunate mares in a storm of scaled danger and unthinkable delight. Locked in a performance that was frightening in its exotic allure of submission and utter surrender to untold happiness. They were gladly repaying their joy with the heat of their bodies, one that the serpent was drinking from in abundance. His smile growing more and more self-assured, satisfied and domineering.

Roseluck felt her throat running dry. Her lips felt parched, her eyes were widening and she could tell her breathing had gotten deeper. Hotter.

She wanted to partake... she needed to partake. She felt that tug, that unmistakable drive and pull, to join her closest friends in their state, of carefree pleasure and thoughtless bliss...

But she had to fight... She had to oppose this... right...?

She swallowed hard and she realized that even this seemingly little, insignificant sound was enough to focus Cyrus’ attention directly on her. Right as she found herself petrified by the chaos of her internal fight.

“You’ve stopped the massage, my Servant...” his hiss reached her ears and only then did she realize her bigger mistake yet. But Master wasn’t berating her, his tone rather... enticing, instead. “Why would you be slacking, I wonder?”

He had turned his muzzle her way. His eyes were closed, yes, but without a doubt focused right on her. Behind those blue eyelids, she knew, she felt, lay divine luxury of three colors. The wonder that lead to being blank, obedient and relaxed beyond the wildest, subdued dreams.

Roseluck’s reward... and her greatest chain.

She wanted to say something, to respond to him, but the naga wasn’t looking for that from her at all. His coils were still dancing, shifting, leading her friends in their wondrously aimless and yet utterly captivating performance.

“Oh, do you think I have forgotten about your reward, Roseluck? Or do you believe that I am unjust, treating only my Slaves and not you, my dear Servant...?” Cyrus asked, teasing her clearly and taking great pleasure in it.

For this provocation was working, despite any objections she might have still had in her mind, locked in a vicious battle of thoughts, desires and objections.

“N-no, Master...” Roseluck somehow managed to utter, her tone meek and servile. “I just... I have never seen such a sight...” she confessed, as that truth came to her mind first.

Cyrus chuckled with another hiss, continuing to sway and move his coils about, leading the two mares to barely consciously traverse all around his person. Slipping and sliding like on a most exhilarating ride. And, in some sick sense, Roseluck knew it felt just like that.

“This is but a little... exercise,” the naga explained, as he treated her and himself, to this bewitching performance. “ It is such a joy, such a warm delight, to have a couple young ones about one’s coils. Nothing heats one up more... well, almost nothing,” he corrected himself in a tone that made Roseluck shudder in all the ways. The good and the very, very bad ones. “But this is a form of, well, training. And a spectacle, of course.”

As to accentuate, the tempo of his coiling shifted, causing both Lily and Daisy to stop in place a second later. Then, with a snap of the scaled tail, Cyrus bounced them up in the air, causing Roseluck to let out a stunned exhale. Her friends merely passed each other, like lethargic, faint butterflies, only to disappear among the blue, as if dropping right into an endless ocean.

Only to reappear safely elsewhere, still wearing the most delicate and happy smiles, unaware of what was happening and yet enjoying every second of it...

Roseluck hated and loved it simultaneously.

She was confused. She was worried. She was tempted. She was angry.

All of those emotions... they were clouding her judgment. They were tossing and turning around her brain, causing untold chaos. Chaos she wanted to stop. Chaos that she wanted to turn into order and calm.

It was too much. It was simply too much! So many conflicting feelings! So many fighting thoughts...!

She didn’t want them. She wanted them to stop.

... right?

Cyrus, with his magnanimous expression, crossed his forelegs against his torso. In a singularly dominating stance, even if still willingly blind. Was he somewhat aware of what he was making her feel? Did he take some twisted satisfaction from it? Or was it simply how he viewed and accepted the World around? Him, the ultimate master of it, with his willing and unwilling serfs bewitched and dancing to his pleasure all around him...?

“This,” he spoke, his tone oozing supremacy, “is a training of body and mind and focus. And almost self-sustaining, which is the most riveting part.” Having mentioned that, he brought the two mares right next to himself, tightly wrapping them in his scales. “The most skilled of our kind could have an entire troupe of young ones dancing on their tails in performances that could last hours.” He reached out, gently caressing both of the muzzles before him. Causing eyelids to flutter over glassy eyes. “Truth be told, some of our plays required such skills, to properly tell a story of our conquests and the subjugation of the young ones. While some others were just a matter of, well... hedonistic pleasure.”

And then did Cyrus finally showed his Gaze once more, the dancing, repeating colors of subjugation and sweet surrender. And Roseluck could hear her friends cooing in pure joy, as their heads lulled in utter bliss and contentment. The naga hissed something to them, something she couldn’t quite hear, before releasing them on the ground. He leaned his back against his sitting again, but this time granting the three of them his undivided and focused attention. His pupils restored to their normal hue... for now.

Lily and Daisy turned around. Their expressions were blank, but oh so happy. Their eyes both empty and yet filled with the Gaze. As they trotted in Roseluck’s direction. Sauntered. Their hips swaying a little.

She didn’t even yet fathom what strange art form she had just been told about... and now she definitely wasn’t in any state to continue thinking about it and what it entailed.

She had a completely new reason to worry. Because even in her friends’ blank stares, veiled behind the powerful enchantment, she saw something that made her heart skip. And her cheeks to redden enough to contest the flowers she was named after.

Roseluck wanted to take a step back, to get away from yet another, worrying display... but her legs simply refused to work. They were inclined to do the opposite, actually, for reasons that escaped her at the moment.

She would not consider herself of that particular... persuasion, no. But when the two of her closest friends, pretty mares in their own rights, reached her finally and... began nuzzling into her neck... slowly and sensually... inviting her to join in whatever, euphoric feelings would soon be invoked...

Oh, she had to fight the urge of melting into that feeling outright. Or just melting away in general.

She was telling herself that it was wrong. Inappropriate. Out of place. That her friends were compelled to do this by a most vile spell... but something about it was only causing her to wish for this harder and stronger.

To drink from this adoration. To accept this fealty. To partake in this... decadence.

And Cyrus’ hiss, coming to her from further away than she would think, still slithered right into her rigid ears.

“You have to remember, my Roseluck... that you are a naga’s Servant. That brings with itself certain benefits among the court... To be cared for... and pampered... and serviced, if only the Master allows it. And your Master wished and still wishes to reward you tonight. Remind you of the... advantages.”

She wanted to reply to him, either thankfully or with vehement protest, but Lily... or was it Daisy... Roseluck didn’t particularly care which one, placed a kiss right against her jaw line.

It was delicate, almost chaste, but it felt like made of pure fire. Causing her to exhale through her wondrously clenched throat and making her eyelids flutter.

This was so wrong... and yet...

She had no idea when she started trotting forth. But her friends’ gentle caresses were luring her, pushing her onward. She was compelled, lead by them, enticed in a way she didn’t think possible... In the chaos of her mind she tried to realize, to grasp, that this was all some sort of a sick game, a dreadful play conducted by the monster... but at the same time, that charmed portion of herself was right there with her.

Teasing her, tempting her, taunting her, trapping her...

She was a Servant of the Master. It meant that she was important. Vital to his efforts, vital to his entire court. That she could be much more than just a florist, if only she would serve well. She could be like a coddled noblemare. She could feel pampered and attended to like a Princess...

Roseluck bit her lip, but she wasn’t sure why exactly. Was it joy at the premise? Or one more attempt at telling herself that, no matter how gilded the cage would be, she didn’t wish to be a captive.

... or did she...?

Would she not be only a puppet...? A puppet on strings made of azure, of purple, of periwinkle?

But would that not be an honor? To be the first of many marionettes in this grand performance of the Master?

She... she wasn’t a serf...

No, she was a Servant. Of a magnanimous, powerful creature that would turn her into its herald. She would have all the splendor that emanated from Cyrus, reflecting his brilliance like a silvered mirror... She would illuminate Equestria, put above all others. She would be praised for generations to come for ushering in their one, true Master.

... or end like Hidden Track?

It was that thought which woke Roseluck up, like a dive into cold water.

Even against the sensual assault of her friends’ caresses, she could now try and think clearly. The voice in her head silenced... almost embarrassed by this, regrettably fatal argument. For it was one that the Master himself brought forth, sharing his terrible mistake.

Mistake, indeed. Roseluck shook her head, attempting not to hit nor push away her friends in utter disgust over what they were all forced to endure. And when she opened her eyes... she realized that she had been brought right in before Cyrus and was looking dead straight into his scaly muzzle.

For he had lowered his torso to her level and was wearing a wide smile. At the same time honest and kind, scheming and malevolent.

Roseluck, despite the weak protest of her inside voice, knew that only a true abomination could wield such an expression.

She wished to take a step back, face to face with him in this brief moment of clarity. But she immediately realized that it was already hopeless. She felt his scales behind her, as they had shifted to stop her from escaping. And to her sides Lily and Daisy clung to her as if she was their only dream, a pair of enamored fillies not wishing to move away even an inch.

Roseluck inhaled sharply as the naga’s touch reached underneath her chin, holding her muzzle with gentleness and force alike.

“Care to dance as well, my Roseluck?” he asked in a whisper that felt scalding even coming from a cold-blooded being like him.

And cold-hearted, she thought, bracing herself. With all the might left inside her. She knew what was coming. She knew it all too well.

Cyrus leaned forth a little bit more, that expression of his never losing its petrifying intensity. His stare drilled itself into her eyes. Even without the magic she felt compelled to gaze back, leashed by the monster’s close and dreadful presence.

And then that spark appeared, in the deep blackness of his pupils.

An azure spark.

Just a small and insignificant flicker... but it started a fire in her.

It mattered little how much she had been warning herself. Preparing. Promising that she would fight it, resist, oppose it with all of her might. She knew she had to protect all edges of her mind, not to let the Gaze reach through her, suffocate her very being. Roseluck knew the stakes, that one moment of clarity making her realize the gravity of the situation anew...

And yet... the very moment the first color appeared in before her, it’s hue rich, magnificent, magical... It’s power severe and overbearing and wonderful...

A concentrated force, a magical current, an entire tide of power had struck her. It surged and swelled and gathered in a matter of a second... and reached the tops of all the protective walls in Roseluck’s mind. Walls that were meant to be reinforced by her defiance and yet were simultaneously weakened by the previous, mesmerizing sessions.

And, met with such an ocean of dominance, promise and pleasure... they fell. And their fall was great.

The majestic light was so small yet, so insignificant, but oh so prominent already. Roseluck felt the current of surrender enveloping the boundaries of her mind in but a shuddering heartbeat. She knew this color well, she wanted it to take her, bend her to its will, enslave her with its magnificent and indomitable strength.

Oh, but it would not be the one and only to do just that to her. To fill and embrace her. For soon after the azure, came the resplendent, regal purple. The soothing and generous hue... Like a wonderful, generous offer, the logical and illogical reasoning, appearing right after the initial, commanding strike. Suggesting with all the righteousness and charisma to give up the fight, abandon the foolish act of defiance. As it would be for the best, in the end. More... pleasurable.

Because surrendering... meant being lead right to the periwinkle. That sweet, tender, blissful periwinkle, the symbol of relaxation and carelessness and joy... That unconsciousness of worry, that innocence of submission... Its color was that of the kind smile, the promising respite, the professing rapture... the alluding jubilance of thoughtlessness...

But however one would try to describe the three of them, utilize the rarest of words to match their magnificence and their splendor... it was only together that they were most amazing. So rich in intensity and light, so filled with deep, incredible meanings. Meanings one could unveil only by staring and staring and staring... Endlessly and endlessly, into this most beautiful abyss...

Roseluck had just enough clarity of mind to feel herself giving up... and she couldn’t be happier about it. Right then, right there, with all her fears gone like a distant nightmare, she plummeted into a much more pleasant dream. A fantasy of three tints and oblivion...

Her mind was dissolving, melting, caressed in a way that was unrivaled by any other promises of ecstasy, spiritual and carnal...

Her lips parted and let out a moan...

Her Master’s Gaze closed the distance between them still, dragging her in, pulling her on the most wondrous chains of joy. She could barely register that she wasn’t alone, that to her sides the Slaves were gently massaging her body, planting kisses against her neck. It helped her relax, it was as pleasant as one could imagine... but could not come even close to the glorious Master’s craft and boundless tenderness.

She felt his tongue flicking right against her mouth, tickling her almost whimsically. The naga’s whisper slithered through her being without obstacles, without protests, filling her core to the brim and giving her reason in the ecstatic oblivion...

“You’ll make for the perfect herald, my Servant...” he told her and her soul soared to untold heights of joy. “You will take my message to your kin, first among the young ones... for I shall not forget your loyalty and your dedication. Be the first of many, as I gather the court and prove, that the Endless Empire is not yet gone... ”

Roseluck could see it, as he was describing it. She could see, in the expanse of the Gaze, everything the Master was speaking of.

“Gone are not the rivers of Shehzsennshar, for I will see your streams turned to canals, waters as clear as a crystal and warm as an embrace... Gone are not the Floating Gardens of Dhush-Cadhahzshma, for from your fields and farmlands I shall create grounds were flowers and desires shall blossom both, once again... Gone are not the temples and shrines of Mashkhan-Shaphashir, for in the houses of yours shall praises be sung to the Endless Coils. And new sanctuaries shall be erected, mesmerizing with sapphires and flames dancing on gold, with incense coiling on the floors, thick as a carpet...”

Roseluck beamed, seeing all those wonders and fantasies, Master’s and hers. She knew that she could be a part of it all, a part of this great and incredible scheme to bring the glory of the ancient times back. She could feel her place in it all.

Cyrus’ voice hissed again, claiming all of her attention.

“From you it starts and through many young ones it shall be accomplished. Slither by slither and trot by trot. Know...” She felt his scaled touch holding her cheeks, sending her deeper into pleasure and rapture. “... that tonight the future ruler of your kind drinks of your heat. And will reward your service a thousand fold. Give in to my endless benevolence... and grant me your closeness...”

Roseluck knew she would do that. Do that and more, letting out another murmur of pure elation. Such a small sound to make the Master aware that she was going to help him build his dream, that she would serve and be loyal...

And then his scaly lips joined hers.

This gesture... It wasn’t invasive. It wasn’t commanding. It wasn’t desperate. None of those.

It was a kiss of a sovereign, of a monarch... of a deity, bestowing upon a faithful Servant his blessing.

And Roseluck knew, in her mind, in her heart, that nobody else would ever caress her like that. That there and then she felt what was the very peak of closeness, of trust, of joy... For that one, small gesture, she would give herself entirely. All that she had and that she aspired to reach for. After all, what small dream of her pony life could measure up to such a great honor? Being caressed by a naga.

She couldn’t think of anything. And she couldn’t care to do so, savoring the lingering feeling, melting into it, becoming one with its intensity, with its taste and texture.

She wanted more. For she was his.

Roseluck mind swam, alongside her body. Rising and falling, barely recognizing that she had been floating alongside her friends in the endless expanse of blue. Scales and muscles cradled her, touched her and carried her softly. She could vaguely realize that from time to time she would feel a sweet caress to her neck, or side, the softness of a hoof or the delicacy of the lips. Her consciousness was there, but not there, shackled and unbound alike, filled with the dream of the Gaze. To the brim. Beyond it.

This was what perfection must have been. The ideal state of bliss and carelessness... To be lost in it was wonder. To experience it was ecstasy.

She felt herself humming as a scaly prison entombed her, held her close. Her lips parted when the renewed joy of the Gaze came before her own stare once more. Among the colors, she could still see, she could still feel a smile. That of a Master, victorious and joyful.

With the last bits of focus she could muster, Roseluck smiled back at him. Welcoming his presence. Welcoming his advances.

Agreeing to everything he willed to do next.

And first... came the pain.

The pain of scales tightening around her body, choking her. Robbing her of her breath with a sharp tug. She embraced the soreness, the protest of her muscles and bones. If Master wished for this, it must have been proper...

... but release followed suit. And the discomfort of constriction turned into a twang of hitting something. The... the ground of the greenhouse. Roseluck felt her limp body splaying itself against the earth and blankets, only now realizing the extent of its hurt.

Yet none of that, absolutely none of it, could measure up to the torment, the agony of being ripped away from the pure rapture of azure, of purple and of periwinkle...

By a flash of raspberry light, that seared before her eyes, right through the interior. One that caused her to be snatched away from paradise.

Roseluck groaned in protest and suffering, shaking her head. Trying to gather her bearings, make sense of what was happening around her and in her... Why was she released from the Gaze? How had she displeased Master?! He was close, she wanted him to be close, closer yet and then—

“Get away from them!”

Came a voice. Other than the Master’s. A female one. A powerful one. From somewhere around the greenhouse’s top.

Followed by a no less powerful and majestic hiss that encompassed the entire space around Roseluck and made her quiver in fear at its intensity and pure, slithering rage.

What... what had she done wrong?! She shuddered to the core, covering herself in her forelegs, trying to create a barrier between the anger and herself, if more pain was to follow. She’d accept it, but... she wasn’t looking forward to it.

Fury sounded again. And it was loud, echoing, shaking the glass walls and Roseluck’s mind alike. A tremor of outrage and insult.

Sssash’ah’asss! She dares to invade a naga’s court!” came the rage’s words. Loud and furious. “What manner of young one is she, foolish and impertinent enough to do so?!”

“I said – get away from them!”

Another flash of raspberry reached Roseluck’s closed eyelids, despite her efforts to be as insignificant and absent as possible. Hiding from Master’s displeasure and that wild hue, so out of place in her mind and among the plants and the carpets and the hyacinth scales...

But that color... it was familiar. Seemingly more so than the three other tints she could see still dancing in her mind. Though their performance was... erratic. Fainter and fainter...

They... they were trying to hide something away. Some feeling, some sight. But... did she want them gone...? They felt so good, they were gentle and intoxicating...

Another hiss filled the space around Roseluck. A cacophony of anger accompanied by the rattle of rapidly shifting scales, grinding against each other like gritted teeth.

“She! She is that ‘Twilight Sparkle’?! Foolish Slaves! They said she wasn’t suspecting anything!”

Twilight Sparkle...

... The Princess! Princess Twilight!

Roseluck’s mind clicked in place. She could actually hear it doing so, even underneath the layers of enchantment.

Not that it wanted her to. She was still swimming in it, as it wished to pour itself over her eyes, fill her ears, suffocate her mouth. The voice inside of her, its true servant and slave, was telling her that she would do better to keep giving in, that it was the right choice, that it promised more than facing reality...

... and it felt so good... so sweet...

But... but Roseluck would recognize that name anywhere. Name that in her mind was synonymous with hope! If there was one pony to save her, save her friends, it was the Princess! She had realized, after all! She had earlier on seen that something was amiss, why else would she be here!

Would... would Roseluck open her eyes and witness what was happening...? What was really happening before them?

No. Hide, for the Master is displeased!

Yes. Look, for the Princess is here!

It took all, absolutely all of Roseluck’s concentration to finally try and lift her eyelids. They felt compelled and they protested, still in the thrall of the charm, but... thank Harmony she finally did succeed.

... though the sight she witnessed was still dancing around, kaleidoscopic in the Gaze’s remaining hues. She knew she was... she was on the ground, hind leg touching one of the big pots. To the side of the greenhouse, right by the piping. Looking... at a truly terrifying, though strangely majestic scene, unfolding before her senses.

Cyrus was coiled on himself, having gathered his impressive size to form a mountain of muscle and scales. He was occupying the greenhouse’s entire side! And looking with unbridled, almost savage fury upwards. Holding his forelegs at the ready, to make whatever strike or take whatever defensive measure he could think of. Which also had caused him to... to...

Roseluck’s mouth opened in silent scream, as the naga have managed to loop his coils firmly around Lily and Daisy, both of them still in the deep trance. He was keeping them close to his chest and head, their sweet, blissful smiles betraying that they had no idea of being held like hostages. Literal meat shields for the monster. Despite the loud protests of...

... of the Princess! Yes!

It was Princess Twilight! It was her! Roseluck didn’t imagine it! It wasn’t a false hope, one to be dashed by the enchantment’s power, to be dispelled by the treacherous voice inside her mind!

The alicorn was there, flying high and out of reach of the abomination. By the other, opposite end of the greenhouse, giving the naga a wide berth. Her horn was crackling with arcane power, ready to lash out against the monster. The Princess’ majestic wings were holding her aloft and prepared, adding yet more dignity and presence to her form. One to rival that of Cyrus.

And surely her magic would be more than powerful to put an end to the naga’s threat, but... Roseluck could tell, even through the charming spell’s waning grasp, that Princess Twilight was hesitant to strike. Met with a foe that took prisoners and was ready to use and abuse them for his own sake.

... it was his right! Master’s safety was all that mattered. He couldn’t have been hurt by one such as her!

Roseluck suddenly felt her legs trying to lift her up, shakily, but she shook her head against the voice’s and the Gaze’s attempts at manipulating her very body. She... she wouldn’t give in! She wasn’t... she wasn’t a Servant! And her friends were in danger!

She groaned. The mental battle was still raging on, her thoughts in disarray. She watched the Princess glance at her, cautiously.

“Don’t worry, Roseluck! I’m here! We’re—!”

“She dares not speak to my Servant!” Cyrus growled, the sound piercing and terrifying, as he coiled in on himself a bit more. Like a snake that he was, readying to strike. “She is mine, as they are mine! As all of you shall be!”

“They are not your property! None of us are!” the Princess protested vehemently.

“Silence!” the naga shouted back at such statements, like they were a sign of the most grave insolence. “She shall be taught a lesson about it, soon enough!”

Roseluck wanted to speak up, to warn the Princess about the monster’s threat! But it was all happening so fast! Still, she knew that surely the naga would try to... would... try...

She wished to keep... keep thinking, keep worrying... but... a fanfare of colors flashed from Cyrus’ direction, swift and decisive.

It met Roseluck’s stare just as she was frantically looking between the two combatants, trying to assess the situation herself. And immediately as the Gaze happened, she... she felt faint and... and light. And blissful.

No orders were given, no words were exchanged, but she felt this wave of... reassurance. This surge of obedience and calmness. The Master would succeed. He would think of something... but he needed her loyal help.

Then came another flash. Another garish, raspberry flash. And Cyrus’ shout.

Even through the Gaze’s veil it was blatant to Roseluck that the Princess strike wasn’t accurate. Purposefully. She wouldn’t endanger the two Slaves... She shot the ground in before the naga.

How dared she threaten the Master! How dared she try and take away his concentration!

What the Princess managed to achieve... was focusing it away from anypony else and onto herself.

Cyrus’ magic was potent, that much Roseluck could attest for, could gladly share this knowledge with others... She could see how marvelous the display was at the moment, even though she was looking at it from the side and couldn’t drink more from this fount of joy. The naga’s attention shifted firmly and swiftly onto the Princess with all the strength he could invoke.

But not swiftly enough for the alicorn not to conjure a protective shine around herself. It looked like a coating of magic, encompassing her from horn to hooves. An ethereal shield of protection, that much Roseluck could discern.

... and that it took a lot of effort to maintain, as she saw the Princess scrunching her muzzle, fighting against Cyrus’ Gaze.

Master hissed and growled once more. “Submit! I order her to submit to me!”

“No! I can... withstand this!” the alicorn shouted back, with but a little strain. “The greenhouse... is surrounded! Give up!”

The naga’s hiss rattled the glass around Roseluck.

“She presumes much!” he protested, though there was a note in his regal voice that did not belong there. Far less assured and victorious. “The son of Dharhyushs, the grandson of Xhershshes shall not be bested by the likes of the young ones!”

To try and testify of this, Cyrus leaned forth a little, though still shielding himself with the two mares. The effort on his face was as clear as the tri-colored enchantment emitting from his stare. The sight was glorious and frightening alike, the speed of the colors not giving up, gaining its momentum even. And the young one upstart...

... no!

No, the Princess! She was holding strong for now, but it was taking almost all of her concentration to simply block the spell. It was, at best, a stalemate.

... it wouldn’t last long if the place was, indeed, encircled by other young ones. What happened to Bulwark and Sortie? Were they in trouble?! Roseluck had to do something! Save the Master’s court, save the Master himself!

No! Enough of that, she had to help her friends and the Princess!

She looked around, trying to find anything helpful, anything that could work here! The two combatants were busy, wills and arcane powers alike clashing fiercely before her, which meant that she had but a moment.

Roseluck knew this greenhouse well, but she hadn’t ever thought she’d have a fight in it. Let alone one such as that! She was to the place’s side, next to where Cyrus had moved some pots and right by to the piping, leading all the way to the ceiling and providing water for the sprinklers.

... water! Yes, of course!

The lever was near her! One tug could have the place enveloped in a shower! And a cold one!

Roseluck reached out for it and...

... and paused. For just a second, but it was enough for a whole scenario to unfold in her mind.

Was that her own mind’s voice... or that other one speaking to her? Invoking all of those... images? Previously weaved by the naga. Those strange, kaleidoscopic visions of a bright and glorious future, one of restoring the greatness of Cyrus’ ancient homeland. The temples and the monuments and the gardens... A future that she could share in her own, Servant’s right, if she were to only obey.

She would have bliss and joy and closeness. She would have adoration, attention and respect. She just needed to play her part with loyalty. That was all that was needed to make this dream true.

... since when did Roseluck wanted any of that?! She was happy to just be a florist, without a monstrous thing breathing down her neck! With her friends and her neighbors and the calm town!

She moved her hoof an inch closer and... and...

... but she could have more than all of that. Whole gardens, entire fields of flowers to pick from with the help of others. To embellish the great court of Cyrus with colorful and fragrant designs that the world had never seen before. Her Master would shower her with praise and gratitude. He could give her rapture and ecstasy, attention and pampering.

There would be no worries, no issues, just her and her rightful, glorious place, a Servant, a herald of his glory.

Bringing a new age for Equestria...

Roseluck’s jaw tightened. These weren’t her dreams. She knew well that it was the vile influence of Cyrus, strengthened with that last, almost desperate flash of his Gaze. Trying to persuade and seduce her into helping, in whatever capacity possible...

... there was a big pot right next to the wall, just a trot away. It wasn’t too heavy. With a strong buck... she could have it flying the Princess way. It wouldn’t harm her, but it would definitely distract her. That would be enough, give the Master on opening, right...?

No, no, but... that was... that was not what she was going to do. No matter how pleasurable, how incredible and how... how delightful Cyrus could make Roseluck feel, she... she wouldn’t just betray her friends and everything for...

... for the feeling of otherworldly joy. For paradise, right before her eyes and in her mind... and in her body... and in her soul...

She... she needed to do the right thing, yes? For everypony’s sake.

For her sake.