• Published 9th Oct 2016
  • 5,139 Views, 192 Comments

The Rose and the Serpent - Gulheru

A bet to prove her courage causes Roseluck to stumble upon a great, serpentine creature in the midst of White Tail Woods. Which might not be a most fortunate occurrence.

  • ...

Chapter V – The Brands and the Promises

Roseluck couldn’t sleep.

Simple as that. No matter how desperately she wanted it, she just couldn’t find respite in her dreams.

And for several reasons altogether.

First, and the most obvious... she was being kept in a scaly, tender, but nonetheless overwhelming embrace of Cyrus. The naga had pressed as much of his scales to her as he could, to have her warmth indulge him in his sleep, despite the furs that he burrowed in as well and the heating waters of the pond.

His body felt... even more repulsive to her. With the cold, hard covering invoking in her the natural fear of a predator... and a similarly natural, profound dread of a dangerous megalomaniac that had her in his clutches.

... and not even the voice in her head, the one trying to tell her that this was her rightful, privileged and destined position, was going to convince her to relax completely. Especially not when she felt like a living and breathing squish toy!

The said voice, her own but also alien, was indeed another cause of Roseluck’s insomnia. It was droning about the, supposed, new reasons for her joy and satisfaction. That constant, soft and delicate hum of venomous advice and seducing guiding was gnawing at her. On and on. Stronger and stronger.

Trying to have her relax and accept her situation. Give up the remnants of defiance and be rewarded, as Cyrus’ loyal Servant, with the bliss of the sweet Gaze whenever it would be seen fit.

To let herself be guided by it... to crave it... to sink and drown in it...

Roseluck inhaled sharply, shaking her head. Those thoughts were not going to go away as long as she remained close to the naga and the safety of the Gaze.

No, the threat of it.

Case in point. Such lapses in her logic were making it difficult to trust her own internal monologue even.

She sighed, glaring up at the gently shining minerals on the ceiling, shedding bluish light all over the cavern. She brought her hoof up and wiped the sweat of her brow, hoping to finally find enough space in her own mind to fall asleep.

But the main reason of Roseluck’s distress, the greatest of all, was kicking her awake constantly.

The unfortunate Bulwark, given orders to participate in the tomorrow’s search for her, had been sent back to Ponyville, with strict orders. He was to assure that he would be placed in a team with but one other guard and one or two civilians... most likely to allow Cyrus easier time to strike at an opportune moment. And said moment, as the naga commanded, was going to be in the late afternoon, when the search would be furthest into the Woods and spread thinnest, just before it would slowly begin to pull back from the forest.

Bulwark, unwittingly yet loyally, told Cyrus all that he could, providing enough insight to make tomorrow’s ambush a possibility.

... Roseluck wondered... if Master would be leaving... would he entrance her once again before that, to keep her safe...? It would be such a delight.

No, no, no, it would not!

“Hnnnn!” she groaned, gritting her teeth. She really needed some sleep, otherwise she risked even more of those thoughts about Cyrus—

“I understand restless nights like any other...”

Even her thought process petrified, hearing the naga’s sleepy tone and hissing yawn.

“... ssss... but this is growing quite bothersome, Roseluck.”

She dared not glance at him, her eyes stuck on the ceiling and breath locked in her lungs. Her heart, however, was thumping and jumping all over the place.

She woke the Master from his sleep! Shame!

... wait, no! Well, she did, but that was not...!

“P-please, forgive me, Master, I... I just...” she muttered, trying to pull herself together in the meantime.

Cyrus stretched his torso, a small pop coming from his spine, then tightened his embrace. His scaly muzzle rested right in the crook of her neck. “You...” Another sleepy hiss, reverberating right through her body. “... you were tossing and turning... just enough to wake me... What brings you this unease?” he murmured, his breath dancing across her neck, making her shiver in fear.

... and some delight.

No! No, delight! Of any sort! Especially of that sort!

She tried to calm herself sufficiently before replying. “It’s... it’s nothing, Master, really, I am v-very sorry...” she stuttered out.

But Cyrus was having none of it.


His tone made her gulp rather audibly. “Y-yes, Master...?”

“Tell me what plagues you,” he commanded. In a drowsy way, yes, but there was just enough regal authority in his words to let her know she didn’t have a choice.

Keeping up the wrong appearances would only anger him now, she judged. She had to be straightforward, then... to the best of her cunning, naturally.

“I... I... Forgive me, Master...” she pretty much mewled, hoping to sound apologetic enough for his vexation not to flare. “I just... I cannot help but worry...”

There was a moment of stillness and silence. It lingered for a breath. A deep, held-in breath of hers.

Finally, right before Roseluck considered suffocation, Cyrus’ body shifted under the pelts. With a deep hum, he rose to support himself on his foreleg. He looked down upon her, his eyes shining hazardously in the shades. Yet his expression was magnanimous... if a bit groggy.

“About tomorrow?” he asked considerately, though Roseluck was certain he already knew the answer.

Without much choice, trying to somehow shrink and appear as... insignificant and submissive as she could, she confessed. “Y-yes, Master...”

Cyrus’ expression didn’t change at her response...

“For your Master... or your kindred?”

... but that one note in his voice made her shudder all over. Her heart stopped for a beat, before starting again, of course. And twice as fast, making up for the lost time.

She had to think. Think fast! No, not about the panic already setting in! If... if she were to be perfectly honest about her plights, she would incur his wrath, no doubt!

Not to mention that her Master was the most important person in the world and his safety was paramount, so—

... no, enough of that already!

She closed her eyes for a second, trying to get her focus back. Honesty would earn her anger, surely, but... saying she cared only for his well-being would in no way stop him from... from...

She had to be clever. Cleverer, even. Not only for herself... but for her friends in Ponyville.

“I... I am sorry, Master... B-both.”

The naga squinted his eyes, visibly curious. “Both, Roseluck...?” he inquired, looming over her still.

“Y... yes, Master. And, and I know I should have... I should have only your safety as my... my great priority,” she began, observing each and every of the possible, dangerous hints from Cyrus’ expression. Trying to muffle her inner voice’s poisonous suggestions. “... and yet I... I cannot stop but dwell on... on those that I care about, back in the town. I am so, so sorry, Master...”

The serpent did nothing at first, which was... actually terrifying for Roseluck. She would have much preferred an outburst of any sort, even a furious one, to the nerve-wracking anticipation. Yet Cyrus was just staring at her with those piercing eyes, keen and sharp, the safety of his blissful enchantment hidden right behind their lavender hue...

No! The word was “threat”! “Threat”!



Distracted with battling her inner thoughts, she reacted rather spontaneously to her own name. With a small squeal escaping her, she clutched the fur acting as a comforter and pulled it all the way up, trying to hide from him.

If she couldn’t see him, he couldn’t see her, right?

However, Cyrus’ amused laughter proved that not to be true... whilst still being a much more pleasant thing to experience than what she expected from him.

“Roseluck, come out,” he coaxed her with his entertained tone.

She took her time, but finally peeked out from behind the pelt, with utmost care. Despite the chuckling and hissing, she preferred to be extra careful about this naga. However, she but encountered a kind, benevolent expression from the Master.

He was shaking his head, trying to dispel the laughter first. “You have nothing to fear, young one,” he declared, reaching out towards the fur that was still covering her and slowly taking it from her hooves. She shuddered, deprived of her small hiding place, feeling almost... naked without it.

It did not help her focus at all, a blush creeping on her muzzle.

“I... I d-don’t, Master...?” she somehow stammered out.

“No, my Servant,” Cyrus repeated himself, resting down on his side once more, yet staring at her constantly. “Why, did you think I would be infuriated by this declaration?”

“... yes?”

The serpent hissed merrily again. “Oh, Roseluck, your worry is so endearing... Know that your Master appreciates your concern and understands your perturbation regarding your kin.”

That... that was a relief.

“I... thank you, Master. For... for your clemency,” she muttered, genuinely grateful. “It’s such a great honor to be chosen by you, but... it’s hard to completely disregard my previous life.”

Cyrus nodded in profound agreement. “My empathy grasps that.”

Empathy... Funny joke.

“I would not expect you to forget your kin, of course,” the naga continued, unaware of the irony. “But there is little to fear, Roseluck. My aim is to conquer, not to maim.”

She bit her lip. To look docile... and to stop a comment about further paradoxes coming from Cyrus’ mouth.

“I... I know, Master,” she whispered after a nervous breath.

The naga’s smile widened, making him look almost... tender. “Then banish this fear from your heart, Roseluck,” he suggested, laying down on his back and taking in a deep, solemn breath. “I would be standing against the hisses of the Endless Coils if I were to even consider being prodigal, damaging young ones that are bound to become my new property.” He frowned slightly. “Lest they would force my hand and coils with foolhardy resistance.”

Roseluck listened to him with the same amount of disgust as ever, but buried even deeper within herself.

She did try to escape at first, but other than that, there was little hope in fighting a creature like him... She tried to be apologetic and composed, he had appraised her as “worthy”, that was what saved her skin.

... but she couldn’t be in any way relieved for her friends. If the Royal Guard would notice him and strike... how powerful and dangerous would his wrath be...?

“I... thank you so much, Master, for your sensible approach,” she whispered, careful with her tone. “They... you cannot blame them for trying to... to protect their own, though... Right?”

Cyrus shook his head, burying his neck deeper in the pelts. “No, it is only natural to defend what is yours. Of course,” he glanced at her, somewhat wistful, “if things were as they should always be, in accordance to the way and path of the Endless Coils, young ones would willingly submit to our illustrious rule. Time, however, was far less generous to our glory than we can be to those that loyally serve us...”

Roseluck nervously nodded, agreeing out of necessity only. Fiddling a little with her own hooves, she took a deep breath. She had to try and convince him to be... careful. She doubted she could sway him into entirely abandoning tomorrow’s plans, but...

She slid a little closer to him. Her heart was pushing her fearfully back, she wanted nothing else than to be by his side... no, nothing else than to get away, that is. Yet she had to do her best and not for herself.

Fighting her own, inner revulsion, Roseluck put her foreleg on his torso. Tenderly, against those sturdy, rough scales.

Cyrus looked her way with a mixture of interest... and content at how deferential she was being.

And, still, on top of it all... Roseluck had decided to meet his gaze.

“I just don’t want anypony... or, or... uhm... ‘anynaga’ to be hurt...” she mumbled, sheepishly. Hoping her timidity would affect him.

The monster at least chuckled, looking genuinely amused by her grammatical novelty. He slid his muscular foreleg under her neck, being... exceptionally careful not to tug on her mane. His touch was caring, which did not help in the civil war in Roseluck’s head.

“Your compassion is most valuable. It is a mark of a good Servant...” he told her, his voice carrying a pleasant hum.

So she decided to push her luck, still keeping eye contact. “Could I... could I ask something of you, Master...?” Her words were barely audible.

“Oh?” The naga’s expression tensed just a little, but with enquiry rather than dissatisfaction. “You seek a boon, Roseluck?”

“I... I h-humbly beg for it...” she told him, hoping he could still hear the borderline nonexistent volume of her words.

“Go on.”

“Could... could you promise me, M-Master, that you will... that you will stay your hoof and s-spare the pain to even those that would dare fight you...?” she managed to say.

Staring deep into his eyes. Fearing the Gaze... and yet hoping for it...

Cyrus’ violet irises didn’t change in color... but something about his look morphed indeed. She could not tell what exactly, but she had taken notice of it nonetheless. That sovereign harshness hidden deep, deep inside gave way for but a heartbeat. For a breath. For a blink.

Despite knowing the dangers, Roseluck kept the eye contact. She had to do it for her neighbors and friends. For those she cared about and who were in terrible danger, with the naga’s plans enveloping the denizens of Ponyville...

... and even without the enchantment, she couldn’t deny that Cyrus’ eyes were not unpleasant to explore, their vibrant hue and slit pupils alluring in their alien way.

After a few more seconds of this... peculiar silence, the serpent nodded slowly. “To squander able-bodied, future sentinels, courtiers, laborers would be nothing short of an atrocity... Even then...” A smile formed on his muzzle. “I give you my word that I shall not do harm upon your kindred.”

Roseluck said nothing... only bowed her head in this fake reverence... and genuine gratitude. She stayed like that for a good while, then rested once more against the burly torso of her Master.

They remained in this... almost intimate position for a while. She was trying her best not to shiver or show any discomfort. She had to pull this through entirely, having secured this victory... even the smallest of them. And Cyrus... was ruminating, she spotted that much as she shifted her head a little.

He looked... so magnanimous.

Truth be told... he did. When he was not being a monstrous tyrant.

She couldn’t tell how much time was passing, but she savored the moment of relative calmness. Besides, it was late at night, and having finally achieved some closure, Roseluck wanted to try and drift into sleep. At some point, Cyrus’ scaled hoof began stroking her head and mane. It was worrying at first... but, she couldn’t deny, it was a caring, simple gesture. The naga took his time and was trying to be as subtle as he was able to be, considering the very size difference.

After a while, trying not to lean into this regular, calming touch too much, Roseluck tried to make herself more comfortable and catch her due rest. The warmth of the furs was very inviting and the slow, steady cadence of Cyrus’ petting was a good incentive to slow her breathing and her heart.

Her fears were not gone, not at all, but at least they have been momentarily hushed...

She yawned. This rhythmic motion of Cyrus was actually lulling her, but she could not complain about that at all. It was a long night, worthy of a tranquil rest, finally...

The measured strokes continued, very easy to expect and follow... Roseluck’s eyes were fluttering constantly, the peaceful slumber not far away... She let out a long exhale that, she hoped, would finally push her over into sleep. She let her muscles relax more and more, every time Cyrus’ strokes were travelling down the nape of her neck, using this regular gesture as her focus.

It felt... nice... soothing...

A small hiss barely reached her, no louder than a sleepy murmur.

“You worry about your friends, about your neighbors...”

That was very true...

“Yes... I know... almost everypony in Ponyville... Or at least recognize them...” Roseluck muttered, fighting a losing battle with her closing eyes. She let out a small sigh as more wonderful petting followed her response. She didn’t want to return to the bad thoughts... and the naga’s gentle strokes were dispelling the disquiet.

“You don’t want them to be harmed... neither would I desire that.”

That was good to hear...

“I know that, M... Master...”

She had to stifle a yawn. She shifted a little deeper into the furs and into his side, feeling him covering them both with one of the pelts.

The warmth was... very welcome. Just like the wondrous, metronomic touches.

“Help assure nopony is harmed, then.”

She did not react at first... she wasn’t sure if she really heard the suggestion, or was she already starting to dream, her eyes having closed without her realizing...

But the offer stood...

“Mmm... how... how could I do that...?” she asked her dream, burrowing her muzzle into the warmness of the furs and the bliss of gentle strokes, hoping for more of both...

“Your entire village is looking for you... they wish to help you... help them,” the faint hissing was almost enticing now, in a rhythm to match the touches. “You are familiar with them... and they like you... and you care for them...”

“Mmmm...” she managed to reply. The touch was right. She cared for them. She didn’t want them hurt.

“You could tell me something about each of them. About who lives on their own. About who lives to the side...”

That... that was true. She... she knew them all quite well...

“Y... yeah...” she mumbled... and hummed when rewarded with more petting.

“Help them, then... Causing harm is the last thing I am after... I don’t want any damage done, or conflict...” the hiss told her and the touch agreed.

She didn’t answer, but leaned into the tenderness all around her.

“Help them... by helping me. Don’t worry about tomorrow, nopony shall be hurt, young one, my word stands... But afterwards, you can tell me who to begin with in the town itself... and you can make sure your friends are safe.”

That... that made sense... and was a relief. She... she didn’t want anybody to be hurt... Both tomorrow... and later...

“Safe...” she echoed through her slumber, just when another touch caressed her neck.

“Yes... they will be safe... and you will be safe...” the hiss told her. “And I will be safe. Everybody will be safe... thanks to you...”

Everybody would be safe... thanks to her...

That sounded... wonderful...

Lulled by the delicate strokes, with her fears forgotten, Roseluck fell asleep with a smile.


Lily had never ventured so far into the White Tail Woods. She used to do some camping on the outskirts, and many times, but actually breaching the thicket? Oh, no, no, she wasn’t brave enough to do such a thing...

... and yet there she was. Making her way, somewhat gallantly, through yet another set of thick, sturdy bushes, looking left and right for something. For anything. Accompanied by her best friend Daisy and a pair of Royal Guards. All keenly trying their best to locate any signs of a lost friend.

“Roseluck? Roseluck, say something if you can hear us!” Lily shouted for the hundredth time, but with no less volume nor conviction than at the start of the day. Her voice had grown tired and somewhat croaky, but that was not going to stop her from doing her best.

“Miss Roseluck?” the bellowing voice of Bulwark, one of the soldiers, resounded all around. The armored stallion was checking through the undergrowth nearby, his eyes scanning the surroundings all the time.

The other Royal Guard, a peach pegasus mare by the name of Sortie, was looking for tracks around the nearest tree, moving aside some fallen branches. “Nothing here...” she said to herself, then turned her attention to the sky, barely visible in between the tree crowns. The blue hue was slowly giving way to evening yellows. “We will have to soon start heading back...” she pointed out.

There was a note of gloom in her voice. It did not help Lily at all, but it affected Daisy even stronger. She whimpered a little, trotting in circles, looking all around with teary eyes.

“This is all our fault... This is all our fault...”

Lily was right beside her magenta friend in no time. She was, likewise, feeling guilty about Roseluck’s disappearance... though, after the visit to the Castle of Friendship, she was convinced she had to bury that burden deep within. “Daisy, don’t say that... Don’t say that, please. We will worry about that when we get Rosey home safely. Remember what Princess Twilight told us...”

Daisy didn’t reply at first, simply leaning into Lily, her lower lip trembling and her ears drooping. Around them the shadows of the forest were becoming longer and darker. All the searching parties were bound to start turning back at around this hour, returning to the rally point right out of the Woods to be counted and report any and all findings. And, with any luck, one of those findings would be Roseluck herself...

Sortie, upon spotting what was happening, came closer to the pair of mares. Her eyes were betraying the sober acknowledgment of the situation, but her tone was far warmer. “Let us not lose hope. We are covering only a small part of the forest and Roseluck is just one mare. Maybe she ventured down some other paths and she has already been found by another group!”

Lily nodded, those words helping her thumping heart. “Hopefully that is the case... We just... we just cannot believe that this stupid bet was the reason for all of this!”

Bulwark, only his rear sticking out of a massive shrub, spoke up as well. “What is happening is hardly your fault, I think. It’s one thing to follow through with a promise, another to get lost in the woods... and yet another what we are a part of now.”

“He’s right, not every bet turns into searching parties,” Sortie seemed to agree. “We will find your friend and it’s all going to be alright.”

The unicorn extracted himself from the bush with a huff. “Yeah, you will be soon reunited. I have a good feeling about it.”

Maybe it was but the instructions they received talking through the two, but Lily felt at least a little encouraged after hearing their words... She gave Daisy a nuzzle, trying to cheer her up too, then asked the pegasus mare.

“How long could we still have?”

Sortie checked the skies again. “About twenty minutes, maybe half an hour. Nopony can remain here after dark, Sergeant Stone Heart was clear about Princess Twilight’s orders. We don’t want to risk any civilian lives if we are dealing with something dangerous.”

Bulwark shook his head, coming closer. “It’s not that bad, you will see. I’d say she may have caught herself in the undergrowth, or stumbled into a glen... or a cave, or something.”

“Let’s hope she isn’t hurt, then... Alright, alright...” Lily again calmed herself down, looking about, hoping to see even but the smallest of clues about Roseluck’s whereabouts. A broken twig, a hoofprint, a strand of mane... Anything. “No time to waste, let’s try our best still.”

Sortie was about to say something, but Bulwark interrupted her. “She might have been turned around several times, I suggest we check in the thicket there next.”

The entire party followed his hoof, pointing at a substantial amount of undergrowth, creating almost like a small forest within a forest. The branches hung low and the leaves obstructed vision significantly.

Sortie furrowed her brow. “Good bet, Bull, but we must stay close going through that. No more than a couple hooves between one another.”

The unicorn agreed. “Sure thing. I will go first, you take the rear.”

Lily, once more checking on Daisy, gave her a small smile. “Follow me and let’s focus, okay?”

“Yeah...” the other mare mumbled, drying her eyes.

Every pair of them was crucial in this search.

Maintaining distance from Bulwark, almost stepping onto his hind legs, Lily did her utmost to search around. The tangle they were all entering looked somewhat threatening, the bushes bent on keeping them from gaining access. She was aware that a lot of forest species created tightly growing copses, not allowing any other plants from taking the valuable soil and little sunlight that was reaching the Woods’ floor, but this particular clump barely allowed one pony to follow another in a straight line!

Yet, despite the discomfort of branches to her sides and leaves being most of what she could see, Lily bravely searched for signs of Roseluck. And was still shouting on the top of her lungs.

“Roseluck! Roseluck, can you hear us?”

“Miss Roseluck?” Sortie, keeping behind her and Daisy, echoed the yell.

She stayed quiet as a mouse afterwards, surely hoping for a reply. Yet nothing but the rustling of the bushes around and the crowns of trees above was answering them, until Bulwark’s shout muffled all other sounds.

“Are you there?”

The stallion was making good progress through the flora, using his spear to navigate. It was getting harder to follow him at his pace, Lily having to fight offshoots appearing before her, trying to return to their proper place after being dislocated by the burly unicorn.

“Are you there? Miss Roseluck?” she heard him shout loudly more. “Are you there?”

“Mister Bulwark, wait a second, you are going too fast,” Lily warned him, nearly stumbling on a root sticking out of the ground.

The unicorn stopped after a step or two, staring back at her with a small smile. “Forgive me, got too eager to help.”

“Yes, we all are,” she admitted, pushing past another branch. She met the stallion’s... peculiar expression and gaze.

A reflection of blue passing through his eyes suddenly.

Huh, the sky was not so dark yet, it seemed. Lily glanced up to inspect it... and yet saw nothing but greenery of the tangle. No blue.


Daisy’s gasp reached her ears. With speed that surprised even her, Lily managed to turn around, immediately alerted.

What she saw made her mane stand on end.

A monstrous, hyacinth blue creature was towering above her. Comprised of tough scales, with its vibrant, violet eyes of a snake locked right onto her intently. And yet not the sight of the creature made her heart fill with panic, but the fact that it had its thick forelegs wrapped around Daisy’s neck and muzzle, almost lifting her off the ground. She was trying to kick and wriggle her way away from it, but it was blatant it was a futile attempt, the horror’s clutches making her run out of strength and breath.

Lily instinctively tried to back away, but bumped straight into Bulwark, who came behind her in no time. Hoping it was to help her, she wasn’t prepared for one of his hoof reaching to silence her. He then forced her down onto her haunches with his sheer weight.

Lily tried to get away, her heart racing and her ears ringing, but she could only do so much, attempting to wrench Bulwark’s foreleg from her muzzle.

“Flawless ambush,” she heard the monster speak, its tone regal and lofty. Its hold on Daisy was not releasing, the magenta mare’s attempts growing weaker by the second from lack of air. “The slave has done well.”

“Thank you, Master.”

A cold shiver went down Lily’s spine as she realized it was indeed Bulwark who replied to this creature. And... and as its slave?! She tried shaking her head left and right but the unicorn’s strength was too much for her to break the grapple.

She started searching for Sortie, hoping that perhaps at least the pegasus could rescue both Daisy and her, but in the corner of her eye she soon spotted the peach mare being held by the barrel with a thick, blue coil of this creature’s lower body. From what Lily could tell, she was unconscious, her helmet discarded on the groundcover.

The beast that attacked the group lowered its head a little, its reptilian eyes boring into Lily’s. She could do little but withstand this gaze, at the mercy of Bulwark’s greater strength.

Forth came a hissing whisper. “Fear not, young one and cease your struggling. My aim is not to hurt any of you.”

Lily let out a strained, muffled protest, seeing the merciless grip on Daisy that was causing her muzzle to change color. The mare would be surely gasping for air, if it wasn’t for the scaly foreleg robbing her of her chances.

The monster didn’t seem to mind, focused on Lily, smiling with satisfaction. His face came close enough she almost felt his flicking tongue tickling the hoof she was trying to contest Bulwark’s strength with.

“Look into my eyes and submit...”

Something azure flared in the vibrant irises. Something commanding. Something enthralling.

Something like a great target.

Without thinking much at all, Lily jabbed forward. Hitting the beast right in its left pupil. A cry of pain echoed around the forest and the monster recoiled, clenching his eyes shut and writhing around like a hurt snake.

Daisy fell with a soft thud on the ground as her hold was released, the horror covering his face and spouting phrases in a strange, repulsive language.

“Master!” Lily heard Bulwark’s yell right next to her left ear and didn’t squander her chance. With a swift jerk, using the unicorn’s distraction, she banged her head right into his muzzle.

The Woods turned into white light for a moment as her skull met with the side of the golden helmet. It was just enough, however, for her to scramble out of his, momentarily weaker, grasp.

Her attention was focused entirely on Daisy, who was coughing and gasping for air.

“Daisy, run! Run!

Not checking to see if her friend did listen or even could get away, Lily turned her attention back to Bulwark, bucking wildly and hoping to push him away even a little. She felt her hooves connecting with one of his forelegs, but before she knew it, the unicorn lunged forth to restrain her again. She rolled to her right, into one of the bushes, the branches trying to shove her the opposite direction, still narrowly avoiding the pounce.

In the midst of her attempt of escape, she heard a vicious hiss that pierced through the thicket.

“Fool! He must not let the other escape!”

Lily caught sight of Daisy, somehow wobbly but with incredible speed, dashing right through the wall of greenery and out of sight. Bulwark, without even a moment of hesitation galloped behind her, his horn flaring with laurel green magic...

... and then Lily felt a sharp tug on her hind leg, a tug that lifted her from the ground and into the air. The forest turned upside down, causing her hurt head to spin even more.

She was faced with the furious visage of the monster, who had managed to easily suspend her before him, his expression twisted into one of malice and grudge. One of its violet eyes visibly reddened.

“How dare she?!”

Lily didn’t have a reply to this question and she was not given a chance to think of one. With force that drew air out from her throat the beast grabbed her and unceremoniously hurled her onto the ground. The dull, radiating pain spanned her entire back as the groundcover did little to soften the slam.

Her head ringing and her vision blurred, Lily considered this the end. The pressure on her neck from the monster’s grab was intensifying and kicking with her back legs against the tough coils in her reach was only draining the remnants of her strength.

The blue beast was looming above her with offended contempt, without a doubt joyous about smothering her. She tried to desperately push at his foreleg, but to no avail, the horror’s weight far greater than she could imagine.

This was it... this was really it...

She hoped that, at least, Daisy managed to get away... or other searching parties could hear the shouts and would track this creature down...

The monstrosity lowered its torso, even if, this time, keeping out of her jab’s reach. “The young one should pay with her life for striking me so!” a vile hiss addressed her. “No one defies a naga, let alone an insignificant gnat like her!”

Lily squirmed, desperately trying to inhale, as the pressure on her neck grew more and more.

“And gnats are meant to be squashed, even the Endless Coils agree on that...” the monster further claimed... though its expression suddenly twisted into one of begrudging acceptance. “But I have given her my word that I shall stay my hoof. And Cyrus keeps a word once given.”

Lily’s eyes became far wider than what they had already been. Another her...? Did he mean—?

A pulse of azure light hit her face, coming from the depths of the creature’s eyes. Then came purple... then periwinkle... whimsical and captivating...

... she did not know when she stopped caring about the pressure on her throat... or about the snake monster having her in her clutches... or about Daisy trying to get away... or about anything at all...

She only cared about three things.

Azure... Purple... And periwinkle...

Author's Note:

That took way more than it should, but it's here finally. Let me know your opinions and I do hope that more of this story will appear much, much faster. :twilightblush:
