• Published 2nd Mar 2017
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Dragonball MLP: World Tour! - ultrapoknee

The planet Earth faces a grave peril; the Dragonballs have disappeared, destroying the precious balance that holds the Earth in place. Now, Goku and the other Z fighters must travel back to planet Equis in order to retrieve them. Will they succeed?

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episode 1: A new dilemma!? (Edited)

[Planet Earth, Kami's Lookout, Third-person POV.]

Kami's Lookout. A place high above the Earth where the guardian of the planet maintains a watchful eye on the inhabitants below. However, all was not well for the Earth. A biomechanical Android that goes by the name of Cell has issued a challenge to the world as a whole. Due to this crisis, Kami was forced to step down as guardian of the Earth and, in doing so, has rendered the Dragonballs inert. To solve this issue, Goku traveled to New Namek in the hopes of finding a suitable replacement. Dende, a small Namekian child, has taken over the reins as the Earth's new guardian. He, along with Mr. Popo, Kami's faithful attendant, as well as Piccolo, Krillin, Trunks, Son Goku and Son Gohan, was present for a momentous event about to take place. The creation of a new set of mystical orbs known as the Dragonballs.

"Alright, so is everything set?" Goku asked. He was wearing an orange and black jacket with a white undershirt and beige pants.

"Yes, everything is in order," Mr. Popo said as he carried a model of the Earth's eternal dragon and set on the ground.

"So this is what Shenron looks like," Trunks said. He wore a skin-tight blue jumpsuit with a Saiyan Battle Armor, white boots with yellow tips, and white gloves.

Dende went and inspected the model before he spoke. "This will work, but..."

"But what?" Piccolo urged. He wore a dark purplish-blue gi with a sky blue obi. When not fighting seriously, Piccolo also wears a white turban and a white cape along with it.

"Because this is the same model as the last eternal dragon, the best I can do is enable Shenron to grant one more wish. He won't be able to grant three wishes like Porunga," Dende said dejectedly.

Piccolo smirked and patted his shoulder. "We still have one more wish than we did previously. Thank you, Dende,"

Dende smiles and hover's his hand, the model dragon. "ETERNAL DRAGON, I SUMMON YOU FORTH TO BREED LIFE ANEW WITHIN THE DRAGONBALL! ARISE, SHENRON!!!" Suddenly, a blinding light erupted from the model dragon and shot high into the sky. The light beam then broke off into seven separate beams and flew in different directions as they collided with seven stone orbs. A soft light had enveloped them before the stone sphere shifted into a glowing orange ball with a red star on it. Dende sighed as he felt the Dragonballs course with renewed energy.

"It is done. The Dragonballs are now active once more. Excellent job, Dende," Mr. Popo stated.

"This is great! Now we can bring back all the lives Cell has taken!" Gohan said with jubilation. He was wearing the same outfit as his first mentor Piccolo.

"I'll head over to Bulma's and get the Dragon Radar. Then I'll pick up Crystalline, and we can gather the Dragonballs together," Goku stated. Piccolo scoffs in response. "Hmm? What's up, Piccolo?"

"I don't know why you bother with her,"

"You still don't like her, Mr. Piccolo?" Gohan asked.

"Hmph! She just always seems to have some agenda going on, and she never shuts her silver tongue up,"

"Hey, come on now. Master Roshi saw her potential and took her on as a student. She pretty trustworthy," Goku said.

"Yeah, and she was there when Frieza showed up again," Gohan supported.

"Plus, she's a real looker, hehe," Krillin said as he wiggles his eyebrows.

"Except she hasn't done much to help combat these latest string of threats. I doubt she'll even come along with us to compete in the Cell Games," Piccolo said.

"Like or not, we're going to need every powerful fighter available if we're going to beat Cell. Besides, my mother upgraded her prosthetic arm. So she won't be a hindrance to us," Trunks defended.

"Do what you want, Goku. Just hurry and come back," Piccolo said as he walked off to the edge of the Lookout.

"Ok. here we go," Goku said as he placed two fingers on the center of his forehead and vanished from the Kami's Lookout.

[Kame's House.]

"Hey, Crystalline. Have you fixed that bowl of rice? My programs are starting," A male voice echoed throughout a small home centered on an island. A disgruntled huff was the only response he got. An older man was sitting outside of the house while sitting on a lounge chair. He was wearing a red shirt with light-blue flower patterns decorating it. He wore a pair of sunglasses along with white short and sandal flip-flops. He let out a content sigh as he soaked in the sun rays. It was a gorgeous day out.

"Here's your vitals, you old lecherous fool!" A voice spat out while a rice bowl landed in between the older man's lap. A woman with smooth caramel skin and greenish-blue hair stood next to the older man. Her emerald green eye glared daggers at the older man as an air of disdain flowed from her. She wore a bunny girl outfit that was black and had pink trimming around the edges. She also had long black stockings that stopped at her upper thighs.

(This will be Chrysalis default outfit)

"Now, now, that's no way to address your master. Now start on your Katas while I start on my soaps," The man said as he walks into his home. He made his way to the couch, where a rather large sea turtle was resting. He clicked the tv on but held his gaze on his pupil as she started her Katas. The older adult's eye gazed up and down her form as she began with some aerobics. She spread her legs apart and bent over to touch her toes. She did this for ten cycles before switching to jumping jacks. After that, she began throwing several high kicks that resulted in certain parts of her anatomy to shift rapidly. The older adult smiled with glee as he watched on. That is until a new voice called out to him,

"Are you still making her do those aerobics, Master Roshi?"

"Of course, turtle. those exercises are an important part of Crystaline's training..." Master Roshi replied as he continued to watch his pupil. "Vital to her development, hehehe~." He laughs pervertedly

The tortoise shook its head in disappointment. "And the outfit? How's that supposed to help with martial arts?"

"I've told you this before; it's Turtle Hermit Battle Armor. All my pupils wear them. Even Goku and Krillin wore it when they started,"

"I just don't feel like you're taking this seriously,"

"Truth be told, turtle. There wasn't much to teach other than to show how to access her Ki. That woman is an excellent fighter. She picked up on my lesson rather quickly. She was well beyond Goku at the last martial arts tournament. Goku has even given her some pointer's on how to perform our techniques. I have a feeling she seen more combat than even me,"

The tortoise was confused for a moment. "If Crystalline is that good, then why did you decide to train her?"

"Despite all that experience she seemed to have, she came to us heavily injured. Whoever she fought against really did a number on her. I'm glad Bulma was able to give her that nifty little replace for her arm. It's a shame about her eye, though. When I think back to that battered and broken form, how could I turn her down? Plus, she a real looker~,"

"I don't recall her giving you an excellent excuse to take her as your pupil,"

"Oh, hush now. Crystalline has more than proved herself over these few years. She even helped out against Frieza and the androids,"

"But not against Cell. And she won't talk about where she came from at all. She also not very pleasant,"

"You can't expect a beautiful girl like Crystalline to beat that monster. And she does on hold herself to a high degree, but we shouldn't fault her for that. As for her past, she'll tell us when she's good and ready. For now, hehe, let's enjoy the show~,"

[Crystalline POV]

"Filthy old man..." I muttered as I continued with my 'training.' Does he take me for a fool? I can feel the lust oozing out of him. If it weren't for his teachings, I would have disposed of him long ago. How could I be reduced to this state? I had it all; subjects, power, and all my enemies wrapped up in a neat little package. Now I must suffer through hormonal advances of decrypted old fossil and his pet tortoise in this-- Ridiculous outfit!

"Hah!" I shout as I threw a hard punch with my prosthetic arm. I must admit these humans are quite ingenious. But I still miss my old appendage. This metal makes it difficult to channel magic through it. I must get my hands on those Dragonballs. They are the key to this doomed planet. And once I do, all those friendship spewing wretches will--


"AARGH!!!" I felt my leg collided with something during my musing. I fell cradling the wounded area as tears threaten to fall from my eyes.

"Oops, heh, sorry about that," A voice said. I looked up to see none other than Son Goku, staring down at me, while rubbing the back of his head. I frowned up at him as I stood back up. But I had to curb my anger quickly once I realized he was in his transformed state; Super Saiyan or some nonsense. The memory of that golden-haired state assaulted my mind. How can a creature still hold such reserves? He looked up at me and sent me that sickening smile. "Hey, Crystalline. How you been?"

"I was in the middle of training. What business is it of yours?" I said hotly. I winced as I put weight on my leg. I am fortunate that my Ki is different while in this form, and these fools have no means of detecting me now.

"Hey, relax, I just came by to tell the good news. We have the Dragonballs back. I was about to go searching. Do you want to help? It will be fun!"

"This is fabulous news, Goku. I would be more than happy to assist," I ran inside and discarded these shameful clothing for my Gi. While I loathed sporting their colors, it served its purpose. The Gi was altered to fit a female better. The orange tops were cut off and showed my midriff. While the pants stopped short of my ankles, I wore black slip-on shoes instead of a blue undershirt. I wore a green one and a matching green obi and a green scarf to finish my ensemble. I walked out and met with Son Goku again. "Let's get moving. I'm eager to leave this place,"

"Alright..." I watched as Son Goku pulled out a strange device. He pressed the button on top, and a small dot flashed on it. "Good, the first one is not too far from here. If we hurry, we should be down by sundown," I rolled my eyes at his enthusiasm, and we take to the skies. Another positive to learning Ki energy is that I can fly without dropping my disguise.

Over the course of the day, we collected the orange and red orbs known as the Dragonball's. I wish I could claim the task was an easy one, but that was not the case. The two-star ball rested in the nest of an infernal tetradactyl. I've spent five years on this dirtball of a planet, and I still cannot fathom the purpose of these-- dinosaurs. One of the beasts spat saliva at my face when I went to retrieve the Dragonball. Son Goku's annoying laughter echo through my head for hours on end. The six-star ball was in the hands of a shoddy business dealer in South City. We had no currency to buy it, but he offered a compromise.

"I'll part with this ball provide your lovely friend here performs a little, my friends, at a poker game," He then pulls out what he called a belly dancer outfit. It was even more degraded than the bunny one. Now the logical choice would be just to end his worthless life and move on. But the ever-noble Knight Son Goku would take issue with that. Needlessly to say, I learned that all Earthling males are perverts as I serenaded them.

"Wow, Crystalline, I didn't know you can dance like that," The oaf said while I growled in response. The final Dragonball was in the hands of Son Goku's old adversary, General Tao. Judging from his appearance, I'd say the meeting was not pleasant. However, rather than fight us, the general proposed that he will hand over the four-star Dragonball if we solve his puzzle keys. I, however, was in no mood for such trivialities.

"This is a very assuming little test General, but there is one important factor you should know about me..." I eluded.

"And what is that?" The cybernetic man asked. I shot a smirk as I took them and broke them apart with ease. His shocked expression was priceless.

"Don't test me, little man. I will pass every time," We left with the Dragonball with no problem after that.

"You didn't have to be so rough with the poor guy," Son Goku said

"In case you forgot, we are on a timetable. Now that I - uh - we have the Dragonballs. What shall we do?"

"Now we just take these back to the Lookout for safekeeping. We'll be ready to use them after Cells been dealt with,"

"Hmm, then let's return," With that said, we took to the skies and flew off to the Lookout. I was glad Son Goku was leading the way. Otherwise, he would have seen the sinister grin on my face.

[The Lookout]

We arrived back to the Lookout, and the merry little band of fighters was waiting for us. Instantly, the tall green one frowns at me, and I send one right back. Son Goku walks ahead to greet them. "Hey, everyone. We're back,"

"It's good to see you, dad. Did you collect all the Dragonballs?" Son Gohan asked.

"Yes, as painstaking as it was," I snarked out.

"Aw, did you break a nail out there?" The green one mocked.

"Watch it, slug. Least I'll severe you in a French restaurant!" He scoffs at my reply before addressing the others.

"Anyway, with the Dragonballs on standby, all we have to do now is prepare for the Cell games as best we can,"

"Where's the short-tempered one?" I asked.

"If you're talking about my father, he's been in the Time Chamber all day," Trunks said.

"If you want a turn in the time chamber, I'm afraid you'll have to wait two more days. Vegeta requested three days in there," Mr. Popo stated. I smirk made its way on my cheeks as the group started to walk inside.

"Vegeta is in the Time Chamber. Goku, Trunks, the tall green one, the bald one, Gohan, little green, and Mr. Popo are right here. And the Dragonballs are here. I believe it's time to make my move..." I muttered to myself. I set my sights on Son Goku first. He had the Dragonballs in a backpack along with that radar. I bared my fanged teeth and lunged at the fool. I sank them deep into his jugular vein and administered a potent paralyzing agent directly into his bloodstream. He couldn't even cry out in shock as he fell to the ground. I moved swiftly to the others and repeated the process. By the time Son Goku hit the ground, the rest of his companions soon followed.

"H-hey, what gives!?" The bald one grunted out.

"I-I can't move...!" Son Gohan said through a strained voice.

"I know. That's usually the effect of my paralyzing venom," I said with disinterest. Everyone looked at me in shock. "Oh, don't worry. It will wear off in a few hours,"

"Y-you poisoned us!? I knew you couldn't be trusted!!!" The big green one said as he struggled in vain. I walked up to him and placed my foot on the back of his head.

"Yet, you still allowed me to get this close to you all. Thanks, Slug-man,"

"Just what are you planning, huh? Did you make some deal with Cell to save yourself?" Trunks shouted.

"You're half right. But I'm not foolish enough to approach that monster. I have everything I need right here," I said as I levitated the backpack over to me and laid out the Dragonballs on the ground.

"No, Stop! Whatever wish you're going to ask for won't stop Cell at all!!!" Little Green pleaded, but I paid him no mind.

"I know that already, foolish child. Which is why I'm using the Dragonballs to return home where I belong," I said.

"I don't get it. Where would you even go!? If we don't stop Cell, then he'll just destroy the Earth!!!" Son Goku finally spoke. I turned to him and drank in his panicked features.

"Whoever said the Earth was my home?" I stated cryptically. "I will admit that stowing away on your ship may have seemed like the best idea at the time. I mean, how can a girl like me pass up the opportunity to sample love from an alien species. But that novelty quickly became a nightmare. How I can I feed off the love of an extinct species," My smile grew as Son Goku caught on to what I was saying.

"N-no way... You died!!!" I began to cackle as a familiar green flame covered my form. I shed my human appearance like a larva breaking out of its shell. I stood before them all in my real glory. The emotions I felt from everyone present was exquisite.

"W-what are you? And what did you do to Crystalline!?" The smooth-headed one shouted.

"I am Crystalline, you repugnant dwarf! I always have been. But you can address me as Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings!"

"W-what!?!?" Gohan said in shock.

"I'm sure Son Goku has regaled the tale to you already. But now, I have business with a mystical wish-granting dragon so all of you can hush up now!" I stated as I shot goop onto their mouths. I didn't want any of them interfering with my wishes in any way. I then stood over the Dragonballs and hovered my hands on them. "ETERNAL DRAGON! BY YOUR NAME, I SUMMON YOU FORTH, SHENRON!!!" The effect was immediate. The Dragonballs glowed in perfect harmony with a bright light emitted from them. The skies turned as black as night, and a beam erupted from the orbs. It snaked its way to the heavens as the dragon took shape. A massive dragon, easily more prominent than the ones on Equis, stared down at us. It spoke in a very masculine and powerful voice.


A wicked smile graced my muzzle. I looked down at my robotic hand, and I knew what I wanted. "ETERNAL DRAGON! FOR MY FIRST WISH, HEAL THE SCARS I RECEIVED FROM CELESTIA!!!"

"THAT WISH IS WELL WITHIN MY POWER TO DO SO!" His eyes glowed a bright red, and I felt a new sensation wash over me. An intense light had shone from my prosthetic before the feeling returned to it. The fire died down, and my hand was once again flesh and blood. I felt a tingle over my empty eye socket, so I removed my eye patch. My vision drastically improved as my sight was no longer impaired. I cackled madly at what was once gone, now returned.

"Yes!!! Excellent, thank you, great Shenron," I said with a bow.


"So bossy, let's see..." I knew what I wanted next. Return to Equis and exact revenge on the Equestrians for all of their transgressions. With my newfound powers, I won't fall to any surprises. But the Dragonballs changes all the rules. With Shenron under my control, I can be invincible! A malicious grin spread across my muzzle as I walked up to Earth's guardian. "It just occurred to me, child, that you and I haven't had much time together," I took delight in watching him squirm. "So how about I take you to my humble abode. You will find that I am very... Accommodating~," I flared my magic and linked my mind with his. He fell under my control, much like Shining Armor did at the Royal Wedding. I carried him in my aura and went to state my second wish.




"...VERY WELL..." He said as his eyes glowed, and he began to glow again. I saw that the same light encompassed us as well. I turn back to the warriors of Earth and saw that some of them began to move again. Namely, the Saiyans and the Namekian. I suppose they must be attempting to power through the effects of my vein. It mattered not since it was far too late to stop me.

"Farewell in all your future endeavors. Hehe, for however long that will be," With a final wave goodbye, we disappeared in a blinding flash of light.

[A few hours later, Third Person POV]

"I can't believe this!" Piccolo said in frustration as he paced around the Lookout. The effects of the paralysis had worn off and the other's once again moved freely. "She pulled the rug right from under us!"

"I can't believe for the last five years the woman we knew wasn't a woman at all!" Krillin stated.

"I can't believe you all let such a weakling get the better of you. Hehe, disgraceful," Vegeta said in a condescending tone.

"Dad, didn't you mention something about planet Equis when you came back from space?" Gohan asked.

"That's right, I did. I accidentally arrived on planet Equis on my way to Namek. The world that's much like the Earth, but magic is the dominant force there," Goku informs.

"And Dende's there with her along with the Dragonballs..." Trunks said.

"I'm sure he's having a great time in this magical world filled with fairies, unicorns, and Easter bunnies," Vegeta joked.

"We must do something! The Earth is in grave peril!" Mr. Popo exclaimed.

"Uh, does this have to do with what Shenron said? I get that Cell is a big threat, but we can just deal with him and then go get Dende and the Dragonballs," Krillin asked.

"Shenron wasn't talking about Cell..." Piccolo said as he came up to the group. "The Dragonballs has resided on the Earth for many centuries. In that time, their energy has become in tune with the Earth's. Now that the Dragonballs are no longer here in their natural resting place, the Earth is falling out of balance,"

"How do you know this?" Trunks asked.

"Kami was the former guardian, and I hold all his knowledge. While I may not be the acting guarding, I am still in tune with the lay lines of the planet,"

"So, what's going to happen, the Earth?" Gohan asked.

"Without the Dragonballs, the Earth's energies will tear the planet asunder, destroying all life on it..." Everyone gasped out at the news.

Goku took on a grim expression as he went to speak. "...How long do we have?"

Piccolo looked at him with an equality grim expression. "About seven days..."

"Impossible! It can't possibly be that soon!" Vegeta said in disbelief. However, the look on Piccolo's face said it all. The Z-fighters went through various emotions. Vegeta grunted in anger while Trunks was in a state of bewilderment. Krillin stared down at the ground with his mouth agape. Mr. Popo closed his eyes in silent prayer. Gohan looked at Piccolo with concern while Goku stared straight up where Shenron had left.

"If we don't bring back Dende and the Dragonballs, The Earth will destroy itself before Cell ever gets the chance!" Piccolo said in a foreboding tone.

Author's Note:

Things are not looking good for our heroes. Crystalline, a long time friend, and ally had turned out to be none other the dreaded Queen of the Changelings, Chrysalis. In one fell swoop, She has taken the Dragonballs as well as Dende and doomed the Earth to a deadly fate. Can the Z-fighter retrieve the Dragonballs before its too late? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON DRAGONBALL MLP: WORLD TOUR!!!

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