• Published 2nd Mar 2017
  • 8,813 Views, 997 Comments

Dragonball MLP: World Tour! - ultrapoknee

The planet Earth faces a grave peril; the Dragonballs have disappeared, destroying the precious balance that holds the Earth in place. Now, Goku and the other Z fighters must travel back to planet Equis in order to retrieve them. Will they succeed?

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episode 23: Trauma and Loss. (Edited)

Author's Note:

The sentences near the end have underlines. I don't know why its like that. But let me know how to fix it. For now, enjoy.

[The Hive Castle - Third Person POV.]

"GAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" A thunderous thud accompanied savage roar echoed throughout the vicinity. The Z warriors look on in shock as Gohan, kindest young soul they've ever known, went on a rampage. Dust and debris shrouded the impact zone as the only thing visible was the gleam coming from Gohan's eyes. He dispels the smokescreen with another tremendous shout, revealing that his target wasn't there. Gohan seethed in a quiet fury, desperately spinning his head on a swivel while trying to find his target.

Piccolo finally got his wits about him and approached him. "Gohan, what's wrong?" Gohan ignored him as he continued to look around. "Gohan! You need to calm down!" Piccolo advised, but again, Gohan completely ignored him. The Namekian eyes met with Scootaloo's. Her horror and confusion told him that something was not right, but neither of them knew why. Piccolo decided for a more direct approach and placed his hand on his shoulder. This action proved to be a mistake as Gohan tensed up. He spins around and backhands the offender that dared to touch him. Piccolo was sent crashing into one of the spire towers next to the group. He remained embedded in the structure for a moment before he fell back down. Krillin, Tien, and Master Roshi all ran to check on him while the others watched on in disbelief.

"What the heck is going on here!?" Krillin asked. "Gohan, have you lost your mind!?"

"Gohan! What's wrong with you?" Master Roshi asked.

"Is this the result of their training back on Earth?" Tien pondered. "It's nothing like Vegeta's or Trunks' transformations,"

"So, what, he can't control it?" Yamcha chimed in while he kept his eyes on Gohan.

"No! There's something else wrong! We found him in a pod, it had some weird plant on it, and when I went to free him, he broke out and changed into this!!!" Scootaloo informed.

"I see... So this state is what Bulam meant," A sickeningly familiar voice stated. Chrysalis materialize back in view. A brilliant smile on her muzzle as she regarded Gohan who glares at her. "Lost in a fog of blind rage will make weaken his mental defenses and make him the perfect tool to eliminate you all!!!" Chrysalis horn lit up as her eyes glowed bright green. Immediately, Gohan clutched his head and screamed in agony.

Scootaloo was by his side instantly. She gently puts her hand on his back while the young Saiyan continued to scream in anguish. She rose up and gritted her teeth at the changeling queen. Scootaloo went to cup her hands together blast Chrysalis to kingdom come, but then she notices something was off; Chrysalis seemed to be struggling. Her muzzle was scrunched up in frustration, and sweat poured profusely from her head. A grunt came from her side as Gohan slowly stood to his feet with his head hung low. It did not last however as Gohan jerked his head up and his eyes flashed green. A vicious snarl was adorning the young Saiyans features. Chrysalis felt a tinge of fear grip her horn the glow intensified. But it was all for naught. Gohan threw his head back, a green dome encasing again, and released another roar. This time, however, the energy dome pulsated and fired multiple Ki blast in every direction. A Ki blast struck Chrysalis first. The orb carried her off the roof to ground level, as a thunderous boom followed upon impact. The Z fighters themselves were in a similar situation. They were barely leaped out of the way of the attacks as they destroyed a portion of the castle roof. Miraculously, Scootaloo was the only one that was mostly unaffected by Gohan's furious assault. However, the purple maned pegasus found herself skidding across the ground.

She felt her head impact against something as she winced. Scootaloo looks up to see Thorax overlooking the front gates. His features twisted in horror. Scootaloo quirked a brow at this and took a look for herself. What she saw made her face go pale. Gohan's attacks rained down below where the newly freed changelings were. Multiple detonations went off, snuffing out the wails of agony from their victims, and leaving behind nothing but ashes. Those granted a quick death by incineration were the lucky ones as many were burn and scarred beyond recognition. Their injuries guarantee a slow and painful death. Thorax collapsed to his knee's, tears streaming down his cheeks, as his brethren and subjects died before his very eyes.

"...No..." Thorax voice was distant and weak. "Haven't we suffered enough?" He asked no one in particular. Amidst the changeling kings' turmoil, Scootaloo's eyes widen as she spotted Chrysalis emerging from her crater. Gohan's initial attack did its toll as she was covered from head to hoof in bruises. However, a flash of her horn instantly healed her wounds.

"Chrysalis!!!" Scootaloo seethed. But the single utterance of the name of the one being responsible for all the strife the changelings has dealt with awoken King Thorax from his desolate state. Anger gripped his being as his eyes locked on to Chrysalis. He summoned his Warhammer and charged forth. Scootaloo was taken aback by this sudden action and called out to him. "No, wait!!!"

Chrysalis had yet to notice his approach, keeping her attention squarely on the beserker Gohan, until he hollered her name with unbridled rage. "CHRYSALIS! THIS MASSACRE IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!" He brought his hammer up, imbuing it with all the magical might he could muster and brought it down head upon her head. Or, at least, he made a perfect attempt.

Chrysalis hand shot out and intercepted his weapon. Her fingers dug into the hammer tip as Chrysalis regarded Thorax with an annoyed expression. "In case you haven't noticed, I have more pressing concerns such as getting my war machine under control!"

"It stops here!!!"

Thorax freed his hammer and began swinging it like a madman. But much like their first encounter, it was apparent that Chrysalis was toying with him. She swiftly dodged every swing of Thoraxes weapon while countering with precise jabs to vital areas. Thorax staggers back for a moment before he presses on again. High above the two dueling changelings, Gohan surveys them with a snarling expression. He extends his hand as a small ball of Ki forms in his palm. Then he closes his fingers while bringing his fist over his right shoulder and flinging his hand outward. The tiny spec of Ki quickly grew in size as it barrels to Chrysalis and Thorax. Chrysalis saw the impending doom looming over her head and gained a wicked idea. She caught Thorax hammer again while driving her fist into his stomach. The force of the blow causes Thorax knees to buckle. Chrysalis pulls him up and stares into his eyes as she spoke.

"Despite dethroning me and making the hive weak, I've found a way for you to repent and serve your queen one last time..." Chrysalis stated much to Thoraxes confusion. She then spins around and hurls Thorax straight into Gohan's attack. The detonation was massive and shrouded the area in a blinding flash of green light. When the flash faded, all that remained of Thorax was a tattered scrap of his garb. "Well... That's one headache taken care of, that leaves you, Gohan,"

"Un-unbelievable..." Krillin sotfly uttered.

"I can't fantom that Gohan would ever..." Master Roshi trailed off, unable to describe the scene before him. Bodies littered the vicinity. Those that weren't dead were reiving in pain. Those changeling that was able to move somewhat were mourning the loss of their king.

"It's a dream! This whole situation has to be a dream," Yamcha denied.

"I wish that were the case Yamcha," Tien said solemnly.

"...Gohan-- Why?" A heartbroken Scootaloo spoke. She took several tentative steps forward the young Saiyan who landed on the ground facing Chrysalis.

But before she can take another step, Rainbow's voice called out to her. "SCOOTS!!!" The prismatic mare landed in from of her, gripping her by her shoulders. "What the hay is happening!?"

Scootaloo seems to ignore her sister's question and began to struggle with Rainbow's grasp. "No, let me go! I have to stop him!!"

"Stop who?" Twilight asked as she and the rest of the elements along with the royal couple came with the group. Spike and Ember were currently absent.

Rarity gasps in shock when her eyes fell on Gohan. "Darling, is that Gohan? Whatever happened?"

"He looks madder than a bull getting a brand!" Applejack stated.

"Why are all of these changelings hurt?" Fluttershy said with concern. She soon gasped out in horror when she realized most of the changelings were more than hurt. She covers her mouth with her hand as recognized the signs of death. "Oh no...!"

Pinkie was convulsing violently as her mane went straight. "This is a doozy. A horrible painful bad doozy,"

"Why is Gohan's power fluctuating erratically like this?" Starlight asked.

"Trixie feels we should make a hasty exit..." Trixie said sheepishly.

Discord watches on with a frown on his face as his rubs his talon claw on his chin. "That's peculiar. Where have I seen this before, hmm?"

"There is no time to debate. We must help those who are injured. Then we can help young Gohan!" Shining Armor ordered.

"Stay were you are!" Piccolo called out, shocking the royals. He gingerly made his way to them, nursing his left arm, while keeping his eyes on the standoff between Gohan and Chrysalis.

"Are you crazy? The changelings need help before more of them die!" Cadence protested.

"Don't make any sudden moves. I can't guarantee Gohan won't attack you as well. For now, we wait until an opportunity presents itself,"

"Surely you are not suggesting we allow this suffering to continue?"

Piccolo snapped his attention to all the Equestrians present. "You don't get it! Until we figure how to stop Gohan, none of us are safe!!!"

Chrysalis frowns as she carefully studies her opponent. A confrontation with any of the Saiyan as they were was out of the question. But Gohan was unfocused. His power ran wild with no signs of control. If she could weaken him enough and gain control of his mind then perhaps her goal was still plausible. She spoke openly despite the undercurrent of anxiety in her tone. "You should feel privileged Gohan. Seldom is an opportunity for a changeling queen to draw upon all her magical prowess in battle. It's an indicator of the strength of her foe and a great honor to be on the receiving end!" Chrysalis' horn burns with an intense aura of magic. It shot of her horn, creating a pillar of raw magical energy, and pierced the skies above. The violent gust of wind whipped to and fro as the Z warriors and the Equestrians braced themselves. A moment later, the column of energy died down and enveloped Chrysalis' form. The casing of magic began to chip and crack apart as if Chrysalis was shredding her chitin for a new set. Her body was far shinier and her mane much fuller and vibrant. A green glow outlined the services in her body and the holes in her wings, arms and legs closed up. Finally, Chrysalis' pupils were bright yellow instead of their usual green tone. She let out a sigh of relief that generated a shockwave. Our heroes found themselves dumbfounded by this drastic turn of events.

"N-no way! Do you feel that!?" Tien stuttered out.

"Where the heck she get all that power!?" Krillin asked.

"Isn't obvious? Her form is a result of the years of love she stockpiled from Yamcha," Piccolo said. Yamcha flinched at the cold stare Piccolo shot him.

"Ah ha ha... At least she still a looker, am I right?" Yamcha said. This comment earns him more reproachful looks fro the others. "Well, it can't be that bad. Gohan doesn't seem all that impressed,"

Accurate enough, Gohan's features remained the same as before. Not that Chrysalis seem to care at the moment as she flexed her fingers and admired herself. "Ah~ Much better. I hope you don't mind if I warm up a little Gohan. I don't want to break something important due to a miscalculation of my strength output," Gohan said nothing in response. Instead, he continued to stare at Chrysalis; his rage-filled expression shifted to a disapproving frown. Chrysalis was about to berate the young Saiyan when Gohan took a single step forward and appeared mere inches from Chrysalis' face with his right arm cocked back.

Chrysalis had no time to react as Gohan rocketed his fist directly into her muzzle. The impact was tremendous as she collided head first into the ground and began to skip across it far from the Hive castle. Chrysalis slid further and further until Gohan reappears in front of her path and launches her backward with a devastating high kick. From there the beserker Super Saiyan came crashing down on top of her from above and proceeds to jump repeatedly onto Chrysalis' abdomen. The relentless assault on her stomach causes the changeling queen to spit up green ichor from her muzzle. Gohan jumps back and grabs hold of her ankle. With a display of herculean strength, he slams her against the ground like a rag doll before he hurls Chrysalis into the sky. But Gohan was far from finished. However, Chrysalis manages to regain her facilities and shoots an offensive spell at Gohan. Undeterred by the little display of power, Gohan jumps up in pursuit and powers his way through Chrysalis' attack. A fierce uppercut by her enemy was enough to break her concentration. Gohan follows up with a flurry of punches on several points on her body before ending his combination with a dropkick. Chrysalis tried to steady herself, but Gohan tackles her out of the air and propels them both back toward the castle.

Chrysalis tried to break free. She squirmed, shouted and struggle with all her might, but it all prove fruitless. Gohan thrust her into one of the spire towers before flickering above her. He grabs hold of her head and proceeds to headbutt the changeling viciously until the hit the roof. "GAAAAAAH!!!" Gohan bellowed, raising his right fist, and raining down a barrage of ki infused punches all over her midsection. Finally, Gohan commits to a big punch and sends the both of crashing through the roof. All the mirrors shattered from the impact. Pieces of the castle frame began to topple to the ground while the gates flew clear off their hinges. The spectators could do nothing but watch in petrified wonder as the once proud Hive castle was slowly being reduced to ruins.

"Unreal..." Yamcha managed to say after a moment of silence.

"I kind of feel bad for her now," Rainbow said with a wince.

"I wish I could say the same," Shining Armor quipped. "Looks like all of her mind games finally bit her in the flanks!"

A big light bulb appeared over Discord's head as his eyes budged out. "That's it!" Discord exclaimed. "I knew I recognized those symptoms from somewhere,"

"You know what's going on with Gohan?" Piccolo inquired with a sense of urgency.

"It's a particular little plant that allows one to be susceptible to hypnosis. I tried using it once when I was too lazy to breach into ponies mind myself. It worked and all, but it had some funny little side effects of irritating negative emotions. I.e.." Discord paused at the right time for Gohan to release another roar followed by a tremor. "...Rage. Golly, even I felt that last one,"

"Well, how do we reverse it!?" Krillin asked. Another tremor went off as Chrysalis form came crashing through the side of the castle. Multiple bruises littered her body and her blood slowly pooled underneath. Chrysalis slow to get to her hands and knees. She lit up her horn to heal her wounds; however, the process was dawdling. Gohan emerges from the hole he made. He gradually advances to the weakened queen with the same visage of furry ever present on his features.

"Discord! How do we reverse this? Chrysalis may have his attention now, but there is no telling for how long!!!" Twilight urged vehemently.

"I was getting to that. While the plant does it job, you have to be quick about it. The potency doesn't tend to last very long, probably somewhere along five minutes at best," Discord informs.

"He is correct. I have been scanning Gohan's biological chemistry. The flora coursing through his veins has lost some of its cogency. This action is most likely due to Gohan's power usage," 16 elaborates.

"So the only way to help is to get Gohan to use more of his power..." Tien said. A beat of sweat rolls down his forehead at the implications. "Wonderful..."

Scootaloo breaks out of Rainbow's hold with determination burning in her eyes. "Then let's do it. I won't let Gohan become a monster!!!"

"We should start moving the injured changelings now before any more lives come under danger!" Cadence stated firmly. "Those of us who are not as adept at fighting should come with me,"

"Trixie volunteers!!!" The show mare said eagerly.

"I'll help too if that's ok with everyone," Fluttershy said.

"I will partake in this endear as well darlings," Rarity said.

"We'll help as soon as the changelings are safe," Twilight said.

Piccolo stepped up and directed the others. "We don't have to beat Gohan. We only have to stall until either the effects of the plant wears off or Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks return. They no doubt sensed what's happening here and are on the way. Alright then, on my signal, I want you to get his attention Krillin,"

"Oh man. Why do I always get the hard gigs," Krillin said nervously.

Our heroes broke off into two groups. The Equestrians save for Scootaloo, Discord, Rainbow, and Applejack went to get the changelings to safety while the Z fighters prepared to delay Gohan as much as they can. The beserker Saiyan in question took a horse stance and cupped his hands together. Everyone recognized the tell-tale sign of a Kamehameha wave, but Gohan's volatile state would prove disastrous if he fired it. The time to act was now. "Krillin!" Piccolo ordered.

"I'm on it!" Krillin responded as he forms an energy disc over his head. "Kizan-Ha!!!" The disc rotated to a vertical angle that passes in front of Gohan, forcing him to cancel his attack. The beserker Super Saiyan snarls as he faces the Z warriors. "Ok, we got his attention! Now, what!?"

Gohan threw his back as his Ki flared. The green dome reappeared while Gohan charges forward, craving a trench into the ground. The Z fighters responded by firing a barrage of Ki blasts. Unfortunately for our heroes, this attempt had little effect as their attacks harmless reflected off the shield. "Scatter!" Piccolo command as they all jump out of the while Gohan sails pass them. Applejack tumbles into a roll, pulling her lasso from her hat, as Gohan comes to a stop. He drops his barrier and begins to target her. However, Rainbow and Scootaloo intervened. The two pegasi started whirling in a circle around the beserk Super Saiyan, forming a tornado. Gohan whips around with a frown on his face as he began taking pop shots into the wind tunnel. However, both Rainbow and Scoootaloo proved too fast. Amidst the cyclone of wind, a rope shot forth and ensnares Gohan in its grasp.

Typically, it would be easy to break free of such a flimsy utility, but Gohan saw that his bods were magically reinforced, evident by the dark brown aura around the rope. He followed along the line to its source to find Applejack and Discord side by side. With a grunt, the farm mare spoke. "Lookie here partner, Ya got to settle down or else somepony could hurt!"

"So did you miss the part where discount Saddle Rager over there massacred our buggy compadres?" Discord reminded.

"IT'S NOT HIS FAULT!!!" Scootaloo yelled within the tornado. Her attention shifted back to Gohan who was vehemently trying to free himself. He hollered at the top of his lungs and sent a pulse of Ki out. The attack was enough to disrupt the tornado and fling the two pegasi away. Rainbow and Scootaloo managed to recover and land beside Discord and Applejack. The element of honesty was having a tough time holding on as her hooves dug a small trail in into the dirt the more she fought against Gohan's struggling. Rainbow and Scootaloo offered her some assistance with Rainbow grabbing both of Applejack's shoulder's and using her wings to keep her friend locked in place. At the same time, Scootaloo grabs hold of the rope and summons her aura while making sure the bindings stay taut. She sends a glare at the chaos maker while speaking through gritted teeth. "You're the lord of chaos! Make some chaos already!"

Discord bit his lip in concentration as snaps his talon claw. The rope completely wraps around Gohan's form. Then Discord weaves his hands and the ground shifts into quicksand beneath Gohan's feet which causes the enraged Super Saiyan to sink. Discord clenches his lion paw to solidify the sand to be as hard as ice. Gohan was trashing to and fro in a desperate attempt to break loose. But Discord spell work was holding firm. The Z fighters slowly circled Gohan as Discord gave himself a pat on the back. "Hmm, I never been one for gardening but I do seem to have a green thumb,"

"Will this hold him?" Rainbow asked.

"Of course,"

"How much time has passed?" Master Roshi asked.

"Approximately one minute and fifty-five seconds," 16 said.

Piccolo sucks his teeth at this. "Tsk. At least he's subdued for now, Gohan looks to be docile, now let's secure Chrysalis,"

"Way ahead of you," Pinkie's voice called out. The rest of Equestrians that tended to the changelings returned with Chrysalis in tow. Shining Armor, Cadence, Twilight and Starlight all had her encase inside a barrier with magical tethers restricting her arms and legs. The Z fighters noted that their former ally turned adversary was heavily injured as she laid semiconscious against the protective bubbles surface. A ping of sorrow flashed through Yamcha's heart. A large part of him wanted nothing more than to comfort his old flame. But he composed himself and turned away. As much as he still loves and wants Crystalline back, there can be no ignoring the pain she caused here today.

"We've taken the remaining changelings to the Crystal Empire to recuperate," Shining informs.

"The hearts properties should be able to heal them, but what will we do about Gohan?" Cadence asked.

Piccolo went to speak until his eyes shot open as he sensed something. He turns the open space in front of him as several familiar figures popped into existence. "Hey, guys. Everything' good on our end. We came as soon as we could once I felt Gohan's power going crazy..." Goku pause as he saw his son buried neck deep into the ground. He was taken aback by the change in his features. But he was more curious as to why he seemed unresponsive. "Gohan. Tell what happen son," Gohan gave no reply as Goku approached. 16 eyes shot opened as Gohan visibly began trembling. His lime green hair that covered his eyes started to flow in the wind along with pieces of debris.

"No! Stay away from him!!!" The android called out, gaining everyone's attention. But it was far too late. Gohan lifts his head to reveal his white eyes glowing green with power. The ground quaked, and chunks of rocks floated in the air before being reduced to dust under the weight of Gohan's power.

The berserker Super Saiyan face contorted into an image of unbridled wrath as a roar escaped his mouth. "GAAAAAH!!!" The ground was torn asunder as another of Gohan's dome burst from his form, pushing all around him back. Gohan levitated above a massive crater as he ascended higher into the sky. He gazed upon our heroes with a stoic expression before his sights landed on Goku, who was the first to recover along with Vegeta and Trunks, and his picture of stoicism morphed into contempt. Goku's eyes met with his sons, and that was all Gohan needed to advance. He vanished from his spot in the air and reappeared in front of Goku. Gohan spread his arms wide and lunged forward. Gohan saw this and flares his aura as he locked arms with his son. Surprise etched itself all over the Saiyan from Earth face. Before Goku could question his son's action, Gohan fell back, bringing Goku with him, and drives both feet into his stomach. Saliva shot out of Goku's mouth as he flew skyward.

"Gohan! Why did you-- Uargh!?!?" Trunks berating was cut short as Gohan connect with an uppercut to his chin. The teenage Saiyan from the future hit the ground hard while Gohan turns to face Vegeta.

"Watch yourself, boy! If you make a move, I won't hesitate to put you down-- Uh!?" Despite Vegeta's threat, Gohan charges ahead and pelts the Saiyan Prince with a barrage of punches. Even with his aura bolstering his defense, Vegeta felt his arms going numb as he was slowly losing ground. One of Gohan's punches slipped pass the Princes' guard and struck with enough force to send spinning to the dirt. The berserk Super Saiyan whipped his head to the right, lining his gaze with the Equestrians and Discord or, more specifically, Celestia and Luna. He held his palm up and fired multiple Ki blast toward them. Shining Armor and Cadence responded accordingly and erected a barrier. But the various impacts were taking their toll as cracks quickly formed throughout the sphere.

"It is as I feared. Gohan is attacking anything with significant power levels," 16 stated.

Piccolo stepped forward and added his opinion. "It looks that way. He's also going after anyone that attacks him as well. I don't suppose you have a plan,"

"I do. We must keep Gohan off balance. Those with high power levels will draw his attention. The others should attack and then alternate from there. The time is now two minutes, fifteen seconds,"

An uneasy smirk made its way on the Namekian's lips. "You make it sound easy," Piccolo lunges toward Gohan as he sent a telepathic message to everyone present. 'Everyone listen up: To deal with Gohan, we need to throw him off. If we all alternate our attacks, he won't be able to do much. Goku, Trunks, and Vegeta. You three will keep his focus on yourselves while the rest of us attack his blindside. If we keep this up for another two minutes or so, then Gohan will snap out of this enraged state!' Piccolo's arm stretched out and wrapped itself around Gohan, cutting off his assault on the equines. A look of confusion flashed over Gohan's face before he felt himself being lifted up and slammed down into the dirt. Piccolo looks up to Goku who finally recovered and spoke. "You three move in now,"

Vegeta wipes his cheek as he and Trunks got back to a standing position. "Tch. Such a nuisance. You got some nerve ordering me around like this!"

"We don't have a choice father. Let's go!!!" Trunks said. He took advantage of Gohan's dazed state to lock him in a full nelson hold. However, this action proved to be useless as Gohan slams his head back into Trunks, making him release his grip and stumble back. Gohan readied to run him through with his fist. That is until Goku appears behind Trunks and flickers them both to safety. Meanwhile, Vegeta moves at the moment they vanished.

"You're wide open!" The Saiyan prince brought his fist up and smashed it into Gohan's face. The enraged Super Saiyan went rigid for a moment before slowly grabbing the Saiyan prince's wrist. The visage of malice radiating off of Gohan's features was enough to make Vegeta question his recent decision. Gohan rears back as Ki gathers in his palm. However, before his attack could connect, a whip cream pie splatter all over his face. This distraction allowed Vegeta to free himself and send Gohan flying way with a roundhouse kick. The Saiyan prince turns back around to see the pink pony with a smoking blue cannon winking at him. However, the prince did not have time to address the absurdity of the equine's attack methods as Gohan manages to clear his face of the pastry.

As he continued to look around, Krillin's voice got his attention. "Hey, Gohan!" The berserk Super Saiyan turns around to find Krillin and Tien with their fingers on the side of his temples. At first, he dismissed the two Earthlings more as an inconvenience than a threat. That is until the two Z fighters uttered their next worlds, followed by a blinding flash of light. "Solar Flare!!!" Gohan winces as he shields his eyes. With his vision momentarily gone, 16 took his chance. The massive android towered of Gohan who was trying to recover. He spread his arms wide and grabs hold of the boy. He then slams Gohan hard enough to be embedded in the ground. He went to dislodge his arms, but Gohan erupted from the crater with a Ki orb primed. Gohan drives it into 16's chest, resulting in a detonation upon impact, and sent the android reeling. Gohan was about to press his attack when he caught movement at the corner of his eye.

"Spirit Ball Attack!!!" Yacha called out. Sadly, Gohan reacted faster than Yamcha would've hoped for as he catches the Ki orb in his hand and hurls it back at Yamcha.

"Watch out!!!" Rainbow exclaimed as she tackles Yamcha out of the way.

"Thanks," Yamcha said gratefully.

Their brief respite was interrupted as Gohan charges in and clothesline both of them. Just when he was about to follow up, both Rainbow and Yamcha disappeared with a loud pop. A look of confusion adorns Gohan's face as he was staring at an arrow sign pointing up to the sky. It was at this moment that a shadow loomed above him, causing Gohan to look up. A pink cloud floated overhead and let loose a torrent of chocolate milk. Gohan was drenched entirely while a certain Draconequus was rolling on the floor with laughter. But amusement was the furthest emotion displaying on Gohan's features. However, another voice called out as Gohan felt a wave of pain grip his body. "Lightning Flash Surprise attack!!!" Roshi's attack coupled with the liquid covering Gohan's form proved to be somewhat successful as Gohan fell to one knee.

"Quickly, those who can contain him erect a shield over him now!!!" Celestia command. Starlight and Twilight moved in and conjured two barriers. Twilight's formed in the shape of a sphere around Gohan while Starlight's restricted Gohan's movements much like Chrysalis' bindings. Cadence came and channeled her magic into Twilight while Rarity and Trixie did the same to Starlight. Discord used his chaos magic to make the earth beneath Gohan's feet confine his arms and legs. For the moment, Gohan stopped resisting.

"How much time!?" Scootaloo screamed out from across the battlefield.

16 grunted while nursing his torso. "One minute, thirty seconds,"

"Here, you two take these beans," Goku said as he brought out the bag of senzu beans. Time slowed down as the Berserk Super Saiyan snarled in irritation as a new enemy got in his way time and time again. Gohan took quick surveillance of everyone present before he made his move. He fought against his restraints - His captives redoubling their efforts to contain the beserker, but ultimately failed - as Gohan returns to a standing position. He crosses arms against his forehead as a luminescence glow envelopes his form. With a loud shout, Gohan throws his arms down and shatters his shackling with an outburst of power. An energy field arched its way in all directions, slamming into each of our heroes. In the midst of the attack, the senzu beans meant for Celestia and Luna fell from Goku's hand incinerated under the heat. The Z fighters and equestrians all hit the ground as Gohan stood as imposing as ever.

With his enemies in a more manageable state, Gohan spied his nearest target; Master Roshi. The master of the Kame Sennin-Ryu fighting school was struggling to get back up. His glasses were broken and cracked as he coughed up some smoke he inhaled. A fractured shard of the damaged lens showed the image of Gohan behind him. A horrible sense of dread filled his being while the overwhelming presence bared down on the turtle hermit. Roshi's eyes widen before he closes them and let out a dejected sigh. There was a brief pause as the only sound anyone heard was the wind.

"Before you go any further, allow a weary old man to impart these words to you: Don't let the weight of your actions hold you down. We all know you are kind at heart, Gohan," Master Roshi said.


The next thing everyone heard was the sound of bones snapping throughout the area. Most of the Z warriors recovered from Gohan's attack, save for Krillin, Tien, and Yamcha, while the others gasped out in horror. Gohan and Master Roshi floated in the air with Gohan coming down from a vicious kick to the side of the veteran martial artist head. Master Roshi laid motionless on the ground as Gohan turned to his next victim. "MASTER ROSHI!!!" Krillin and Goku screamed out. Piccolo rushed in with his arm outstretched. He attempted to bind Gohan again, but the irritate Super Saiyan was wise to the Namekian's ploy. Gohan dodges to the left as the arm sailed pass him and grabbed hold of Piccolo's wrist. He pulls his mentor and friend toward him with a hard yank. And then Gohan sent a roundhouse kick right into Piccolo's face. The sheer force of the kick was enough to sever Piccolo's arm clean from his body as the Namekian tumbles to the ground.

"RAAAAAH-ARGH!!!" Piccolo screamed out in agony. His purple ichor stained the ground around him.

The Royals were unable to move. Either due to the shock of what they just witnessed or the fatigue from their recent battle. Sadly, this meant that neither Celestia, Luna, or Cadence saw the orb of death heading straight for them. The royal sisters braced themselves for the worst while the princess of love saw her life flashed before her eyes until she clenches them shut and waited for the end. A loud bang and Cadence was sure that it was the last thing she would ever hear. However, fate decided it was not her day to die. Instead, that honor went to her husband. When Cadence felt no pain, she carefully opens her eyes and the sight before the love alicorn reduces her to tears. Shining Armor's arms were spread out protectively before Cadence. She summarised that he'd teleported to save her and her aunts at the last second. But at the ultimate cost. Half of the prince consort body was now in darken black with soot. Shining Armor turned to his lovely wife and mother of his foal. This action only made Cadence whimper out in horror as Shining's marred muzzle and bloodshot right eye met hers. "C-caddie... I-I l-love you..." That was all he managed before succumbing to his injuries. Shining collapse to the ground while exhaling his final breath.

"SHINING ARMOR!!!" Twilight and Cadence wailed as they rush to their fallen loved one. Unbeknownst to the grieving party, the restraints keeping Chrysalis in check came undone with Shining Armor's fall.

"Can we do nothing to stop this sister?" Luna asked dejectedly.

Celestia reluctantly shook her head. "I wish I have an answer for that Luna,"

Gohan began to move toward the distracted equines when a yellow blur appeared in front of him. Gohan frowns while Fluttershy stood her ground. Tears streamed down her muzzle at her longtime friend's pain. However, the intense glare Fluttershy was giving the Berserker Super Sayan was enough to alt Gohan's advance. "Gohan-- Please!!! You've got to stop this! You are not a monster!" Despite being under the full effect of the 'Stare,' Gohan started to walk toward the butter yellow pegasus undeterred. "W-what?"

"He's resisting the stare!?" Rarity said in disbelief.

"Get out of there Fluttershy!!!" Applejack exclaimed.

Just as Gohan reached her, the ground jettisoned out and slammed into Gohan. Discord appears before Gohan, a furious sneer adorning his features, as he held up his talon arm. "Sorry! Playtime's over!" He said darkly. With a snap of his fingers, Discord summons an air bubble around Gohan's head. It swirled in multiple directions while scything off his air supply. Gohan felt himself begin to suffocate. He swiped at the air bubble, hoping to dispell it, but to no avail. Scootaloo saw the distress Gohan was under and flickers over to Discord. Too much was happening at once, leaving the purple maned pegasus to strike Discord brazenly. Discord rubbed his cheek and stared at the filly in disbelief before he scowls at her. "What pray tell are you doing!?"

"I - uh - you were... You were hurting him! And--" She stammered out. All of this madness was too much to process.

"NO! I was going to let him pass due to lack of oxygen!" Discord wanted to berate, but a green light shining from their right notified the pair of imminent doom. Gohan sweeps and fires multiple Ki blast in a widespread radius. Scootaloo froze as the attacks approached her. She barely registered hearing a snap before safely finding herself next to Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo manages to get her wits about just in time to see Discord consumed in a volley of explosions.

"DISCORD!!!" Fluttershy screamed. She rushed into the smokescreen. She found Discord blown to pieces. Fluttershy fell to her knees with a vacant stare on her face. She reached out and gently cradled the dismembered head against her form. "...Please no..."

Gohan went to advance, but Goku appeared in his path. Without uttering a single world, Goku charges forward, hoping to stop his son's violent spree of terror. Gohan met his charge halfway, and the two slammed their forearms against one another, producing a massive shockwave. The two warriors - Father and son - entered a heated exchange of blows. Gohan threw a straight punch that was intercepted by Goku's forearm. He strikes back with a knee to Gohan's sternum, but it had little to no effect and only seemed to infuriate the Berserker more. Gohan lands a spinning elbow strike to Goku's face that staggers him back, allowing Gohan to close in until he was pressed up against his father's chest. With a flex of his power, an explosion of Ki expels from Gohan's torso. Goku grunted as the surprising maneuver forces him to the ground. Goku rolls backward into handsprings as Gohan plunges his fist into his former position, destroying the field even further. Gohan rose to pursue his father, but Trunks cut him off.

"You need to be stopped!!!" He stated. Trunks began rapidly weaving his hand before he levels both arms out to Gohan. "Burning Attack!!!" Instantaneously, Gohan erects a shield to stop the burning orange ball of destruction. Trunks' attack collided with the barrier, and the two entered a power struggle. However, Gohan quickly began to take the advantage as his barrier slowly pushed back against Trunks' attack.

"Haaaa!!!!" The barrier came to a screeching halt the moment Goku's Kamehame-Ha joined the fray.

As the struggle continued, Chrysalis made it back to her hooves and was currently making her exit. A bitter frown was written all over her features. "Everything was going so well! H-how could things turn out like this?" She winces as she cradles her stomach area.

"The answer is straightforward," A familiar voice said, one that made the changeling queen pale. The Saiyan prince hovered in the air with his arms crossed as he smirks at his opponent's state of being. "You took a gamble in bringing the Dragonballs here, and it failed. Not that I could fault you for that. I mean it was a sound plan in theory, but that's all it was in the end; just an idea that was better on paper. Of course, your worse mistake was thinking you could ever control a Saiyan. Oh well, I guess arrogance is the slowly methodical killer,"

"Don't you dare lecture me on ambition! The amount of defeats you've suffered due to your pride is more than I can count on hand!"

Vegeta chuckles at this. "There is a distinct difference between us when it comes to pride..." It happened in an instant. Chrysalis was far from ready in her weakened condition. She could do nothing as Vegeta's fist broke through her chitin and pierced her stomach. Blood poured from her muzzle as she sent Vegeta pained full glare. "My pride is alive and well while your ambitions end here. It's time to reap what you sowed!!!" And with that, Vegeta gathers his Ki into his palms. A glow emitted from Chrysalis' abdomen as her eyes went wide. "Yah!!!"



Trunks caught sight of an explosion in the distant and felt the presence of his father's and Chrysalis' Ki in the center of it. "Goku! I think my father and Chrysalis may be over there," He said with a grunt.

"Vegeta can handle himself! We've to put an end to Gohan's rampage. Now focus!!" Goku retorted. As the two opposing parties fought for supremacy, Gohan's shield faltered for a brief moment.

"He's weakening?" Upon closer inspection, Gohan's hair flickered from lime green to gold. His energy dome also started to become more transparent.

"Now's our chance!"

Goku and Trunks poured on the pressure while Gohan's power fluctuated between stable and irregular. The Berserker Super Saiyan noticed something was afoul and added more power to his barrier. The barrier started pushing the two elder Saiyans back while Gohan panted heavily. Scootaloo watches on by Rainbow's side with increasing concern. She looks around the battle to all those either dead and wounded from a boy she and her friends become fond of during his stay. She tilts her head down, allowing her unkempt mane to cover her eyes. "None of this should be happening...!" Her voice caught a pitch as Rainbow looks down at her.

"Scoots?" She asked in confusion. Then, without warning, Scootaloo flares her aura and rushes to her friend, leaving Rainbow behind. "SCOOTS!!!"

Scootaloo flew over Goku and Trunks and pushed against the top of the barrier. To everyone's surprise, the dome gave way under efforts. The purple mane pegasus fell directly in front of Gohan. Gohan, in turn, growls at her presence. To rectify this irritating little detail, Gohan raised his hand and pelted with a volley of Ki blast. Scootaloo slammed against the barrier - Each attack the size of bean bags - twitched in pain. But there was a fire in the young pegasus eyes. She got back up and made a mad dash to Gohan. The enraged Super Saiyan tried to increase the volume of his attack, but his attention shifted between keeping the filly at bay and maintaining his protective barrier from outside forces. Scootaloo shielded herself and boosted her aura added defense. Slowly but surely, Scootaloo weathered the assault walked to Gohan, closing the distance with each step of her hoof. Gohan felt a small wave of dizzy hit him, and his sense of self-preservation took hold. He focused less on his barrier and more on his Ki blasts. Once again, Scootaloo was being pushed back against the relentless barrage. However, she planted her hooves in the dirt and concentrated. To everyone's amazement, Scootaloo stops losing ground. And the two adolescent found themselves in a contest of wills. She thought back to all of her mentors battle on her world and her time during training.

[Flashback - Five years ago - Everfree forest.]

"HAA!!!!" Spike and Scootaloo yelled out in unison. Their Ki flared intensely as the ground quaked.

"Easy does it you two. Don't overexert yourself. Let the power flow through your entire being naturally," Goku instructed. However, Goku's advice seems to do very little for his two students. They struggled to maintain control for a few moments before they reached their limit. Scootaloo was the first to fall, her aura cut off and she collapsed on the ground. Spike held on for a few more seconds before he too dropped to his knee's. Both of his students were thoroughly exhausted, causing Goku to smirk. He went over and offered both senzu beans. They ate them without a moments pause.

"Oh, Drake. You made channeling this power look easy," Spike stated.

"It was so hard to move! My body felt like jelly!" Scootaloo whined.

"Hehe, I can imagine. It wasn't a cake for me the first time either. But I want you both to be careful. This technique can seriously wreck your bodies if you're not careful. Whatsmore, you two are just starting out mastering your Ki energy. So for now until you trained up your bodies, I want you two to focus on channeling your energy. Do not use it unless it's an extreme emergency. Got it?" Goku's students nodded in understanding. " Good, now once more from the top," Goku said with a clap of his hands.

"Right!" Spike and Scootaloo said. They widened their stances and took a breath while harnessing their Ki. Their eyes burned with determination as they called forth their power.

[Present time.]

"KIAO-KEN!!!" Instantaneously, Scootaloo's white aura turned blazing red. Scootaloo felt every muscle in her body tense up. Her mane whipped around wildly as the ground cracked beneath her hooves.

"Scootaloo no! Your body is still developing! It's too early to use that technique in a real battle!!!" Goku exclaimed, causing everyone to panic.

"Scoots! That's going too far!!" Rainbow said.

"Y'all going to hurt yourself!!!" Applejack added.

"Trixie is confused. What is the danger here?" The show mare asked.

"I once wondered what that fire-like aura Goku often employed during his bouts and inquired to him about it. He called the Kiao-Ken technique. It greatly increases your fighting prowess. But..." Rarity trailed off, unable to say the rest due to the severity of the implication they faced now.

"What? What will happen if she uses this form?" Starlight butted in, not liking where this conversation was going.

"She could seriously hurt her body using it!" Pinkie finished for her friend.

For the first time, since his rampage started, a genuine look of surprise appeared on Gohan's face with a hint of worry. Scootaloo gritted her teeth gradually made her way to Gohan. The beserker Super Saiyan respond by hurl all the power he could muster at the persistent filly. Scootaloo had a much easier time getting closer to her friend. However, just the simple act of walking was proving a daunting task. She knew she wouldn't be able to maintain the Kiao-Ken forever. So Scootaloo threw caution into the wind and charge Gohan again, tearing through each of the blasts he launched at her. With his back in the preverbal corner, Gohan darted to his adversary as well. Gohan decided to strike first when he was close and threw out his fist. Scootaloo saw this waited until the last moment. As everyone cried out in dismay, she ducked under his fist and brought Gohan into a hug. She buried her head into his chest as she held on tightly. Bewilderment adorns everyone's features, especially Gohan's. It didn't last long as Gohan snarls and breaks away from the embrace. He cocks back his right arm, ready to end the filly right then and there when he stopped in his tracks upon gazing into her face. Scootaloo's eyes were overflowing with tears as they cascaded down her cheeks. Gohan's eyes slowly widened as Scootaloo spoke through her hiccups.

"P-please stop Gohan. Please - hic - come back to me. I don't want to tell the Crusaders and the Sugar Lumps we lost you after everything else that's happened. We love you too much to lose you to that bug queen's evil plans!" Despite her volume, everyone heard Scootaloo's heartfelt plea. It was words spoken with all the courage and love she could bring out. The two young warriors stood frozen in place as the hum from Gohan's barrier was the only sound heard in the area. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Gohan's hair faded back to an ordinary Super Saiyan color. His barrier dropped, and the teal pupils reappeared over his sclera. Gohan blinked once, twice, and then three times as Scootaloo beamed. She cut off the Kiao-Ken and embraces Gohan in another hug. "You're back!!!"

Gohan returns the hug as he replied. "Um? Where did I go? The last thing I remember was-- Chrysalis!!! Where did she go!?"

Trunks and Goku slowly approached the pair now that the threat was over. "She managed to escape during the conflict, but I think my father cut her off,"

"Conflict?" Gohan asked.

"Yes, you made quite a mess of things," Vegeta said as he landed by the group.

"I'm assuming since your here then Chrysalis is no longer an issue?" Piccolo asked as he hobbled over.

"Naturally," Vegeta said.

Gohan gasped out in shock at his state. "Piccolo! What happened to your arm!?" Gohan asked. There was a solemn look on the Namekian face as he ruffles Gohan hair.

"I'm glad you are ok Gohan,"

"Of course I'm ok, but you didn't answer my question!"

No present was willing to speak up. Scootaloo tried, but only ended up opening and closing her mouth. Gohan looked between his friends and noticed that most of them were missing. He looks around, and his heart stopped as he saw Tien, Krillin, and Yamcha bringing over the limp form of Master Roshi. Gohan could feel that his Ki was no longer present, indicating that he was dead. He looked around again, panic beginning to surface as he saw that Discord, Shining Armor, and all the changelings were also among the deceased. He took one look at at the faces of the Equestrian and saw the sadness and despair. Rarity, Pinkie, and Applejack were unable to look him in the eyes. Celestia and Luna gave him a sad but reassuring smile that made the pit in his stomach grow. Cadence and Fluttershy were the worse. The Element of kindness could only cry opening as her eyes read 'why?' Whereas Cadence, for the briefest of moments, had a look of anger directed at him before it dissolved into shame. Tears pooled in the youngest Saiyan eyes as the memories came flooding back. Gohan fell to his knees in despair.

"...No..." Gohan's voice was weak and lacking any of the usual innocence it once carried. Scootaloo hugged him deeper as her tears swelled anew. "What have I done!?"

Goku joined in on the embrace as he gave his son some comforting words. "It wasn't your doing, son. I promise I'm going to fix this!"

At that moment, Yamcha exclaimed in realization. "Hey yeah! We got the Dragonballs back, you guys! We can fix all this with a few easy wishes!"

"That's right! Goku died before, and Shenron brought him back!" Scootaloo supported, jumping on this new avenue of hope, and away from all this bleakness.

"That could work. The Dragonballs are more potent on this world than Earth. We may be able to right all the wrongs that have transpired," Piccolo agreed. The mood began to uplift as the elements and royals felt their hope rekindling.

"Awesome! Let's summon that dragon--"


The celebration died off as quickly as it came when a something impacted the ground in front of our heroes. The smoke cleared to reveal Spike and Ember picking themselves up from the crater. Their appearance suggests they were involved in a battle. Spike had a look of pure rage written on his face as our heroes followed his gaze to the four centaurs standing on the remains of the Hive castle. What made matters worse was the fact they possessed all seven Dragonballs. Goku expression hardened as he walked ahead and confronted the group of bulls. "Who are you!? What do you want!?"

The youngest member of centaurs glances down at our heroes and spoke. "We are the Sons of Tirek, and we only desire one goal: Salvation!!!"

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