• Published 2nd Mar 2017
  • 8,803 Views, 997 Comments

Dragonball MLP: World Tour! - ultrapoknee

The planet Earth faces a grave peril; the Dragonballs have disappeared, destroying the precious balance that holds the Earth in place. Now, Goku and the other Z fighters must travel back to planet Equis in order to retrieve them. Will they succeed?

  • ...

episode 30: Unforeseen Consequences!

[Desert Village.]

The wind swirled in the background as a cloaked figure traversed the abandoned hamlet of Desert Village. The harsh gales pulled at the hood, revealing Junior staring vacantly into his surroundings. His slow trek across the sandy terrain was calm and uneventful. On his aimless journey, Junior's hoof hits against something. He peers down to see an odd protrusion in the sand. Using his magic, Junior uncovered the corpse of another centaur. The ones they freed from with Tirek's reemergence. The desert sands were not kind to the bull. There was hardly any skin left on the upper body save for the patches of crust sandy and scabs. It didn't take long to deduce why the air was afoul from a horrible stench. It was the stench of death. Junior breathed in through his nostrils and shuddered. He did so again and barely held back a retch. It was symbolic in a way. The centaurs downfall came at the hands of Tirek and his sons. Junior continued on his path until he stops at one of the few huts left standing. Junior gently cradles a piece of the drapes fluttering in the wind. At that moment, a memory resurfaced.


Junior was wandering through the market, donning his cloak, as he looked around. His eyes landed a clothing vendor that had a crowd in front of it. "Hello, there. A moment of your time," A voice called out. "Here are the latest styles brought to you from our generous neighbors and refitted by yours truly,"

Curiosity grips the young bull as he looked upon the clothing display. "The fabric in his hands was well made. Far too good for what the other kingdoms usually sends us. You are saying that you refitted them, mister?"

"Siren, honey, and yes I certainly did. Why should we roll around in rags when we can flaunt our riches. It-"

"What is this frilly nonsense?!!!" A heckler called out.

"What do you mean, good sir?" Siren asked.

"These clothes are pointless and impractical!" Another called out.

"We're in a desert, not a fashion show!"

"What good will fancy fabric do us as the harsh desert winds will rip it apart!?"

More and more unrest arise as Siren tried to plead with the crowd. "Now, now, everyone. There's no need to get upset. What's wrong with a little beauty in our lives? Just becomes we live in a wasteland doesn't mean we have to look like trash," For a moment it appeared as though Siren's words pierce through the veil of bullheadedness. Sadly, it was a losing battle.

"The only trash here is this stupid vendor!!" A bull said before ripping the clothing apart. Siren wore an expression of horror as other members of the crowd followed his example.

"Wait. Wait! Stop this!" Siren cried out, but it was all for not. Soon, the others began to participate, going as far as tearing the drapes hanging on the side. "NO! Stop it! Listen to me!!!" However, Sien's pleas seemed to have the opposite effect and spur the vandals more. After a few minutes, all of Siren's work laid in tatters. The disgruntled crowd pleased with their wanton destruction and began to disperse with more crass comments.

"Look at that, plenty of trash here,"

"Next time make something useful!"

"A worthless possession for a worthless centaur!"

Junior watched the crowd leave from the sidelines, being the only one decent enough to not join in on the vandalism. He turns his attention back to Siren who appeared shell shocked by his kin. Junior turned his gaze back on Siren who collecting the shredded remains of his work. A small part of Junior felt pity for the centaur. It must hurt to have something you worked hard at easily refuted and destroyed. But, logically speaking, Junior had to agree with the hecklers. That clothing was ill-suited for the desert environment. They'd offer no use for hunting and protection. It was a luxury that their society couldn't support. His thoughts shifted to what his father might say about the centaur before him. He'd most likely call him weak. A shame of a centaur that was as useless as the product he was pushing to others. Although his mother would think differently. She would praise Siren for daring to be different and aspiring for something more than what his kind demanded of him. Junior was too in engrossed debating with himself that he didn't notice Siren standing up and approaching.

"Why are you still here? Want to rub more salt in the wound?"

Junior said nothing for a moment before handing Siren the fabric he was holding. As Siren went to collect his products, Junior spoke. "Why would you present clothing such as these? Surely you had to expect this kind of reaction,"

"Trust me, deary, this outcome was one of the more tame ones. But as for why I do this; it's because I can't stand this place. Everyone here is content with barely surviving with what we got, which isn't much mind you. Well, not me! I'm tired of the same stale backdrop. I can bring so much beauty to our little town, but they won't let me. They won't listen to me!!!"

Junior nodded slowly in understanding. "You seek change. You wish for the masses to respect your insight. Perhaps you and I can help one another,"

Siren became surprised that someone was not only willing to hear him out but help him in his cause. He narrows his eyes at Junior as he spoke. "You're serious, aren't you?" Junior nodded again. "Hmm. Well, I can't see how a random centaur can help me with my woes, but I have nothing else to lose so how will we do this?"

"Are you familiar with Tirek?"

"Hmm, the tall, muscular fellow that tried to revolt against the ponies a few weeks back and got banished for his troubles? Everyone knows him, dear. He became quite the talk when some bull like him gets beaten by the ponies. What about him?"

Siren flinched at the sharp glare Junior sent him before he began walking away. "Come, we have much to discuss,"

Unsure of the offense he caused, Siren hesitated a moment before following after the young centaur. "No problem, deary. Maybe we can start with your choice in attire because cloaks are hardly fetching,"

The memory faded as Junior moved away from the stall. "You had passion. A vision of beauty that others could not see..." Junior went downcast as he continued. "A vision no will ever see,"

Junior continued on his path as he looks around. The scenery never changed from the current that was desolation. But his eyes were drawn to another building Junior recognize. It was once a fighting ring where centaurs settled any disputes. The inside of the ring was worse than the outside. Several holes littered the ceiling and walls, allowing sunlight to shine through. A shroud of sand covered the bleacher seats to the point of being buried. Junior walks further in and swipes away the sand covering the arena. He kneels down while softly placing his palms on the ground and closes his eyes. He could still hear the roar of the spectators cheers as the announcer provides commentary for the fights. The meaty thwacks from the impacts the fighters would deal out to each other. It was not a scene for the faint of heart. But it was also the place where Junior met his next recruit.

Siren's eyes twitched in irritation as he and Junior beheld the spectacle in front of them. "Honestly, dear, I know you need an extra set of hands for this mission of yours, but must we come looking for them here?"

"Do you indeed to assist in the inevitable conflict we will face on our journey?" Junior counted.

"Heaven no! Do I look like a canvas for the busted muzzle and bloody bruises? I am a treasure that's to be preserved and protected!"

"Then we will remain for the bull who has no qualms for getting injured,"

Just then. The announcer introduces the fighters as four bulls entered the ring. Three of them stood on opposite against one lone centaur. The height difference was staggering. The lone bull was the same size as Junior, and he was still a teenager. The announcer explained that the three centaurs on the right slighted the lone centaur on the left. Thus, leading to the premiss of today's bout. Everyone was quick to mock the lone bull, but he paid them no mind. The announcer started the fight, and the three went to surround their opponent. However, the lone fighter rears up and slams his hooves forward, causing the sand to kick up into his aggressor's eyes. This move momentarily blinds all three while the shorter bull tackles the enemy on the left to the ground and begins assaulting him with blows. Sadly, that was all the offense the diminutive bull could manage as the other two recovered. They pull him off their comrade while pinning him to the ground. The beaten centaur recovered and went to trample on his foe with his friends aiding in the assault. From there, the match was over. However, whether out of pure guts or stubbornness, the smaller centaur would not admit defeat. Eventually, the trio of centaurs beats the smaller one into unconsciousness. Everyone filed out of the ring save for Siren and Junior who stood over the beaten centaur. Junior's horn lit up as his aura shrouded the centaur thus rousing him from his forced nap.

"I can't say that was wise. Why fight three on one when the outcome was clear as day," Siren chided.

"You got a problem!?" The minute bull shouted. He charges at the pair only for Junior capture him in his magical hold.

"The fight promoter was vague on the details of grievances with your opposition. Why challenge them to an unwinnable fight?" Junior asked.

"What do you care for, anyway!? You're just like them! You all look down on me because of my height!"

There was a subtle shift in Juniors features that morphed into a deadpan expression. "We're the same height..."

"Are you sure about him, dear? A hot-tempered bull such as him won't be of much use saving Tirek," Siren said.

"You both want to free Tirek!? Why?" The centaur asked.

"He is my father!" Junior said, throwing the bull completely off.

"The spawn of the desert hero standing in front of me? Ha! It is a good day! I go by Raam,"

"You seem to be a fan. Hard to find many of those these days," Siren said sarcastically.

"Only a fool wouldn't praise Lord Tirek. He embodies all that we should be; Strength, Power, Pride!" Raam praised. "If any centaur would get me, it would be him. Advocacy from one will finally garner the respect I deserve! I will help you with your quest!" Raam declared.

"I don't recall us ever agreeing to this union..." Siren whispered to Junior.

"It is done. Let's go," Junior stated. The trio went on their way despite Siren's dismay and Raam's eagerness.

Junior left the fighting after his memory concluded. "Why is this happening? What purpose does it serve to remember them?" He racked his brain for an answer to come to him. Alas, none ever did. However, Junior went with a hunch and made his way to the market, or what was left of it. It didn't take long to sort through the half-buried stalls to find the spot where they met Pudge. He sat down, ignoring the howling winds blow past him, and waited. The memory began to stir within him.

"Is there a reason we're wasting time here?" Raam snarled.

"You're not sociable, are you? But I have to agree with anger management here; why are we in the market place?" Siren asked.

"Supplies. Our journey will be a one," Junior said, lugging a crate on his back. "There may also be an opportunity to recruit another for our cause,"

Junior pulled out a flyer and displays it for Raam and Siren. "Oh dear, looks like there's going to be a public flogging. Such a grand spectacle for a bunch of bulls celebrating their sadistic tendencies,"

"I know. It's glorious! The perfect way to cull disorderly conduct," Raam stated proudly.

"I am sure you speak from experience, huh?" Siren teased causing Raam to frown.

The trio walked in silence as they stood in the back of a crowd. A heavy set centaur sat on his knees while the stock secured his head and arms. He struggles futilely against his prison while a bull and a doe stood on both sides of him. In their hands were six string whips. The prosecutor began laying out the chubby centaurs offense about he snuck extra rations for himself. This revelation naturally spurred a negative reaction from the crowd and Raam himself. They began chanting the phrase "Flog him!" over and over again. And flog him they did. They circled to his back and raise their whips high, building anticipation, and brought it down hard. A cry of pain came from the bull as noticeable red marks appeared on his back. The two exacting the punish flicked their hands down again, alternating their timing so that the blow came in continuous motions, to deal the most damage. After five minutes, the whipping ended while the chubby twitched in agony. They released him from the stocks and left him to curl up and sob. The crowd dispersed, leaving Junior, Siren, and Raam with the blubbering centaur.

"Aw. Capable punishment at it's finest," Raam said contently.

"You are contemptible if you find this..." Siren gestures to the wailing centaur. "Appropriate,"

Raam shrugs at this. "It's not my fault others are frail,"

Siren scoffs at this while approaching the crying centaur. He gently placed a hand on his back, only to pull back at the sight of blood. "You should get these looked at, deary,"

"Why are we wasting our time with this sad sack!?" Raam shrieked.

Junior ignored his two cohorts for a moment and lit his horns with magic. A moment later, all the wounds the chubby bull received vanished before their eyes. This action causes the centaur to look up at Junior in confusion. "You helped me?"

"Why were you slated for flogging?" Junior asked.

"Some bulls took my food. I went to get more, but they said I got my fill for today. When I tried to tell them what happened, the ones that stole my share blamed me for stealing more food," The centaur blubbered.

Junior nods in understanding while levitating an apple from his crate. He offers it to the chubby bull who devours the fruit instantly. Siren and Raam recoil in disgust as Junior spoke. "What'st your name?"

"Pudge. Can I have another?"

Raam lets a frustrated groan as Junior supplies Pudge with another apple. "We're bringing him with us, aren't we?"

"It would appear so, but I'd say fits right in with us misfits," Siren stated. Suddenly, Siren, as well as Raam and Junior, found themselves pulled into a bear hug courtesy of their newest member.

"I never had anyone feed me like this. You are my new friends!" Pudge exclaimed.

Raam struggled vehemently to free himself while Siren shields his hair from the falling crumbs. Junior eyes were open in shock as he felt the embrace. The word resonated in his ears as he opens his mouth. "..."

"...Friends..." Junior stated softly. The wind blew past his mane while his gaze bore a hole into the sand. "They were my friends? I never..." Junior paused when he felt a moisture gliding down his cheek. He lifts his hand to find a trail of liquid falling from his eyes.

"Tears for the fallen? You have betrayed me in every aspect, boy!"

Junior jolted to his hooves while turning his head on a swivel to find the source of that voice. "Father?" He called out.

"I never would've guessed that I raised such a weakling. But, then again, you do take more after your mother!" Junior whips around again, shock gripping his being, as he stared down his father. "I'm sure you are curious of my being here after my apparent demise, but make no mistake, I am as real as the blood in your veins is mine!"

Junior frowns and launches a beam spell at his father. Only for it to harmlessly pass through him. Junior knew from that moment that Tirek had to be an apparition. He decided the best course of action would be to run away. The young bull took off in the other direction, galloping as hard as his legs could take him until he took refuge in one of the stalls. However, before Junior could relax, Tirek was there beside him. "Trying to hide?" He questioned. Junior ignited his horn and vanished from sight. As he reappeared in the fighting ring, Tirek was there in full view. "I never thought you to run away!!!"

Again, Junior teleported away. But each time, his father was there, ready to berate and disown him. The mental and physical exhaustion of his current predicament, as well as the stress from events prior, finally took their toll. Junior reappears again on the outskirts of Desert Village. His eyes widen as he gazes upon his old home. It was still somewhat intact despite the state of everything else in town. A memorial to Junior's upbringing. Tirek was there again, standing in front of the doorway, as he glared down at his son. There were a few times where Junior saw his father glare at someone like this. It sent shivers down the young bulls' spine every time. But this was the first time Junior felt the full impact of his gaze. It was the first time Tirek ever looked that way at him, and he knew why.

"I betrayed you..."

"Yes, you did! A traitor to my teachings. A traitor to your cause! A traitor to yourself!!! Your 'friends' are dead because of you!!!"

The more his father spoke the more Junior started to believe it. The world faded out with only Junior and Tirek. The only sound of his father's horrid voice. Junior felt himself suffocating as he started to hyperventilate. He covered his ears in a desperate attempt to drown his father out, but Tirek only seems to get louder. Finally at his wit's end, Junior called to the one person he hoped would rescue him. "MOTHER!!!!!!"

His cry caused Tirek to stop his tirade as he stares down his with a blank expression and begins to laugh. "Oh ho, ho, ho. When all else fails, you cry for your mother. Thus cementing everything I've known from the moment of your conception-- You are worthless!" Junior buried his head in the dirt to hide his growing shame. "Go ahead and cry. It's all your good for anyway. As if your mother would come to your aid when you betray her as well-"


Two footprints. That's all it took to bring to silence Tirek. He looks up to see his father frozen in agony before releasing a harrowing scream. A light shone where Tirek once stood. It grew brighter and brighter until the darkness ebbed away. Junior could scarcely believe it when the forms of Illana and Scorpan came into view. Junior was awestruck while Scorpan and Illana held reassuring smiles toward him. Junior stared at his only remaining family and shied away. Illana wasn't having any of that. "No, my son. I will not allow you to look away from me. It is not you that has failed or slighted me in any way shape or form. I should've done so much more for you, yet I allowed Tirek to full poison your mind with the same ideal that I loathe. I shall not make that error again. You are my son, and I love you!" With that said, Illana pulls Junior into a hug, gently caressing his head while humming a soft melody.

"She speaks for both of us. It was not an easy decision for me to inform the royal sisters of Tirek's plans. But it was something that needed to occur. I am sorry you got immersed in his madness," Scorpan said, joining in on the hug.

Tears flowed freely from Junior's eyes. Scorpan, the gargoyle Junior considered a traitor, gave him his forgiveness and comfort. Despite everything that's transpired, Junior was not alone, abandoned or forgotten. He buries his head deeper into his mother's hold and spoke in a soft tone that was loud enough for them to hear. "...Thank you..."

[Dragon Lands - Later that day - Ember's chambers.]

A yawn escapes Spike's snout as he and Ember laid in her chambers. Ember shifts beside him as she spoke. "Can't sleep?"

"Yeah, just thinking Goku and the others," Spike replied.

"You don't think they'll win?"

Spike snort at this. "Hardly. They'll win, and it's going to be some story when we meet again,"

"It might be sooner than we think considering that Bulma woman is making a portal for our worlds. I wonder what it's like?"

"Can't be any weirder than our world, that's for sure. But then again, if Shenron is any indication, their dragons might be something else," Ember tenses at the mention of the Eternal Dragon while letting out a small growl. "Come on, Ember. He's not that bad,"

"Sorry, can't help it. A Dragon's size dictates how they are perceived. Shenron could easily be made Dragonlord from the mere sight of him,"

"Hmm, he doesn't seem like the fighting type. Won't other dragons revolt if he tried to take over?"

"Other dragons wouldn't even try! That's what makes him a threat!"

Spike couldn't help but smirk down at his mate as he spoke in a teasing tone. "Is he a threat to the dragons here or is he a threat to your rule?"

Ember stares blankly at Spike for a time while Spike kept his smug grin. In response, Ember flicks her tail into his snout causing him to snort. Spike retaliated by doing the same with his tail. It went back and forth for a few seconds before, eventually, both of their tails coiled around each other while they share a laugh. Ember stops as she sits on her knees and cups his hands. She gazed into Spike's eyes before she gave him an unusual request. "Kiss me,"

Spike was taken aback by the seriousness of her tone. "...Ok..."

Spike goes to lean in, but Ember stops him. "I don't mean an average kiss. I want the same kiss we shared when we became one," Spike nods in understanding as his emerald fire build in his maw. Ember did the same as their two flames melded together. Their snouts then compressed the magenta fire within their maws. The kiss lasted for a few seconds before Ember pulls away. Her pupil's darts side to side while Spike holds his position in content.

He opens his eyes and spies the look of uncertainty in Ember's features. "Something wrong?"

"No. Thank you for humoring me," Her features relaxed as she snuggled against Spike. "It's nice to reaffirm our bond every now and again. I was sure that..."


"It's nothing,"

Spike shrugs as he wraps his arms around Ember. "You don't have to tell me you worried. Things got crazy, but it all worked out," Ember coos as Spike gently rubs her shoulder. However, unbeknownst to her, Spike raises his free hand from view, watch as his scales morph from its usual amethyst color to near jet black. "Yep, everything is as it should be, maybe even better,"

[Outer World - World of the Kai.]

"Grand Kai, we have a real mess on our hands! North Kai's blundering has put the south quadrant of the galaxy in complete jeopardy!!!!" A tall pink tone man stated.

"Just what are you implying, South Kai!? The Dragonballs are back on Earth where they belong, and the guilty party is currently resting in HFIL!" A shorter blue-skin tone man retorted.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, North Kai. Planet Equis was one of the very few planets that went on the blacklist for a reason! It's a very delicate matter filled with several rules and regulation," South Kai took this time to glare down at his compatriot. "Rule that you failed to uphold!"

"How can I fail if I don't even know what you're blabbing about!?"

"It goes like this daddy-o. We keep planets like Equis on the down low because a lot of mean cats want to use its magical potency to spread bad vibes. The best way to keep everything right as rain is to hide them and ban any visitation, you dig?"

"Astute as always, Grand Kai," South Kai praised.

"Sycophant!" North Kai grumbled. "That doesn't explain how I messed up!"

"Your main squeeze Goku broke through the veil, crashed through the walls we set up to keep the baddies from harshing the mellow of that world," Grand Kai explained.

"But it wasn't Goku's fault he got caught in an electrical space storm!!" North Kai protested.

"It's your solemn duty as an overseer of the north quadrant to report any irregularities. Since you didn't, Goku went to a planet he wasn't supposed to be on, allowed a stowaway resident that never should've left, and upset the balance of the very universe by allowing the Dragonballs off their natural resting place," South Kai elaborated.

A trickle of sweat began to build over North Kai's brow. "Um,"

"It would take some time to get things back under wraps. But Equis will catch the eye of any wildcat looking for world domination," Grand Kai said. "Pay the piper and play it closer to the chest next time, you dig?" North Kai reluctantly agreed as Grand Kai addressed South Kai. "Right on, Oh, South Kai. We delivered that hot chickadee to your world. See if you can mellow her out,"

"No trouble at all, your excellence," South Kai said before smirking at North Kai. "I'll expect your restitution by the end of the week, North Kai," South Kai bid his a due, leaving a disgruntled North Kai behind.

"Grr. Pompous blowhard. But still, it would've been better if I had prior knowledge of the arrangement surrounding that planet," North Kai said.

"Them's the breaks, North. All we can do now is chillax and hope no one notices Equis before we can get things squared away," Grand Kai said.

North Kai puts his hands behind his back and looked up at the ceiling in deep contemplation. "Somehow, I don't think we'll be that lucky..."

[Outer Space - ???]

Deep in the recesses of space. A lone spaceship travels through the void. Inside the ship was a tiny bald alien wearing a puffy orange coat with a black shirt and blue kilt. "Urg. Is there anything more boring then soaring through the cosmos? It's nothing but the same pitch blackness sprinkled with stars,"

Beside him was a pointy-eared pink-skin man that wore all blue clothing. Upon his forehead was the letter M. A smirk adorned his features as he responded. "It will all be worth it soon, Master Babadi. As the energy scanner informed us of a planet with a high concentration of live energy ready to be absorbed is in the North Galaxy,"

"One can only hope Dabura. The last few planets might as well been barren wastelands. At this right, I will never realize my goal of bringing this universe under my thumb,"

Before Dabura could reply, the doors to the main deck opened. A servant came rushing in with an odd device in his hand. "Master Babadi! Master Babadi!"

"Yes, what is it?" Babadi asked with no small irritation.

"Look at this! The scanner is fluctuating wildly!" The servant said.

"We already know of these readings. Don't waste the master's time with such trivialities," Dabura scolded.

"No! This scanner is different. This one is designed to key into the specific wavelength for mana!!!"

This remark instantly got Babadi's attention. "You better not be making a joke! That scanner hasn't detected a trace of mana in years!" Babadi brought the device closer for inspection. What he saw caused his mouth to fall to the fall. "I-Impossible! I've never seen such a high quantity of mana in that quadrant!"

"What does this mean, Master Babadi?" Dabura asked.

Babadi released a vile laugh as he spoke with glee. "It means we're changing course! I want this ship in the South Galaxy before the week in out!!!" The servant nods before running out of the room.

"What about the planet in the North Galaxy?"

"I will simply teleport us there if need be, such a feat is mere child play. We want to get ahead of this before those blasted Kai's do. But not even they will thwart my plans now!!!"

Author's Note:

Whoo. Finally complete. It's been a good ride. So what's next? I will be taking a break for like a bit to hash out the third and final sequel. But there are other stories I've got on the back burner so look forward to those. thanks for reading.

Comments ( 18 )

All I ask is PLEASE don’t make teen Gohan into the same disappointing, wasted potential his actual canon self is. I mean seriously, all that build up, all that power, all that hype of him being Goku’s successor as Earth’s defender, ALL WASTED! What the hell Toriyama?


Need work on spelling and grammar.

Wait final sequel? So, no Super?

I cant wait to see what happens next I also hope to see the other characters brought into the story like android 17, chi-chi, and possibly videl if possible. I do hope goku and gohan also make an awesome moment in the story with a father and son kamehameha

Oh boy, this is going to be amazing :D

I can't wait for the Buu saga and the mane cast reaction to Goku's death.

I wonder, if Buu absorb a pony, could he transform into a pony?

It's more like he gains their abilities than outright becoming a pony. Buu's body is mailable, so it stands to reason that he can simply morph his body into looking like a pony. But, to use their magic, then he has to absorb them. He also takes them characteristics like when he absorb that one Kai ( I forgot his name.) and became fat Buu.


More reason for Buu to become a pony, just like with the Kai

Yeah, but I mean he will still be pink and Majin-Esq. I could mess around with the idea. I already have something in mind in fact.

Will Gohan keep training like he should have in canon? Maybe Scootaloo inspired and motivated him to?

Nope. That will still be in the story.

And here comes a love triangle between Gohan, Videl, and Scootaloo.

I really want them to see the memories of the cell games.

Please keep Gohan and Videl cannon. Pan's too adorable and i would honestly pay to see Scoot's (and everyfilly else) react to him having a girlfriendm

The planet Earth faces a grave peril; the Dragonballs have disappeared, destroying the precious balance that holds the Earth in place. Now, Goku and the other Z fighters must travel back to planet Equis in order to retrieve them. Will they succeeded?

:facehoof: surprised no1 in the comments picked up on this yet

Another good story. Kinda sad Sombra didn't reappear and honeslty he was better villain that Tirek was but I'm glad the other Z fighters showed up to Equis this time. And cool cliff hanger at the end!

Can't believe Spike isn't himself ;-;

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