• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 119 - Starlight and the Plan

“Anon…” You hear a voice call to you in your sleep

“Anon, I’m just…” And with that, you feel your sleeping bag pulled from you so hard that you spin and fall on your back. “There, good, awake already. We need to talk, like, right now.”

What in the?! You quickly stand up, awoken from your slumber, and look around. Who would just pull, OH SHIT! “Starlight?! W-what are you doing here?! Why are you waking me up so early?!” You felt your heart jump start not only from the sudden waking, but the fact that you were already worried about Starlight finding out about the recent going ons with Chrysalis. Like fuck, you wanted to tell her on your own time, but given her hard stare, it seems she already found out.

“Came here to talk to Princess Twilight about letting me majorly adjust my office at the school. But then that turned into me finding out about all this new Chrysalis stuff. Like, really?! I understand this all happened in a span of a day and nopony had time to tell me. But if there was going to be a meeting, I should have been there! And no, I’m not mad at you, I know it was Twilight who called that meeting. And no, I’m not mad at her, I was, but now I’m not, we had an argument annnnnndddd….” Starlight then points to you, shit, she was already really on edge. “Really, Anon? How could you possibly think it’s that simple?! Nopony even thought of all the possibilities Chrysalis can think of to break that deal without actually breaking it! Ugh, even then, this is why I said to be careful, especially around her! I can’t believe this is happening at all. Anon, ugh…” Starlight sighs as she falls onto her butt, taking a seat in front of you as she composes herself. “I mean, if you were at least planning to visit her, why didn’t you take me instead? I know how Twilight can be, she even made me tell her to be quiet during one of her friendship speeches, like, after she stopped me.”

Oh hell, what the fuck is even going on? Twilight told her, it seems, and she got mad, and now she’s not mad?! Wut? “C-calm down, Starlight. Ok, um, so you know what happened, I guess. I mean, I was gonna tell you about it when I got the chance. Heh, mostly because I was worried you’d flip out if you found out some other way. Which, er, you did? Look, let’s start slow… Erm.” You look at her sheepishly. “Y-you said you weren’t mad at me, that’s true, right? Why? I thought you’d be really pissed at me no matter what, even with all the short notice everypony had. I know Applejack and Rainbow Dash got plenty angry when they were told.”

“Well, sort of, I actually was reeeeaaallly mad at you. Because, y’know, I tell you to be careful all the time. But I don’t know why I expect you to listen to me. I guess Twilight felt the same way when you got obsessed with protecting me way back when. And yeah, that’s when I realized you really just got this big thing with wanting to protect your friends, especially those you really have a good connection with. I mean, Chrysalis has tried to end you, and yet you’re somehow still good friends, it’s crazy. The only reason I can even guess as to why you do that is because you have so few friends already who ‘get’ you and your more human tendencies. Stop me if I’m wrong, but I think that’s the gist of it.” Starlight said, still rather stressed about everything. And holy shit. That, uh, was that it? It sounded right. When the fuck did she get this insightful?

“U-umm, I… Yeah? Geez, Starlight, are you ok? It sounds like your mind just went through a million conversations with yourself to figure all that out. I sorta only thought about it a few times, but it lines up. When did you get so psycho analytical?” Like, yeah, this felt a little unnerving coming from her.

“Just the first two days of counseling students has given me a real edge on figuring others out. You wouldn’t believe some of the big worries they have. I’m still trying to figure out some answers for a few of them to help put their nerves at ease.” Starlight tells you as she smiles and puts a hoof to her chest. “It’s pretty fulfilling though. I can see why Twilight likes helping others so much.”

“Yeah…” Ok, this was still unsettling. “So, you’re really not pissed at me? I kind of had it in my head that we were going to have this really big talk.”

Starlight rolls her eyes at you. “Anon, the world doesn’t revolve around you. What do you think this is, some story where everypony needs to know everypony else's lives through a singular character?”

Uhhhh… “Uhh, maybe? No, not really. Um, that’s oddly specific though for you to say that.”

Starlight suddenly felt a cold chill as she covered her chest with her legs. “I know, I suddenly feel creeped out. But uh, yeah, no. I’ve had time to figure it out. Plus, and don’t tell her I said this, but everyday living with Trixie sort of tempers my, well, temper.” Starlight then looks to you, and raises her hoof and taps the air, as if remembering something. “Actually, and I know this is going off the very important and main issue of Chrysalis, but I did speak to a friend of yours. You know Smolder, right?”

Hm? “I mean, yeah. She’s a pretty recent friend, really cool actually.”

“Yeah, look, I won’t tell you what we talked about, but I’m gonna tell you this. When you finally are taking classes at the school, do not let your eyes just trail off to every pretty mare you see. I swear, Anon, I do not want to deal with a bunch of students coming to me saying that the ‘Hero Colt’ is kind of creepy. Understand?” Starlight asks you, giving you a serious stare.

WHAT IN THE FUCK DID SMOLDER TELL STARLIGHT?! “Hey! I’m not that kind of colt! I have a marefriend, remember? I’m totallytrfgdmmfmdmgfmgmdfgfd” Suddenly, you can feel magical hands just gently stroking your mane and scratch along your back. You can’t help but stare at Starlight now, she suddenly looked so adorable. “Nnhnmmm”

“Yeah, like I said…” Starlight pulls back the magical hands and gives you a bop on the head with a hoof “I don’t want to deal with the other students calling you creepy, ok? Keep yourself in check.”

Geez, she didn’t have to bop you like that. Goddamn, you could easily handle yourself around some chicks. “First of all, that’s cheating. Secondly, I am in check!”

“Sometimes I wonder…” Starlight said, with another eyeroll, but she does have a quick chuckle about it before getting serious again. “Ok, on to business. Chrysalis, yeah, you all seem to have a pretty good plan. Except for the fact that none of you realize that she could just as easily get somepony else to get Twilight, hurting everypony in their path as they do so. How are we going to get around that?”

Huh, Chrysalis could do that, couldn’t she? But given this is a chaotically bound deal, it most likely had near douchebag genie-like rules. “Uhhh, don’t think she would do that. Chrysalis understands chaos pretty good, and the deal she made most likely extends to anypony she hires. She’d still be the cause of somepony else getting hurt, so that would be a big risk. And even then, I doubt there is anypony out there who’d want to kill Twilight. So whoever she gets wouldn’t be a pony, and would stick out like a sore hoof. And that is assuming, of course, she’s crazy enough to trust somepony to even try. Chrysalis doesn’t do partnerships either, she only does minions, and as we all know, most minions are kind of dumb.”

“So that is how it works, huh? Hmmmm…” Starlight began to ponder on that. “So as long as they are going by her will, it’d still be a big risk to her. Hm, kind of hard to figure out a way to use somepony else to get at Twilight if it still risks jeopardizing her existence. I already know she would have trouble doing it herself if what Twilight said was true about that weird changeling that lives with Applejack.”

“Yeah, we pretty much have our bases covered. Plus, Chrysalis is really weak right now, she couldn’t do anything to Twilight in her state. Without siphoning a crazy amount of love, she won’t be able to take her on in any way. Her plan is doomed to fail, I even think she knows that too. It’s just, y’know, her way of coping.” You sigh. Dammit, Chrysalis, as easy as a win this is, it’s still crazy to think she’d make such a deal. She was at such a terrible disadvantage, to the point it makes you think you’d have to protect her from accidentally hurting anypony else in some kind of rage.

“I dunno, she doesn’t seem like the type to just give up. But I can’t think of a way of getting close to Twilight without being noticed. Anon, look, just because everything seems one hundred percent foolproof, doesn’t mean it is. Watch your back, please. There could still be a way to use you to achieve her goals. She may not be able to hurt you, but if she gets that horn, then there is no way we can practically stop her if she beelines towards Twilight. I mean it, Anon. You want to see me angry at you? Mess this up and I’ll probably be the one in Tartarus. I’m serious, I know this could be it, the big one for your friendship with her, but be careful anyway. Got it, understand?” Starlight looks to you, a half serious, and half worried stare. She just wanted you to be ok, for you to be happy, for you to have your goal. But she also doesn’t want to see her other friends turned to soup.

“Y-yeah, Starlight. I promise, for reals this time, I won’t let you down.” You tell her as you pat your chest. “We’re equals, right?”

“Yeah, heh.” Starlight giggles as she baps your head lightly “Except when you finally show up for your classes, then I’ll be your counselor. Don’t worry, I can work out your kinks.” Starlight said with a wink.

You wink at her back. “You know, in human, you just sort of implied you’d have sex with me in kinky ways.”

Starlight’s expression soured as her horn glowed, bringing you a saddlebag with school supplies that she drops on your face.

“Ouch! Geez, sorry, gawd.” You say as you rub your nose, sneezing once, and then exhaling a bit to clear it up.

“I’m sure you are. These are your school supplies for your last day, Twilight told me to give them to you.” Starlight tells you, still rather displeased with that last comment.

“I guess. Fuck, uh, where is everypony anyway? I expected hugs from my aunt and breakfast and stuff.” Where did everybody go?

“My guess is Fluttershy just let you have your sleep, they all have responsibilities, y’know? Twilight is up in her library now, researching surveillance spells while she waits for Applejack to bring Scrappy over. And you, Anon, need to get going, you only have about twenty minutes to get to class.” Starlight tells you as she tries to ease up from your saucy comment.

“Pfft, is that all? I could get there in one, but I think I’ll walk it anyway to enjoy the morning air.” You still had one more day of unlimited POWAR! And you did want to finally visit Tempest Shadow. Been awhile since you’ve seen her, and this is the perfect opportunity to make a day of it. Just had to wait for school to end. You put on your horn and summon up your own saddlebag, opening it to let in your school supplies from the bag Starlight gave you. “Also, this is the only saddlebag I use. Near unlimited space, and yet I can always pull out what I need.”

“Just remember what I told you, Anon, don’t get too cocky, that’s all. Anyway, I better be getting to the office. Remember what I said, stay out of trouble, and keep your eyes open. But not for other mares, got it?” Starlight asks you

You nod “Yeah, I got it. You take care, Starlight.”

“You too, Anon” Starlight says back to you.

And she just teleports away after that. Ah, it gave you an itch to do that yourself, but you really did want to take the time to relax and uhh, oof, your tummy. Yeah, you use your magic to summon up a delicious sandwich for you to eat as you make your way out of the castle. And as you munch and trot down the entrance stairs to the castle, you suddenly hear a weak little whine.

“Pwofessor…” Said the weak little voice.

What? When you look to the side, just at the bottom of the steps… “Cozy?”

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