• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 260 - The Final Investigation

It was cold outside, frigid. You didn’t realize that it’d be snowing harder today, mostly because you never kept up with the pegasi forecast. You had your saddlebag, a thick winter hat, and a warm green and black scarf. You stood in front of Bonbon’s door. You took a deep breath, and went over things in your head.

You had zero proof, but there was a possibility Winter Krumb was evil. Starlight was off doing her own thing, and you only had yourself to blame in inspiring her. You had zero backup for which could possibly be nothing. Bonbon was a secret agent. You didn’t really know of what, but to you, it was a boon for what you needed. Your magic, as it was, was useless in finding Winter. But Bonbon? She should be able to find him just fine.

You extend your hoof, and knock on the door.

It didn’t take long for the door to open. Bonbon looked upon you, shocked, that you’d be out in the cold like this. “Anon, what are you doing out here? You couldn’t have waited a couple of hours for the snow to die down?!”

Oh… Well shit. “Erm…” You shifted your eyes left and right, then looked up at her with a sheepish grin before giving up a tired sigh. “I needed to see you, Bonbon.”

“Okay? Sheesh, it must be serious, then. Well, come inside and get warm. Lyra and I were waiting things out with some hot cocoa. You want some?” Bonbon offered as she let you inside, picking off your hat with her teeth and hanging it on a hat rack as she pointed towards a seat in the living room by a coffee table. Lyra was immediately in view, already happily waving at you while she held her cup up with her magic. You waved back, feeling a small sense of comfort knowing she seemed happy to see you more than suspicious.

“S-sure.” You said as you jumped onto the seat and plopped your butt down. Bonbon soon took her seat on the couch next to Lyra, and began to pour you a cup, pushing your cup towards you with her snout. You took it, and slowly sipped.

“Are you alright, Anon? What are you doing out in the cold?” Lyra asked, as her cheeriness turned to worry. “Didn’t you read yesterday’s forecast?”

“I think he’s here for something important, Lyra.” Bonbon said as she took a sip from her cup, her eyes focused on you.

“Important? I didn’t realize my recipe was that good. Hm, I would have expected Pinkie to be here more than him. Unless… Anon, are you choco-crazy?” Lyra asked. You thought she was joking, but she was actually quite serious.

“What?! No, I came here to see Bonbon. I… I have a problem.” You said, taking another sip, as you suddenly felt nervous. You didn’t expect to feel like you were on the spot.

“A problem? Alright, tell me what it is. Whatever I can do to help, I’ll do it.” Bonbon said without hesitation, inspiring Lyra.

“Wow, Bonbon! This is why you’re so awesome! But…” Suddenly Lyra became confused as she looked back at you. “You need her help, Anon? Is it Hearthwarming related?”

“Sorta? Look, I’ll just throw it out there. I have a friend named Cozy Glow. She’s just a little filly, but she’s made a penpal named Winter Krumb. And there’s something about that I don’t like.” You explained.

“Cozy Glow? Wait, the filly who was tricked by the Storm King?! Oh no, are you telling me she accidentally befriended another villain?” Bonbon said in shock, nearly spilling her cocoa. Seems she was taking this very seriously, and immediately picked up on your nervous vibes.

“I… I don’t know. Look, I’ll be honest. I have no idea if he’s even evil. I could just be overthinking it. There hasn’t really been anything suspicious, it just seems too convenient, really. Heck, she even sent him a bench an-” But as you explained, Bonbon interrupted you.

“Anon, relax. I don’t really know what’s going on here. Take a breath, take a moment, then explain everything to me from the beginning.” Bonbon said as she placed her cup down, her ears flicking then twisting slightly towards you as she gave you an unblinking and focused stare.

You looked towards Lyra. Did she need to know too? No, don’t worry about it. You could trust her, and you could trust Bonbon. Just gather your thoughts, and explain.

And explain you did. You explained how Cozy had made friends with him, the bench, your suspicions, the meeting, and even what the Storm King had told you before you sent him off into another dimension. “...I tried not to put too much thought after a while. But after my friends got suspicious? I dunno, I suddenly felt foolish on not following up on anything. I know it could be nothing, but if I could at least find the guy before he arrives, I’d know for sure.”

Bonbon leaned back, silent, seemingly processing everything you told her. But then she closed her eyes, and let out a sigh. “Anon, I’m sorry to say, but I can’t help you.”

Lyra gasped at those words. “What?! But Bonbon, it sounds serious!”

“It sounds serious, but it’s all based on a hunch. I’ll admit, what the Storm King said is cause for alarm, the fact she never had the staff could just point to his deteriorating mind. Even then, it isn’t like I don’t want to help. I do. But if his chaos magic can’t find him without something specific, what am I supposed to do within today and tomorrow?” Bonbon then looked at you, her expression softening. “Anon, I understand how you must feel. But realistically, I can’t do anything without something to go on. You didn’t get a letter, or Cozy didn’t give an exact location, something? You can’t ask her for some more information?”

The runes… “I could, she said she found the place. I actually don’t know how, it may have been in some paper or something. The weird thing is that he made it a puzzle to send larger objects to him. Like, it was another address. I dunno, I thought it was weird he’d expect her to solve the puzzle in the first place. It made me think the place didn’t accept large stuff, and he needed it secretly sent somewhere else.”

“A puzzle?” Bonbon asked.

“Yeah, some rune stuff. She wanted to send him the bench, but he made it a puzzle to get it to him. I just cheated by sending it as if it was already solved. If I could remember the runes, I’d be able to get there myself. Ugh, I need to ask her where this place is.” You groaned, covering your face with your hooves.

Bonbon frowned, and looked towards Lyra for a moment. She then nodded to herself, and tried to be more uplifting. “Anon, let me tell you this. I’ve been thinking about it, and the odds of this turning out bad are extremely slim. Like, you’re worried that somehow, she made contact with another evil villain. Now think about this. I admit, it is weird this guy wants to meet you over Princess Twilight, but who do you know who’d want revenge on you specifically that isn’t already gone?”

Hm? Where was she getting at? You decide to answer her question, and try to figure out what she means. “Well, the Storm King is gone. And there was this other guy who is gone, who as far as I know, never made contact with Cozy. Other than that, I can’t think of anypony who’d want to get at me specifically.”

“Alright, then that greatly reduces the chances this guy is bad news. Now, what are the chances in general that a filly would somehow make contact with another villain?” Bonbon asked.

…Hm, in the human world? Not very. But… Well… Who else could she contact? Who was left? “Really low, I guess.”

“Now, I’m not saying you shouldn’t be ready. But do you really think that Winter Krumb is some big villain? Anon, I’m really privy to, like, every bestiary and archive in Equestria. I’ve never heard of this guy, at all.” Bonbon said in a reassuring way before giving you a warm smile. “Don’t you think you’re worrying too much?”

…Possibly? “I guess. I mean, she never had the staff. But, why me? Why does he want to see me?”

Suddenly, Lyra piped up rather enthusiastically. “I know! There are exactly two possibilities!”

“Huh?” Both you and Bonbon reacted in confusion to Lyra’s outburst.

“Well, think about it. He wants to meet Anon, right? Well, possibility one is that this guy is actually a hippogriff! We don’t know too much about them, or Mount Aris. But we do know they absolutely love Anon, right? Could just be a super duper fan that found a way through Cozy to meet him and is being coy about it.” Lyra explained.

Huh… That sounds plausible. “Okay, I can believe that. What is possibility two?”

“Well, the second possibility is that Cozy is actually evil and this is one big plan to steal your horn with help from her partner, Winter Krumb.” Lyra said, her smile a little less enthusiastic.

“Uh, I don’t know about that second one, Lyra. Anon’s horn can’t be taken from him outright. And, Anon, your dad would know immediately if your horn was taken, right?” Bonbon asked.

For some reason, even if the possibility was low, that suggestion filled you with dread. “E-erm, sorta? He kinda acts when he feels like it. But just trying to take my horn like that? Even if Cozy was evil, I could blast the both of them before they even touch me. Villains have this tendency to monologue.” You explained. “Heck, the only reason the Storm King was able to beat me the first time was because he was chaos powered with his staff arm. Something I don’t need to worry about if that’s the case.” And yet, you still felt off.

And as if Bonbon could sense it, your unnerved demeanor, she responded. “Anon, even though it’s Hearthwarming Eve, I could make some spare time and watch over you while you have this little thing with Winter Krumb and Cozy Glow. Would that make you feel better?”

Ngh, even though the whole reason you were here was to get her help, and despite your own dread, you would feel horrible if you put her through this now that you knew the chances were slim to none. How could Cozy even be evil? You scanned her long ago to see if she was older than she was, or a demon, in which nothing turned up. Dammit…

“Hey, I can’t let you go alone, Bonbon. If you’re gonna help Anon, then I’m gonna be right behind you!” Lyra said with a cheer.


“Guys, look. I really appreciate it, I really do. But, you’re right about the chances, Bonbon. And heck, it could really just be an old hippogriff who wants to meet me. I don’t want you guys to change your plans over me, especially if it’s over nothing.” You say, giving up on your crusade.

“Are you sure, Anon? I know I said chances are low, but…” Bonbon sighed, almost reluctant with the next few words she was going to say. “...When it comes to you, anything can happen. If I can help, then I’m gonna help.”

“Likewise! Friends stick together, after all.” Lyra said with yet another cheer.

“Guys…” Your mouth began to twist as you began to tear up. “C’mon, you guys are wasting your time. I really don’t want you to now that I realize how dumb I’m being.”

Bonbon stood up from the sofa, and raised her hoof as she gently planted it on your head. “Anon, you came to me, in the cold, looking for help. Now, if you really really don’t want it, I’ll respect it. But, if you want it. Not even need it, but want it, tell me now, okay?”

You looked up at Bonbon, unable to stop your tears, so moved by her. But as you stared, you suddenly felt a dash of foolishness. Your promise, your promise not to involve anyone. You came here without thinking about it, hoping for help. But now that you were getting help in the way of having your back watched, you realized all it’d really do is put Bonbon and Lyra in danger. You were more than capable, due to your power, to stop whatever it was that could be evil. But what if Bonbon was taken hostage? Or Lyra? Cozy was already a liability, so you’d have to act quickly should the situation arise. Despite you wanting to desperately say yes, you drummed up the courage… To say no. “Bonbon, thank you, really. I know I came here for help, but really? It could be over nothing. It probably is over nothing. Heck, if it is over nothing, then something could happen to insult or ruin the guy’s experience. I’ll handle this on my own, and when it goes well, I’ll teleport to you guys and give you the news, first thing.”

Bonbon stopped for a moment, then smiled as she gave you a head pat. “Okay, I’ll respect that decision. And, ngh!” Suddenly, Lyra used her magic to bring you and Bonbon together as she jumped into the mix for a big hug.

“Besties hug!” Lyra squealed as she hugged the both of you.

As the three of you hugged, you could already see hope on the horizon.

Everything would be grand.

Everything would be merry.

But then there was a knock on the door as the heavy snow began to clear up…

Bonbon looked out the window to see that the snowing had already stopped. “Oh, another visitor? Hm, wonder who it could be?”

“Wow, and right when everything cleared up too.” Lyra said as she too noticed the nicer weather outside. “Were you expecting anypony, Bonbon?”

“No, but it could just be Pinkie doing a friendly check up on everypony in town. Pinkie, is that-” But Bonbon, as she opened the door, is caught in shock when she sees who was at the other end of the door. “Erm, h-hello?”

“Hi there! I’m Cozy Glow!” There she was, the innocent filly with the blue curly mane, dressed up in a warm blueish purple coat and warm beanie. “How are you?”

Bonbon quickly looked back at you, then back at Cozy with an awkward smile. “I’m doing alright. Cozy Glow? Yeah, I’ve seen you around town. What can I do for you?”

“Oh, well, golly, there really isn’t too much I’m asking for, really. I saw Anon come in here before the little snow storm but nopony had opened the door. It looked like he was just standing there. Did he get in okay? I’m so so worried, I hope he’s okay.” Cozy said, sounding very genuinely worried.

Cozy? You got up from your seat and looked forward from behind Bonbon. Bonbon looked back at you again, and she looked uneased. You couldn’t blame her, this was very eerily sudden. You moved a little closer to her and waved. “Cozy? No no, I’m here. You said you saw me? What were you doing out in the cold?”

“Me? Well, I was heading back to my dorm room at the school to make final preperfunerations for our welcoming party. I wanted to get there before it started getting cold, but then I saw you and saw you looked really weally worried about something. I know I shouldn’t have followed, but I wanted to make sure my favorite professor was okay. When you walked up to the door, you looked so, I dunno, you looked like you wanted to talk about something really private. I kinda didn’t know what to do. I asked myself, should I try to cheer you up? Or should I leave you alone so I don’t make you angwy by asking what’s wrong? But before I could do anything else, a nice pony hurried me inside his house because he didn’t want me to get cold. I tried to tell him that you were outside too, but we both saw the door finally open. But I didn’t know if you were let in or not, and I was worried this whole time about you. I’m so so glad you’re okay and warm! I don’t know what I would have done if something happened to you. I’d be the saddest filly ever, I think.” Cozy explained, in her typical adorably worried fashion.

Before you could answer, Bonbon, who still seemed suspicious, asked her a question. “Hm, I see. But you said you knew about the snowstorm, right? Why weren’t you inside earlier? You could have been in your room at any time.”

“Huh?” Cozy Glow looked up at Bonbon, and began to frown at her. “O-oh, because I wanted to get to the post office to see if Mr.Krumb had left me one last letter before he left to see us. He didn’t, which is okay! I was just wondering, that’s all. The post office was closing due to the small storm and I had already lost track of time, I had to be in a hurry.”

“He sends his mail directly to the post office?” Bonbon asked. It was like she was trying to figure something out all of a sudden. You didn’t expect her to suddenly be so suspicious.

“Yup! He’s kinda silly sometimes. He always sends his letters directly there for me to pick up, by name. And I always have to send his mail to all sorts of addresses, or he makes it a fun secret address, like with these rune thingies this one time that Anon helped me with. Do you remember that, Anon?” Cozy asked, looking back at you with a smile.

“Uhm, yeah, I remember.” Different addresses? What? “But different addresses? I thought he lived in some old folks place.”

“Oh, he kinda does. But he has his mail sent to different addresses because it’s super hard to get mail sent there directly. I should have explained that, it was hard for me to even send my first letter to him because there was no actual address for me to send it to at first. I just so happened to be lucky that our fine mail pony friends are good at finding places. W-why am I being asked so many questions? D-did I do something bad?” Cozy asked, looking back at you, then at Bonbon as tears began to slowly fill her eyes.

Bonbon began to relent. “Huh? O-oh, I was just curious. Anon was actually talking about Winter Krumb with us, I was just wondering where he lived in case he needed another friend to send mail to. Right, Anon?”

“U-um, right. Exactly right.” You said with a nod.

“Oh, that makes sense. And, erm, I’d wish we could talk more, but I really have lots to do to make sure everything is ready. I even got some super duper extra secret ingredients for the yummy food and drinks we’ll have. I gotta learn how to use them just right to make everything extra tasty, so I don’t really have a lot of time to talk.” Cozy said before giving a cheery smile and waving to you. “Bye, Anon! Bye bye, everypony!” She said as she scampered off towards the school.

Lyra just walked up from behind the both of you, and spoke. “Wow, that was really really convenient, huh?”

Bonbon narrowed her eyes as she lurched her neck some to observe Cozy for a moment before closing the door. “Yeah. I’m not one to suspect fillies, but does anypony feel like she mentioned the whole address thing on purpose? As if she heard we were trying to find Winter and was trying to throw us off?”

…Mnnngh. “How would she have heard? She wasn’t inside, and she couldn’t have been out in that storm.”

“Yeah, Bonbon. Do you really think she’d be crazy enough to hang around by the window or something? It may have not been a serious storm, but it was still really cold.” Lyra reminded her. “I mean, I admit it is super coincidental. But that happens a lot, doesn’t it? Remember when the whole town got rounded up for Cranky and Matilda’s wedding? Pretty crazy they’d all be rounded up for it at the same time, don’t you think?” Lyra said as she looked at Bonbon with worry. “She’s just a little filly and you’re acting like she’s the dangerous one.”

"Weren't you the one who s-ugh" Bonbon took a moment, then shook her head. “You know what, Lyra? You’re right.” Bonbon then looks at you, she didn’t seem as trusting in Lyra as she let on. “Unless you noticed something wrong. Did you, Anon?”

So many things. So many damned things. But listening to Lyra’s explanation of coincidence, and knowing how hard a coincidence can be only for it to blow up in one’s face, you decided to stay silent, and give it as much thought as you could. Cozy being there, the address issue suddenly being so conveniently mentioned and making it impossible to locate Krumb, her just checking up on you while you were talking about her in general was fucking weird.

None of that means anything without the staff, though. The one thing the Storm King seemed so keen on was that she had it, and without that, the rest of his words really were crazy talk. It was now so coincidental you could feel it breathing on your neck to make the misstep of accusing Cozy of foul play. “No, Lyra is right. As strange as that all was, it doesn’t mean anything if she doesn’t have the staff. It almost feels like fate is making me want to accuse her of everything. But, look, here’s what I know. All signs pointed to that staff, which she doesn’t have, and has no way of sending in the mail, ever. I think I was just really overthinking things, and I need to relax.”

Bonbon let out a tired sigh. "So do I, I think. For some reason, my instincts are shooting off left and right. But, nah, something like this is unheard of. Probably because it'd never happen in the first place."

“Wow, it almost feels like all of this was pointless.” Lyra interjected before walking up to the door and stepping outside. “Oh well, anypony want to go ice skating? I bet the lake is super thiiiiiick.” She said, wiggling her eyes at the both of you as she held up two pairs of ice skates. "Anon, you can make your own, right?"

Both you and Bonbon looked towards Lyra, exasperated. But what else were you going to do? You stressed yourself because your friends made an error, and you wasted nearly a day on nothing, while wasting Bonbon and Lyra’s time. Well, at least Lyra was okay with it.

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