• Published 16th Jun 2018
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Dadonequus Discord (Book 2) - CrazedLaughter

With the exodus of Chrysalis, Anon's life finally starts to go back to normal. Or rather, as normal as it can be when being the adopted son of the spirit of chaos. But new problems await him. What they are? Who knows...

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Chapter 152 - Another Shining Example

Petunia held on to your tail just hard enough to drag you around while the skin of it fit snug between her teeth. Didn’t stop you from screaming as she ran as quick as a cheetah, your body smashing into walls as she speedily, and with great agility, escaped the school while dragging you along. And she just kept going and going, dragging you along the dirt road out of town until she dropped you off by a set of trees near a river path. You had no charges, and with how banged up you were from the trip, you were slowly dragging yourself to the base of a tree as you looked at the panther with frantic eyes. You tried reaching for your saddlebag to starlight hook the fucker, but it seemed it wasn’t on your person. FUCKING DAMMIT, YOU WERE GOING TO DIE!

Until suddenly, you hear a familiar squeaking noise coming from behind you. Suddenly, a realistic looking doll of you holding a box of what smelled like food, was tossed out towards the panther. Petunia sniffed it, nodded, picked it up with her mouth, gave you a nasty look, and left back towards the school. No, no, it can’t be. You look back as you see that familiar rabbit, donning a fedora and tiny yellow trench coat, stepping out in front of you as he tilted his hat and looked at you with a dark smile.

“Angel?! The fuck?! You set this up?! You asshole! No, fuck that, that’s it! You went too far this time! You fucked with the wrong pony, and you’re going to pay!” No, fuck this guy! You just got smashed around and dragged across a dirt road after having your tail chomped by a fucking panther. How he set this up, you don’t know. But if it was revenge, well, he picked the wrong guy to mess with.

Angel nodded, but he turned away as he put his little paws into the pockets of the trench coat. He then began to squeak a little more.

“The fuck do you even mean?! Is this about the safe?! Yo, fuck off, Fluttershy asked me to make that, she knew what’s up! Goddammit, fuck it, I’m gonna bite at your stupid tail and see how you like being dragged around!” You shout back at him.

Suddenly, a large carrot is tossed past in front of the rabbit. He simply waves to you, takes the carrot, and begins to hop off. He looked back for a moment, squeaks at you, and then finally fucks off. A carrot? Out of nowhere?! And the hell did he mean ‘he only convinced the panther’. What?! No, Anon, fuck that, don’t let him leave! “Hey, where are you going?!”

“Back to the cottage, I suppose. And that doll should do a good job at fooling your classmates for a while. Well, maybe not, but I did make it to appease all of Fluttershy’s sensibilities.” Said another familiar voice. Oh god, what?!

You look back to see Discord, leaning by the very tree you dragged yourself towards. He also donned on a fedora and trench coat. “Holy fuck. Discord?! No, nononono. Tell me you didn’t team up with that shitty rabbit. Why would you even!? What the fuck do you want?!” Like what kind of shit was this?! You look back at your tail, which had its fur mostly gone. You grab it to show it off to Discord, pissed as fuck. “Look what that cat did to my fucking tail! Are you high?! I want an explanation, now!”

“What’s to explain?” Discord said with a shrug. “I needed a subtle way to get you out of Twilight’s twisted school to help me with a little project. Ran into Angel, who was rather distraught about something you did, and we came up with the whole panther thing to get you here. Petunia was glad to help, seems you have a reputation with some animals, not the kind of reputation one would want with most of them. But that is neither here nor there.”

WUT?! “THE FUCK?! Discord! Fucking christ! Why didn’t you just fucking teleport me if you were going to pull this shit?! No, fuck that, why would you do this at all?! What project is worth pulling me out of class like that?!”

“Well, pulling you out of class ‘like that’ is something I have always done. Plus, unlike your old teacher, I do care about Fluttershy, you should know this. I needed an alternative way to meet with you that wouldn’t cause too much of a problem.” Discord explained as he stuck a literal wooden stick in his mouth and lit it up like a cigarette. “Ah, pure cherrywood.”

WUT?!?!?! “AND HOW THE FUCK DOES A PANTHER NOT CAUSE A PROBLEM AT ALL?! FUCKING, HOW?!” Holy shit, fuck Angel, you were going to fuck up Discord. You didn’t care how, you were going to do it.

Discord paused for a moment to give it some thought. Then he chuckled and shrugged. “Well, it seems you poked a small hole in my plan. The initial shock of what happened may have spooked Fluttershy, I admit. But with that doll I gave to the panther to act as you, or rather, Fluttershy’s perception of you, then everything should be alright once it is explained as one harmless misunderstanding.”

“HE DRAGGED ME ALONG ON MY FACE! GRRR! I SHOULD RIP YOU APART, I SWEAR!” Like fuck, what the hell did he want that it was worth all that?!

“Oh, your face? Hm, I suppose that isn’t as tough as your head, now is it?” Discord said as he walked past you. “Either way, you’re here, the situation at the school should be a non issue, I have apology cookies baking in case Fluttershy took it too hard. Yes, I think I have my bases covered.”

Bases covered? Uggghhh, he’s never going to realize what he did pissed you off. Why do you even bother? What is the point of ever getting mad at Discord for things like this? “You’re impossible, I fucking swear.” You growl as you look at your poor poor tail. “Whatever, look, this better be good, Discord. It better be worth it. Because aside from everything else; the fact you worked with Angel, and gave him a carrot, is making me not want to be friends with you right now. And what the hell do you mean by a project anyway?”

“Oh, don’t be so over dramatic.” Discord says as he gives you a disapproving look, his arms to his hips. “Usually, or sometimes rather, I wouldn’t fetch you like this unless it was for something important. Really, you’re acting like a baby. Not really the way you want to act since we need to present ourselves to Prince Shining Armor.”

WUT?! Already?! “That’s the project?! You dragged me out of class for that?! Why?! Never mind that Shining Armor is non-important. But why you, of all things in Equestria, do you care to take me to him now?! Holy crap, Discord, I was actually comfortable in the school. Now everyone is going to think I’m dead!”

“Noooo. As I said, that doll will take care of things. And yes, I get it.” Discord says as he grips his paw and talons, gritting his teeth hard, utterly annoyed all of a sudden. “It’s not like I wanted that to happen. But I had decided to deliver the letter personally, because I thought it’d be fun. Well, he didn’t seem to find it as fun as I did. I insulted his ability to stay calm, he whined to me that Twilight wasn’t safe, I insulted him some more, he started making demands that I ‘absolutely prove Twilight’s safety’, I told him everypony had it under control, he wasn’t having that and wanted to know everything between you and Chrysalis, and well…” Discord smiled a little sheepishly at you as he twiddled his talons between his claws. “I told him he was too pea brained to understand anything I’d have to say. He lost his cool, called you the pea brained one. I lost my cool, and told him that you yourself could explain it in such a way that you’d warp his entire perception of friendship, to the point that his feeble mind would be utterly crushed by the very idea of it. I may have also turned his wife into a bat, but that was only temporary. Either way, he wants to see both of us immediately, or he’ll personally put a damper on the whole thing.”

W-wut? Goddamn that fucking moron! Of course he’d lose his cool over something like that. Well, ok, anyone would, but the fact it fucks with your shit is not good, not good at all. And even still, Discord is the cause of all of this. You know, you just know, that he probably instigated it more than he let on. Though the genuine expression of frustration and remorse for what he did meant something to you, but that was probably because of the fact that every time he sticks up for you, he usually genuinely means it in good will. Ugh, you were still frustrated with him, Shining, and the situation. Hell, you were still frustrated with how you were brought here. But Discord was right, the situation, despite it being his fault, was important. Still, you were pissed at him either way, you just knew it was also a losing battle to express it at this point. “Ugh, fine, fine. Whatever, let’s just deal with it then, I guess.”

“What, no thank you for sticking up for you?” Discord asked, with a scoff within his tone.

That struck a nerve with you. You already had practically given up and was ready to go resolve it, but that shit? Yes, it was nice he stuck up for you. But the fact he caused all of this made you less than thankful. “Why? Why should I, Discord? I already knew he hated what was going on. And I don’t care what he thinks of me, and you know why, I said it to you already. What pisses me off is the fact I literally got dragged over here, by my tail, to deal with this shit right now, at this moment, when I was about to have an enjoyable time with Fluttershy and my new friends! But fine, let’s go, let’s get it over with. But know this, Discord, you owe me one this time, you get me? This is your fault, and you’re gonna own up to it.”

“Hmmm…” Discord stopped to ponder on your words, stepping back and forth as he tugged at his beard. “I can say it’s my fault, it probably most likely is. And I can understand, because of that, that it’d be a good reason for you not to be in a thankful mood. But me owe you, because of something like this? You do forget, my dear friend, that you and I thrive on chaos. This, what is going on now, is of chaotic happenstance. Instead of being angry at me, you should be thanking me.”

Thanking him? “Are you fucking joking? Thanking you for what? Ruining my day? The only reason I’m going is to get this shit sorted out is because you fucked things up.”

Discord stepped past you again as he tapped at his chin, his tone becoming more mischievous and devious. “I know. But, oh my, I forgot one teeny tiny detail. It seems Shining Armor wants to do more than just talk. See, I also mentioned that you mentioned that if it came down to it, you’d put our bug friend down yourself. Into Tartarus of course, but you know how it is around Equestria; that is usually one of the worst fates we have. That and being turned to stone. But I digress…” Discord turned to you, arms wide, as confetti shot out from all around him. “It’s show time!”

Wut? “Show time? The fuck? Discord, you seem to be missing something between that and your whole ‘worst fate’ explanation. The hell are you talking about?”

“Ah yes, I suppose I got ahead of myself, silly me. You see, Anon, I may have implied and manipulated his own frustrations just enough to get him to agree to a fight with you in the Crystal Empire’s stadium. The terms are simple, I shouldn’t have to mention what happens if you win… Or lose. Yes, telling him you were more than capable of protecting Twilight and able to stop Chryssy may have made him curious enough to see if you were truly capable of handling yourself. Yes, there is the whole business with the Storm King, but we all know the royals know the truth on how that went down. So yes, I expect you to thank me. Shining has become too stubborn to convince with words. But through the classic tradition of settling it like stallions, you shall prevail!” Discord said as his tone shifted to a medieval english accent.

“You… Set up a fight for me?! With him? The Prince of Can’t-do-Shitopia?” Your rage and frustration left you as you were left to think on it. “So you’re telling me if I can beat him, he’ll support me one hundred percent, without suddenly doing a one eighty? Also, I'm not thanking you, you still got my body dragged across my face. Look at it, it's fucking banged up! I expect you to fix that.”

"Ugh, fine." Discord said with his eyes rolling, making combs that begin to fix your mane, tail, and somehow, even your face as he continued to speak “And about Shining, I can guarantee it. So, yes, my bad, I made things somewhat worse. But I also turned his worries into fears." Discord then looked to you with a more serious expression. "Anon, tell me, do you really believe he would have been so willing to listen? He took back his decision to allow it for a reason, the love for his sister. He was never going to listen to reason at this point.” Discord stepped towards you, made a fist with his paw, and held it ahead of himself as he shook it. “But through chaos, he will have no choice but to finally agree with your plan, once and for all.”

Was that true? Was he so invested in his worries that he would have just forced you to call the whole thing off, or worse, have him handle it? Heh, and who cares if he was. He sent the letter, he was ready to throw down in some way. But with your horn… Wait. “Discord, what about my charges?”

“Do you really have to ask?” Discord said.

No, no you didn’t. And again, you had to think about this. Shining Armor taking back his approval was already a dick move, so he deserves this. And then there was something else, something that made you look to Discord with a grin. “You just want me to show him up, don’t you?”

Discord began to blush and sway left and right as he held his talons and paw together. “D’awww, Anon, you know me so well. You can’t tell me you don’t want that either. For him to put our power into question, at all, should be met with said power directly to his face. Tell me I’m wrong, go ahead, tell me.”

Nope. “You’re not. Oh baby, I would say this was going to be fun, but we both know it’ll be too easy.”

“Oh come now, Anon, remember the lesson? Toy with him a little before you prove your point. I know the outcome is important, but that’s no reason not to play with your food.” Discord said as he began to balance a spoon on his talon. “We already know you’re going to win.”

Tch, he wasn’t wrong about that either. “Fine fine, I’m convinced. I need to let out a little steam over what you did anyway. But let’s get it done quick, alright? That doll might fool Fluttershy, but if it's still walking around by the time Diamond eventually sees it, she’ll know what’s up. Call it a hunch, but I have a feeling she wouldn’t be fooled by it.”

“Not to worry, Anon. This should go down quick enough for you to still participate in half of Fluttershy’s class without her ever knowing what happened. Now then…” Discord held up a sword as he donned a cape and gladiator helmet. “To battle!”

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